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Saturday, January 24, 2009

PRK vs LASIK - How similar are they?

By John Parker

Many of my friends has used LASIK and have raved how it can help us achieve perfect eyesight. However, not many of us have heard of the term Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK). PRK is also a very common vision correction sugery that has been practiced in many countries for at least 2 decades.

So, we will compare PRK vs LASIK. What are the similiarities and the differences. At the end, you will need to know which procedure is suitable for you. This article will help you gain the good enlightenment so that you can consult the eye doctor more intelligently.

Here are some similarities between PRK and LASIK:

1) There is no pain during the entire process

2) Both require medication for the eyes for a few days after the surgery

3) Both require a few months to recover from the surgery

4) Both are used to treat myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism

The interesting thing is that both processes have nearly the identitial outcome in getting the perfect eyesight. A lot of patients have experience good vision with either PRK or LASIK.

However, The interesting thing is that both have different procedures, but the identital outcome.

So, what are the differences? In short, there are a few main differences:

1) Patients with certain corneal conditions or corneal scars have to undergo PRK, not LASIK

2) PRK patients would usually have to wear a lens "bandage"

3) LASIK has one more step which involves the generation of a flap

4) PRK does not need to create a flap, but accesses the cornea's inner layers by taking out the thin outer layer of the cornea

5) PRK tends to have longer healing process than LASIK

In short, both procedures are safe, despite the differences. If you want to know which procedure is better for yourself, you have to consult a well-known eye surgeon who will examine your eyes to decide what is best for you. With this article as your knowledge, you should be able to converse with an eye surgeon with more confident.

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Acne Treatment For Teenagers

By David Lam

Acne is truly one of the main troubles faced and most feared by teenagers anywhere around the globe. To some people, it is a nightmare to have acne which really gives very unfavorable effects. It definitely lowers a person's self-esteem to express themselves freely and confidently to their families, friends or to anyone. It surely carries with it physical as well as emotional scars made by self-consciousness and embarrassment which made some don't even want to come out from their rooms!

But acne just occurs normally and naturally with teenagers like you. So you should not feel so bad and get depressed about it. According to recent studies, 9 out of 10 teens and almost 25% of the adult population are having acne. But acne is just a skin problem that can actually be treated.

Doctors and health companies nowadays are looking forward to give us the best acne treatments for teenagers. Some health tips are also worth to follow and made to practice since you should know that prevention is better than a cure! As the saying goes, the best cure for your acne problems is making the continuous effort of preventing it to occur in the first place.

Self-prepared Remedies

There are so many acne treatments for teenagers that can truly be found inside your home or just right in your garden. Fruits and other herbs are known to men as treatment to almost any health problems which including acne. You will surely find it fun to make your own proven acne treatment for teenagers.

Making a paste or a mask is actually one of the basic procedure teenagers do to treat their acne. You can really make one with ground orange peel or fresh lemon juice. Another effective acne treatment for teenagers is a mixture of tea tree and sweet fennel essential oils added with witch hazel.

This is believed to get rid of the excess oil and dirt on your face and kill the bacteria which cause the unwanted acne. Corn flour mixed with egg white is another great alternative which you can try to clear that acne in your face. Cucumber that is a favorite acne treatment for teenagers can prevent the appearance of acne. It also can refresh your tired and unhealthy skin.

Over-the-counter Acne Product

If you find that home-made preparations are not the acne treatments for teenagers like you, then over-the-counter products are more suggested for you. Anytime at the nearest store in your neighborhood, you can buy these non-prescription products that are really great acne treatments for teenagers. Boys particularly prefer these products for it is really awkward for them to put on a facial mask.

Benzoyl peroxide is actually the best known acne treatment for teenagers that is available in stores. It works as to dry the skin and still encourage it to peel off and form a new and healthier skin surface. It also has antibacterial effects that are very good in killing the irritable acne-causing bacteria.

Doctor's Advice

Not all cases of acne problems can be cured by self-made applications or over-the-counter drugs. These acne products are actually only treats mild to moderate acne. Therefore a consultation with your doctor is advisable particularly when you have a severe case of acne problem. Your doctor will surely give you more powerful acne treatments for teenagers which are actually divided between topical and oral solutions.

Topical acne treatments given to teenagers are used directly on the skin includes antibiotic lotions and azelaic acid that is described as a benzoyl peroxide alternative. Meanwhile oral antibiotics which you have to take in are just some of the suggested acne treatments for teenagers.

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Remove Toxins from Your Body and Eliminate Cellulite

By Gal Bishop

Cellulite is a problem for about ninety percent of all women. It causes lumpy skin that can remind a person of cottage cheese. One of the common misconceptions about cellulite is that only over weight people get it. Actually, even average weight people can get it, though. Regardless of why you have cellulite, the point is that you want to get rid of it. So, let's talk about what cellulite is and how to reduce it.

If you want to understand cellulite, the first thing you need to know is that it's a form of fat cell. You also need to understand that your skin contains connective tissue and liquid surrounding that tissue. The liquid nourishes your skin and removes toxins and waste products. If, for some reason, the liquid can't do its job properly, toxins build up in your skin. The result is lumpy, ugly cellulite deposits.

The next step to understanding cellulite is to know where the toxins come from. That's a bit easier said than done, though. There are lots of possible causes of a toxin build up in your skin.

Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to fight cellulite. That's because drinking plenty of water doesn't just keep your body healthy. It also removes the toxins below your skin's surface that cause cellulite build up.

How much water is enough, though? Well, a lot of people say 8 glasses a day. The trouble is that not every person is the same. Depending on things like how active you are and how much you weigh, the amount of water you need to drink is going to change. You just have to figure out the right amount, depending on what you're doing.

Controlling cellulite also comes down to having a healthy diet. Alcohol, junk foods and caffeine can all contribute to a cellulite problem. If you want to limit their effects, drink lots of water. Really, though, the best thing to do is to just try not to over indulge in the first place.

One thing you might not have thought about that definitely plays a role in cellulite is smoking. Smoking, aside from being bad for your general health, can actually cause the connective tissue in your skin to get weaker. That can build up cellulite. So, if you smoke, you may want to quit, if you want to get rid of that cellulite trouble.

The idea here is that cellulite it caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, mainly. So, you should get plenty of rest, water, exercise and healthy food, if you want to be successful at fighting cellulite. You should also remember that stress can play a role, too. So, it's important to take the time to relax and enjoy life. After that, everything else should fall into place.

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Get The Scent In Your Very Own Home

By Gabriel

Do you know that aromatherapy is not just for rejuvenation but fantastic for your entire body? Its true and one of the ways you can immediately benefit from it is to use scent emitted from aromatherapy candles.

The way it works is this: From the blend of essential oils that is embedded in these candles, a therapeutic smell is produced by burning it. This smell will enter the body and not only produce a nice fragrance, but make you more energetic and heals the body.

Well now just how are these aromatherapy candles made? Why are they so different from normal candles? Im glad youve asked. First a selection of ingredients is made to prepare for making the base of the candle. These ingredients are wax (duh), beeswax, aromatherapy oils, herbs and extracts of dry flowers and fruits. If you wish to make these candles yourself, the ingredients can be easily purchased from aromatherapy stores or general stores.

Next comes the customization of the candles to your individual likes and dislikes. You dont want to create a candle only to hate the smell after burning it! Ok so to get the right smell for you, first create different mixes of the herbs, oils and wax and forge only small candles out of them. Use only a little wax and some essential oils. Then light up the candles individually and see which smell attracts you. The scent may not be as strong due to lesser quantity of ingredients used, but it should give you an idea.

Let each candle burn sequentially in the room for about an hour or so. The smell will linger in the room afterwards, so you can better savor which mixture you like. This is the fun part, so enjoy it!

After all the candles have been tested, write down the exact ingredients and percentage of each that were used. This is so you can re-make the candle again with a much stronger scent if you like a particular one. One extra tip: You can also use the scent-candle recipe you like as a base and further mix in other ingredients in the future for a more subtle difference.

In conclusion, the above tips will help you get started on producing aromatherapy candles you like. But it is by no means easy. It may take some time and much experimenting before your hit the jackpot. But trust me if you put in the time and effort you will reap the results.

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Benefits of Acai Berry

By Connie S. Hinshaw

Acai berries are unique and different from other fruits in that they are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals. This is helpful to maintain heath and also offers benefits in losing weight. The acai berries have a number of other benefits which have been shown. The acai berry can be found in several forms - fresh, frozen, powdered, etc. No matter which way it is processed, however, it retains its great and powerful abilities. The freeze dried form is perhaps the strongest, yet all forms work wonders.

There are so many acai berry benefits that can better your health, but perhaps one of the most well known is the ability of the acai berry to reduce your cholesterol level. With more and more people suffering from high cholesterol, many individuals have jumped on the acai berry band wagon after seeing how it can dramatically bring your levels down when taken on a regular basis.

The acai berry is highly useful as a potential digestive aid, clearing toxins from the body and reducing inflammation throughout the body. Acai berry purifies your body, better than almost any other berry. Xenobiotics are negative, foreign substances that can have a deteriorating effect on the body. By freeing your body from them, you'll see improved mental function also. Another suggested use relates to poor eyesight, since its naturally high vitamin and mineral content may cause improvements.

Consuming acai berries daily has been found to relieve the pain that is associated with arthritis. It has also been shown that acai berries may have a positive effect on sleep disorders, allowing for a deeper, more restorative sleep. Acai berries also shows promise in healing injuries faster, although there is not yet conclusive evidence of that.

Acai berry benefits are not only limited to your physical body, but can also help you both mentally and emotionally. Acai berries have been used to eliminate depression, as they help to control the nervous system of the body and the hormones that can effect depression.

Weight loss may be the main reason most people first start taking the acai berry. One of the things it does is work as a colon cleanser to clear out your digestive system. Cleansing your colon helps eliminate excess water and toxins from your body that may be keeping you from losing weight efficiently. One of the most common uses of the acai berry is as a natural diet aid. It can descrease your appetite and speed up your metabolism. That way, you not only eat less, you burn what you eat much faster.

Acai berry benefits are many and highly effective. It is little wonder that the acai berry is quickly becoming known as a miracle supplement. When acai berries are consumed on a regular basis, many physical, mental, and emotional benefits can be gained.

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Is anxiety and panic ruining your life

By Kathy Nelson

Anxiety attacks are something that causes distress for the whole family, if a parent has social anxiety disorder they will not want to attend any school functions they will not want to go to their spouses work functions. This can cause difficulties within the family group.

You don't have to let anxiety take a hold on you, you can usually feel an anxiety attack coming on so you have time on your side. If your normal behavior is to run from the situation that causes you anxiety maybe now is the time to start trying to face it.

Running away from the things that cause you anxiety is a understandable reaction, if you don't have to deal with it then it can't bother you can it? The problem with running away is that the problem or situation isn't gone and the chances are you will have to face it again.

You can feel the anxiety starting to well up in the pit of your stomach, you want to turn and run away quickly. Don't! This is your chance to take the bull by the horns and deal with the situation, trust me you will feel better afterwards and your emotions can't hurt you.

Anxiety can be beaten, the first step is accepting that it is real and that you are in control of it and you can beat it when you decide to deal with it rather than running away from everything and everyone that causes you anxiety. No matter how long you have suffered with anxiety you can start the healing process today.

If you go to a restaurant and are feeling anxious, you may think you are going to have a panic attack. If you do have a panic attack you need to understand that no one else can see it, and only you can feel it. This is a way to realize that it will not hurt you, feeling panic can be a overwhelming and a frightening experience.

Positive thinking will help you in your battle against anxiety and panic. It can be hard to be positive when you are feeling a mixture of anxiety, fear and sometimes abject panic. As hard as it is to think positive thoughts it is vital that you do so.

The first step to beating anxiety is to accept that you have it and then move onto dealing with it one day at a time. Don't try and deal with it all at once, deal with one situation that would normally cause you to suffer from an anxiety attack at a time.

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What You Need To Know About The Circulatory System

By Harry Jones

How much does a soul knows about the heart? We know that if it is not performing the right way and we do not have it in us, then we may be able to survive at all.

We know that it the pumping system for the labyrinth of blood vessels that run within our body that we acknowledge as the circulatory system .Some of us know that the heart has four rooms or compartments, that have to do with blood coming in and blood going out. We are also conscious of the signs that the heart is getting into problems. In previous years we have become more careful as to how we can look after of our hearts. So really then why do we need to learn anymore, I mean we have medical professionals for that right? Then if this is the case what else do we need to know?

Well, at least we do recognise how to look after circulatory system and keep our heart good . It would seem to me though, with such an fundamental matter as my heart which is my lifeline, I personally want to acknowledge everything I can about how it works, so I can give the greatest care possible. Yes, we all read health articles and thats where most of our general wisdom comes from. This is a fantastic source of information, but there is 1 trouble. It is generalised. In other words it applies to everyone, which of course makes sense, everyone has a heart.

My topic is, were also told that every living person is special, no two individuals are the identical. We all believe this, so then I want to acknowledge everything about my very own heart. Its mine personally so it needs care that is unverifiable. Does anything i said make sense to you?. If I am going to look after something very sacred ,then I need to know all I can about that thing in order to give it the best aid I can. So, i have got to take care of my heart and my entire circulatory system.

What else would i not know about the heart? that would be functional in my care of my very own heart. Lets start with what its made of , which is muscle tissue. Now some us knew that,while others will say who cares. If you dont know anything about the fundamental principle of muscles, then how do you know whats good for your heart, being as its one big muscle?

That gets me to considering. If I knew some more about how to look after my muscle tissue then I would be serving 2 aims. That would imply every muscle in my system would benefit. So my own decision is, before I go any further with figuring out just what makes my very own individual heart tick, I require to read more about the muscles. This is the 1st step, before I even look at the balance of the circulatory system.

I for 1, am very much humiliated for not taking obligation for my own heart and circulatory system health. I fear that possibly I have fallen into the trap of becoming health lazy, meaning, that oh well if anything developed l'll just run to the Doctor and hell fix it. Not only in regards to the circulatory system ,but other regions of my health as well. This kind of mental attitude is partially what has take us into the Doctor shortage crisis some fields are facing, as well as the multitude of money that is spent on health cares.

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Health Insurance For Small Business Employers

By Jordan FeRoss

For purposes of definition of health insurance in Texas, there is a difference between small employers and large employers according to state and federal mandates. For a small employer to be called just that, they will have to have no more than 50 employees that work full-time (actually 2 to 50 full-time employees). These employees that are defined as full-time must work at least 30 hours or more each week in order to qualify. That does not include temporary workers or seasonal workers.

Because they are so vital to the nation's economy and have less capital, small businesses are afforded some leeway regarding health insurance by both the state and federal legislatures. Included in these special protections under the law are mandates limiting the amount insurers can charge and the type of benefits offered to small businesses. However, this is not automatic and small businesses must meet certain eligibility requirements to qualify for group health insurance in Texas. The most important qualification is based on the number of employees the company will choose coverage by the plan. And, a company can not pick and choose which employees or dependents to include in their plans. While employees have the right to decline coverage, it must be their choice according to the law.

A health insurance provider may require that a minimum of 75% of the employees that are eligible for insurance through their small business employer sign up for their insurance. With some companies this may be a portion of how they will obtain health insurance. But, it may all depend on the number of employees and the law may state that not that many employees at the company have to participate in order for them to qualify for health insurance in Texas.

Or if the number of employees is low, require them to have total participation of 100%, no exceptions. If the small employer includes spouses and maybe a few others, then the spouses must each get separate health insurance coverage. There would be no dependent sharing for either spouse. This applies to health insurance in Texas as well.

When a small business has a small number of employees participating in a group health insurance plan in Texas, they are usually all required to have the exact same plan. Larger companies can offer employees choices as far as co-pays and deductibles, but the smaller business may have to require everyone to be on the exact same plan.

However, whether it's a small employer or a large one, it is against the law to force a new employee to get health insurance in Texas in order to stay employed there. It is also against the law to single out any employee that can get health care coverage due to how old they are, medical history status or pre-existing conditions that they may have.

The laws regarding health insurance for small businesses are detailed and complex. Health insurance in Texas must be offered to all eligible employees as dictated by the law. Because employees covered by health insurance are healthier and less financially stressed, employers should think of health insurance in Texas as an investment in their company's fiscal health.

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Superfood Acai Berry

By Bruce Jenkins

If you keep up with any of the latest health or nutrition news, you have probably at least heard of the acai berry. This little berry from the rainforest region of Brazil is gaining a lot of attention because of its many amazing properties. There is no known fruit or other food that has such a complete set of nutrients or that can provide so many beneficial properties. Thanks to its incredible complex of phytonutrients, this berry is quickly becoming one of the most important supplements in the nation.

The acai berry is not something that you can find on a supermarket shelf and it can also be hard to find at health stores. This is because it is a highly perishable fruit that grows only in certain regions of Brazil. Therefore, you need to get this fruit in supplement form if you want to experience its benefits. This is actually not a bad thing, because Pure Acai Berry is easy to get and allows you to retain all of the benefits of this superfood without having to worry about spoilage. Taking Pure Acai Berry each day can provide you with all of the phytonutrients that make this food famous while providing you with incredible convenience.

Acai berry has been known to be a very healthful food for a long time by people in Brazil, but, because of its quick spoilage, it has only recently been discovered abroad. What makes this food so special is that it contains a very complete set of nutrients and is extremely concentrated in nutrients known for extreme health benefits, such as antioxidants. When you look at a nutritional profile of this berry, you will find that it includes an incredibly high concentration of antioxidants, phytosterols, omega fatty acids, and essential amino acids. All combined, this fruit provides almost all of the most essential nutrients for great health.

As you are probably aware, any foods that contain large amount of antioxidants are great additions to your diet. Thanks to the ability of antioxidants to neutralize free radicals, these compounds are able to fight the effects of aging and provide resistance to many diseases. Antioxidants are so important to good health that you should make sure to get as many of them as possible. With Pure Acai Berry, you can get an incredibly high concentration of antioxidants along with other healthful compounds.

You might also be aware of the healthful benefits of plant sterols, which the acai berry is loaded with. These sterols have been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels by up to fifteen percent. By eating foods that contain phytosterols, you may been able to reduce your bad cholesterol while raising the levels of the good cholesterol. Whether you are suffering from high cholesterol or are just worried about it for the future, consuming plenty of plant sterols is a good idea.

Thanks to the acai berry's perfect complex of essential amino acids, you can also expect your muscles to function better when using this food. This can also help you maintain higher energy levels and provide you with better results from exercising.

This berry is really one of the world's most perfect foods and you can experience its benefits for yourself through taking Pure Acai Berry. Just sign up for the free trial offer and you can learn about its many benefits first hand.

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Depression Help " Treating Depression Without Drugs

By John Stephan Laney

Most types of depression do not need antidepressants to be healed. It's always important to check with your doctor first, but drugs and their side effects are not always necessary. If you want to avoid drugs while treating depression, or if you are already taking them but would like to eventually stop, you can beat depression without them.

In what ways can depression be defeated without drugs? There are three main avenues you can explore to remedy your depression.

The first method is to get talk therapy. We all know about it. Talk therapy has come a long way since lying back on the couch, and has a good success rate providing depression help. This comes from the fact that most types of depression are emotionally caused, not physically caused. Talking about your feelings is a powerful method to heal yourself more naturally and work through the emotional causes.

A second way to remedy depression naturally is with dietary changes. We all know that if we eat too much junk food we soon start to feel "junky." Unfortunately, the normal diet in developed countries is full of processed junky foods that may fill our stomachs but actually rob us of good nutrition. For example, many people notice help for depression in two days by just giving up on refined white sugar in their diet. The dark mood swings of depression are often accentuated by the blood sugar swings caused by this white powder.

And a third method to give yourself help for depression is to do "emotional body work." One way of looking at it is that we all have a physical body, a mental body, AND an emotional body. Each of these "bodies" is interconnected, and each needs their own form of exercise and good nutrition.

So just as we need to exercise our physical body with walking or dancing, we need to exercise our emotional body.

"Emotional body work" isn't hard to learn, and you can gain great benefit in just a few minutes a day. This involves simple exercises to work with our whole range of emotions and feelings more effectively. Doing this can strengthen your emotional body and at the same time fortify it against depression.

So if you want to avoid drug dependency to beat depression, you can discover more about any or all of these approaches to feeling great about yourself and healing depression naturally.

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