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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Can't Get Rid of Your Belly Fat? This is How You Do It

By Roland du Preez

Belly fat appears without any alarm bells going off and no one really forewarns you before it happens. It's only after the fact that anyone really says something to you about it and then it stings no matter how well intentioned the comment may be.

Even if you are getting desperate, don't go on a crash diet. The only result you will have is that you will feel irritable and hungry. Most people who lose weight by crash dieting find that they gain all that weight again, sometimes with interest.

Avoid Foods That Easily Turns Into Fat.

Changing your eating habits is only logical. Don't forget to be patient. You didn't gain all that weight over night, and you will not lose it overnight. This is about changing your habits, and eating better. Change the starches for fresh fruits and vegetables.

Since there are a lot of hidden calories in the canned fruits and vegetables, you should opt for the fresh versions. They taste much nicer, and are much better for you.

Stop eating the munchies and other junk foods. All of them should be considered empty calories. They are processed foods with chemical additives that become processed into fat cells for you to carry around with you.

Change your beef meat for leaner meats, such as chicken and fish. If you are a real beef lover, and can't give it up completely, opt for the leanest beef you can find. Animal fats will slow down your body's ability to burn fat, and will clog up your systems. This will cause everything to slow down.

You are now restricting your body's intake of foods that caused you to gain the belly fat you want to lose. For all practical purposes, consider yourself on a diet. If you enjoy beer or soda pop, these are not your friends right now.

You find a lot of very good recipes online. Start with the Mediterranean diets, which are naturally low in calories, but still very nutritious.

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Everything You Need To Know About Salt Free Seasoning

By Nnaemeka Ferdinand

Getting your meal to be delicious can be done even if you want to keep a salt free diet. Salt as it has already been mentioned in all types of media can be dangerous to one's health, especially for one's heart. If consumed a lot, it can prevent the elimination of water from one's body. This has caused many to give up salt and instead enhance the flavor of their meal using salt free seasoning.

Salt free seasoning refers to mixtures of spices and herbs free of salt added to this blend meant to make your food tastier and thus more appealing. Seasoning of course varies from one dish to another, depending on whether the dish contains meat or not. Some spices as they are combined would rather go with vegetables or with a certain kind of meat, white or red. Recipes of salt free seasoning are available from a variety of sources, be they internet sites or cookery books.

One type of salt free seasoning is that which actually makes the salad dressing. As usual, the dressing should be made with a bit of oil and vinegar. But additionally you can add garlic and onion powder, basil, sage and black pepper. Your salad will be delicious even without any salt, unlike what you actually expect in case you are used to eating salted food.

Another type of salt free seasoning is the one meant for cooking fish or seafood. In doing this you should mix one and and half table spoon of pepper with lemon peel and two table spoons of crushed dill, tarragon or chives. Garlic powder or dried mustard are optional. In case you are cooking fish, a bit of paprika will not only boost the flavor, it will also add to the nice and appealing aspect of the dish.

Last but not least the oriental seasoning can also be prepared without any salt and therefore we can obtain a different kind of salt free seasoning. Oriental flavors traditionally rely on ginger, pepper and garlic and these can be added in equal quantities so that all three main ingredients can be tasted and felt equally. Usually up to half a spoon should do for one pound of meat.

Of course Mexican food is also a delight to many. A Mexican salt free seasoning can as well be home prepared and it should contain onion, chili and garlic powder mixed with ground cumin. In case you like thyme, basil black pepper and oregano these can also be added to the blend.

No matter the seasonings you prefer and discover as a favorite in supermarkets, you can prepare at home on your own. All you need is to buy your own ingredients and make your own salt free seasoning based on the ingredients mentioned on the label of the seasoning you like so much. By doing this, you can guarantee better health and tasty food at the same time.

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Aromatherapy By Steam Inhalation

By Ferdinand Okeke

Aromatherapy combines both Therapy and the sheer pleasure of enjoying the benefits of essential oils by the great use of herbal extracts which induce a state of well being. Aromatherapy is can be utilised in a variety of ways and for distinct purposes, some of them aiming at a tremendous improvement in the health state, others at practical applications around the house. The essential oils can be inhaled as such, steam-dispersed or sprayed, each of these has its specificity and meets different aromatherapy levels of efficiency.

Drops of essential oil can be placed on a tissue and inhaled. There are many health affections that are known to improve in response to such aromatherapy treatment. This is the case with menthol volatile oil inhalation for nausea, travel sickness or vomiting, and to give just another example, take lavender oil that soothes the nerves, induces sleep and increases the level of relaxation.

Aromatherapy by steam inhalation consists of the use of herbal extracts in hot water. Volatile oils work great in this combination and many people now use them for ambient and health purposes with the help of lamps and candles. Rosemary, thyme, eucalyptus, pine, orange, lemon, cinnamon and dozens of other herbal extracts are just the thing you may be needing.

More recently, the field of aromatherapy has extended to the manufacturing of different categories of products for the general household freshening or as bug repellent elements. Presently, essential oils are also widely used in the design of cosmetic products such as perfumes, soaps, facial toners and lotions; the natural components make the products a lot more reliable and safer to use.

Aromatherapy does not rely on the simple or singular use of essential oils since combinations are most frequently used for the synergistic healing properties. The applications of aromatherapy can therefore be taken advantage of either in an organized therapeutic environment or in the comfort of one's home or in the privacy of the office for the mere implementation of a good mood and a great health.

The Internet presently represents a great source of information and you can finds lots of aromatherapy recipes to choose from. The ingredients, the blend specificity as well as all the health issues a certain combination aims at treating are usually specified and even explained comprehensively. Some special health publications also represent a good source of information when it comes to learning about the benefits and the uses of aromatherapy.

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