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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tips To Combat Suit Wrinkles

By Victor Santerino

Suit wrinkles have plagued man kind since the hour the first suit was created. Since this time many new strategies and tips have become available to help us in this endeavor.

This article offers advice on both preventing and eliminating nasty looking wrinkles. After reading this article you will never have to worry about wrinkles again.

Do not make use of chemicals like starch. Using starch may keep your suit straight and wrinkle free, but it will also quickly drain the life out of your suit and you will need to buy a new one.

Excessive trips to the cleaner can also be detrimental to the life span of your suit. Dry cleaning can cause stitches to come loose and materials to look worn.

Wear a suit with a wrinkle free material. These suits can be found in suit models with heavy fabrics and mixtures of wool, polyester, or even nylon.

The morning and evening drive to work is a perfect opportunity to take your suit jacket off to hang it on a hanger. This will keep you from wrinkling the suit while sitting and will give in some extra time to bounce back from previous wrinkles.

Crinkles and creases are a fact of life and will be formed no matter what you do to prevent them. When these wrinkles do occur, don't panic. Use a steam cleaner or steaming iron to quickly knock wrinkles into oblivion.

The tips and strategies provided above will work, but only if you apply them. Make use of your bookmarks and add this page to them for future reference.

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IQ Air - The IQ Air is revolutionizing the Health Industry

By Bradlie Johnman

IQ Air is one of the market leaders in indoor air refreshing and cleaning. IQ Air has been around for a long time and started around 1962. Since then IQ Air has become one of the most competitive and reliable air purifying brands. IQ Air has always taken pride in the fact that, it has always gone that extra mile for customer satisfaction. They have always used innovative techniques to constantly improve the way the industry thinks, and in doing so have been able to successfully set a new benchmark in air refreshment and sterilization techniques.

That is why here at Banks Vacuum Super Stores, we make sure we stock up on IQ Air products - to meet the demands of our customers. Here you will find four different types of IQ Air purifiers. Firstly it is the IQ Air Health Pro Compact. This is an ideal choice for small offices and apartment spaces. Do not be too judgmental on this little guy, he may seem small in size, but thanks to the advanced micro and nano particle filter, it more than compensates for its size. This machine is made to last, and sure does pack a punch, in fact boasting a purifying efficiency of up to 99.5%! Now that's getting your money's worth.

Secondly, we have the IQ Air Health Pro. This is a powerful machine and has the ability to do some intense cleaning in a short span of time. It has a high powered air cleaner, packed with the latest filtering technology, and more importantly, it can at any time be up graded with a V-5 Cell, giving it even more power to do all your dirty work. The IQ Air Health pro is the perfect tool for air sanitation and dust removal, it is also very potent against common allergens and air pollutants.

Then we have the IQ Air Health Pro Plus. This is one of the most popular air filters available in the market. The reason for its high popularity is the fact that it is extremely efficient in clearing all types of common allergens, and is highly effective in removing dust and pollen from indoors, making it an ideal choice for asthmatic patients. The IQ Air Health Pro combines a number of different air purifying filters to go about its sanitation duties, and in this way leaves very little, if any contaminated air in the room.

Finally, we have the IQ Air GC Multi Gas Air Cleaner, this is one of IQ Airs top of the line products, and truly is worth the investment. This machine is specialized to remove gaseous chemicals from a designated area and has advanced filters that deal with particles and dust as well. The IQ Air GC unit is one of the best selling air cleaners, particularly with individuals who have highly sensitive chemical based allergies. This unit also comes with four configurations that can be changed according to the need of the hour. Here at Banks Vacuum Super Stores we have everything covered.

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Progesterone Cream As Menopause Treatment

By Grace Lam

When you think about how simple it is to learn how to apply progesterone cream, it is a wonder anybody sticks with HRT. It does not mean that HRT does not have its uses, it is just that most women are taking their health into their own hands and choosing not to rely on prescription drugs for hormonal imbalance relief anymore. As most people think of progesterone cream as one of the menopause alternative treatments, it really can help many more.

Some pregnant women and those struggling with birth control have chosen to get treatment in this manner. When you make the choice to try a progesterone cream to improve your situation, there are a few helpful methods and guidelines to use. The process is pretty much fool proof but just in case.

Review Instructions Carefully

As with any product that use on your skin or ingest, you should carefully read through the instructions to confirm that you understand before using the progesterone cream. There are often different instructions for different women. For example, women who experience menopause may have different instructions than a woman who is still menstruating.

You may be asked to watch your own progress and make some modifications to your treatment course from there. The directions will require no more than two applications a day of only ?of teaspoon most of the time. It is a whole lot easier than remembering to take the pills.

Review Ingredient List

Although we don't like to think about it, there are unscrupulous companies and people out there selling products with potentially dangerous side effects. Ensure your safety and carefully review the ingredient list on any progesterone cream before you apply it. Whenever you are unclear on the purpose or validity of any ingredient, contact your doctor or the company for clarification.

Enjoy The Benefits of Progesterone Cream

While you have all of the information in mind, the only thing left for you to do is enjoy the benefit of using a high quality progesterone cream. Soon you will be having the energy you need to go about your day comfortably, sleeping better and enjoying your sex life again.

Now that you know how to use progesterone cream and pick the one which is suit for you. Menopause treatment which mention in our website has helped a lot of women overcome their hormone imbalance and it can help you too. You can also purchase the progesterone cream through the Internet or another reliable means.

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Holistic Acne Treatments and Medicines

By Richard May

Acne is really an internal condition which can be effected by a number of external factors. It also shows itself in an external way with the appearance of spots and soreness of the skin. You need to learn about what external factors affect and trigger your acne, if you can do this then you have a much better chance of bringing your acne under control. This is very important because if the acne is not brought under control, holistic acne treatments are not going to be as effective.

As you are probably aware, there are a number of skin cleansers available designed for various purposes, such as exfoliation and medicate. However there are some simple things you can do which can be just as effective, for example washing your face twice a day using an anti-bacterial 100% natural soap.

Therefore you can try using 100 percent natural facial soaps, those which are anti-bacterial and antiseptic are even better. Soaps which are based on tea tree oils can have a very positive effect on your skin and reduce some of the common acne symptoms. If you buy some soaps such as this then try to wash with them twice a day for maximum effectiveness.

Five minutes before starting to wash your face, try to steam it first. If you can get into the routine of doing this then your skin and acne will improve gradually over time. Firstly use plenty of lukewarm water to wet the soap and start to apply it to your face in a circular motion using your fingertips. Try to avoid contact with your eyes. Next wash your face off carefully and gently pat your skin down with a dry cotton towel. Be careful not to wash your face too much as this can increase irritation rather than reduce it.

A great tip for sufferers of acne is to try and improve their intake of pure water. Drinking 10 glasses of water a day can really help not only in your skin care but also for your overall health. This is commonly known as a way of internally improving your acne as it can help balance the oil secretion of the body.

In relation to external factors, you will probably be more familiar with these and how to overcome them. One good example is aloe vera cream which when used regularly, can reduce dryness and soreness of the skin. This is much more effective than using un-natural acne treatments which an have a negative effect on acne affected skin.

People often wonder what the exact causes of acne are, however they are quite hard to define because acne affects people in different ways. However it is known that hormonal imbalances can lead to the sebaceous glands producing too much oil, which leads to their being an excess of oil on the surface of the skin opening up the pores as well. Firstly avoid astrigents which are water and alcohol based. An alternative is to use a naturally created product for example neutrogena clear pore oil controlling astrigent. This product can have a very good effect on your acne affected skin.

If you are someone who has sensitive skin, then the best thing to do is to try out each treatment prior to using it fully. Just use a very small amount on a small area of skin, by doing this you will be able to work out if the treatment will cause you problems if you were to use it on larger areas that are affective by acne. Also remember that there are now holistic medicine and acne treatments to control your acne which are available below.

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Managing Your Stress

By Lillian F Tighe

Stress is part of everyone's life and can cause problems with your health. Finance and money are frequently among the first of the stresses that most people feel. However, families and work are also a frequent cause of stress and tension. Use the following tips to ensure that you deal with your stress in a healthy way.

Try to find out what is causing your stress.

Examine your life and see if it is possible to make changes in the areas that are causing you stress.

Use massage, deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to help you relax

Incorporate physical activity into your lifestyle.

Prioritize your tasks and list them. Completing this list and checking things off will give you a sense a satisfaction and reduce your stress.

Avoid sugar, fats, tobacco, caffeine, and alcohol to help your body and mind to cope with stress.

Getting enough sleep is really important.

Professional counselors and support groups will help if you have something bothering you. Your family and friends are also usually there to help you.

Find someone who needs your help. Helping others can give you a sense of purpose.

It is important to relax by reading a book or listening to music. Time spent with a hobby you enjoy is a great stress reliever.

Recognise and deal with your anger.

A short holiday will help you deal with stress.

Dont take on too many tasks at one time. Learn to pace yourself.

Perfection is impossible - don't even try for it.

Remember that being judgemental is likely to do you more harm than the people you are judging

Laugh whenever you can, even at yourself now and then.

Move your head from side to side and rotate you neck in a circle to reduce the tension in your neck and jaw.

Set small and smart goals for yourself and then work carefully and realistically towards achieving them. Keep in mind that unrealistic goals never seem to be reached and this can add to your stress level. Try to set just goal for yourself this week by using the SMART approach:

SPECIFIC: Write down your first small goal.

MEASURABLE: How will you know when it is done?

ACHIEVABLE: How long will it take to finish it?

REWARDED: Reward yourself when you reach your goal.

TIME-LIMITED: Can you set an achievable deadline?

The most effective stress reliever for your body is laughter. Learn to laugh or turn to funny movies or tv shows to provide some relief from stress. Be ready to use laughter for stress management.

Exercise is the best way to cope with stress. Go for a walk, go to the gym and give yourself some distance from the problem. Take a walk at lunchtime or during your coffee break at work. This will increase your energy and make it possible for you to cope with the situation.

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Chin Liposuction - Costs, Risks And Chances

By Fred Turman

Cosmetic surgeries are increasingly becoming the number one method of acheiving a beauty standard. Many women and a significant amount of men are getting cosmetic surgery done. A significant amount of people of all ages and genders are receiving liposuction services. Among the many types of cosmetic services that are being performed chin liposuction is one of the simpliest.

When seeking to have this particular procedure done, you should make sure that you choose a surgeon that is board certified. Chin liposuction is a nice and easy way to remove excess fat located under the chin. Chin liposuction can eliminate sagging skin and fat deposits to create a stunning new jawline. Many people exercise endlessly without results trying to acheive that sleek jawline that so many desire. A method called the tumescent technique is being used to acheive this look. The tumescent technique is a method that requires a small incision be placed under the chin area. This is done with a tool called a cannula and a local anestetic is used.

The tumescent technique is done with local anestetic using a small instrument called a cannula. The technique pumps a solution below the skin in the area that is going to be suctioned. This solution is a salt water saline and is added with local anesthetic to numb the area and the fat is then suctioned out through small suction tubes called microcannulas. The procedure is also one that can be had in combination with other aesthetic surgeries. The tumescent procedure is becoming a highly popular method because of its relative safety, however no surgery is 100 % and patients should make sure that they ask questions and do the necessary research, so they feel more comfortable about the procedure and their doctor.

When the patient is undergoing chin liposuction they are given a local anesthetic, after the procedure is done a light elastic wrap is given to the patient to wear for a few days. There is light bruising however recovery is relatively quick and many patients are able to go back to work after a few days.

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How General Is Adult Acne?

By David Lam

It has been a long time that acne was considered a skin issues for teenagers to deal with. It seems that acne and teens go hand in hand and it is nearly a clich of the teenage years. The truth is that adult acne is also a very general problem.

Many adults suffer from a variety type of skin problems in their life. Pimples are not just a skin problem of the teen. People over the age of 25 have problem with acne too.

As adult acne breakouts in both men and women however it tends to be more prevalent in women. The statistics claimed that 50% of all adult women have acne compared to only about 25% of adult men. Adult acne affects people from every ethnicity and background.

The main reason of adult acne is hormone which is probably why women tend to have more zits and skin problems than men. Other reasons acne breakouts are overactive sebaceous glands that let an excess of oil to be secreted onto the face and clogged pores. Some factors which can cause breakouts are stress and environmental issues like weather and allergies.

While there are many acne products available in the market to treat breakouts and blemishes, some of them which work for teens can be too harsh for adults. It is very important to have a good daily cleansing regimen. This habit alone can help many adults clear up their acne prone skin.

Others find that some topical treatments can help with their blemishes. For moderate to severe cases of acne problems, some adults may find that consult their dermatologist is necessary. Your dermatologist can prescribe antibiotics or other ant-acne medications depend on your acne cases.

While we age, our skin will become less able to repair itself as a loss of collagen. The skin of adults will not as flexible as that of younger people. So, adult acne can be a much more serious skin problem because it can easily cause scarring in adult skin. It is a good idea to treat breakouts and not give in to the temptation to squeeze or pop whiteheads or blackheads which appear on the skin. By doing this type of matter, it can cause permanent scarring of your skin.

For both men and women, adult acne can have the similar effects on them like it does on teenagers. Low self-esteem, embarrassment and emotional distress due to acne breakouts can be just as big of a problem for an adult as for a teen. Everyone surely wants his or her skin to look good and how we look contributes greatly to how we think about ourselves, so having skin issues can be just as serious issues as other things.

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Recommended Natural Diets for People with High Blood Pressure

By Michael Byrd

It is a must for individuals with high blood pressure to have natural diets.

That is, if they desire to live a happy, healthy, and longer life.

The reason is foods having poor nutrients that lead to high blood pressure also cause other health problems like heart disease, cancer, diabetes and arthritis.

So, let's start with the fundamentals. Realize that, the less-processed a food is the healthier it is for you. You should be aware that lots of processed foods on the market today are stripped of nutrition that your body needs.

Plus, almost all of processed foods are injected with unhealthy ingredients that are proven to be unhealthy for you to consume like preservatives, food coloring, and chemicals.

This is why my principle is, "Eat whole foods."

Aside from being better tasting, whole foods are certainly much healthier for you since these are packed with the necessary nutrients that you need.

This means they can help to avoid having a high blood pressure.

So, what are the best natural diets for persons having high blood pressure? Consider the simple set of ideas below.

Let us begin with unprocessed whole grains-brown rice, whole wheat and GMO-free soy.

It does taste a lot better, and provide vital fatty acids and phytosterols. Research reveals that these are important nutrients to help improve your cardiovascular system. [American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 80, No. 5, 1159-66]

Absolutely true; you can lessen your level of cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides and LDLs by putting unprocessed grains as alternatives.

This is probably a good time to discuss the benefits of not eating high glycemic foods, instead the low glycemic ones. For high glycemic foods to increase the sugar level while the low glycemic ones don't.

When insulin is secreted, it coverts blood sugar into fat and then stores it in your body.

Repeated insulin release and the accumulation of fats create damage to your arteries, leading to hardening which in the end can increase blood pressure.

Those effects of this process can be lessened or stopped by the help of glycemic foods.

To add, there are other vitally essential fatty acids that can be found in oily fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies, and herring. These are rich in omega 3 which is proven by a number of clinical studies to be beneficial for your health. This helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure and heart diseases.

Eating omega3-rich foods like fish can bring a real benefit to your health.

Another thing you can do that is favorable to your health is to increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables for your consumption.

Fruits and vegetables give fiber, vitamins, enzymes and minerals.

There are vitamins which help effectively to reduce the risks of high blood pressure. These are Vitamin C complex-help to enhance the resiliency of you arteries-and B vitamins-help reduce stress.

Phytonutrients are found in veggies and fruits that contain carotenoid, flavonoid and cruciferous compounds. These are known as special antioxidants which help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and several inflammatory problems. More phytonutrients are found in veggies and fruits which are more colorful.

So, this is what natural diets can contribute for people with high blood pressure.

You have the option to take it slow and easy or take the other route. And before you know it, your blood pressure is under control ? the natural way.

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How to get the best acai diet pill online.

By Collin James

When all your trying to do is buy a good acai berry supplement online the last thing you want to worry about is if the company your looking to buy it from is scamming you. This article is going to point out a few thing to look for that I think are very important factors in making a choice on who to buy from.

A proper ad easy to find product label should be part of the website. Being able to see what is in your acai diet pill is very important because you don't want to end up buying something that just has the name on it - to try and make you buy it.

The next thing you should be looking for is the longest trial period possible. 14 days from the time you order the supplement is not enough time to properly test anything.

Encase you have to send the product back, you also want to be able to find the companies information and or sipping details with out having to read the fine print somewhere. If you are not happy with your results - you should not have to spend a day looking for a way to prevent charges on your credit card.

After two months of heavy research I found only one company that made me feel like I was making the right choice. Acai Berry Elite not only has the highest levels of actual Acai in a supplement but everything I needed to feel secure with the company was all with in the first two pages of there site.

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Massachusetts Collusion Case Embroils Health Providers

By Ethan Kalvin

The health insurance industry was rocked recently with the news that two Massachusetts health insurance providers are being investigated for collusion. Partners Healthcare and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts are accused of making deals off the record in 2000 which were crafted to bring higher rates for state health insurance plans. The office of the Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley is leading the investigation.

The investigative reporting team from the Boston Globe reported that BCBS paid large premium increases over the years to Partners Healthcare, which would cover health care charges for their policyholders. Partners was to agree to seek similar high rates from other state insurance companies in the agreement. It was reported that Partners asked for $193 million over a three year period, but BCBS was wary of such a high amount because it could lead to significant rate increases for consumers. Partners reported their intent to go after similar large increases fromother insurers, so BCBS agreed to the deal.

The Boston Globe Spotlight investigative team reported that BCBS continues to this day to pay an estimated 30% more to Partners Healthcare hospitals than it pays to other hospitals. Nine years after the scheme began, the state's largest insurance carrier is paying an estimated $2 billion annually to the state's largest health care provider.

The Massachusetts policyholder is the one who is the unfortunate loser in the game, however. Much of the money that Partners receives comes directly out of their pockets. By undertaking this investigtation, the attorney general is fulfilling an important role by examining the unprecedented concentration of market power by health care providers and insurers. The effect the scheme has on consumers in Massachusetts has been negative in all respects.

Partners Healthcare operates as a teaching affiliate to Harvard Medical School, and are the largest health care provider in the state. They own and operate Massachusetts General Hospital, Newton-Wellesley Hospital and Brigham and Womens Hospital.

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