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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Celestial Seasonings Tea Explained

By Ferdinand Okeke

Out of the types of celestial seasoning tea, the bilingual teas seem to appeal mostly to Hispanic communities. These teas are called bilingual because they blend two different flavor like banana and apple, or cinnamon and apple, or honey and lemon, and so on. Another popular category of celestial seasoning tea is the dessert one. Some of the types included in this category are almond, English toffee and vanilla hazelnut. Whichever the category or the type, one thing is clear: celestial seasoning tea appeals to a wide range of consumers because quality and variety.

What do you understand by Old Bay Seasonings? How can old bay seasonings be used? Just before answering these questions about old bay seasonings maybe we should see what old bay seasonings are. Well, old bay seasonings are blends of herbs and spices currently marketed in America by McCormick & Company. These old bay seasonings are made in the state of Maryland, in the Chesapeake Bay area where they were developed by a german immigrant called Gustav Brunn. The beginning of the old bay seasonings was in the 1940s. These seasonings are still very popular in this area. At the time, crabs were so abundant that bars in Baltimore, Maryland used to offer them free of charge and seasonings like old bay seasonings were created to get patrons to drink more beverages. Old Bay is just one of many crab seasonings created during those times, yet it is one of a few that survived to the present.

Yes Mexican food is also a delight to many. A Mexican salt free flavorer can also be by you at home and it should contain chili, onion and garlic powder combined with ground cumin. In case you like thyme, basil black pepper and oregano these can also be added to the blend.

If all these tips related to seasonings spices and herbs are carefully followed, you will gain complete success in attaining durability of the life of your spices, herbs and blends.

Spike seasoning is delectable for your meal and it can be bought from any supermarket generally speaking. It comes in boxes that weigh nearly seven ounces and one box is around $5 each. If you are interested in what flavors it carries the main ones are garlic, lemon pepper and hot and spicy. Besides, if you are into healthy eating without salt there is a salt free version of spike seasoning so you can still enjoy the delicious taste that it promises. It does wonders when you add it to cottage cheese and egg muffins that people like so much at breakfast time. It is also recommended for the turkey meatloaf, for stir frying shrimp for preparing chickpeas and beef.

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Adults And Seniors Can Get Texas Health Insurance

By Jordan FeRoss

Older adults can face special challenges when attempting to obtain health insurance in Texas. Many health insurance providers are all too aware of the potential for large and numerous health care claims from this demographic and want to avoid these increased claims. The age and health history of a person will be taken into serious consideration when an insurance company considers selling a policy to an individual.

Of course, it isn't impossible for older adults to get health insurance in Texas. A person age 65 or older who has worked for ten years, or is married to someone who has worked for that length of time might be able to qualify for Medicare through the government. Medicare will cover most, but not necessarily all of a person's health care needs and they may still need some additional coverage.

Qualifying for Medicare can be fast tracked for anyone who is qualified and needs care if they are seriously ill or disabled. This is especially true for anyone who has received Social Security benefits for two years or more. And, even if you, as an individual do not meet the requirements for Medicare, you may still qualify if you are married to someone who is eligible. So, as you see, there are multiple routes older adults can take to get helath insurance in Texas.

Though Medicare covers the majority of medical expenses, there can still be some bills the insured will need to cover. To help keep these costs down, you may choose supplemental insurance to augment your Medicare benefits. These plans are designed to work with Medicare and cover the costs the government plan does not. Similar to many group insurance plans, there are open enrollment periods for supplemental insurers and you'll want to be sure you don't miss what is often a narrow window to apply. If you do miss the open enrollment, you may need to wait until the following year before you are fully covered by your health insurance in Texas and will be charged for any uncovered Medicare claims in the interim.

Not everyone will need a Medicare supplement, but for those that do it saves them a lot of money each year and may allow them medical care that they could not otherwise afford. There are also additional health insurance options in Texas that may be purchased. Some older adults have health insurance included in their retirement packages that will suit them well and cover any additional medical costs.

As with many government programs, the paperwork for Medicare is complex and can be difficult to understand, particularly for older people or the disabled. These individuals can find assistance through the Texas Health and Human Services department. The agency's Web site also offers a wealth of information for anyone needing Medicare as their health insurance provider in Texas including eligibility requirements and necessary forms.

When using Medicare health insurance in Texas, there are some limits for prescription drug coverage. This is important information to know about your Medicare benefits so you can be sure to apply for supplemental coverage if you need it to get the medicines you need to stay alive. Finding the appropriate health insurance in Texas is more challenging for older adults, but it is also more vital so it is important to get as much information as possible and weigh out all of your options carefully in order to protect your health and keep medical problems from bankrupting you during your retirement years.

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The Basics of Cellulite Massage

By Deborah G Hutton

Due to the shape of a woman's body their hips, stomachs and thighs are often susceptible to fat deposits. Some of these deposits exist just below the skin and it is this that causes the dimpling of the skin called cellulite. Because of its unsightly appearance many women are horrified about the condition and particularly would do anything to get rid of cellulite.

One cellulite treatment is massage. Massage reduces the appearance of cellulite by increasing circulation to the skin and softening and smoothing the fat deposits.

Massage for cellulite can be done at home or by a therapist at a beauty spa. You or the therapist could use a machine, or you may want to opt for self-massage. Massage is effective especially when combined with other known treatments such as cream, laser or body wraps. When done at home it is a cost effective alternative which can produce excellent results when conducted properly.

When starting out with self-massage you will first need to choose an oil that will help you lubricate the skin. Some oils that are available claim to be able to aid the cellulite reduction process. Your local dealer of oils will be able to explain to you what these oils are in more detail.

If you have cellulite on your hips or abdomen / stomach you should use two hands. You want a kneading-type motion where you lift up the skin and cellulite with one hand and then drop it into the other. Make sure you are gentle.

After you have massaged the problem areas with that type of motion switch to using circular motions. It is thought it is best to use clockwise motions only as this is the natural direction of your digestive process. It is not recommended to massage your stomach area when you are pregnant. Otherwise you may hurt the developing baby.

One of the most common areas for cellulite is the thighs. In order to massage this area use the same long stroking motion as above and don't forget the area at the back.

Also switch to a kneading-like motion once you have done enough of the long strokes.

A great way to increase the cellulite reduction is to use a combination of self-massage and other treatments. Some cheap methods could include drinking more water, weight loss diets, increasing your levels of exercise or using a cellulite cream. The use of a loofah sponge on the affected areas when in the bath or shower can also help out the self-massage.

Using a cellulite massage machine can increase the effectiveness of the treatment. There are home units available that mean you can self-massage in the privacy of your own home. Many beauty spa also have commercial machines that they use on their private clients.

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Free Healthy Eating Plan

By Michael Byrd

Are you looking for a healthy eating plan, and tired of browsing websites that requires you to pay for the eating plan that you want? You've come to the right place, this is where you can see your free healthy eating plan, and you don't need to spend a penny!

My family has been successfully following a healthy eating plan for years. It has been very helpful to us by making us have a healthy life.

This diet plan is simple, it makes you stay healthy and enjoy your food at the same time. Let's enumerate first the things that we shouldn't eat.

We don't eat sweet foods, white flour, rice and all fried foods, also any kind of food or drink that is processed. No junk foods and fast foods, too. For the beverage, we don't drink soft drinks, fruit juices, coffee and alcoholic drinks.

This is a free healthy eating plan, and we will teach and guide you about the things you need and have to know.

The focus of your diet should be on natural whole foods.

As you eat lots of vegetables and fruits, you are to take nine optimal servings a day. The trick to achieve this, you are to eat it in every meal.

The best food that you can get is ones which are fresh and organic. If in case these are not available, you can opt for frozen foods.

Because milk is a processed food, we don't drink it, but we still need to include dairy in our diet. We eat low-fat organic yogurt, kefir and cheese, and some no-salt organic butter to add with.

When it comes to cooking and salad, Olive Oil is the best choice.

The cheese that we intake are generally, cheddar, Swiss, mozzarella or feta, and we never go overboard with it. Fresh fruits and raw nuts are best for sweetening a plain yogurt and kefir.

Using whole grains have much greater flavor and gives more nutrition the moment you get used to it, so this is the only thing we use. It includes breads that are mostly sprouted, cereals, rice and pastas.

Sprouting the whole grains before you use them, increases its protein and digestibility. Do double check that you are using products with no-added sugar.

Just like bread, eggs are a staple in our home. We eat them in different ways, depending on what you prefer, if you want it, scrambled, omelette, egg toast, poach, or hard boiled.

Even if we don't eat meat everyday, we have fish and poultry intake regularly. Both foods offer a great source of lean protein and the fish adds more benefit by the rich source of omega 3 fatty acids it offers.

Even if we have a healthy diet, we still take food supplements to make sure we get all the essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, fiber, and the phytonutrients that we need to stay healthy.

There it goes- my family's free healthy eating plan. What is left for you to know is that you need to always drink lots of water. If you want to lose weight, burn more calories than what you take in.

Do all the suggestions and add regular exercise, and I assure you that you will feel like a whole new person, in no time!

So, do you want to feel that change that you dreamed of?

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What Natural Panic Attack Remedies Are There?

By M B Bryan

As well as being unpredictable panic attacks can be very frightening when they happen to some people. But when it comes to you finding suitable panic attack remedies, the internet is a great source. Here you will find advice and information to help control and prevent panic attacks happening. In fact there are some panic attack remedies that will not only control them but also eliminate them safely and for good.

When it comes to remedies for dealing with panic attacks many people prefer to use natural ones wherever possible. The problem with the types of medications a doctor may prescribe for treating panic attacks is that they can lead to unwanted side effects in the patient. This in turn could lead to other health issues for the sufferer in the future.

When it comes to natural remedies for dealing with panic attacks there are numerous different herbs, vitamins, minerals and other treatments one can try. Certainly when it comes to an all natural remedy for treating such a problem one of the best panic attack cures available is a self help program known as Panic Away. In this you will learn step by step the most effective ways of dealing with and so preventing attacks in the future.

As for natural herbal remedies for treating panic attacks as you will soon discover when you search online there are plenty of them to choose from. However two of the most effective of them all and which studies have been carried out on to date are lemon balm and passionflower.

The passionflower has been used for many centuries as a natural way of dealing with anxiety and panic attack. It contains properties similar to those found in medication prescribed to treat anxiety and panic attacks by doctors, but won't cause side effects in the sufferer.

Whilst lemon balm has proven effective as it contains tranquilizer properties that help to calm a person down. Certainly the calmer a person is the much easier they will find it to actually deal with a panic attack when it takes place.

These two natural panic attack remedies are not only effective at treating such conditions on their own but also when used in conjunction with each other. However, it may take some time for the effects of them to provide you with the kinds of results you are looking for.

In this article we have shown you some of the best natural panic attack remedies you can use to treat this particular condition. However, if you want a more effective and certainly one of the best panic attack cures to help you deal with this condition then it is worth considering using the self help program known as Panic Away.

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To Gain Good Health, Stay The Course In The Face Of Failure

By Ferda Shinsky

Imagine a healthier you, fast, and without investing very much time in your day. It's possible with just a few small changes to your life. All you have to do is truly decide to reshape your body, and this article will give you some information as to how to do it. The first step is to start gaining good habits.

Most of us eat at will when our minds are bored and our bodies are inactive. The end result: An unhealthy amount of unhappy person...and an uncontrollable hunger. When we vegetate our bodies have nothing better to do than store the fat from the foods that we intake, therefore leading to obesity. Our bodies are screaming at us for a change through health related problems such as diabetes, heart conditions, cholesterol problems, breathing problems, etc. Now is the time to CHANGE!

Your brain is amazing, it can be either your biggest ally or certainly your most formidable opponent in the cause of gaining a healthier you. Your current health is a condition that you need to overcome if you want to continue on your path to becoming a healthier person. Replace your current bad habits with newer, healthier things to do. Work on your self esteem, because it controls your will. Self esteem will help drive you toward your goal. You have to reward yourself for good behavior with small rewards that keep you on your path, because it's nobody's job but yours to get yourself in shape.

First, reduce your consumption of high calorie foods. You have to replace them low-calorie, nutrient dense foods. High fiber is key. You can also learn to make healthy substitutions for the unhealthy indulgences you make daily. For instance, if you were thinking of having a cheeseburger and fries, you might decide to forego the fries and make a beeline for a garden salad with low-calorie ranch dressing instead. If you are a sucker for chicken nuggets with creamy pasta sauce, you can try some low-fat chicken breast with vegetables and a high-fiber bun or bread, or you might want to replace that creamy pasta with a low-fat marinara sauce. Instead of oily take out pizza, try some oven baked fish with rice and a small salad instead. Your body will thank you.

Another great change is to exercise when you are bored instead of eating. Go outside; plan some physical activity instead of sitting in front of the computer. If you're a total hermit, get a stationary bike and pedal while you watch your soap operas. You can take a walk with a friend, go swimming, explore your local mall, or pace around the house; any kind of moving is better than sitting.

Change #3: This change will help the most of all. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING YOU EAT!!!! In doing this you can actually see everything you put into your mouth therefore keeping yourself accountable for either weight gain or loss. Itas important to remember that you are in charge of YOU and no one else. In order to change bad life habits into good life habits, retraining is a must.

Another good item to document is your activities. Keep a log of your activities that you work at daily or weekly. You can go online and access different websites that will tell you the approximate amount of calories that you burn during an activity. One such website is You can also find other websites to your liking as well.

Never fear failure; expect it. You will probably fail multiple times before you reach your goal; that's just the way it is. Those failures are the loss of small battles in an overall war for your longevity and health. You must stay the course on your path to health in order to win the war. We all have bad days. If your boyfriend yells at you, and you get angry and plop down in front of the TV and eat too much chocolate or slurp down a whole gallon of ice cream, it is absolutely not a reason to beat yourself up about it and quit. Slipping up is just a signal that you aren't there yet. Throw out the rest of the gallon of chocolate chip cookie dough and pick yourself up and right get back on track, instead of making excuses and falling back into the pattern that got you sick in the first place.

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Vegetarian Food Pyramid Facts

By Jim John

The vegetarian food pyramid is very similar to the food pyramid that we have all seen. In place of meat it will list the legumes and nuts that are an alternative protein to animal products. It also replaces the fiber category with a vegetable and fruit category at the bottom of the pyramid. This is possible because of the high fiber content of most fruits and vegetables. It is not necessary to add fiber as a separate tier on the pyramid.

It should be noted that the basic version of the vegetarian food pyramid is not appropriate for vegans. It includes a section for dairy products that strict vegans will not consume. It can be replaced with something else for a vegan, such as soy products that substitute for dairy. Or they could take a look at the food pyramid that was designed specifically for vegans. The interesting part of the vegan food pyramid is the inclusion of breads and grains that is missing from the vegetarian pyramid.

When attempting to plan a balanced and healthy diet, the vegetarian food pyramid is an excellent tool. Use it as a guide to help assess your nutritional needs and choose the right foods as well as the corresponding quantities that suit you best. Just as with the traditional food pyramid, the vegetarian version helps you get the proper amounts of each type of food.

The vegetarian food pyramid also helps you determine how much of each type of food your body needs and what is over the limit. At the top of the pyramid for the smallest amounts are fats, oils and sweets. This is the way it should be if you are looking for the healthiest diet available.

The vegetarian food pyramid represents what a vegetarian needs to eat to be healthy. When following the pyramid exactly, you will know for sure that you are getting the proper nutrients to keep your body as healthy as possible. This is a wonderful tool for those who are dieting and eating a vegetarian diet as well in that it helps to plan menus that are healthy and designed for losing weight.

Many people opt for a vegetarian diet simply for health reasons. A vegetarian diet can present the challenge of getting the nutrition you need without eating meat, however, if you follow the pyramid, you can do this with ease. The time and work you use when planning your menus will be worth it when you discover a healthier you. All things being equal, vegetarians are generally healthier than people who are not.

When you are just starting out as a vegetarian you will find that the vegetarian food pyramid is a great way to plan your diet. It can help the novice get a greater understanding of nutrition and what is necessary for a healthy lifestyle. With all of this great information it is easier than ever to make the transition into a healthier diet. You will find that vegetarianism is a simple and delicious way to improve your health all around.

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Dry Hair: How to care for and treat Dry Hair

By Jennifer Summers

You need to select the right hair shampoo and conditioner for your hair type to get the best possible results from your hair care routine. We are aware of hair that is in good condition. It shines, it is simple to care for - it just looks good. The appearance of your hair is one of the features over which you can have complete power over. You can alter the shape, colour, length and style of your hair according to the age you wish to come across. The style, length and condition of hair all contribute to how we notice the people we come across.

Your hair is dry if: * it feels dry or rough * it tangles effortlessly * it is hard to comb or brush * it looks lifeless * it has been chemically treated (permed, bleached or colored) * it is likely to have split ends * it is dry and coarse. You should select a shampoo and conditioner that is targeted at dry hair if your symptoms match any of the above pointers. Dry hair is hair that does not hold an adequate amount of moisture. This is more often than not because the cuticle has become worn and permeable, so that the cortex cannot keep hold of water. It shows signs more often in long hair, because the hair has been growing for a greater length of time and has therefore weathered more. It is more general in females than in males, for the reason that women more often wear their hair long. The dryness can influence more of the hair if it is given repetitive chemical treatments, such as perming and bleaching/colouring.

Wage war on the damage from the use of heat-styling, environmental pollution, chemical treatments and colouring. Deep-condition your hair often. Keep your hair shiny and strong by replenishing lost moisture. Use quality products and wash your hair often. Moisturizing Shampoos and Conditioners are the correct products - Ideal for very dry hair. Restoring lost moisture from blow-drying.

And essentially - do not forget to condition it well. Leave-in Conditioners and Re-constructive detanglers are the correct products to use. A light leave-in conditioner is great for creating shine and body to straight hair and for taming. Have the ends cut regularly by a skilled stylist, so as to prevent weathering effects such as split ends.

Very little water can enter into or out of the cortex in a regular, undamaged hair shaft. This is because the cuticle enveloping the cortex is in one piece. But if your hair has been processed too frequently the cuticle scales might not return to their usual tightness and its defence is lost. Over-porous hair is dry, and you are likely to develop split ends. The damaged cuticle is brittle and deteriorates as time goes on. After washing your hair be gentle with the brushing, drying and combing.

The bottle should read: Moisturizing or Replenishing. These types of shampoos are heavier on moisturizing, and can leave a very fine film of conditioner on your hair to help keep it smooth and silky. They are formulated to be easy-going on dry, damaged hair. Working best on: Dry, frizzy, damaged hair.

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Texas Health Insurance For Students

By Jordan FeRoss

As most college students will tell you, health insurance in Texas can be difficult to get these days. Far too many young people go without health insurance in Texas because they believe they are young and healthy and all too offer suffer from the delusion that they are invincible. The truth is that none of us ever know what the future holds and disease or an accident can strike at any time leaving you with a huge debt or, even worse, unable to get the medical help they need.

Fortunately there are a few ways for college students to get affordable health insurance in Texas:

Your parents are a great resource for getting the insurance you need because you can legally remain covered by their health insurance in Texas until you are 25 years old. And students with mental or physical disabilities can remain on their parents insurance indefinitely. Because there are no out-of-pocket expenses for you, this a great route to take to get covered by health insurance in Texas. The only things you must do to continue coverage under your parents' plan is maintain your status as a full-time student and met the age eligibility. If you are leaving your home state to attend school, you will want to review the state and local laws where your school is located, especially if you will need to find in-network doctors for your care.

If a college student purchased health insurance in Texas through their employer, but are not employed there anymore they may be entitled to buy COBRA. COBRA insurance is more expensive, but it is certainly better than going without insurance while going away to college. Especially since some colleges won't even let students attend without insurance to help reduce their liability in the event of an accident on campus.

There are many HMO providers that offer health insurance in Texas on a regional basis. This may require you to travel some distance in order to see a health care provider within their network. A few HMO providers in particular networks may allow students to use a physician without being penalized, but you will have to check your policy over carefully in order to avoid outrageous charges. In the event of an emergency, your HMO is required by law to cover the charges, but still you may incur some additional expense when using a facility that is not in your network.

Quite a few colleges and universities have their health insurance plans in Texas. On top of that, it may be necessary to have complete health coverage, especially if the student will be attending school out of the country on an exchange program. Many colleges and universities have student health insurance plans in Texas. Usually, theses colleges utilize insurance carriers from the private sector.

Health insurance in Texas offers various types of policies for college students. The best choice would usually be to get one policy that covers everything. A college students needs are usually pretty basic and they should be able to find a doctor's office near the campus if need be.

Students looking for health insurance in Texas should try to find the most affordable insurance plan that will protect them in case of serious illness or injury and most of the time this would be best handled by staying on or being added to their parents' insurance plan.

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Information and Advice on Anti Aging Hair Care & Products

By Jennifer Summers

The changing colour of our hair is the most obvious sign of aging. As we get older our hair begins to produce less melanin, the same melanin that gives our skin its colour. This causes our hair to become grey. Grey hair can appear at any age. It's not always a sign of aging, it's caused by a reduction of pigment (grey hair) or a complete loss of pigment (white hair), and the reason it happens is not fully understood.

Aging also affects our hair in other ways. As we age our hair is prone to becoming drier, and so requires more moisture than ever before. Older hair also loses some of its elasticity and the texture changes. Some women will notice that their hair becomes thinner and lacks life, for others it appears dry and coarse. This happens because as we age, the size of the hair follicles diminish and hair growth slows. As a result there is not so much new growth to replace what we lose.

Sebum (oil produced naturally by our skin) lessens as we age, and as a consequence our hair, therefore, lacks its natural shine and softness. And our production of keratin also slows during the menopause. This particular protein fibre is a must in maintaining healthy, strong hair. Going bald, having thinning hair and coarse hair is a subject that affects many men, plus facial hair. To conceal your grey hair opt for the right shade of hair colour. If you use a dark colour it can draw attention to a dull complexion. So do not use a colour more than a couple of tones darker or lighter than your own hair colour.

If you want to keep your grey, endeavour to use a hair shampoo and conditioner that is targeted especially for grey hair. Grey hair can look yellow or greenish on some people. To neutralize the yellow colour and leave your hair shiny and beautiful, try using a greying shampoo that contains a violet based colour, instead of your usual shampoo. Highlights or lowlights can disguise any grey you want to disguise by blending them into the rest of your hair. The same goes for colouring your hair. Avoid going more than two shades lighter than your natural hair colour to avoid looking older than you really are.

As the years go by your hair loses its elasticity and then it becomes more difficult to style, so try opting for a protein treatment to use once a month to support your hair. For both women and men, thinning hair can be given a more voluminous look by using volumizing products such as conditioners and mousses. Apply a weekly deep conditioning treatment - that is recommended for aging hair. Moisturizing (conditioning) your hair is a necessity as we get older. This will preserve the moisture levels in your hair.

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Hair grease: how to get rid of it best shampoo for greasy hair

By Jennifer Summers

Greasy hair can appear stringy and fail to keep its lightness and volume within a few hours of shampooing. Greasy hair can seem lifeless, dull oily and lank. It can also appear heavy and flat, refusing to stay clean and fresh. Is this describing your hair? Ever ask yourself "why is my hair greasy?" Others may judge people with greasy hair as having poor hygiene and that they do not wash their hair very often, even if the sufferer washes it every day.

The grease in hair grease is oil and is called Sebum. Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands which lie immediately under the skin in you scalp and each hair has a sebaceous gland. Greasy hair is in fact healthy hair, and the oil protects each hair strand from dryness and split ends. Sebum lubricates hair skin and provides a protective barrier to prevent drying. This oil is your own built-in moisturizer.

Greasy hair is excess of sebum in the hair and comes as a result of an over production of sebum (oil) from over active sebaceous glands, stimulated by hormones called androgens. Androgens are male hormones that are present in both men and women, but are higher in men. Androgens do two things: First, they enlarge the sebaceous glands in the skin. Second, they cause these glands to increase oil production.

Because hormones play a role in the production of sebum, one of the causes of greasy hair is fluctuating hormone levels. Greasy hair is most commonly found in teenagers going through puberty, in women because of their monthly cycle or pregnancy, and older women going through the menopause. Stress is also known to affect hormone levels and can therefore be a contributory factor towards greasy hair. People with fine hair often find that they suffer from excessive greasiness, as they have more hair and follicles meaning there are more glands on the scalp, each producing sebum.

There are a number of external factors in that cause greasy hair. Washing your hair too often can increase the production of sebum as the sebaceous glands produce more sebum to combat the stripping of oils from the scalp and hair which can happen as a result of frequent washing. Vigorous hair and scalp scrubbing can stimulate hair grease. Touching hair can also over-stimulate glands, as can brushing vigorously which carry oil through your hair. Pollutants in the everyday environment can cause hair to look greasy, along with product build-up at the roots from over-use of hair styling products.

There are also many internal causes of greasy too. I have already mentioned fluctuating hormone levels, but one of the main culprits when it comes to internal causes of greasy hair is diet. Western diets that tend to be greasy, high in fat and sugar, processed and containing additives which can be a major cause of greasy hair as the high fat content increases oil levels in and on the skin. Hormones can be found in meat in the western, adding to the unbalanced hormone levels. A diet lacking in vitamin B can also contribute towards greasy hair.

The secret of how to treat, cure, prevent and avoid greasy hair is to treat it from both the outside, and the inside. For the outside: avoid brushing your hair too frequently, and when you brush avoid brushing your hair vigorously. When you wash your hair, the best shampoo for greasy hair is a mild-ph extra cleansing/clarifying shampoo that is formulated for greasy hair. Avoid moisturizing shampoos as they can leave some oil in your hair to protect against dryness. When washing your hair, avoid scrubbing your hair and scalp vigorously, lightly massage your hair and scalp instead.

For the best results, the longer you leave the shampoo in, the better. If necessary, rinse your hair and shampoo again. The question of how often to wash your hair is as unique as the individual. The ideal frequency is 1-2 times per week, but to find your own balance start with washing everyday then reduce that to find a good balance of washing and oil production. If you use a hairdryer when styling your hair don't let it get too hot as heat will stimulate more oil production. When it comes to conditioning your hair, again use a conditioner designed for greasy hair. Apply conditioner to the mid and ends of your hair, but not the roots.

With the inside: do all that you can to reduce and eliminate any and all stress. In your diet, consider using a vitamin B supplement. Make sure you eat plenty of whole grains, seeds, nuts, leafy green vegetables, salads and fresh fish. Reduce the amount of fatty foods that you eat, avoiding greasy, fried and fatty foods as much as possible. Reduce the number of white flour based foods in your diet, foods like pastries, pasta and bread. Lastly, avoid sugar and sugary foods like biscuits, cakes and soft drinks.

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Zrii Health Benefits Can Benefit You

By Holden Anderson

What is Zrii? The very meaning of Zrii is light, luster, splendor and prosperity. Zrii make healthy supplement drinks with an array of healthful ingredients, much like the definition of the word.

Zrii is the first company in the history of networking marketing that had such a massive buzz, momentum, sales and overall excitement as Zrii did in the first two months. This is very uncommon and proves success of Zrii.

No other company in the history of network marketing has created such massive momentum, sales and excitement as Zrii in less than 60 days. This is unheard of and proves the validity of the company.

The Zrii ingredients other than Amalaki are ginger, turmeric, schizandra, haritaki, jujube, and tulsi or holy basil. So this impressive list of Zrii ingredients definately will help you regain your help and unlock the doc from within your body.

There is plenty of scientific and medical data that proves the health benefits of Zrii ingredients.

Zrii ingredients are commonly referred to as natures gift to the human body. The health benefits are far too great to be ignored. This reward is a great incentive for building a successful Zrii business of your own.

Zrii news is on the rise. There are many reasons to choose to become a zrii seller. Being your own boss is one of them.

8 With such positive zrii news, now is a great time to get involved with zrii and become an independent seller. Contact another independent seller to understand the benefits of selling zrii.

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