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Monday, December 22, 2008

Learn Why Rabbit Meat Is Healthier Than Beef

By Ferdinand Dubem

Whether you are a connoisseur of gourmet meats or just an ordinary individual who likes his meal to taste really good and to whom eating must always be a delight of senses - of all senses - you will always appreciate a tender loin chop or a steak, poultry or fish. The truth, unfortunately, is that the best and tastiest meat is the meat that has the most fat as the flavour, most of it, comes from the fat, actually. A healthy alternative is represented by rabbit meat, which is an extremely lean, low fat, white meat; rabbit meat is ideal for those watching their cholesterol consumption. The flesh is tender, finely grained, and of a bright pearly pink colour.

What is a hamburger made with and from? A carefully made hamburger should be made entirely of ground beef and seasonings. A hamburger that contains no major ingredients besides beef may be referred to as an " all beef hamburger " or " all beef patties " to differentiate them from inexpensive hamburgers unreal with added flour, texturized vegetable protein or other fillers to reduce their cost. Some cooks prepare the patties for hamburgers eclipse binders, such as eggs or bread crumbs, and seasonings, parsley, onions, soy sauce, Thousand Island dressing, onion change mix, or Worcestershire sauce.

In case you are interested in Cooking with your own grill seasoning, then you should notice that it is so easy to make it yourself. All you need is to mix pepper, salt, onion and garlic powder, coriander and red pepper flakes. Recipes are all over the internet now so it will be much cheaper for you to google seek than to buy guide books. The directions mentioned above is ideally simple and it very much resembles what you usually put to a deliciously home made steak. Usually when making a steak at home, you want it to have the best of flavors. And of course you tend to add garlic and onion at least beside the salt and the pepper.

Other plants / herbs that go with the rabbit, and are part of the rabbit seasoning are parsley, sage, basil, fennel, bay leaves, mustard, spinach, onion, garlic, celery, carrots, tomatoes, all salad leaves, capsicum, cos and radicchio; olives, capers and anchovies could also be part of rabbit seasoning. If you think that a suitable drink enhances the flavor of a meal and enriches it, you should consider both red and white wine as ingredients for rabbit seasoning. Besides the wine's effect on the seasoning of the rabbit, you should keep in mind that it also tenderizes the meat.

The moment you decide to cook some poultry meat, assuming you are not a very experienced cook, do not worry. First of all, just ask a neighbor, buy a cookery book or search the internet for recipes and how to guides or advice and I am sure that you will be able to prepare the best poultry dishes with the adequate poultry seasoning. Besides, you will be able to make your family or friends with wonderfully prepared poultry, seasoned with the tastiest poultry seasoning. For those who need some poultry seasoning recipes I can say that in order to make some of the greatest poultry flavore, you just need some common ingredients and a little time. Fortunately, poultry, especially chicken takes just a tinge of your time to cook. The same is true about preparing the poultry flavorer you will need for the best of results.

Initially, it is recommended that you cook this meal outside as it usually makes a lot of mess but the outcome of this cooking endeavor is worth it. After you have taken your decision on what size of turkey you want, round up a pot and preferably buy groundnut oil to deep fry it. Also decide on the deep fried turkey flavorer blend that you want to use. In case you are not familiar with the blends seen in supermarkets then buy bulkk flavorer spices and herbs that you know you like and go with preparing turkey meat. In case groundnut oil makes your choice of dish rather expensive, you can also stick to regular cooking oil.

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The Best Way To Cook Your Freshly Caught Fish

By Ferdinand Okeke

A freshly caught fish can be cooked in many ways. Any fisherman that deserves his salt has his own unique way of cooking a freshly caught trout, salmon or whatever fish he caught. So fisherman all across the country has been handed down methods of cooking fish. Here are some tips to get the best out of your fish.

1. Frying

Breading and frying a freshly caught fish is as good as it gets. The smell of butter emanating from the frying pan and the flair a fisherman puts in flipping his catch is worth its weight in gold, almost. For the newbie fisherman, make sure that the butter is extra hot but not yet glistening. Again, make sure that the fish is properly coated in batter. Season your batter to your heart's content, salt and sweet pepper never goes wrong. You may want to add other herbs and spices with the batter for a more delectable fish.

2. Grilling

Initially, grilling would seem to be the easiest way to handle your fish. A neophite might assume that grilling fish is the same as grilling steaks or burgers. Unlike fowl or cattle, fish tends to produce most of its own juices when cooked. On a grill the delectable juice drips into the coals.

To prevent losing the moisture, start by coating the fish with oil. The oil will glue a part of the moisture inside. Second, keep an eye on the fillets and stir them as soon as a cut would reveal that the fresh fish is cooked halfway through. After being flipped, monitor the fish carefully. Remove the fish as soon as it is cooked through.

An alternative to basting the fish with oil is to wrap it in aluminum foil. The aluminum foil will maintain the moisture and marinate the fish in its own moisture. Placing herbs and spices inside the foil with the fish boosts the grilling process and the fish itself.

3. Baking

Thermogenic is the best option for the fisherman who does not want to watch over the fish during preparation. The fisherman can prepare the marinade and pre - heat the oven, then toss the fish into the oven for a predetermined amount of time. You may prefer to check on the fish intermittently, in order to ensure that you don't overcook the fish.

Whatever fish you caught, a good recipe and adequate cooking for sure will enhance the catch. Take time to prepare for cooking, a badly cooked fish will undoubtedly spoil your day. Do not forget the first rule of cooking; don't overcook your fish.

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Brazil gives the world the Acai Berry

By Janice Pettry

Brazil, has seen it's share of media exposure over the past year with the discovery of all the major health benefits their little power fruit contains, the Acai Berry.

In today's world, the extract from the Acai Berry makes its way to us in many different forms. Health experts from all over the world recommend this Acai Berry extract to their patients for the major health benefits that it provides.

What are some of the different health benefits?

The first and most important is that you have an increased resistance to disease. This is because the extract has over 33 antioxidants that charge up your immune system. It has important vitamins and minerals as well that fight sickness and other disorders.

Increasing the antioxidants in the human body has proven to scientific researchers that the Acai Berry can ensure your overall health and fitness. With users consuming such a small amount (just one capsule) of the Acai Berry daily, lives are simply being changed!

Many people consume the Acai Berry in Pulp form but with the great tasting juices made from MonaVie which can be mixed in a smoothy or the capsule form by AcaiBurn, many users are starting to incorporate Acai Berries into there daily diets just for the taste of it alone.

Featured on popular TV shows like Oprah and Rachael Ray, the effects of the Acai Berry products have proven, time and time again, that this berry is all that its cracked up to be.

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Free Stop Smoking Aids for You?

By Louise Servage

Having all heard of the stop smoking aids that can be used to help us kick this habit, but if you are strapped for cash, is there are a free stop smoking aid? What you should know is that there is in fact the option of a free stop smoking aid, and you just need to know where to find it.

The Internet where else

If you want to find a free stop smoking aid, one of the best places for you to start is the Internet. You can find the best stop smoking aid in just minutes here, and a free stop smoking aid as well. The Internet offers a wealth of information as well and so you will also be able to find some tips and advice that will help you towards quitting smoking.

What you want to do is find the free stop smoking aid that you are interested in and then try it out to see if it works. Keep in mind that you may be able to get a stop smoking aid for free that usually costs money, by calling in and getting a trial version.

Remember that sometimes times a free stop smoking aid may not be as effective as one that is paid for. Many free versions are very mild and sometimes only offer results to a select few people.

In truth for the best results you may have to bite the bullet and settle for a paid stop smoking aide.

When giving up smoking no matter what option you choose the best thing to remember is that you need to start now. the sooner you stop this terrible habit the better for you. Smoking is so bad that it is amazing people start knowing the consequences.

Long term effects are devastating, and even just by smoking a couple of years, it can take a decade off your life span.

Give a free stop smoking aid ago but if you don't get a result give a paid option ago, you should never give up and keep going till you find a solution that provides you the help to quit you need.

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The Human Anatomy - Step By Step Way To Study It

By Tim Qunicy

In realism there are some things that you will be studying in the human anatomy that are sort of like a warm up to the issue. These are primary because they are your common beginning details. An good example of this is anatomy segments, or terms of position and direction. They all have to do with your human anatomy subjects, but there are kind of a side line of the main topic.

Up to now you must picture them in order to participate into your studies. A good instance of this is the body cells. You cant categorize these into one part or organ because the entire body is made up of cells. Therefore before you can delve into the greater workings of the body, you must study the basic principle first.

You plainly recorded the study of human anatomy because it fascinates you to the point where you want to know wholly about it. This is most believably because you intend to use it in several form of profession, such as a Physician, Nurse or even a Para medic. This means that you are concerned and love the study. That is the 1st step into being prosperous in your subjects. It is a good deal easier to study something if you have a great concern in it, because you will hold more of the facts that you are learning. A word of warning, recognise when to take breaks from your studies. If you become frustrated too often, and for long-term periods of time, you could lose your concern because of this. Then your studies will suffer.

As we named ,you require to acknowledge all about a cell. At Present heres where it gets amusing because there are different shapes of cells, and all shape has a name. You have in all likelihood learned the term , dna. Well this is it. Everybody has different cells, and it is that singularity in the cell that makes up your dna.

You are actually going to get stimulated when you see a cell under a microscope and acknowledge by the shape of it what section of the body it come from. To recognise this you have to hear how to name them. As you study about them in your text book ,draw a picture of them in a column. In other column besides to them publish the name of what the cell is. At Present leave a big 3rd column. Here you can pen notes about that particular cell each time you come across information referring to them. Once again you have a good block of data. Analyzing in blocks is a perfect way to learn.

When you make to the point of studying an personal cell and all its components ,draw a large cell on a piece of paper , with the front of the cell chipped so you can visualise the within of the cell. At Present as you study about every section of what that cell is made up of, draw it on the cell and color it. At Present put the details about that region in a block of words, under the cell. Border the block of text in the same color you used on the part in the cell. You will now be able to learn your notes, visualize the color, and promptly reference where it is in the cell. Applying the colors is helping you to see and associate data.

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Cutting Back On Alcohol

By Ed Philips

You'll find that anyone who drinks heavy will at sometime in their life make a decision to cut down on their drinking or even quit it completely. But the big question they always ask themselves is HOW? Well let's start first on how cutting down or quitting alcohol can and will improve your life, your health and you'll begin to enjoy life again.

You see, to cut down on your drinking or quit your drinking you need to have a goal to achieve. So if you want to, you're going to have to write down reasons for curbing your alcohol consumption. Here's a few examples which should help you; Are you seeking to improve your lifestyle? Do you want to improve your relationship with your family and friends? Are you looking to improve your health? What makes you want to drink less?

A recent study showed and was performed on a hundred people. They got 50 people to write their goals down and the other 50 to do nothing accept try and achieve their goals. What the study showed was quite amazing as the first 50 people who wrote their goals down and went through them everyday over a period of 3 months, they found 85% of them reached their goals.

The other 50 people on the other hand didn't have the same success as only 8% were able to survive the 3 months without drinking. It goes to show that the important factor here is the knowing of what you want to achieve so don't waste any more time and give yourself some realistic goals to achieve your main objective. Don't forget that drink doesn't control you and that you control the drink.

If you're looking for a good program to follow which will help you with setting your goals to help you quit drinking or cut down on your drinking then I can strongly advise you to take a look at right now. I have read some great reports from people who have tried there training methods out with amazing results. There even offer you a full money back guarantee if there program doesn't work for you. They also have a free newsletter which gives you free tips on how to quit drinking. Remember you have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

The problem is that our body just isn't compatible with alcohol, and although we know this, we just carry on like there was no tomorrow. Let's just summarize as much as we can the effects of alcohol on us once it has entered our body. First of all it infiltrates our bloodstream, our brain, our liver, our pancreas, our kidneys, our lungs as well as every other living tissue in our body. The truth of the matter is that every drink we have is slowly killing us, so what will that do to really heavy drinkers, commonly known as "Chronic Drinkers."

Recent studies have also proven that excessive drinking will also reduce our brain size, our reactions become much slower and our memory starts to go. In further studies with MRI scanning, it has been shown that alcoholics also appear to have cognitive dysfunction. The strength of the drinks we consume is also an important factor as the stronger the alcohol content, the quicker it is absorbed into our organism.

When neat spirits are consumed in concentrated amounts, they can irritate your stomach lining, causing a response which delays the absorption of the alcohol. Almost as soon as we have some alcohol, it seems to have an effect on out central nervous system. It begins by depressing the inhibitory centers of your brain. Alcohol effects people in different ways, some people become relaxed, others become very aggressive and some just become more confident in themselves, like taking more, and some even think they become more attractive (I don't think so).

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Ideas To Assist Your Child With Their Bronchial Asthma Symptoms

By John Schaefer

Bronchial Asthma is a really difficult and ordinary disease, one that strikes millions of people worldwide. Some individuals are not cognizant of it, but our little ones are likewise vulnerable to bronchial asthma. Child bronchial asthma is really common, and can in reality be even more acute than asthma in adults.

Child bronchial asthma makes it tough for your young one to respire and induces swelling and discomfort in the air passages that go to the lungs.


If you reckon that your child might have an asthma attack, there are a number of symptoms that you are going to want to watch out for. Wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing - every last one of these are symptoms that are normally recognized in youngsters who have got the disease.

Even if your youngster only suffers a few asthma onslaughts, you will nonetheless want to address the asthma. Some parents make the mistake of reasoning that just because the youngsters asthma might not be dire that they do not still have to manage it properly. Consequently if the swelling and irritation in your youngsters air passages is not curbed, asthma could end up lowering your child's quality of living, keep your kid from working, and more.

Child bronchial asthma can be particularly difficult to deal with because children are not able to subscribe all the comparable medicinal drugs and medicines that adults can. It is therefore trickier for them to supervise their asthma and to manage it.

To develop a thorough approximation of what treatments you can utilize for your kids bronchial asthma, you should speak to your Dr.. Not merely will they be able to offer you points and ideas on your child bronchial asthma and on what you can practice to aid the state of affairs but as well they can talk to your youngster and assist them in feeling more comfortable.

Talk to Your Tyke

Asthma Attacks in kids can obviously be very tough to contend with, especially when it is your own kid and you have to watch them go through it. Sustaining an asthma attack can be incredibly horrific to a youngster, and so if you have a tyke that suffers from bronchial asthma you have to make certain that you inform them of what bronchial asthma is and that you take the proper steps to ensuring they do not suffer an attack.

More than anything, you need to make certain that you do not let the bronchial asthma to ruin your kids life. You desire them to have a fun and pleasant childhood, and they can, even with asthma, as long as you aid them.

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Become Your Ideal Weight with The Vinegar Diet.

By Tyson B Stevenson

Rumours abound as to whether you can actually improve your health with vinegar. Lord Byron, the poet, who apparently suffered from bulimia and anorexia nervosa, made popular the vinegar and water diet in the 1820"s. D.C Jarvis's well accepted book was published in the 1950's. he wrote regarding some history of Folk Medicine. These cure alls list apple cider vinegar for a whole host of disorders from arthritis, to chronic fatigue to weight loss, general health and well being.

The use of vinegar to improve health and as a cure all has lay hidden for decades. It is now proving to be one of the most natural aids to being healthy today. The use of apple cider in the vinegar diet is primarily because the acidic solution made by fermenting apples makes it full of powerful natural enzymes and totally free of toxic chemicals.

The American Dietetic Association includes the vinegar diet on its list of fad diets despite all this documentation because it considers the main reason you might improve your health with vinegar and lose weight is because it also involves eating nutritional foods, portion control and exercising.

Vinegar can be used to control insulin and blood sugar levels after eating a carbohydrate meal. This fact can be found in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The report also states that cider vinegar taken before a meal made you feel fuller after eating less.

The American Diabetes Association claims that a more acidic stomach can increase the absorption of nutrient such as magnesium, calcium, vitamin C and B vitamins, but it might irritate heartburn and gastric ulcers.

A Californian based company led by Patricia Bragg wholeheartedly believes that you can improve your health with vinegar. This company is one of the leading manufacturers and Patricia Bragg also praises the benefits in her book "Apple Cider Vinegar: Miracle Health System"

Although there has been little research with people into the benefits of cider vinegar the Agricultural Research Center in Alexandria, Egypt studied its nutritional and physiological effects on mice. They used groups of female mice and for four weeks gave them 0.17, 0.51 and 1.02 ml of the vinegar per kg of bodyweight. The mice treated with 0.51 ml per kg lost a significant amount of weight. This research also indicated that extreme high doses as in the mice given 1.02 ml of the vinegar per kg of bodyweight did induce changes in the stomach, liver and duodenum when examined under a microscope.

It is thought that it is the combination of fruit pectin and acidic vinegar, which makes cider vinegar so effective as a fat burner and this diet usually involves taking up to three teaspoons before each meal. You may initially have a problem with the sharp taste and find it difficult to swallow, but see how you go with just a spoonful to start with and build up to three over a week or two.

You will be pleased to know that you can buy cider vinegar diet pills, which are much easier to swallow. If you seriously want to improve your health with vinegar, lose weight and achieve wellness and find you cannot stomach the sharp taste of cider vinegar.

If you suffer from being constantly underweight you probably find yourself surrounded by people that are on diets and no matter how much you eat, you never manage to gain any weight. This means that no matter how much protein and fatty foods you eat, your body still lacks the necessary enzymes. The cause could be that you are more than likely deficient in the enzymes contained in cider vinegar and as you are deficient your body cannot burn up or use the food that you eat.

So if you are underweight and want to improve your health with vinegar, try mixing two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with the same amount of honey plus two drops of iodine into a glass of distilled water will improve enzyme deficiencies and help to normalize your weight.

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Lose Weight Fast - Diet Pills An Easy Solution?

By Christine G. Shannon

Weight loss pills are a part of many people's initial plan to lose weight fast, when they are searching for a painless way to take the weight off that has been inching on over a period of time. They may be part of a behavior modification to lose weight just like a lower calorie intake, more exercise regiment that is necessary to lose weight. The weight loss pills help reinforce their diet plan by suppressing appetite, so those calorie intakes is lowered, but are any diet pills safe?

In the first place, you will find that there are a number of supplements that are natural or herbal in nature, and they work well to make sure that your appetite stays low while still giving you the multi-vitamins that you need to get by. When you look into what benefit that they could possibly have, you will find that they have a great psychological benefit will help you when it comes to cuing you to get more exercise, to watch your portions and to think about the foods that you eat.

What about chemical or synthetic pills of the non-natural variety - how safe are those? The FDA do not test and monitor over the counter drugs and they do not have proof of effectiveness of such pills. The exception is Alli which is approved as an effective, over the counter diet pill. A lot of people have heard of the problems associated with the Ephedra pill.

When you think about the fact that most over the counter pills are not governed or monitored by the FDA, you will find that with the exception of Alli that you will not know whether they work, what the real side effects that you might experience are or what might happen to you. Many of them use caffeine as a primary ingredient, and will tend to have the same effect on you as tea or coffee, though of course the weight of your wallet will definitely be lighter. You may even find that you can have a nasty allergic reaction to the ingredients that are found in some weight loss pills.

People who are overweight often have discipline issues when it comes to calorie intake so the diet pills might not do anything to alter these behaviors or metabolism. This means that the people will continue to gain weight and will probably give up. Some weight loss pills promise that you will drop pounds even continuing to eat whatever you want, but this is rarely the case and this type of weight loss plan will not work.

If you want to lose weight, you have to consume fewer calories than you burn, whether or not you are taking weight loss pills. If you do not lower your calorie intake, diet pills are not going to miraculously take off the weight by themselves. You can use diet pills as an additional diet aid but you should not take them with other medications before speaking to your doctor first.

The best weight loss method is to give your body what it requires to reach a healthy weight. It is important to learn about fat burning, nutrition, portion size, eating several times a day to keep your metabolism burning the fat and keeping enough variety in your diet to ensure you do not get bored and can cope with an interesting yet healthy long-term diet.

When you are looking at weight loss pills, think about how expensive they are and think about what you are really paying for. Especially if you are also taking medicine for your heart or for high blood pressure, think about the act that you need to look after your money. Check out a good weight loss plan like FatLoss4Idiots at the link below, and you will find that you have everything that you need for healthy weight loss right there!

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Diet Tips - Atkins and Ketosis

By Jonas Milkei

The basic principle of the Atkins regime, which is a state of ketosis helps you burn your fat stores for energy. Many people, even those who are on diets low in carbohydrates, does not quite understand why it works and ketosis. Most diets are reducing dietary calories. They help you lose weight, but some of the weight of the fat and some of it is lean muscle tissue. While you can watch on a smaller scale, your metabolism is actually slowing. The more muscle you lose your metabolism will slow. This makes it more difficult to lose weight and gain weight back even easier.

The Atkins diet, on the other hand, is carbohydrate restrictive. It creates a state of ketosis in your body that burns only fat, and not muscle. The primary source of your energy for your body will be fat in the form of ketones. Your liver will convert fat into ketones and it cannot be converted back. It will be excreted naturally.

Ketones are a normal real and efficient source of fuel for the human body. They are produced in the liver from fatty acids resulting from the breakdown of body fat. They appear only when there is an absence of glucose and sugar. On the Atkins diet, it reduces the amount of glucose and sugar that is found in the bloodstream. As a result, your body produces ketones fuel. When his body is a creation of ketones is called ketosis. There is a common misconception that after a Ketogenic diet like Atkins is dangerous. The truth is that being in ketosis is a completely natural state. The human body creates ketones to use as fuel in the absence of glucose.

In the Atkins diet book, Dr. Atkins suggests using ketone-testing strips to determine your state of ketosis during dieting. These small plastic strips are held in the urine stream and contain a special chemically treated absorptive pad. This pad will change color if ketones are present in the urine. With the presence of ketones, the strip will change varying shades of pink to purple. There is a color scale on the label of the bottle that will help you determine your ketone levels.

Ketone strips are available at any pharmacy and is among the diabetic supplies. In some stores, they are kept behind the counter so you may have to ask for them. You will not need a prescription to buy them though. Once you open a packet of strips of ketosis which have a shelf life of 6 months. It may be useful to mark the opening of the box.

Ketone strips will let you know if you are progressing correctly on the Atkins diet. If you are following the Induction plan to the letter and aren't seeing purple, don't worry. Some people never show trace amounts of ketones or they may show just above the minimum line. As long as you are losing weight and inches then you are successfully using ketones. Also, if you've just exercised a few hours before using the strips, you may not see purple. Some dieters may mistakenly believe that a dark purple result on the testing strips means that they are losing weight faster. Actually, the darkest purple color is a sign of dehydration. It means that your urine is too concentrated and you need to drink water.

Ketones come from fat in the bloodstream, whether it is fat that you eat or fat that you burn. So if you eat a meal heavy in fat and then immediately use a testing strip, then you'll see a dark purple result. Use the strips as a guide, but don't get hung up on the color. Reaching a state of ketosis is key to success on the Atkins diet and it as simple as eliminating carbohydrates from the diet. Make sure to follow the eating plan correctly and use the ketone testing strips as needed.

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What Should I Expect From A Bikini Waxing Routine?

By Charlotte Field

Estheticians agree that personal waxing is fast becoming the most sought-after method of any hair removal system. And why not? Other hair removal systems can be expensive, ineffective, and complicated with possible dangerous side effects. If you have not experienced personal body waxing, and think you may want to give it a try, you'll have a few questions to ask before you embark on a commitment like this. The worst part of beginning a waxing routine is not knowing what to expect. I have put together a brief question and answer forum with the most commonly asked questions listed below. The answers apply to all parts of the body, although some may be a bit more sensitive than others.

Q. How long do I have to let my hair get so the body wax works well?

For the best results, we normally like about a 2 to 3 weeks of hair growth or approximately 1/4". I know this may be uncomfortable, but the waxing process depends on enough hair to attach to in order to see good results.

Q. Is there anything I need to know to prepare my skin for waxing?

There are a few details to keep in mind when you come in for your waxing. You'll need to stay out of the sun. That means no sunbathing at all, for 48 hours before your appointment. Using an exfoliator about 2 or 3 days before your waxing appointment, gently scrub, do not scrub too hard, the areas to be waxed. Do not exfoliate again before your appointment. On the day of your appointment, just cleanse your body as you normally would, being sure to rinse well. Do not apply any deodorants, lotions, oils, powders, or perfumes, as they will irritate the area upon waxing.

Q. Will the waxing process be painful?

Honestly, the actual waxing process may cause a bit of discomfort or may sting a bit. People all have levels of pain that they can handle. Keep in mind that the first waxing will be the most uncomfortable as there is more hair to remove. Each time you visit your esthetician for the next waxing in your schedule, you will experience less discomfort. It's hard to judge how much pain or discomfort is involved, but there wouldn't be so many women choosing this method of hair removal if it was unbearable. One thing to know is that your skin is most sensitive during your period, so avoid scheduling a waxing during your period, or, for that matter, any time your skin is under any stress.

Q. If I'm having a bikini wax, can I leave my panties on?

Your panties can remain on, if you choose. However, your esthetician will provide you with disposable underwear if you would like to be covered, but don't want your own panties to accidentally come in contact with any wax. Ask your esthetician before you begin what you need to know about a bikini wax and what to expect during the waxing procedure. Before you begin is the time to discuss the actual bikini line you want the waxing to follow on your body. Keep in mind that any time you feel uncomfortable during a bikini wax procedure, you should let your esthetician know that you'll need to stop for a moment. If you feel uncomfortable with the procedure or your esthetician isn't willing to listen to you, you'll want to stop the waxing service and find another, more professional, esthetician.

Q. After the waxing is over, do I need to baby my skin?

Treat your skin to a little rest and relaxation for about 48 hours after the waxing. As before the waxing, avoid the sun for at least 24 hours, and definitely stay our of any tanning bed for 48 hours or more. Just like before waxing, stay away from any lotions, powders, perfumes, and especially any product that contains scents and/or alcohol. They both will set up a real burning sting on your delicate skin.

Q. How soon after waxing will I start to see the hair poking through again?

How fast does your hair grow and how long have you been on a waxing schedule? Depending on the answer to that question, you may not see a hair peeking through for 6 weeks. Other people will see some hair growth after only 2 weeks. But, don't be discouraged. At first, you may see hairs pop up almost immediately, but the longer you've maintained a waxing schedule, the longer it will be before you see any hair between waxings. The reason is because hair grows in cycles. So, the first waxing will catch the oldest hairs, the second waxing will catch the next bunch, and so on. It takes most people 3 waxing sessions to get a hold of all the hair growing at all the different intervals. With that said, you should expect to see some hair sprouting up willy-nilly for the first 3 sessions, then you should have caught up with your hair growth cycle.

Still deciding if you want to start waxing instead of shaving? Do you find yourself constantly wondering when you shaved last, or have way too many occasions when you wanted to wear shorts but had to wear slacks because you forgot to shave? When you're at the beach or pool, do you find yourself constantly readjusting your swimsuit to hide those stragglers that keep peeking out? Waxing may be your answer. Once you establish a routine with your esthetician for waxing, you won't ever want to see a razor again. Give your esthetician a call today to schedule a consultation.

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Chakra Clearing And Cleansing - A New You!

By Jai Dahalli

Surviving and competing nowadays requires a lot of courage and determination, you have to be able to come up with newer ideas and thoughts to achieve the targets you have set. Also at the same time keeping alive the will and the passion to succeed is very crucial and is an important determinant of your success.

There are various other determinants of uninterrupted growth which include the body strength as well as the mental makeup and the passion within the heart of an individual. A fairly crucial part is played by centres of spiritual energy in your body as they help in development of the persona of an individual.

These points in your body help you to channelize your inner strengths into actual performance to help you attain the results you want. But even your inner strength can form rust if there is no regular development or timely refreshment and clearing chakras is a process that renovates your energies to bring out a new you.

These chakras are placed at varied points in our body and all of them are related to different types of behavior and character. It is hence quite important that you can work on each one of them individually.

In the process of clearing chakras the body gets rid of the negative energy in you in order to intake positive energy and stabilize it.

Your body movements that are anticlockwise are said to be movements that help the removal of negative energy while clockwise movements bring in the positive vibes.

Also in the process of clearing chakras you might experience a little pain in body parts but that is just an indication of the occurrence of the process of energy exchange.

It is believed that the circles or the chakras in your body derive energy from the planets and the heavenly bodies and allow the human mind, body and soul to function in the right direction.

Once your chakras are cleared you will find a newer self in front of you, while many practise this on a regular basis, the intervals do vary as per the need and intent of individuals.

You would see that after clearing chakras you would be able to develop a better ability to respond to various situations, also you would find yourself discovering newer thoughts and ideas, in fact people are able to see a newer side of their personality often after they have cleared and balanced their chakras.

The process of clearing chakras can start by paying attention to 1-2 of the circles of energy in your body and in the process try to get all your chakras cleared as only then you will be able to enjoy the advantage of your energies. People would be able to experience peace of mind as well as they tend to be relaxed.

In order to understand which chakra you need to clear you will not need to know rocket science but just feel the reactions of your body parts and then work on the chakra it relates to.

Todays competitive world demands a lot of agility and awareness and without the right approach and the correct balance of all your energies making your abilities count as performance would be quite difficult.

People have realised that inner energies play an important role in their lives, personal as well as professional, and also there is a conscious attempt made by people to understand and utilize its benefits.

You can bring a lot to your life in terms of happiness, satisfaction, achievements and success if you can practise and implement the fundamentals of chakras. A lot depends on how you approach it, chakra clearing would help you to approach your goals with a freshness of mind and body!

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