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Monday, December 15, 2008

The Popularity Of Helzberg Diamonds

By Godfrey Roberts

Helzberg diamonds have been well known for their excellent and top line of precious stones ever since the company was first born. This has allowed the growth of the company and an establishment of a jewelry chain that is well respected and a choice for many. They have their own production line of precious stones, with men and women always keen to add them to their personal collections.

All sorts of jewelry products feature Helzberg diamonds. It is hardly surprising considering the reputation and quality that are imbued in these stones. For example, a ring using Helzberg diamonds will be the talk of any function or gala night. Jewelry makers therefore rush to include them as part of their accessories whenever possible.

Why is Helzberg jewelry so often used with all these products? A top reason is due to the high quality that Helzberg attaches with their diamonds, which are always top of the line. The cuts of their variety of precious stones bear the mark of expert lines, undoubtedly the work of the best cutters in the industry. This contributes to the beauty that is a hallmark of diamonds from the Helzberg supply.

By virtue of this single reason, millions of people around the world have made diamonds from Helzberg their main choice of jewelry. Of course, there are other reasons why anyone would opt for a cut from the company. But it is rare to find someone not agreeing to the top purity and grade of the diamonds in helping to convince their purchase.

People who buy Helzberg products also do it owing to the high level of trust they have for the company. This is a major factor that can be often overlooked. With consistent top class customer service and wide covering product guarantees, this trust has been fashioned over the years. All customers expect the best cut for the amount spent, and that is what they always receive from Helzberg.

Helzberg diamonds are expensive, but not the most costly of all the brands available in the industry. With the quality, purity and service they provide on a consistent level, purchasing a Helzberg diamond might even be considered a good investment in the long run. The prices being paid reflect all the best qualities espoused by the company, and their customers are never shy to foot the necessary costs.

Only the purest diamonds are used as part of the Helzberg brand. This is ensured by the many levels of quality testing that each and every Helzberg diamond is put through. And if that was thought to be insufficient, every single product also comes with guarantees that will please their customers. All this helps to create considerable competitive advantage for the brand itself.

With these various reasons and the obvious mark of quality that Helzberg diamonds carry, it is no wonder that they are making a strong statement for being one of the premier diamond suppliers in the jewelry world. There is also the allure of not being the highest priced diamond jewelers, despite being classified as an elite producer. Helzberg diamonds are therefore a great choice for everlasting and beautiful jewelry, for many occasions and individuals.

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What You Can Do With Celery Seed

By KC Kudra

If you have bought yourself a pack of celery seed or you are wondering what kind of recipes you can use it in, there is plenty of information available on this unique and tasty seasoning. Many cultures have been using celery seed in a variety of ways for a lot of years. Celery seed can easily be integrated into a healthy varied diet. Nutritious, filling dishes such as homemade chicken noodle soup can really be enhanced with celery seed.

What is Celery Seed?

Celery seed is not found in the celery vegetable but in the plant apium graveolons. They look a lot like other small brown seeds but their smell is unique. They smell like celery and can be added to your recipes. They add flavor but not the crunchy celery texture.

How Can You Use Celery Seed?

Celery seed is a popular ingredient in soups such as chicken noodle soup, salad dressings and in pickling. It also has a medicinal history, including being a homeopathic remedy for arthritis, gout, bronchitis and a variety of inflammations.

There is a high concentration of phtalides in celery seeds, which means they have scientifically proven qualities as a muscle relaxant and sedative. Celery seeds also have an antioxidant effect, which helps the body to fight dangerous free radicals.

How to Make a Great Celery Seed Dressing

As well as being an excellent ingredient in homemade chicken noodle soup, celery seeds are found in many types of salad dressing. You can make your own by combining a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of celery seed and a teaspoon of dry mustard. Next, add a teaspoon of onion juice and trickle in a cup of salad oil and a third of a cup of vinegar slowly. The resulting dressing is mild yet tangy and is very tasty on vegetable or fruit salads. You might prefer to add sugar and pepper, depending on your taste.

What foods go well with celery seeds?

The more you experiment with celery seed, the better you will be able to guess which recipes would go well with it. Try substituting celery seed for celery in dishes you like to make. Crockpot chicken noodle soup is a great dish, especially if you want to start it off in the morning, go to work and come home to a delicious smelling house and instant dinner! Chicken potpie is another dish, which is complemented by this versatile seasoning, as is coleslaw.

There are many reasons, as you can see, for using celery seed frequently. A bottle of celery seed keeps for up to 3 years so there is no reason not to get some and experiment. Try making some chicken noodle soup and adding celery seed to taste. You definitely won't be disappointed with the results!

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Mangosteen Juice: ensure you pick one that is top quality.

By Julieanne van Zyl

The following are names by which the Mangosteen juice is recognized and called. - Miracle juice, Queen of all fruits, Antioxidant per excellence. This is because of its qualities and characteristics, which are thought to have the power to cure a lot of ailments and disorders. Mangosteen juice contains many xanthones and antioxidants, which supposedly help throw out all forms of ailments from the body.

Well, while these claims give the impression to be outrageous and over hyped, it is more and more clear that quite a few folks are really enjoying the benefits and are claiming small "miracles" just as a result of taking the juice. Some have claimed increased spirit levels while others have confirmed that it helped them get rid of their dysentery, hypertension and other similar ailments like frequent headaches. Either way, as a fruit juice, it has all the benefits of the normal fruit and more.

Because of its increased popularity and the rate at which manufacturers are going into the market, it is difficult to know what brand to buy and what the determinants or features of a trusted brand are. In this article, you will not be learning what brand to buy -that is like giving you fish- instead you will learn all the basics of identifying what makes a particular brand of higher quality than others.

In this article, you will not be learning what brand to purchase- that is like giving you fish- as an alternative brand of higher quality than others. I am inclined you would prefer that, as it is more like teaching you "how to fish" as an alternative of "giving you fish".

There are various attributes to look out for in high quality drinks generally. These also apply to Mangosteen juice regardless of the packaging and the brand name. The very first thing to look out for to ascertain the quality and value of what you will be getting in any bottle of juice you want to buy is:

1. If separate tests were carried out on the brand. These separate tests must show such things as the precise amount or number of xanthones and phytonutrients available in a given bottle. This makes sense as the higher the number of xanthones or phytonutrients obtainable in any bottle, the higher the chance of its working as an ailment kicker and a promoter of wellbeing. This is the purpose we all take fruits in the first place - to be in top health.

2. Its Oxygen Radical Absorbance power value. This is very important as we all keep building up free radicals in our bodies during the day's affairs . When there are little or no antioxidants present in the body, it is more than possible that the body will be more susceptible to ailments.

3. Look out for the methods of processing the juice. Some manufacturers often heat the juice just before it is bottled up as a means of preserving it for longer periods. Unfortunately, research has shown that once fruits are heated, they lose their nutrients. And if the nutrients available are lost, why would you want to spend that amount of money on a bottle of juice? Instead, look for a product that is cold processed.

4. The great amounts of xanthones and phytonutrients available in the Mangosteen are mostly contained in the pericarp and the seeds of the mangosteen. So, look for those Mangosteen Juice products with the whole fruit puree -this means the whole fruit is incorporated with nothing left out.

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Have You Ever Wanted to be Healthy?

By Samatha Jackson

It was found out that people can actually die in 8,956 ways. The thing is that there are only 4 major ways that people choose. It is their choice because they engage themselves in lifestyles that will eventually bring them to untimely death.

In the same way as Dr. Augustus Grant, president of the American Heart Association, states it, "Poor diet, excess body weight, physical inactivity and smoking, are modifiable risk factors that contribute to the premature death of close to 1.5 million Americans each year."

In the previous year, more than 80% of American deaths are caused by stroke, cancer, diabetes and heart disease. This is according to John Seffrin of the American Cancer Society. He further explained that these four diseases are actually triggered by smoking, no regular exercises, unbalanced meals, and obesity.

And it is a well known fact that these things are not happening to Americans alone. All over the world, thousands if not millions of people are dying of premature deaths. This is in spite of having healthy births that give the potential to have longer lives. And that is because these people are not following the rules of healthy living.

The problem with most people is that the facts are laid out, everything they need to stay healthy is available, but they do not conform to them. Instead, they would rather maintain what they have been used to - smoking cigarettes, eating junk food, weight gain, and the ever popular couch-potato lifestyle.

We are at the twilight of this very serious predicament in our health. Hence, medical associations such as American Cancer Society, American heart Association, and the American Cancer Society have joined forces just to combat the issue.

Based on what most experts are saying, most deaths are not usually caused by ill-fated genes or toxins in the environment. The actual reason is that deaths around the world are caused by the unhealthy lifestyle that these people have.

It was found out that most Americans are undernourished or overfed. Over 60% are suffering from obesity. And only a few people are taking the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables, about 5 to 9 servings. Ironically, some are eating fruits and vegetables but in unhealthy forms like banana splits or French fries.

Worse, they don't even get to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. 1 out of 4 smokes in spite of the warnings. And every day, around the world, these figures grow.

In spite of all, you do not have to join the trend. You do not have to die because of these four major causes - heart disease, cancer, stroke or diabetes. Just live a healthy, active lifestyle, eat healthy and take your food supplements daily. Stop smoking.

Wouldn't it be nice to live a healthy life with friends and family around?

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Clean Water and Healthy Living - The Miracle Mineral Supplement

By Lydia Peru

Have you ever heard of miracle mineral solution? This supplement, nicknamed MMS, is a solution and protocol that when combined gives you healthy cleansing sodium chloride, a natural purifier. MMS is a low cost supplement that promotes healthy living.

The history of MMS brings us back to Jim Humbles mining expedition. Several members of his team contracted malaria. Malaria is a mosquito carried parasitic disease that is often fatal. With little to work with Jim used his water purification drops and discovered the Miracle Mineral Protocol. His team recovered quickly without side effects. Since then there have been over 75,000 documented cases of malaria treated using the MMS or Miracle Mineral Supplement protocol.

MMS is simply a combination of a 28% dilution of sodium chlorite and an food based acid that creates a chemical reaction that produces Chlorine Dioxide. Relax, sodium chloride is produced within our bodies naturally, we just don't make enough of it to combat the harsh foods and other conditions that weaken our bodies. MMS does not harm healthy cells, but it does suck the life out of pathogens. This action gives our body a fighting chance to heal itself.

MMS has only two ingredients. The primary is sodium chlorite in a 28 percent solution. When activated with citric acid it becomes Chlorine Dioxide. Chlorine Dioxide has been used for over 70 years for water purification. This same powerful agent was used in clean up after the anthrax attacks in 2001.

Mold is one of the many pathogens that chlorine dioxide can tackle. After the 2005 Katrina event this simple purifier was used to wipe out the grand scale mold outbreak that followed the water damage. Miracle Mineral Solution follows in the same footsteps, fighting bacteria, mold, and fungi.

The basic science of chlorine dioxide and its effectiveness is interesting at the least. For more information we recommend Jim Humbles' book on miracle mineral supplement.

As we look ahead with the knowledge that there are natural disasters and man made events that can affect our health and well being, it is good to know that there are simple effective and low cost options in our water purification, first aid, and healthy living supplements.

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Hair Care, Spray Tans and Nail Polish: A Few Beauty Tips

By Kelly Manning Kelly Balantyne

Maintaining a nice appearance is easier when you have the right supplies. There is a plethora of products available these days for those people who know exactly what they want.

While there is a beauty care product for everything, there are three main categories that they all fall into; products for the skin, hair and nails. Although you can't beat staying fit and maintaining a good healthy diet to look good.

You would be amazed if you knew how much just those two things affect how good you look. No matter how healthy we are we still need a boost here and there for our hair, nails and skin. There is a myriad of beauty care products just for our hair alone catering for every possible type and condition. The number of styling products, shampoos and conditioning creams mean you can do almost anything with your hair.

There is a beauty care product for every type of hair so you can choose knowing you will have something to exactly suit your needs. The complexity of shampoos and other conditioning products means you can achieve almost any effect you want.

Strong healthy nails are usually the result of a good diet. For those of us that use our hands constantly throughout the day, vitamin supplements can help give us that added strength in our nails. You can generally opt for beauty care products designed specifically to beautify and strengthen natural nails or you can have your nails professionally designed by a manicurist. The use of acrylic nails has become popular because they are generally inexpensive, easy to apply and then decorate afterwards.

The typical view of beauty care products used on the skin is divided into two areas, creams and anti-aging products. Healthy, youthful looking skin is probably one of the most important product sectors in the marketplace.

Although there are many more, most people automatically think that beauty care products for the skin are to stop aging or help with moisturizing it. The marketplace that deals with products designed specifically to promote healthy, young looking skin is probably the largest. If we are going to look after our skin though, it should be all of it and not just facial skin. It's good to moisturize your skin and make it a regular part of your body maintenance. Body maintenance isn't hard so don't forget these beauty care product secrets as they can make you feel like a different person.

Don't forget about getting a safe tan. A sunless tan by way of spray tanning is the best way to go. It is safer than both sun bathing and also solariums. A mobile spray tan where the person comes to your home or office also gives you the convenience of not having to seek them out.

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