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Saturday, January 17, 2009

How To Improve Your Health And Fitness For The Long-Term

By Bradley J. Teele

If you're not getting results from a new diet or workout program, there may be other ways for you to maintain a healthy weight. Getting fit and healthy doesn't require expensive nutritional supplements or deprivation diets, and experts say you'll need a healthy plan for long-term health and fitness so you don't gain weight as you age.

The Prevention Magazine's book called 'No Fail Fitness Tips' says that there are techniques to avoid decline of body metabolism even as we gain age. It talks about taking constant resistance training alongside regular and nutritious meals. In addition, it presented ways necessary to combat weight gain as one ages and encounters fitness problems, such as:

Start walking frequently. In these days where everything is automated, people have lost the drive to do things by themselves. For example, instead of using the stairs, you prefer elevators. When going to a particular destination, you use a car instead of walking. Experts say that walking frequently and manually doing things can increase circulation and helps the core muscle groups to be active and healthy.

Consume only snacks that are high in protein throughout the day. To keep your metabolism at its optimal function, eat small portions of meals throughout the day and consume only protein-rich snacks because these can curb your appetite. Some examples of lean protein and healthy snacks are mozzarella cheese sticks and low fat yogurt. Check your eating habits and limit intake of unhealthy foods.

Exercise regularly. Taking at least thirty to forty minutes of exercise daily (and at exactly the same time) is a necessity if you intend to keep your metabolism stabilized throughout the day. Exercising regularly helps you achieve your short and long-term health and fitness goals as it makes it easier for you to commit to any type of fitness regiment.

Change your negative eating habits. Exposure to unhealthy eating habits can be an impediment in managing a healthy lifestyle. However, if you change your attitude and outlook on the food that you eat little by little, you are helping yourself more. Rather than getting rid of certain types of food, commit to eating smaller amount of food to keep up with your daily calorie limit and avoid deprivation in the process.

Sleep well. A person who deprives himself of sleep may tend to have unusually fierce appetite the next day, which weakens his body's metabolism. Approximately seven to eight hours of sleep is needed daily to be healthy and naturally fend off hunger.

Incorporating these changes in your lifestyle in a systematic and consistent manner allows you to lessen the chances of gaining weight, as you grow older. Weight loss can no longer be a recurring problem and you'll be on your way to a healthy lifestyle if these important strategies are to be included in your weekly schedule.

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Maintain A Healthier Lifestyle By Consuming Dark Cocoa

By Chris Channing

It's no secret that chocolate is a favorite among just about everyone imaginable. But the real kicker is that cocoa is now being said to be incredibly beneficial to one's health if used properly. This new look at a stress-relieving creature comfort is now the perfect excuse to indulge in a little guilty cocoa enjoyment.

There has been a recent craze with antioxidants, which are found in green tea, wine, and other different types of healthy drinks and foods. Researchers were surprised to find that even a cup of hot cocoa has been proven to be filled with antioxidants that help the body's immune system and different functions. In addition, dark cocoa has been able to lower cholesterol and even has been linked to lower the risk of the cancer.

It's important to make the distinction between cocoa and chocolate. In the example of hot cocoa, the hot cocoa is actually made of cocoa powder while the hot chocolate is made up of chocolate bars that carry much more saturated fat. This means that the average candy bar won't likely help out too much, but a piece of dark cocoa chocolate will do wonders.

Lately it has been made apparent that stress has become a problem in the average life of a consumer. Even moderate expsoure to stress over an extended period of time can result in illness, since stress causes a reduction in the strength of the immune system. Since chocolate has been known to reduce stress levels, taking a break with a piece of dark chocolate might just prevent a doctor bill down the road.

When looking for the right type of chocolate bar or confection to consume on a periodic basis, there are several things to keep in mind. The darker the chocolate, the better- this usually means more cocoa and less saturated fat. Sugar and fat are hindering regular chocolate from being the same hero as cocoa, so stay away from them where possible. Some also prefer to buy organic chocolate bars- which may be more expensive but free of any extra unnecessary products.

Studies show that not a lot of cocoa is needed each day to get the benefits it offers. On average, a cup of hot cocoa is enough each day to get the benefit described. This equates to about two ounces of dark chocolate, but as few candy bars come in this size, try to span the consumption of the dark chocolate over a few days if need be.

In Conclusion

Chocolate is quite the hero when it comes down to it- so long as the right kind is obtained. If you have any further questions about chocolate, schedule an appointment with a nutritionist who can go over the facts in detail.

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Vemma Mangosteen Juice as a Natural Thyroid Remedy

By Julieanne van Zyl

Taking Vemma Mangosteen Juice may alleviate the symptoms of an under active thyroid gland. The symptoms may be extreme tiredness, dry skin, weight gain, irritability, memory loss and some other physical conditions. However, the worst thing with an under active thyroid gland is the trouble taking off weight even when you're on a low calorie diet and you frequently exercise. Even if you are getting thyroid hormone replacements, you may still find that your metabolism is a lot lower than what it was before.

There's some good things though - you can increase your metabolism and treat your thyroid problems naturally. You can give your thyroid the boost it needs, with these natural methods and it can start functioning properly.

The most recommended way to speed up your metabolism, is to eat all your meals, especially breakfast. Breakfast is the meal that gets your metabolism started for the day. Your body has been starving all night, which lowers your metabolism, so breakfast will get it going again. Also, it's a good idea to consume lots of smaller meals during the day to keep your glucose levels consistent.

To boost your metabolism and assist your body to function properly, water is absolutely necessary. Water promotes healthy function of all your vital organs and helps keep your hormones balanced and it also assists in burning fat.

To assist in having a healthy thyroid, it is necessary to follow a healthy diet. Junk foods and empty calories are very bad for your thyroid. Ensure that you consume foods that are rich in iodine and B vitamins. It's important to eat an abundant supply of seeds and nuts and wholegrain foods, and include fish and root vegetables in your daily diet.

Another important thing for a healthy thyroid, is to exercise. Exercise makes all parts of the body work better and also slims you down. The body parts that will work better with exercise, include the glands that produce the hormones we need to live a balanced healthy life.

A high quality multi vitamin will also help your thyroid in functioning properly. It's important when purchasing a good multi vitamin to avoid purchasing them in the discount drug chains. They produce in bulk multi-vitamins, such as Centrum, and these do not have the bio-availability or potency that you require.

Look for a multi-vitamin that has sufficient levels of minerals and vitamins, and contains trace minerals as well. Ensure the multi-vitamin is as natural as possible without additives such as flavors and colors. It's also important to take some extra vitamin C, or make sure the supplement has larger amount of Vitamin C than the recommended daily allowance.

Another critical factor for a healthy thyroid, is to look after stress. Try to eliminat the stressors from your life and teach yourself relaxation techniques. Practice meditation, yoga, tai chi or other relaxation.

See your medical practitioner for an accurate diagnosis, if you think you have hypothryoidism. The medical practitioner may want to run more extensive blood tests besides just a TSH. Try some of the above methods to get your thyroid into tip-top shape, if you do have a thyroid condition.

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Better Health in a Convenient Juicer?

By Aaron Benjamin

People across the world have started taking their health issues a little more seriously. A very simple and effective way to increase your nutrient intake is to use a juicer. Many good juicers are available today in the market. One of the most popular juicer is the Breville juicer. Breville juicers are being chosen above various other juicers by people who want to gain health benefits from juicing.

Breville JE900 Juice Fountain and Breville JE95xl juice fountain has been branded 'the supreme juicer on the market' by those who used it in addition to its retailers. The breville 800jexl fountain elite is created with those home users who insist on top of the range juicers in mind and those users who are sincere in their wish for their juice to be absolutely top quality. As a matter of fact the Breville Juice Fountain is a better-quality juicer when compared to the incredibly costly juicers which professional juice bars utilize.

Additionally, the Breville JE900 Juice Fountain makes far fewer maintenance demands on your time and when compared to other juicers that are available will perform better and dispenses a 50% greater quantity of juice. It has been shown to have a more rapid preparation and clean-up time in addition to having a far higher level of user protection built in than previous models.

The workings are manufactured out of zinc and stainless steel. This, together with the fact that it lasts for a long time and is highly attractive, indicates that the Breville juicing machine is built to serve you over the long haul. The JE900 model was created for home use, but has the power of an commercial juicer with regard to the amount of juice it extracts from firm vegetables as well as soft and easily-squeezable fruits.

The Breville JE900 Juice Fountain has quite a wide variety of features, such as a plunging utensil to force entire fruits and vegetables through a wide feed tube as well as the 3.5 liter slide-out pulp container, which can accommodate a big amount of pulp along with an easily cleaned configuration to make sure cleaning up later is not a hassle. All of the aforementioned features make this juicer one which is really easy to clean. The cleaning of its micro-mesh screen is helped by the inclusion of a brush with nylon bristles.

This is a superior option if you wish to purchase a high-level juicer at a reasonable price. Even though it doesn't use endorsements from movie, TV, or sports stars, the Breville juice machine has gained great prominence and is now one of the best selling alternatives available. For those who have never used a juicer or simply wish to upgrade, this is the right answer if you want the advantages of fresh-squeezed, nourishing juice at any time of day.

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Importance Of Vitamin E

By Alison Addy

Vitamin E as an Antioxidant

Vitamin E is a water-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant in helping to eliminate free radicals that will damage and impair our immune system. Free radicals are highly reactive chemicals that attack molecules in our body while they're destroying electron, which results in the chemical structures in our body being modified. Vitamin E is also very effective in protecting our skin from the damage it can get from ultraviolet rays from spending too much time in the sun. This is the main reason why so may skin care products are made with Vitamin E.

Sources of Vitamin E

Vitamin E has many other benefits for our body. It can help your bladder as well as help against developing prostate cancer and heart disease. Doctors are also linking Vitamin E with being able to slow down the process of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E is very easy to find as it is in almost all leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, lettuces. Vitamin E is also in fish, nuts whole grains, wheat germs and many different vegetable oils. Most of us consume a certain amount of Vitamin in on a daily basis without realizing it just by the foods we consume. It's important to remember, however, that just because we are consuming them daily doesn't mean we're getting the recommended dosage.

Vitamin E as a Supplement

Vitamin E can be taken as a supplement in pill form or as a liquid, although this should not be taken without the advice of your doctor first. It's important with any kind of vitamin that you follow the recommended dietary allowances (RDA), which are usually right on the back of the bottle. Your doctor may also have his own recommended amount for you based on your health, age and sex. What's the right dosage for one person may not be right for someone else.

Vitamin E is not very toxic so, fortunately, you see very few cases of overdosing with Vitamin E from the foods you eat. However, if you were taking Vitamin E supplements and took more than 3,000 IU, you could cause toxicity, which would result in certain symptoms such as diarrhea, intestinal cramps, double vision, muscle weakness and fatigue.

Before taking any vitamin supplements, it's important to make sure they don't contradict with any other vitamins or medications you're taking. For instance, Vitamin E tends to deplete the supply of Vitamin you may be taking, which can interfere with blood clotting. For this reason, they recommend you keep the maximum dose of Vitamin E to 1,000 IU per day. In addition, Vitamin E should be taken with Vitamin C, B3, selenium and glutathione so Vitamin E will remain active. For these reasons, it may be best to take a multivitamin that has all the required supplements in one pill.

More resources about Swanson vitamins coupons and sport supplements available here at this web.

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Is it Life Threatening to Develop New Health and Sickness Cures?

By Cmekell

How sad it is and hard to believe that when an individual has researched and developed a brand new medical cure for disease or sickness, some greedy individuals in high positions of power use their positions of power twould threaten his/her life.

Read on and see what has happened to this lady doctor. Her name is Dr .Suzanne Gudakunst, and she is certainly someone worthwhile paying attention to. Why?... Because she may have discovered the answer everyone has been looking for when it comes to preventing disease, sickness, as well as a permanent end to people becoming over weight and obese!

Dr Suzanne has properly identified the exact causes of peoples becoming obese, and how to eliminate it. She has also discovered that the identical cause of why people get fat is also the same reason why people sooner or later, get sick and die too early - often cutting off years from their lives (not forgetting, to point out the quality of their lives!)

It is most significant to note that she has identified numerous species of parasites and a specific strain of goopy plaque that if allowed to remain in your bowel system over time will cause you to become bloated, fat, growing an extra large stomach pouch sometimes called a spare-tire belly, which also is directly responsible for up to 99.9% of almost all diseases including but not limited to diabetes, arthritis, cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure and strokes, just to name a few!

Beacause of her dedication and consistant efforts, incredible as it seems, Dr Suzanne has discovered an instant and natural remedy that flushes out these various parasites and plaques for ever. People using her formula have frequently reported a sudden reduction in weight with losses of up to 100 lbs., or more - and without changing a single thing pertaining to their diets.

Also more specifically is the fact that many people see reversals in heart disease and suddenly their diabetes or even their cancer goes into remission to never return!

Apparently as I have previously mentioned, some indiviuals believe this lady doctor is taking a large amount of income away from the them as she actually makes people get well as apposed to just keeping them sick, month after month and often year after year, all just to bring in huge profits at the price of their health and sooner or later, their own lives.

As an inventor of new products and services for over thirty years, I find this information shocking. God willing, the good lady doctor will continue her work and provide more and more information to help people all over the world benefit from her work.

A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous and then dismissed as trivial, until finally, it becomes what everybody knows. William James.

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Foods That Are High In Antioxidants

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

A recent study done by USDA scientist found that artichokes, beans, and acai berry were among the best foods to find the highest levels of the disease fighting compound known as antioxidants.

The new found discovery that Russet potatoes, pecans, and cinnamon contained high amounts of antioxidants was unknown until this study was done--confrmation was also given that . Antioxidants are important as they are thought to fight cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease.

"The bottom line is the same--eat more fruits and veggies," states Ronald L. Prior, Ph.D., a chemist and nutritionist with the USDA's Arkansas Children's Nutrition Center in Little Rock, Ark., and lead author of the study. "This study confirms that those foods are full of benefits, particularly those with higher levels of antioxidants. Nuts and spices are also good sources."

The new study is more complete more accurate than previous USDA antioxidant data and includes more foods than the previous study as high tech equipment was used by the researchers. They analyzed antioxidant levels in over 100 different foods, including fruits and vegetables--the new study also includes data on spices and nuts for the first time.

All foods were measured based off of antioxidant concentration and antioxidant capacity per serving. Russet potatoes,artichokes and beans were the best source of antioxidants in the vegetable category. Acai berries, cranberries, and blueberries were tops for antioxidants in the fruit category--while pecans, walnuts, and hazelnuts were your best source of antioxidants in the nut family.

Spices usually are eaten in small amounts, even though many have been found to contain high levels of amino acids. Ground cinnamon, ground cloves, and ground oregano were found to have high levels of antioxidant concentration.

The data should prove useful for those seeking to add more antioxidants in their diet. You must still use caution as the total antioxidant capacity of the foods does not necessarily reflect their potential health benefit, which depends on how they are absorbed and utilized in the body.

The government currently has no guidelines for how people should consume antioxidants as part of their daily diet--this is the same dilemma with vitamins and minerals. One big problem is the lack of continuity amongst researchers.

It is encouraged for the time being to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables that have a high concentration of amino acids like acai berry.

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Is there any Gynexin side effects?

By Matt Claybourne

In spite of Gynexin having attained excellent reviews and revolutionizing the way men are getting rid of man boobs, can it be said that there is no possibility of side effects? I don't think there is a product out there that does not have at least one side effect, no matter what the product. Most things will have something about them that will not agree with someone, somewhere and somehow. Especially if you have ongoing medical conditions,the good news the side effects of these natural supplements are nothing too terrifying however are worth your consideration.

Does Gynexin has any side effects?

Stomach irritability

Some people who have used these supplements have said of times of Stomach irritability, so if you have a very sensitive stomach it may well is worth taking heed of this particular side effect.

Can Gynexin Sometimes cause increased heart rate?

This is not a regular occurrence however if you have any doubts about the suitability of gynexin or ultimate gynemax you should consult you doctor.


One main part of Gynexin is Guggulsterones which assists in maintaining your cholesterol levels. Some doctors recommend consulting a physician before taking this product if you are already on another prescription medication, especially a thyroid treatment. It makes sense to consult your doctor if you start having any of the above symptoms after beginning to take these supplements.

A very small percentage of people experience side effects from gynexin. Generally these supplements are seen as an effective tool to help get rid of man boobs.

Be aware that these products are supplements to reducing man boobs, and by definition are used as a way of moving the process of man boob reduction forward, but there are still other ways of losing man boobs without these natural supplements.

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Choosing The Right Cosmetic Dentist West Hills

By Jim Carpenter

Trying to find the right Cosmetic Dentist, West Hills, California may be more difficult than you first imagined. It is important that the one you go for not only has the right qualifications, but also has some experience in carrying out cosmetic dentistry procedures. There are times when these procedures can be extremely complicated and situations may arise that need to be rectified and you need to know that the dentist you have chosen to carry out the treatment can effectively deal with them should they arise.

It is also crucial that you the cosmetic dentist you use is someone that has performed not just normal procedures but the more complicated ones as well. This way you will know that they have had a chance to perfect their techniques and so will provide better results for their patients.

Certainly if you intend to have dental veneers placed over your teeth then you want to know that your dentist is able to produce not only the most natural looking but attractive results possible. Below we provide you with some guidelines which should help with you determining who is the best possible cosmetic dentist to carry out the treatment you are after.

1. The first thing you need to check for when looking for a cosmetic dentist is have they got their AACD (American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry) Accreditation. If they have this will tell you they have undergone specialist training in relation to this field of dentistry work.

2. Ideally go for those dentists who solely deal in cosmetic dentistry or have made it a prominent feature of their dental practice.

3. Prior to making any appointments with a possible West Hills, Cosmetic Dentist do some background research into them to find out not only what qualifications they have, but the experience they have also. This information you can easily obtain by either visiting the practice, by calling or by visiting their website (which any reputable practice should now have).

4. Along with getting their experience and qualification details ask them to provide you with evidence of previous work that they have carried out on former patients. A good cosmetic dentistry practice will be one that is willing to offer up pictures of treatments on patients both before it was undertaken and after it was completed.

Unfortunately the cost of undergoing any kind of cosmetic dentistry treatment is not going to be cheap. Although you may find a dentist whose rates seem affordable, unfortunately you may not get the results that you wanted. It is far better if you spend more on going with a West Hills Cosmetic Dentist that not only has the right qualifications and accreditation but also the experience as well.

However, it is worthwhile before you start undergoing any kind of treatment with a Cosmetic Dentist, West Hills that you check if they have any kind of financing available. Some have a payment scheme in place where you can spread the cost of your treatment over several months rather than paying in one lump sum. This way like many others you will be able to receive the kind of treatment that you thought was out of your reach originally.

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Continuing Care: Is It Right For You?

By Amy Nutt

Not everyone is cut out to pursue a career in continuing care. It requires a special temperament and personality to withstand the unique challenges and pressures that the caregiver will be subjected to. So how do you know if you have the right personality for the job, preferably before you start down this career path? This is an area where personality and ability are both extremely important.

Many medical professionals avoid this area because it requires a dedication that just doesn`t suit everyone. Looking after someone for a long period of time just isn`t the right way to go for everyone, so you`ll want to be sure that it`s the right path for you. There are a few characteristics that are common throughout the continuing care community. If you have these, then chances are, this is the right line of work for you.

Compassion: Without this, you`ll fail. It takes a compassionate heart to spend long hours caring for someone who is unable to look after themselves. If you have always enjoyed helping people and feeling useful, then this is a good indication that you`ll enjoy enrolling in a continuing care program.

Strength: Not just physical, though this is quite useful, as well, when you are lifting a full grown adult into the tub. However, mental strength is also necessary. You need to be able to deal with situations that may not be very comfortable, for you or the patient. It can be embarrassing for a teen boy to be helped onto the toilet, for example, and you`ll need to deal with thi

Patience: If you are an impatient person, chances are long term care isn`t a good place to work. This is a career that requires long hours of doing very little, simply being present in case your patient needs help. It can involve repetitive tasks, like checking heart rate and blood pressure, reading the same book over and over and hours doing tasks that would normally take a few minutes, like feeding a patient or helping someone get from one room to another. Patience is essential.

Friendliness: Continuing care involves long periods of time spent with the same patient. Unlike regular hospital care where you only see a patient for a few hours or days and never really get to know them, this career will leave you with more than enough time to get to know the people you work with. A callous attitude won`t work well, though many patients, particularly those in hospice care, will be resistant to you. A friendly attitude can go a long ways.

It can be mentally and physically exhausting working with people in long term care. You`ll be working with the elderly, the terminally ill and those who have been incapacitated in some way. It can take a toll on your personal life if you aren`t careful, so you also need to know when to take a break. You won`t be able to continue indefinitely and it`s important to be able to separate work from personal life.

Continuing care is not the ideal career for everyone. However, if you are compassionate, friendly and strong mentally and physically, with the ability to separate the life you lead on your off hours from your work, then it could be a good fit for you. The world needs people who are willing to participate in long term care, so this is an area that will always be open to more workers. It`s a good field to go into if you find that you have the right personality.

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