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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Using natural remedies for arthritis help

By Jay Wayne

When your joints and cartilage become inflamed, you get arthritis. If you have it, areas like your back, feet, knees and fingers will constantly ache and be in pain. This condition starts when we perform repetitive tasks that put undue stress in these areas. However, it's not just the tasks, it is also the way in which we live our lives that creates this. If you have been living this kind of lifestyle it is time to seek some arthritis help.

Our lifestyle is what dictates whether or not we will ever get arthritis. This is not something you inherit, it is something you obtain. Since we do this to ourselves naturally, it is reasonable to assume there must be some natural cures to help alleviate the pain involved in arthritis.

Supplements are one of the more popular ways to alleviate many conditions, arthritis is no different. Taking a natural supplement like glucosamine sulfate will help restore the cartilage in your bone and take away some of the painful symptoms. As the other cause of arthritis is inflamed joints, taking anti-inflammatory natural herbs will also help.

As we are growing up, we don't think drinking all that soda everyday is going to affect us when we're older. We were wrong. Consuming carbonated beverages, items that have a high sugar content, not eating enough vegetables and fruits and not drinking enough water make it a virtual guarantee that we will end up experiencing arthritis pain as we age. Not only are you not supplying your body with the proper nutrients, you are feeling it with toxins that make a condition like this thrive.

Hopefully, in this day and age, everyone realizes the benefits of exercise. Keeping your body healthy will allow you to fight off this condition and hopefully avoid stiff joints that lead to this condition. If you have not been exercising, you should start a program right away. You'll probably find yourself in a bit of pain during the early stages, but eventually that pain turns the joy as you realize that you're adding years to your life and removing some of the painful symptoms.

Magnetic therapy has proven to be quite effective in the treatment of arthritis. This being a more modern treatment, it is sometimes met with criticism, but those who use it somewhere to its effectiveness. As it is known that magnetic waves can interrupt the pain signals that travel to your brain and that they increase both circulation and oxygenation, it only stands to reason that this is a very effective way to treat painful arthritis.

One thing that no one will argue with, toxins are the root of all evil. As we stated a little earlier, putting the wrong items in your body will only lead to your downfall. If you have been doing this, you should start some type of detoxification program. This is not the long, horrible endeavor that it used to be. There are plenty of products out on market that only require you to take a couple of pills a day and drink a lot of water. Even if you aren't on the detoxification program, massive amounts of water should always be consumed as they will naturally flush out any toxins that are in your body. The staple has always been eight glasses of water and adhering to this will aid in alleviating arthritic symptoms.

Arthritic pain can be absolutely debilitating. If you're young enough, do everything you can prevent these conditions from occurring in your later years. If you do have a case of arthritis, following these helpful tips should help you get back on the road to recovery and help to alleviate some of the painful symptoms you are experiencing.

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Running for Health and Fitness

By Scott Jenson

Running is by far one of the best exercises around. It is considered one of the best as it requires no training, hence it is easy; it needs no extra requirements - no courts or fields or equipment, it can be done anywhere and everywhere, at any time and is one of the most liberating and refreshing experiences ever.

Running is also an exhaustive workout. It mainly works your cardio-vascular system and your leg muscles, but a lot happens inside your body as you run - all leading to better health. Running increases your heart rate (the rate at which your heart beats), thus boosting your blood supply and with it the oxygen supply as well. Increasing the flow of blood brings about a tingling sensation in all your muscles as you feel them pulsating and throbbing harmoniously to keep your speed constant. This increase in oxygen immediately wakes up all the systems and nerves of the body and you are suddenly alert to your surroundings and senses are heightened. Blood also reaches the brain in larger amounts than usual. This is the reason that most individuals think running is the best start to their day.

The strenuous activity increases oxygen intake as well as more fuel needs to be burned and at a faster rate. Lungs expand and you will feel yourself panting within a minute or so of running. The more oxygen your lungs take in the stronger they get and the clearer your wind pipe becomes. In fact, the panting lasts even after you've stopped running, so your lungs are still pumping oxygen at high levels for a time. This helps you remain fresh long after you've finished jogging. The fact that running works your leg muscles does not need mentioning. Your leg muscles are stretched and relaxed with every step and with regular running you will notice more definition and sharper contours of muscles on your leg.

However, running can also be very injurious, especially if one is not careful. This is particularly so if you suffer from heart disease, joint pain or breathing trouble. Running taxes your heart and lungs considerably and those with the above problems need to consult their doctors first before beginning any running program. If you suffer from breathing trouble like asthma or bronchitis, it is best to run indoors on a treadmill where the air can be much cooler and cleaner than outside.

It is also very important to wear the right kind of shoes. Running impacts feet severely and they need proper cushioning in order to protect themselves. You will often notice that regular sport shoes or sneakers might feel tight while running or you might find your toe stubbing against the front of your shoe quiet often. This happens due to something called 'pronation' which your feet do when your run. While running, the feet tend to move backwards in the shoe itself. A shoe that is too loose or too tight will thus not offer proper support. Branded sports shoes may be expensive, but they are worth the protection they provide.

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Bipolar Disorder Medication

By Ken P Doyle

If you've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, take heart. There are many traditional and new bipolar disorder medications on the market that can help you both get and stay well. If you're in an either manic or depressive phase, antidepressants, antipsychotics and mood stabilizers can help you bring your symptoms under control. Once you can maintain, mood stabilizers can help you stay where you are so that you don't go back into either manic or depressive phases.

Optional treatments for bipolar disorder

Further to using bipolar medications, it is useful to undergo therapy and educate yourself about bipolar disorder to develop a self understanding about your condition and limits. This will help you tell the doctor if the bipolar medication you are on has quit working or is not working effectively; ultimately to help you cope with lifes stresses and therefore be less worried about the symptoms recurring.

Commonly prescribed bipolar medication

Mood stabilizers

Mood stabilizers help you handle mania and depression phases. They are generally prescribed to anyone who is diagnosed for the first time to control manic and/ or depressive phases and stay on them for long term stabilization. These drugs can prevent mood cycling or make them less severe if they do happen.

Valproic acid and lithium are the most commonly prescribed mood stabilizers. For individuals with episodes of euphoric mania lithium is recommended while valproic acid is usually the chice drug for rapid cycling and mixed episodes.


If you spend far more time in your depressive phase than antidepressant drugs would be far more useful for you than if you were in your manic phase. With this said there are some recent concerns that they may not be effective and may result in episodes of mania and make bipolar disorder worse in the long term. This is the reason why antidepressant drugs and mood stabilizers are not used simultaneously. However your health practitioner may prescribe antidepressants for you only in the short term to alleviate the effects of depression and then return you to continue on mood stabilizers.

Anti psychotic drugs

Previous prescriptions for bipolar were antipsychotic drugs such as Hadol or Tharozine. They have been effective in most treatments of bipolar disorder; however they have negative long term effects such as permanent movement disorder with involuntary tics called tardive dyskinesia.

Therefore, so-called "atypical antipsychotics" are preferred; these include Zyprexa, Risperdal, and Seroquel, among others. These may also be effective in the treatment of bipolar depression.

Bipolar disorder " other medications


The average mood stabilizer and antidepressant medication often takes several weeks to work. However during the short term Benzopdiazepiness can be used to help with anxiety, agitation or sleeplessness while the mood stabilizers take effect. Some examples of these are Klonopin and Xanax. Since they are so hi highly addictive they should only be used in the short term.

Calcium channel blockers

Typically used for disorders like high blood pressure, but they can also be used when your body may be intolerant to lithium or other mood stabilizers. Channel blockers are less effective compared to conventional mood stabilizers but have fewer side effects.

Thyroid medication

Those with bipolar disorder often also have problems with their thyroid. Thyroid medication can be added to the drug regimen to correct this situation. Lithium can also cause low thyroid levels, which is another reason thyroid medication may be needed.


Without adhering to the doctors orders no medication or therapy will be effective for you. In addition it may take some adjustments to find the right medication protocol for you. Without adhering to the doctors orders and staying on your medication and attending therapy sessions, staying well will be a difficult task. If ever you face difficulties with your medication never go off it without first consulting with your doctor. They should be able to adjust the protocol to make you feel well.

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Would You Get Eye Problems From Wearing Special Effects Lenses?

By Amy Nutt

Decorative and special effects lenses are rapidly increasing in popularity. People who were unhappy with their regular eye color can now simply pop in a different colored lens and be instantly transformed into someone else for an evening or weekend, and that person will often gain a good bit of confidence with the transformation. Its not uncommon for some people to have several different pairs of decorative or special effects lenses just like different pairs of eyeglasses so they can change eye color to match different outfits for different occasions.

Special effects lenses are used in conjunction with Halloween and costume parties and in theater productions all year long. Some special effects lenses are the piece that makes a costume complete - like a cats eye.

All too often though, someone will buy a special effects lens from an unreliable source to save time and money and end up suffering with a painful eye problem because of it.

Its true that decorative special effects contact lenses come in both prescription strengths as well as in zero-powered strengths so that people who dont have vision problems can comfortably wear them - this, however, does not meant that you dont have to be careful and take appropriate precautions before wearing them.

Theres a popular misconception that just because the contact lenses arent prescription strength that they are safe to be worn by anyone at any time without any risk to the wearer. Special effects contact lenses can, in reality, cause many eye problems, but there are some steps that someone who wants to wear them can take to ensure that they will be as safe as possible during the time that have the decorative contact lenses on.

What to do to be Safe

Before you sit down at your computer and order a pair of special effects lenses from some overseas store on the internet or run out and get a pair from a vending machine at a costume shop - you should know that these practices are likely to land you at the Optometrist with a nasty eye infection.

Your best bet to get a comfortable, high quality pair of lenses that will fit you properly is to schedule an appointment with a licensed eye care professional for an exam. Your eye exam will tell you for certain if it will be safe for you to wear lenses. If your exam shows that wearing contacts is safe for you, youll likely be able to get fitted and purchase the lenses that you want right at the office. This will ensure that you get the best quality product from someone who is supposed to be selling it. Even zero powered decorative contact lenses must be distributed through a licensed outlet, just because they arent designed to correct a vision problem doesnt mean that anyone who wants to sell them is allowed to sell them.

If you already wear contacts regularly, you should still ask your regular eye care professional what their opinion of you wearing special effects lenses is. If you havent had an eye exam in a while, they may want to see you to make sure the decorative lenses that you chooses will be available in your prescription so as to not cause any problems.

If you decide that wearing special effects lenses is for you and you are cleared to do so by a licensed professional, be sure to follow the instructions for wearing and caring for your lenses. Just like wearing regular contact lenses like Acuvue, you shouldnt wear them to bed, in the ocean or a pool and you should never swap lenses with anyone - even if they have the same prescription as you.

Even the slightest miss-step in following these instructions could lead to a serious eye problem - a problem much worse than not liking your current eye color.

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A New look for Health Insurance

By Jeff Cline

Health Insurance is changing. You are seeing a few companies introducing new aged plans that promote health and healp the consumer control cost and save tons. The consumer is tired of paying hundreds for benefits they may never need to use.

What if you could earn rewards for improving your health? Will this is just one of those new plans that UniCare introduced that does that. It is the Solaura HIA plan. HIA stand for Health Incentive Account. Instead of contributions to a saving account you earn dollars in your account.

The plan also allocates a quarterly allowance of $125 single/$250 family to your HIA each quarter of a year. All funds in your account can roll over year to year and there is no roll over limit.

They also dangle incentives to earn bonus dollars in your account. You could stop smoking. Our how about sheding those extra pounds the doctor has been telling you to lose for 5 years now? Immediatly you could earn $50 just for completint a assessemtn online.

One benefit of this plan that makes it super cool is the 100% preventative screening it offers you. It pays for the offcie visit, immunizations and tons of screenings. And no of this is deducted from your earnings!

Experts are saying that early detections saves thousands of dollars and consumers and insurers are picking up on this. Many new plans are promoting healthy habits and annual screenings of ways of controlling cost. Some like the above plan is even offering incentives.

A good way for the consumer to cut cost in this bleak economy is to control how much they spend on health. Why pay hundreds of extra dollars for a health insurance plan with tons of brightly colored benefits most may never use?

So put your health insurance to work for you. Tell then you want to save money. Let them know you are interested in staying healthy and getting healthy and you want a plan that reflects that kind of life style.

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How Much Long-Term Care Coverage Do I Need?

By Terry Stanfield

Long-term care may be needed for yourself, or a loved one, in the future and you need to prepare for that possibility. However, it can be difficult to know exactly how much long-term care they will need in the future, since it is impossible to predict the future. You could end up needing long-term care insurance for a few months following an accident, surgery or illness, or you could need long-term care insurance for years in your old age when you need assistance with day-to-day activities. There is no way to tell how it will be for you.[V:1]

As a result, you should look at what kind of life you want for yourself in the event you need long-term care. Do you want to have the same financially stable life you currently enjoy, or do you want just enough insurance to get by because you have a large savings? These are the questions you need to ask yourself before you go about getting your long-term care insurance coverage.

Generally, you are not going to want to go with the lowest insurance plan because you may not have those savings forever, and even long-term care insurance will only cover so much if you go with the lowest plan. Before you know it, you could end up with no money left and poor insurance coverage. If your long-term care needs go on for years, you could be in a very difficult situation.

As well, you may choose not to go with the highest priced plan, despite the ample benefits it can provide for you. You may choose to not go with the highest priced plan because of you own financial situation at the time, or because you simply do not want to.

Try to go with a middle of the road long-term care plan that will cover you even if you have savings. This will allow you to have the care you need, without having to dip too much into your savings. This will then allow you to last for quite awhile on your savings. As with anything, the middle-road is often the best option to go with. You will not have to spend too much like you would on the higher plans, but you will gain more coverage than you would on the lower plans. It is all about moderation and having a good savings to go along with your long-term care insurance coverage plan.

Conclusion The world is an uncertain place, and while long-term care insurance can provide you with the assurance you need to know about how your life will play out in the event you need long-term care, finding the right coverage can be difficult. If you have the money, go with the higher-cost coverage plans, the more you pay the more you get and the less you worry. If you don't have much money, then go with the best plan you can afford. You don't want the lowest plan but if that is all you can pay for; then take it. A little long-term care insurance coverage will be better than none.

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Where Can I Find An Alternatives Acne Treatment?

By Zul Rahman

It is frustrating with all what you have tried in the past failed to get rid of your acne problem. There are so many information out there, so many treatment methods available and so many medication either available over the counter or through prescription.

With all that said it is still very very frustrating and confusing to find the solution to your acne problem. So it is time to turn your attention to the alternative acne treatment. It is absolutely fine to try something new as long as you don't get carried away.

You probably have spent a lot of money on various methods of acne treatments. To find the right treatment for acne problem sometimes could be very expensive. Especially if you get treatment from skin care specialist or dermatologist. Your solution could be with the alternative acne treatment.

If you have the money and the budget, perhaps getting treatments from dermatologist is a good option. Since they are specialist in skin care and they are accessible to the latest technology, so why not give them a chance.

Why would you choose an alternative acne treatment?

Different people have different reasons for it. You might go with the alternative acne treatment because all the treatment that you have tried before didn't work for you. You get tired from all the false promise of those products.

Some people would turn to the alternative acne treatment for cost reasons. Since other forms of treatments may cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars, it makes sense to go with the alternative treatment.

Other people would take the alternative acne treatments because it is natural and environmentally friendly. For example home remedies treatment mainly uses plants, spices and fruits.

Alternative acne treatment could be totally free if you can find those ingredients around your kitchen table or around your backyard gardens.

There are a lot of free information that you can find on my websites or on the Internet in general about the alternatives acne treatment. These are ranging from hundreds of products that claims to be herbal base to the kitchen table treatment which will not cost you a dime.

The right product or formula is out there for you. You might not find the right one immediately but if you keep searching you will bump into one. Don't give up yet as with everything else you need some patience and perseverance to succeed.

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The Real Facts about Organic Health Food

By KC Kudra

You might have seen organic produce in the supermarket and noticed that it was more expensive than regular produce. What exactly is organic health food though and does it have a different taste? Would organic boneless chicken be worth paying more for than conventional boneless chicken?

What is Organic Health Food?

Organic produce is not grown or processed in the same way as conventional food. It is never exposed to artificial fertilizers, conventional pesticides, industrial waste, human waste, and ionizing radiation or food additives. Conventional chickens are sometimes given tiny quantities of arsenic in their feed to fight parasites. Arsenic has been linked to cancer in humans. Organic animals are not given anything like that and are raised in clean, parasite free environments.

Organic livestock, such as chickens, are reared without the use of growth hormones or antibiotics and they are fed a healthy diet. They are not genetically modified. An organic chicken will have been fed organic grains grown on a farm which has free of chemicals and pesticides for a minimum of three years.

An organic chicken will have been raised humanely in an environment without stress. It will have had daily exercise in the fresh air and sun with plenty of room to move about. Free-range chickens can also wander about but they might be exposed to dirty conditions, be fed poor quality food and they might be given drugs or antibiotics.

Is Organic Health Food Popular?

Organic food used to be available only in farmer's markets and small stores because the organic farms were small, family run ones. The production of organic food has increased about 20% a year since the early 1990s in both developing and developed nations.

In 2002, $9 billion worth of organic produce was sold in the United States. This was also the year that the National Organic Standards list was issued, which was a list containing guidelines that farmers had to follow in order to be allowed to label their produce as organic. Since April 2008, organic produce has accounted for between 1 and 2% of worldwide food sales. The British love organic health food and they import a lot of it because their farmers cannot keep up with the high level of demand.

How Does Organic Health Food Taste?

The difference in flavor between meat from an organic chicken and a battery chicken is clear. There is less difference in flavor between organic chicken and free-range chicken but there is still a difference nonetheless.

Organic chickens can roam freely so they have used muscles, not wasted muscles. They have a better life, eat better food, and can grow at a natural rate, meaning they will taste richer and better. Organic food is more expensive because this method of farming is more labor intensive and the feed for the livestock costs more.

Just imagine creating a delicious boneless chicken recipe using rich and flavorful organic chicken pieces and healthy organic vegetables in an organic tomato based sauce. If you have never sampled organic vegetables, you really should because they are richer in flavor and they smell divine. A recipe like this one would be ideal for the whole family, especially if you have their good health in mind.

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Apnea Boosts Risk of Death by Heart Attack: Tips for Your Ticker

By Pam McKee

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a major risk factor for sudden cardiac death (SCD) according to new medical research from the Mayo Clinic. The research points to the importance of prescribed therapy to avoid the risks associated with sleep apnea.

In a study of about 11,000 adults, researchers found that sleep apnea was the second biggest risk factors for sudden death among heart disease patients. (The second trait was an age of 60 years or older.)

If left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea will cause nighttime low oxygen saturation in the blood. The result? The heart has to work harder to oxygenate the brain and body.

Research points to the fact that low oxygen (caused by apnea), can alter your blood vessels in a way that promotes heart disease. Similarly, apnea is also associated with high blood pressure, stroke and even Alzheimers.

There is a common thread. If you dont get oxygen to the blood, the whole body and brain start to shut down. But with apnea, your throat closes down, suffocating yourself and starving your body of oxygen.

So, what is the most effective form of sleep apnea treatment? Doctors almost always prescribe CPAP (continuous positive air pressure) therapy. CPAP therapy is proven to maintain sufficient oxygen levels in the brain and body and is associated with other benefits, including improved sleep, reduced daytime drowsiness, improved mood, and weight loss.

All the research points to how important it is to use your CPAP therapy every night. Of course, wearing a CPAP mask connected to a CPAP machine is not easy or fun. That is why an average of only 50% of patients regularly comply with their CPAP therapy.

Luckily there are three time-proven strategies to increasing your CPAP compliance and therefore your chances of improved health and long life:

1. For best results, only use doctor recommended, quality CPAP equipment. Doctors recommend three manufacturers: ResMed, Fisher & Paykel, and Respironics. These brands are known to invest millions in R&D every year to ensure health and safety for the customer. There are risks associated with the lower quality manufacturers, in particular the ones from China. Before you waste your money or risk your life, ask your doctor about any brand other than the above three.

2. Choose wisely when selecting a CPAP supplier. Avoid the dubious websites that sell grey-market CPAP equipment. You might end-up with a refurbished CPAP machine that just looks like new, but doesnt have warranty coverage or isnt even sterilized. (Many used machines on the grey market are from patients in nursing homes who have passed away, possibly from pneumonia or other respiratory diseases.) Be safe and smart: use a CPAP supplier that is certified by the National Apnea Association and/or is a ResMed Preferred Internet Provider.

3. Get a CPAP coach to make CPAP easier. The research shows that patients who get additional help with their CPAP have anywhere from 88-93% chance of success. This is almost twice the national average of 50%. Using, cleaning, and maintaining your CPAP is much easier with an expert who can coach you along the way. Look for a quality CPAP supplier who also provides CPAP coaching - preferably for free.

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Got the Jitters - Go Natural

By Dr. Jones

Energy drinks and health in the same sentence? They are usually loaded with caffeine, artificial sweeteners (Aspartame Controversy, Taurine and to make everything seem OK, artificial vitamins. This cocktail is toxic and has already started to cause serious health problems.

More and more people that consume the traditional energy drink regularly or even daily have already or are destined to eventually suffer from stomach, kidney, liver or heart problems. Not to mention the effects these chemical cocktails can have on one's teeth (premature enamel degradation) or skin (dehydration related blotching).

This generation is graduating into adulthood without the previous generations' coffee addiction, but with a more potent daily stimulant: the energy drink. Many spend hours surfing the net or watching TV, instead of playing sports, which compounds the problem with soft drinks, increasing the incidence of diabetes and other diet-related diseases.

Why should we worry about this new breed of stimulants? One could say that a cup or two of coffee every day has never caused serious health effects. This is because coffee gets its buzz from natural coffee beans. Not from the chemical laboratories that produce synthetic caffeine.

Just like with any other product found in nature, the caffeine in the coffee beans comes with many by-products which are not easily separated from the pure caffeine elements. natural caffeine comes with fibers and other organic substances which reduce the absorption of the caffeine into the bloodstream.

In most energy drinks, the caffeine is synthetically produced in a factory, usually in India or China. This synthetic caffeine has one advantage over natural caffeine: it is extremely potent. All of the natural byproducts that come with natural caffeine from coffee beans or Guarana are not present with laboratory caffeine. It is also much cheaper to produce than natural caffeine, another great thing, from the manufacturer's point of view. Unfortunately, from a consumer's point of view, this concentrated caffeine blast is absorbed into the bloodstream almost as soon as it hits the stomach.

Natural products like the actual coffee from coffee beans, Guarana seeds or tea leaves, are absorbed more gradually by the body. They are also not as concentrated and therefore less toxic than the chemical caffeine in most energy drinks. Here are some advantages of natural caffeine (whether it be in coffee, tea or Guarana). Firstly, the increased mental alertness is longer. Instead of the instant high you get from most energy drinks and then the subsequent downfall, you get a sustained feeling of mental clarity for a few hours and the effect eventually wears off more naturally and gradually.

A second good thing happens over the medium and long term. Continuous usage of synthetic caffeine tends to over saturate the nervous system. If this excessive use continues, our nervous system rebels. This is our body's way of telling us to reduce the intake of this toxic substance. Our hands start shaking, nervous tics can develop; we start to see the same signs of stress as you would from depression or anxiety. This often leads to bigger problems.

With natural caffeine or guaranine, the body can more easily flush out the excess quantities and not overtax the nervous system. But even with natural caffeine, one must use moderation. It is best to stick with one regular cup of coffee or tea (not the large Starbucks which is really like 6 coffees) or one 12 oz can of a natural energy drink or unsweetened cold tea.

Organic coffees don't contain any of the chemicals used in large farming operations. Whole Foods Markets has a wide variety of these.

Two natural energy drinks that I like are GURU Energy Drinks from Canada and Syzmo from the US. They are made exclusively with natural caffeine from Guarana and/or coffee. The big plus for GURU is that its Organic and doesn't have added vitamins. Syzmo is excellent quality but much more expensive, and the taste needs getting used to. GURU has an all natural low-cal energy drink sweetened with Stevia called (GURU Lite), which is an added bonus (see my post on Benefits of Stevia: (ref: For Dollars (will) Authorize (FDA)).

In the world of teas; cold, naturally brewed beverages provide both anti-oxidants and natural caffeine. A brand I recommend highly is ITOEN, from Japan. They have some unsweetened products with a unique taste that grows on you after a while. Teas Teas

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