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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Acne - How To Prevent And Eliminate Ace Easily?

By Haiyan Lasi-Heskin

Acne is a skin disease caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (made up of a hair follicle, sebaceous gland, and a hair), everywhere except in the palms of the hands, the soles, the top of the feet, the lower lip.

The face and upper neck are the most commonly affected, but the chest, back and shoulders may have acne as well. The upper arms can also have acne, but lesions found there are often keratosis pilaris.

About 85% of all teenagers will have acne to some degree. A teenage body is suffused in raging hormones, and those hormones are responsible in a large part for acne.

Teenager can use bar soaps or washes vary from 2 to 10% in strengthn to keep face clean and help prevent acne. Using harsh cleansers will not prevent acne.

Washing the face thoroughly twice a day, morning and evening, with a mild soap with your fingers using a gentle circular motion and patting (not rubbing) it dry.

NOT consuming certain foods (nutrients) can contribute to acne. Vitamins A, E, and B6 are the biggies, but there are also many other trace elements that the body and the average American diet does not include enough of these vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.

Orally administered zinc gluconate has been shown to be effective in the treatment of inflammatory acne, although less so than tetracyclines.

If you want healthy, glowing, acne-free skin, you need to eat a diet that is high in fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, whole grains, fish, and shellfish. And clean you skin completly and correctly twice a day.

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Kids Healthy - Common Cold in Children

By Jan Maurer

Common Cold is caused since of top respiratory complement infection due to cold virus. This infection affects tools such as ears, nose as well as throat. There have been about dual hundred well known viruses which have been obliged for usual cold, out of which rhinovirus is a most common. Since of this great series of viruses, there isn't any shot or vaccination accessible which helps in preventing cold. A most appropriate resolution to a cold is tellurian physique defence system. Majority of a child's revisit to an alloy will be since of cold. According to an estimate, a kid catches cold scarcely 8 times in a year as well as any time it final up to a week or so.

Cold viruses customarily widespread by sneeze or cough from a putrescent person. A soppy as well as slippery piece inside a nose, called mucus, is a conduit of a virus. When a chairman cough or sneeze, a phlegm drops come out of a mouth as well as when alternative persons breaths in these droplets they locate cold. Cold can additionally widespread by doing of infested stuffs similar to towel, doorway knobs, propagandize desk, etc. If a chairman touches an infested towel as well as afterwards touches his nose or eyes, there is a great possibility of removing an infection. Therefore, it is a great robe to rinse hands continually as well as keep them germ-free.

The cold viruses have docking points which helps it to stick to the interior of the nose. It then controls the nose's cell lining and begins to multiply into more viruses. White cells are responsible to fight these viruses inside the nose. They even kill them and finally get victory after seven days. Sneeze and runny nose actually prevent the viruses to affect the rest of the body parts. A person sneezes when the nerves inside the nose detect irritation and take the help of the lungs to push them out by letting out a blast of air through the mouth and the nose. The air, while sneezing, comes out at the speed of hundred miles per hour faster than cars on the road.

Once a kid contracts cold viruses, they take dual to 3 days to rise as well as uncover symptoms. There have been most symptoms of cold. A kid becomes cranky. He will protest of headache, shut off nose, cough, sneeze, bruise throat, flesh ache, nasal form overload as well as will spin exhausted. Low feverishness can additionally accompany, along with physique chills. Medicines do not speed up a routine of recovering as viruses finish their cycle irrespective of an intake. But they do conceal serve expansion as well as have a kid feel better.

Children shouldn't take any medicines on their own, thinking that it's just a cold. Parents should supervise the dosage and medicine being taken. And in turn, the parents should follow a doctor's prescription. Decongestants help to decrease the wise of the swollen nose lining, which makes breathing easier. Antihistamines help to dry the mucus and stops sneezes and runny noses. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be given if the child is experiencing headache and muscle ache.

At home, parents should give hot food and drink to the child as they help to soothe soar throats and coughs. The heat also clears up the mucus. Chicken soup is an age old remedy for common cold. Steamy showers are another good option as they help with stuffy nose. Itchy eyes, scratchy throat and stuffy throats can also be treated with humidifiers which spray cool and fine mist. They also loosen the mucus. The nose should be blown regularly to let the mucus out of the body. It is a good idea to use disposable tissues instead of regular handkerchiefs. Complete bed rest for a day or two is greatly suggested.

The best precaution that can be taken is intake healthy food and balanced diet so as to strengthen the immune system. The child must exercise regularly in order to stay fir and sleep adequately. Children who are stressed out more frequently are more prone to have cold. Therefore, it is good if the kid takes extra rest and goes to bed primeval on some days. And when the child is suffering from cold, he should relax and take bed rest as much as possible.

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The Incredible Acai Berry Way to Lose Weight

By Sue Thompson

Weight loss programs come in basically two forms " the exercise routine and the diet plan. Although these two do work effectively in getting rid of excess fat, the fastest way to do it is by raising your metabolic rate. If your metabolism is high, you can actually lose weight without decreasing the amount of calories you take in. In other words, you can still eat good and healthy meals and still lose weight. The Acai berry gives you that unbelievably wonderful option. This is what makes it such a great weight loss aid.

Weight reducing diets are all about lessening your caloric intake. The problem with this approach is that lowering the calories you consume causes your metabolism to slow down. As you try to further cut down on your food intake, your body begins to use up the energy reserves available to it as it hangs on to the measly calories you give it. This process results in the loss of protein and muscle mass. Something that you did not set out to do. You wanted to lose fat weight and not lean weight.

Metabolism refers to the amount of energy or calories that the body uses just to maintain itself. We burn calories just by being alive. We dont even have to exert any effort to burn calories, what with all our bodily functions performing nonstop.

Wouldnt it be great if you could raise your metabolism without increasing your exercise? Or if you loose weight without a drastic change in your diet? Or better yet, if you could simply set your metabolism to high by simply taking a super-health food? The Acai berry can actually do all three! Greater still is that the weight loss is accompanied by an increase in energy. Ask any Acai berry user! There is no question about it, the Acai berry is THE fast and easy way to lose weight.

Your weight loss options used to be limited. You could either fat burn through exercise, or control your calorie intake by going on a strict diet. Or you could do both. But now you can also choose to simply take a small exotic fruit from Brazil and transform your system into an efficient calorie burning machine. That is the Acai berry way. So, which one would it be?

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Depression Help for Working With Negative Feelings

By John Stephan Laney

School didn't teach us how to work with our feelings. We didn't get any classes on working through feelings of lack, emptiness, worthlessness and sadness. We weren't instructed about how to let our emotions thrive. And because we weren't taught any of these things, many of us suffer from forms of depression that can weigh us down for weeks and months.

If you notice depression symptoms, you will naturally react by trying to get rid of or avoid them. We don't want to feel bad about ourselves, or empty, or heavy and meaninglessness. So we do what comes naturally, we try to suppress and resist these types of feelings.

For the reason that we have never developed and learned basic emotional intelligence, the manner in which we try to avoid or resist negative feelings does not work. There are really only three basic means we all use to try to resist our bad feelings:

We all will either Change the Channel, which means to clean the kitchen, garden, go dancing, go to a show. Or we may Act Out. This is throwing things, screaming, trying to make people around us as upset as we might feel. And finally, we may try to resist our bad emotions by anesthetizing. This is to eat too much, or drink too much, anything to numbe the feelings.

If you are feeling bad about yourself and you eat enough donuts and cake, you go into a sugar coma where you basically dont feel anything. Anesthetizing works, but only for a short time and it obviously can damage our health.

Projecting or Acting Out also works for a short time. When we kick the dog or throw a lamp or snap at a coworker, we feel better, it seems like the emotion is out there instead of inside us. But again, such projection works only for a little while, it doesnt actually resolve the issue, and it tends to damage our relationships.

A healthier way to deal with negative feelings is to Change the Channel. Each one of us must learn to manage our mood swings, or we can end up overwrought and overstressed. So if we feel bad and go to a movie or go for a run, we lift our mood without doing any damage. Changing the channel on negative emotions is a good thing to learn how to do more efficiently.

Nonetheless, changing the channel often won't resolve the underlying negative emotion. If we were feeling sad about a situation and go for a run, we will get a lift. However, when the run is done, often the sad feeling will begin to return. This is the basic issue with all 3 ways of dealing with difficult emotions. They are often only temporary fixes. We feel better for a while, but it doesn't last.

There are some other approaches to working with difficult feelings that can provide more long lasting relief - and some help for depression as well. One method is to explore how a difficult emotion feels in your body for five minutes before you change the channel. It's simple to do once you learn how, and five minutes a day of exploring rather than resisting bad feelings can help us begin to feel better overall.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and its link to the stress response

By Russell Stubbs

How does ME/CFS start?

There are numerous ways of developing Fatigue conditions, including Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) along with Fibromyalgia (FM). Some common causes include - viruses, bacterial infections, operations, vaccinations, etc. The cause can also be connected to a stressful incident or period in a persons life. The common factor is that the person's system is under stress.

What happens when our system is under stress?

We produce a powerful cocktail of chemicals - including cortisol, adrenalin and noradrenalin as a result of entering this state. This is the same chemistry produced during the fight or flight response - a natural process that is triggered in reaction to a perceived or real threat.

Physiological changes take place during fight or flight

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for a number of changes taking place. Heart rate and blood pressure increase in order to supply additional fuel to the major muscles. Blood sugar and thyroid levels are affected. Nonessential functions including digestion and immune system shut down allowing more energy for emergency systems.

Where's the connection between the stress response and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

The system is under stress due to the initial bug, virus, vaccination, trauma etc. There may have been additional stressors present or the sufferer could have been run-down already. This would prolong the recovery period. The sufferer may then become concerned at their slow recovery, which results in more stress. This depletes the already challenged immune system, further slowing the recovery process.

Searching for help

Sufferers seek help from their doctors and possibly have tests for other ailments. The tests return negative, but still the symptoms continue. People often look into alternative approaches. These sometimes give temporary relief, but again the symptoms persist. People start to mistrust their body and energy levels, which further entrenches the stress - symptom - stress cycle.

Long-term stress response

The system becomes depleted when subjected to the stress response over the long-term. The chemistry designed to help us out of danger becomes toxic. The immune system becomes depleted and most other bodily systems are disrupted. Adrenalin levels can become depleted after prolonged activation. The dysregulation of stress chemistry is responsible for more fatigue and physical symptoms.

So is it all in the mind?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a physical and debilitating illness affecting most bodily systems. It is certainly not all in the mind. However, the type of approaches to recovery that are purely physical, or that focus on specific symptoms are unlikely to work. What's needed is a recognition that the triggers to these physiological responses take place in the mind. Until we address these patterns, a full and lasting recovery is not likely.

Breaking the cycle

Breaking free of these cycles is possible and can happen relatively quickly, given the right tools. The length of the recovery time, fortunately, is not relative to the duration of the illness. What's required is an insight into the damaging unconscious cycles that are in place, along with an understanding of the connection between mind and body. New physical and cognitive approaches can then be used in order to positively influence health and bring balance to the system.

Health is incredibly buoyant!

It is common for people with fatigue conditions to feel flawed or broken. This is certainly not the case, although it can feel as if it is, due to the severity of the physical symptoms. Health is incredibly buoyant, it is just a case of discovering what is in the way. Once we can bring balance to the system, we can create the opportunity for the symptoms to naturally resolve and energy to return.

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Qualities To Look At When You Seek A Cosmetic Surgeon

By Bill Johnson

Issues To Consider When You Seek A Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon

Signs of maturing can be rather disturbing for most individuals. If you are one of those individuals that are truly concerned about the way they appear, you should invest in a cosmetic surgery operation to maintain your young looks. Cosmetic surgery is already extremely recognized in our world today and it is natural for individuals to see a cosmetic reconstructive surgeon once in a while. All The Same, before you make an appointment with a cosmetic reconstructive surgeon to enhance your looks, there are a a couple of things that you want to think about first.

Establish Trust In Your Operating Surgeon

There are a slough of wanna be cosmetic surgeons out there who practice the profession without a license so you need to be be careful. The lousy thing about these people is that they do not truly care what occurs to their patients. They simply desire to take in your money. To make sure that you do not become a victim of these sorts of individuals, check up on the background of the cosmetic plastic surgeon. Scan plastic surgeon review journals and magazines.

Ascertain that the surgeon is licensed to exercise his/her profession. You should likewise get testimonials from previous clients of the surgeon. If a fair portion of the former clients of that surgeon are not happy with his/her services, steer clear of that surgeon immediately. You don't really want to be his/her next victim.

Recognize The Risk Of The Operation

Although cosmetic plastic operations are generally seen as harmless by some, you cannot in truth allege that these processes are without hazard. You need to realize that all types of surgeries are invasive. It matters not if it is merely a minor surgical process which you can fully recover from within a week or so. The fact that you will go under the knife is already a risk in itself. To make sure that you will not regret going under the knife to look better, you must talk to the cosmetic plastic surgeon first and discuss with him/her the risks involved in the procedure. Ask the surgeon to explain to you what will go on during and after the operation. You should also ask the him to discourse the side effects of the treatment if any.

Recognise The Price Of The Operation

Virtually all insurance companies will not pay for cosmetic surgeries therefore chances are you will be required to pay for the operation out of your own pocket. Since you will have to pay up for the procedure from your own finances, you want to be aware of how muchyou will have to pay. Ask the surgeon how much the procedure will cost on your initial visit to his/her clinic so that you will have some thoughts as to how much cash you have to develop for the procedure.

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The 6 Meals A Day Myth

By Caleb Lee

Do you really need to eat 6-8 small meals to keep your metabolism revved up so you burn fat all day and keep a steady stream of nutrients flowing to build lean muscle?

If you've been around the fitness scene for any amount of time, or have read a few diet books or articles, you would think the key to this one is a plain why not? " but the fact is

The 6-8 meals a day Advice Is A Cock-and-Bull Story!

The advice is based on studies made around the thermic effect of food (TEF). You see, every time you eat, your body uses approximately 10% of those calories (total) to supply strength just to digest the food...

When this was realized, people misunderstood the research by saying the more you eat (frequency) the more calories you'll burn all day but then again this was an error for the reason that the math doesn't work out.

* Six pint-sized meals of 300 calories (6-300) = 1800 calories total.

* Each meal you burn 10% of calories = 30 calories burned with each 300 cal meal

* Total cals burned because of TEF = 180

Thus differentiate that to a normal diet of 3 large meals:

* 3 Heavy Meals of 600 calories (3-600) = 1800 calories total.

* Every single meal you burn 10% of calories = 60 calories burned with every 600 cal meal

* Total cals burned as a result of TEF = 180

So you see, if the calories are equal, it doesn't matter how you cut them up " you're still burning the same amount of calories and changing your metabolism the exact same way no matter how you eat frequently.

Will Eating More Frequently Bring About More Lean Muscle Gain?

The brief answer is certainly not. Eating protein continually in point of fact initiates your body not to make it as much. Eating more total calories WILL bring about building additional muscle but the meal frequency has barely to do with it.

More important for lean muscle gain is the timing of your meals, specifically the post workout meal needs to be high quality to make sure you're getting good nutrients into your body when it needs them the most.

Will Eating Less Meals Produce Muscle Loss?

A lot of guys who lift weights consider (and I used to) that not eating 6-8 meals per day will put your body into a catabolic state. Which means because you're not eating loads of food and keeping the levels of amino acids in your blood elevated your body will utilize your muscle tissue as fat.

This is not true either nonetheless not as far as you've heard. Because although you just eat one large meal each day, it can take up to 12 hours to digest" gradually releasing amino acids into your bloodstream the whole time.

When Would You Eat 6-8 Meals

So as to achieve a LOT of weight " you need to boost your calorie intake to gain weight and put on muscle, thus if you're an extra-large guy and you have to eat 5,000 calories a day to put on mass it might be easier on your stomach and digestive system to consume 5,000 calories broken up into a set of lesser meals.

If youre utilizing a lot of energy " If you're an advanced athlete who burns a ton of energy like Michael Phelps who eats up to 12,000 calories per DAY and eats like an elephant. Similarly guys in the military in boot camp regularly eat as much as possible when they get the chance but still result in losing weight

If you have a thing about it - Several people may feel extra full 6-8 eating reduced meals per day grazing for their food consumption. I'm not one of those people but more power to you if you are.

I guess being knowledgeable about this will definitely help you feel enriched in your chase for better fitness, I know I believed this false report for a LONG time because practically the whole world put in a good word for it.

What Do I Do Personally?

I do intermittent fasting. And I LOVE it. I vary between a warrior diet style eating schedule (when I'm maintaining my weight) and the lean gains eating style when I'm focusing on putting on muscle mass.

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5 Tips for Cellulite Removal

By Mary B Ulster

Cellulite afflicts most women at some stage in their life and even the most beautiful celebrities in the world get it. The condition mostly effects the skin on the buttock and thigh area. While there are no guarantees, there has been a number of cellulite treatments developed that proclaim to treat the condition successfully.

Cellulite massage is a popular method which involves you or a beauty therapist using their hands or a machine to massage both the fat and skin. This is believed to make the skin and fat softer and smoother, increase circulation to the area to remove cellulite causing toxins and help the body to breakdown the fat beneath the skin.

For an added benefit, you should use cellulite cream with the massage. By massaging a cream specifically designed for cellulite removal into the problem areas you will have the combined effect of both treatments.You should look for a cream which has ingredients that are thought to help the body remove the cellulite fat from the body.

By increasing the amount of exercise that you do and decreasing the amount of fat that you consume you can make significant impacts on your levels of cellulite. There is a strong relationship between how much fat you carry and the severity of your condition. A simple commonsense approach can work wonders. Eat less fat and sugar, and start a workout that consists of exercises that both tone muscle and burn calories.

These tips above are thought to be able to remove cellulite from the body. Here a few other tips too. To reduce the appearance of the condition get a spray on tan. The cellulite will be less obvious because the darker your skin the less people are able to see the dimples. Avoid UV light sources however, like the sun and UV beds, as these can damage the skin and make your cellulite worse.

A second tip to reduce the appearance of the condition is to start wearing a body stocking. These stockings can instantly change the shape of your body and the look of your cellulite. They are inexpensive way to make your thighs and bum start looking better.

Finally, another simple method for cellulite reduction is to use a skin brush to brush the skin in the affected areas every morning in the shower. This brushing will stimulate the blood flow to the area to encourage sympathetic drainage. Some people say to use cold water when brushing but this is not exactly universal advice.

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Acid Reflux and Unknown Related Issues

By Frank Robson

Extensive efforts in conducting medical research have allowed doctors to learn quite a lot of important information in regards to acid reflux disease. Unfortunately, a number of related medical issues are relatively unknown amongst both public and private communities. They too need to know about the symptoms and warning signs of these conditions.

To find out for yourself how to recognize these conditions and how they are treated, simply read on.

Damage Caused by Heartburn Why would heartburn occur in an undamaged esophagus? Why does one patient experience heartburn and another not when they both have acid reflux?

Most doctors are not yet able to answer these questions. There is constant research being conducted into these and related questions so that doctors can provide us with answers and solutions.

Treatments for Barrett's Esophagus Barrett's Esophagus only occurs in about 10% of GERD patients. It needs to be treated in all cases, though, because it can lead to the formation of cancer cells. Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer in general are believed to be caused by extreme amounts of heartburn. If you know you have GERD, you should get tested for Barrett's Esophagus on a regular basis.

Non-Acidic Reflux The medical community is aware of a distinct difference between acidic reflux and non-acidic reflux and there is evidence that both do indeed exist. What exactly makes up non-acidic reflux cannot be stated, however. Some doctors believe it to be bile. The dangers of bile being refluxed are not yet understood. This is one topic to watch for emerging information in the near future.

Medical professionals are able to determine what does not cause acid reflux, but what does cause it exactly still eludes them until now.

Acid reflux diagnosis and treatments will continue to improve as medical research continues onward. Communicating with your doctor on a regular basis is the best way to find out about new medical advances related to GERD.

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Teeth Whitening: Side Effects

By Jacob Whiting

People have started experimenting with various kinds of products to attain a perfect set of pearly whites, which seems to be the effect of increasing awareness about tooth whitening. Another thing being notices is the fact that many people prefer to use "do it yourself" products rather than visiting a dentist for a whitening job.

This may be attributed to either of these - The fear of the dentists chair or maybe his fee that keeps a vast majority of people from exploring In-office whitening; products for of the shelf products for teeth whitening are quite high in demand.

Among such products tooth whitening strips are a popular choice for bringing a brighter shade to your teeth. However as with other methods of teeth whitening, the question of side effects always lurks somewhere nearby. Though most manufactures would say that their strips are absolutely safe to use and any doubts regarding their safety are totally unfounded, it is always prudent on our part to do a little research on your own.

The two side effects that are attributed to the use of teeth whitening strips are gum irritation and tooth sensitivity. However, a close look at these problems suggest that it's not tooth whitening strips that are responsible in most cases for such inconvenience, rather they are due to other causes in most of the cases.

The gum irritation that is associated with teeth whitening strips is more because of the soft tissue of a person and its reaction to the strips hydrogen peroxide whitener rather than the product itself. In case you experience a gum irritation, you should immediately stop using the strip and consult your dentist. With proper treatment issues related to gums can be alleviated in quick time. Further your dentist will be able to suggest the right course of treatment. Once your treatment is over you can again try using whitening strip to check if things turn out better this time around.

Tooth sensitivity is commonly observed when an individual uses a whitening strip. It should be noted that tooth sensitivity thus experienced is not very harsh in severity and has a tendency to fade away with each passing day, especially, when using the teeth whitening strips is stopped.

It has been found in a survey that almost half of the people who use teeth whitening strips are prone to side effects. To minimize such risks, one should go for strips that have lower concentration of whitener. Also, one may test the waters by using the product for a shorter time in the initial period.

Once you have experienced the side effects, it gives you ample wisdom to take a decision on whether to go for the product or not. If you are satisfied with the whitening result and you want to continue even with minor inconvenience then it is advisable to use it at less frequent intervals. But, the best option would be to change the brand of the teeth whitening strip altogether and use a strip that has hydrogen peroxide whitener with lower concentration. &, in case the problem still persists, then it would be wise to stop using teeth whitening strips.

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