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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Moisturizer, Spray Tans and Hair Care: A Few Beauty Tips

By Kelly Swinburn

Maintaining a nice appearance is easier when you have the right supplies. There is a plethora of products available these days for those people who know exactly what they want.

While there is a beauty care product for everything, there are three main categories that they all fall into; products for the skin, hair and nails. Although you can't beat staying fit and maintaining a good healthy diet to look good.

You would be amazed if you knew how much just those two things affect how good you look. No matter how healthy we are we still need a boost here and there for our hair, nails and skin. There is a myriad of beauty care products just for our hair alone catering for every possible type and condition. The number of styling products, shampoos and conditioning creams mean you can do almost anything with your hair.

There is a beauty care product for every type of hair so you can choose knowing you will have something to exactly suit your needs. The complexity of shampoos and other conditioning products means you can achieve almost any effect you want.

If you are unluckily enough to have hair that is hard to manage then there are de-frizzing agents to help you make it more manageable. Volume and body can also be achieved for those people that have the opposite problem. Today there is a product for every hair color, type and style.

A good diet is also beneficial to your nails as well and it will help them grow and stay strong. Sometimes your nails need a little assistance with vitamin supplements to help strengthen them if they are being used all the time. If you have naturally strong nails it's easy to buy beauty care products designed to make them look good or alternatively a manicurist can provide a professional service. Acrylic nails have become popular over recent years because they are so easy and quick to apply plus they not overly expensive.

Although there are many more, most people automatically think that beauty care products for the skin are to stop aging or help with moisturizing it. The marketplace that deals with products designed specifically to promote healthy, young looking skin is probably the largest. If we are going to look after our skin though, it should be all of it and not just facial skin. It's good to moisturize your skin and make it a regular part of your body maintenance. Body maintenance isn't hard so don't forget these beauty care product secrets as they can make you feel like a different person.

Spray tans are also a great way to look great. They are safer than solarium and sun bathing and a mobile spray tanner can even come to your home or office. Check in the Yellow Pages for spray tanners in your area.

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By Peter A.C. Garrison

Acupuncture is now more mainstream than ever. With more studies validating its practice, such as the MIT-Harvard Medical School clinical study published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Brain Research in November of 2008, it is now considered an alternative or complementary medicine. Even the U.S. Army has begun using this ancient science. Military doctors are now administering "battlefield" acupuncture to troops who suffer from chronic or severe pain.

According to the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, acute and chronic pain can often be treated with acupuncture as the primary therapeutic modality. So those common aches and pains, spasms, sprains, or repetitive stress injuries you get? Try acupuncture instead of your normal pill. In fact, many common conditions can be just as treated at least as effectively with acupuncture than with the over counter medicine. Migraines, motion sickness, ulcers, liver problems, kidney problems, and arthritis, to name a few, are all conditions acupuncture can help to alleviate, often times with fewer unwanted side effects, than OTC medications.

This ancient medicine is still working wonders at not just relieving pain but in treating other maladies as well. While physical problems such as high blood pressure, low back pain, and asthma can be treated with acupuncture, emotional pain - depression, anxiety, and generalized stress - can also be greatly improved with the use of acupuncture.

How exactly does acupuncture produce its effects? The fact that Western science is only now beginning to discover the answer to this question has often led lay people and medical professionals alike to demonstrate a healthy skepticism to this traditional medicine. But that doubt is slowly being replaced by belief as more studies continue to document what the Chinese have known for thousands of years: acupuncture works. Numerous studies have shown that acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins by stimulating the meridians or energy pathways of a patient. The endorphins are responsible for the improvement in mood patients often feel as well as their lower pain.

Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that each human being possesses a series of energy channels. Energy flows through these channels or meridians freely and regularly in a healthy body. When the energy flow is blocked, however, illnesses and disease can develop. This Qi or energy is manipulated by the acupuncturist during a treatment to help a patient regain health.

While many patients are apprehensive about having needles inserted into their skin, these needles are instrumental in the practice of acupuncture. And you'll be relieved to know that they are actually pretty painless. The worst you'll feel is similar to a mosquito bite, but often, you won't feel a thing when they're inserted. The insertion of these needles at the acupuncture points are what stimulate the dislodgment of "stuck" energy along the meridians. Acupressure also works in the same way but uses pressures, usually delivered manually, instead of needles.

The number and frequency of treatment is dependent on the severity and length of the medical condition as well as the overall health and vitality of the patient. Adverse side effects of acupuncture are extremely low and are often lower than conventional western medical treatment options. Those who suffer from complex or long-standing medical problems may need to seek treatment as often as once or twice per week for several months.

Acupuncture is a medical science that has existed for over 2,000 years. While its practice originates in the Asian countries of China and Japan, it has experience a surge in popularity in Western countries. It is a safe and drug-free treatment option for addressing many, if not all, health conditions, and is recognized by the National Institutes of Health. It's an age-old practice whose popularity continues to grow and amaze.

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Entertaining Reasons On Why Wii Fit Should Be Purchased

By Chris Channing

When one's health finally becomes to the point where the realize they need help, they regret having to change their diet and start exercising. The process is actually fun, however, with the video game called Wii Fit- the newest sensation in weight loss and muscle toning.

Wii Fit launched with the ability to track one's health over a period of time with the logging of statistics. These statistics may not always be 100% accurate, as perhaps a doctor would be in monitoring one's health, but it does a great job in projecting a general outlook of how one is doing and where they should expecct to be in the future. By no means is it a replacement for a doctor, just a helpful tool.

As most polls will show, the average Wii Fit user will tend to stick to a small amount of exercises they tend to do well at. This is actually a poor idea, since getting to exercise in different poses and methods is ideal for keeping entertained and motivated. One should try and do a wide variety of the exercises on a consistent basis- working on both problem areas and in areas that don't need as much attention.

A healthier body is nice to have, but some are disqualified from the race. Anyone over 330 pounds may have to find an alternative, as the peripheral that comes with the game is limited in what it can handle. One may find a third party controller, but keep in mind that it may or may not be supported by Nintendo. To be safe, purchase the game only if you are below the requirement.

Another lesser known fact about the Wii Fit video game is that it can help those that are underweight too. The tracking system can determine whether or not one is underweight, and strength toning exercises can help build mass to one's body. Of course, a proper diet and visit to the doctor would be the best course of action, but a little help from Wii Fit is surely appreciated in the process.

Yoga is another popular venue for the Wii Fit that a lot of people don't take into effect when purchasing the game. Yoga can be a very expensive art to learn, what with classes and books to purchase. But with a copy of Wii Fit, the game is able to teach the art, only devoid of the monthly fee most instructors demand.

In Conclusion

The media has taken quite a liking to Wii Fit, and that won't change any time in the future. It has so many benefits, and so few shortcomings, that it is sure to find a sound place in every family environment. For more information check with online retailers for leads on where to buy the system as a bundle.

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Protect Your Lungs: Breathe Easy

By Herbert Reich

Safe breathing respirators are made for a variety of people, not just for people in the work force. Many people who have asthma, or some sort of dust allergy can be seen wearing them. These dust respirators come in many different types; some of which just help filter the dust particles and other annoyances away from your lungs. Other types of these face respirators have a small yellow button in the center, to help filter such things as smoke or even a certain percentage of fumes.

In the work place where painters and welders may be in danger of smelling fumes or coming in contact with a large amount of smoke, OSHA, a government formed institute, have put regulations on certain types of work, as to what type of respirator a person should wear. Many welders will have to use a half mask plastic respirator, which has a rechargeable filter on both sides of the nose, which should be changed regularly. Painters, or people who need full eye and lung protection have to wear a full face breathing respirator, which cover all of one's face.

As the leading manufacturer of respirators, 3M offers both supplied air respirators, as well as a powered air purifying respirators. The Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPR) uses a motorized system that filter the bad air before it reaches a person's lungs. This type of system includes a headpiece with a breathing tube, and a battery-powered blower. You can even obtain a High efficiency type of headgear that comes with its own hard hat. The supplied air respirators operate from a high-pressure air system, low-pressure pumps or even from bottled air, such as scuba divers, or fire rescue crew's use. The low-pressure pump type will consist of an airline from the source of air to a small air regulator that is clipped to the belt, and another smaller air tube that goes straight into a full mask, making it easy to breathe only fresh cool air.

There are also a variety of valve and belt assemblies, as well as extra parts for any and all of their breathing respirators, which make it easy to order the parts, which you may need. It is a very good idea to keep extra valves, parts and other assemblies on hand at all times.

Ultimately, the responsibility to protect yourself is yours alone. If your superiors advice you to use these devices, do not just use them until they get out of sight, especially if the respirators are sort of inconvenient to wear. Each company is responsible for your safety, maybe not because they want to be, even though that is not likely the case. There are laws governing these companies that if the company does not apply them the company could get a very high fine, and the company insurance will not cover them. So do yourself a favor and make sure that the company has the proper 3M respirators, and please be sure to wear them.

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Why does a Healthy Energy Drink Give Individuals Vigor?

By Julieanne van Zyl

Healthy Energy drinks are commonly touted these days and seem to be everywhere. This is not so surprising given the fact that energy drinks are supposed to give anyone the boost of energy that they need for a certain period of time. Energy drinks come in varying mixtures and with different ingredients but almost all of them have one ingredient -or rather two ingredients- in common: Caffeine and sugar. Energy drinks come in various sizes, tastes and flavors and are attractive to just about anyone. It is obvious that energy drinks are indeed energy boosters. However, to be able to ascertain why it is capable of producing the needed amount of energy, it is important to look at some of the ingredients that are available in the average energy drink.

1. Caffeine: we are all very familiar with caffeine and its consequenceson the body. When taken in the correct quantities and with milk in coffee, it can indeed be an energy booster and intensify your power levels enormously . Caffeine is also promptly found in drinks like Coke, and Pepsi which you will agree can work as short term energy boosting drinks. While the caffeine existing in the average Pepsi bottle and a cup of coffee is still acceptable , the amount of caffeine in the average power drink is way beyond the normal requirements. Medical experts recommend between 200-300 milligrams of caffeine per day. But energy drinks have way too much caffeine content -about 280 milligrams per bottle- which is what influences the sudden burst of spirit .

2. Guarana: This is akin to caffeine in a sense but diverse in function and in concentration. It is not readily found in all energy drinks. However , it has enough stimulant properties to enhance your energy levels. Guarana is not very common among us here in the West, though it has its origins in South America.

3. Sugar: I am sure you took some of it today. Most energy drinks are loaded with sugar which is healthy when taken minimally. But in excess quantities is responsible for increased weight, large calorie content in the body and excess fat.

4. Gingko Biloba: This herb has become more posh with time and was primarily brought into limelight by ayurvedic experts and alternative therapists who were recommending it for the alleviation of stressful experience in many emotionally stressed and dejected individuals . It functions by exciting the brain to free some hormones that are released into the bloodstream to eradicatethe stress causing agents in the body.

5. Ginseng: This herb has become trendy in modern times alongside Gingko Biloba. It is recognized for its ability to reduce stress levels in the body and freeing up an individual's power level.

6. Antioxidants: The standard drink also contains antioxidants which help eliminate the free radicals existing in the body as a result of regular cellular functions. Nevertheless, there is still some controversy surrounding the consequences of the antioxidants in energy drinks in contrast to those naturally obtainable in fruits.

Anyway, these are a few of the components of energy drinks and are mostly what causes the energy boost. One thing must be noted though: energy drinks are not the ideal solution to reduced energy levels. A fit lifestyle with good nutrition is a solution. And, a healthy energy drink that is actually a nutritional supplement can assist with increasing energy levels.

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The Sonoma Diet, Is It Weird. We DeMystify It. Click Here!

By Jessica A. Andersen

The Sonoma diet is very similar to South Beach Diet. The biggest challenge the most dieters is choosing the right food. The Sonoma diet is much different from other plans because it teaches you to make eating and preparing food a real experience. You were taught, that is, to enjoy not only eating food but choosing it and preparing it as well.

The Sonoma diet plan teaches participants to learn to enjoy all different kinds of foods. Combining foods in new ways keeps the eating experience from getting boring. This concept mimics that of the Mediterranean diet plan. They don't advocate eating the same boring fare every day in an effort to stay on track. Dieters can choose from a variety of foods and like each one.

The plan is divided into sections or "waves". The first wave is the most restrictive. The first ten days or roughly two weeks of the plan is when the body learns to evaluate food all over again. The body is purged of high fat, high calorie, and sugary foods. This has to be taught again since we live in a society that offers fast food alternatives for busy people and pre-packaged meals to cut down on cooking time. Weight loss is drastic during this phase.

During the first wave most of the way he loses due to water loss, but some of it is fat loss. As you continue you will learn about the components of food and why different foods make you gain weight. In order to maintain the weight you've lost, you will move to the next wave of the plan.

This second wave is the longest days in the Sonoma diet plan. You will remain in this phase until you reach her weight-loss goal, similar to the South Beach diet. In the second phase there aren't any restrictions save for high calorie and high-fat foods are excluded.

Most people grab the largest plate from their cupboards when they sit down for a meal. Then they fill the plate to capacity. This is exactly how we end up overheating in gaining weight. Sonoma diet encourages you to start with a small plate and fill it with food in very specific proportions. What you'll learn is that you will feel like you have enough food if your plate is full. You trick your mind into believing that even know this plate is smaller because its full of food you will have enough to eat.

The final wave of the Sonoma diet is called the maintenance phase. Here you will learn how to keep the weight off and continue to appreciate and enjoy all the foods that you've grown to love during the other phases of the diet. Our website offers support as does the Sonoma diet website. There are dieting tools like many planners, recipes, and lists of healthy foods that you can eat well while on the diet.

Exercise while not a central theme of this diet, is extremely important. Sonoma diet, however, emphasizes and focuses on changing the way you eat and removing bad habits in order to lose weight. My opinion, of course, is that you can do both. When you add an exercise routine and combine that with the Sonoma - you will lose more weight, more quickly than you ever imagined.

When you visit my site today, which is linked below, you will get great information diets, exercise, and nutrition. Make sure you sign up for my free newsletter, when you do you will receive a free gift just for visiting my site. Click on the links below now!

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Best Muscle Building Workouts, Legs

By Ricardo d Argence

Whether you are a professional bodybuilder, contact sports player or just someone getting your body in shape, it is imperative that you don't neglect your legs for many reasons. The legs are often over looked when working out, as people tend to work towards the bigger chest and arms. There are important reasons to work your legs just as much as the rest of your body.

If you have read at all, you know that muscle burns fat. Gaining muscle weight helps your overall workout, and your legs have a very high concentration of muscle. By building your leg muscles, you are increasing your body's ability to work harder by simply adding a few pounds of muscle to your legs.

The amount of mass in your legs allows the release of anabolic hormones, and your legs muscles will provide more of this growth hormone than the smaller muscle areas of your body. The amount of muscle in your leg outweighs your arms easily, so this just makes sense. The reason you want to release these hormones is to stimulate muscle growth.

A person who is skinny on the bottom and built on the top can be hard to look at. Working out your legs provides a balanced body. If you're going to be working out you want every part of your body to look great.

The best way to do a leg workout routine is to push those leg muscles to near failure. Perform 8 to 12 reps per set, doing 2-4 sets per exercise. It's advisable to work each major muscle with 2-5 different exercises (depending on your tolerance level and workout experience). It is imperative to rest between sets. Rest 45-60 seconds between each set so that your muscles can recover. This allows you to life the heavy weight again, but not to get so relaxed the anabolic hormones stop getting released.

There are many exercises which can assist you in strengthening your legs. Once you have selected the goals for your legs (lean and strong, or muscled up for strength), you will be able to select the right exercises. When you work your legs it's crucial to warm up by either running or doing another cardio exercise for at least five minutes. By warming up your joints before hand you will help to prevent possible injuries.

Exercises you can do include leg extensions, power cleans, squats, Romanian dead-lifts, hamstring curls, and calf rises, seated and standing. The number or reps and sets can be changed to match your skill level.

Be sure to always consult a trainer for instruction on proper form, and exercise caution with any workout. You too, can sport legs that look amazing when you wear shorts with time and work. You will not just have a wonderful feeling, but your total performance in sports, exercise and basic activities will improve.

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