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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Valentines Day is a festival that cherishes love and romance.

By Kally Grady

The valentine season has begun and the lovers around the world are planning and personalizing valentine gifts that can be the best for this novel occasion. Everyone wants to make this Valentine's Day a beginning to a never-ending love story.

The valentine season has begun and the lovers around the world are planning about the personalized valentine gifts that can be the best for this novel occasion. Several unique valentine gifts would be there in your mind to place in the valentine gift basket to impress your loved ones. So get started and let your beloved know how special he or she is.

Red roses have always been eye catching and among the favorite choice for valentine flowers. Roses are one of the most popular and oldest flowers, many people automatically associate roses, especially red roses, with love. Romantic roses such as red roses, white roses, long-stem roses are one of many flowers you can use in your Valentines flower bouquet.

If flowers are mot enough, the market places are flooded with candies, heart shaped chocolates and many other new forms of valentine gifts introduced every year. Dark and Milk Chocolates can be a good combination especially for women. Some think chocolate is an aphrodisiac. A gourmet chocolate box with 20 pieces will delight for days after the holiday.

Jewelry can be a very good option. Jewelry makes an elegant Valentine gift for the women dear to your heart. For one thing, it shows that you took the time to pick out something that will last over time " just like the two of you. A gift of jewelry is nice, but an engraved piece becomes unusual and for the women on your list who have it all exquisite jewelry boxes offer beauty and storage.

The beauty and delicacy of flowers has captured our imagination so much that even words cannot match its power when it comes to expressing love. Flower delivery has in fact become the standard norm on Valentine's Day. As Valentines Day flowers carry the fragrance of your heart, image how your love will feel when her romantic valentine flowers arrive.

Valentines Day gifts are a unique way of expressing abounding love and faith. So this Valentine's Day, be unique and present your love with a unique well thouight out gift. An especially unique way to give roses is a miniature blooming rose bush. This Unique Valentine Gift is great way to represent your feelings long after Valentine's Day has passed.

Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Do you know what Valentine's Day is all about? I think that Valentine's day is the best day to tell the person you love that you love them. Love the person you are with, appreciate them for their differences and take the time to really let them know how much they add to your life and how much they mean to you.

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Stop A Panic Attack

By Zul Rahman

Having to go through the worst panic attacks is an experience that you wish would never happen to you. When panic attacks strike, it is a very very terrifying moments. Anyone that have to go through that would never want that to happen to them again.

How long will it last when it happen to you? Can you go through it for several hours or even for a few minutes. No matter how long does it last it always interrupted your daily schedules.

What are the condition that causes you to have the worst ever panic attacks?

Most likely your worst panic attacks will happen when you are under emotionally stress. This is due to the tired nervous system in your body.

Not everyone will have the same experience with the worse panic attacks. Some people are only strike with the mild symptoms of panic attacks.

Where does panic attacks normally happen to you? Does it happen when you are in a public place like a shopping center or at a movie theater. Panic attacks can happen when you are in a stressful condition.

Can you tell that you are going through the worst panic attacks ever? Normal symptoms would normally be dizziness, hot or cold flashes, difficult to breathe and faster heart beat. Sometimes you don't know if you are having a heart attacks.

Can panic attacks be stopped?

The cause of panic attacks whether it is the worst ever or a quick one are normally caused by emotional factors. It happens when you are under great emotional stress. For example loss of loved one or sour relationship.

If you ever experience your worst panic attacks, quickly seek help from health professional, either your doctor or psychiatrist. Strong support from the loved ones and family members or close friends are also very important.

Please reduce the amount of coffee, soda beverages or alcohol in your daily consumption. These are stimulant that will increase your adrenaline and make you restless and tired.

Get advice from your family doctors and ask them to refer you to mental health professionals for treatment. Also let people who are close to you know about your situation.Their understanding and strong moral support is very important to you.

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How to Relief From Menopause Symptoms

By Grace Lam

Hot flashes and night sweats are just a few of the common menopause symptoms. Many women start to suffer from menopause hot flashes up to two years before they actually enter menopause and stop having period. It seems strange as menopause can make you suffer hot flashes or night sweats and chills all within a minutes.

As you first encounter a hot flash, your temperature increases so fast until you probably feel like you will never be cool again. Unfortunately when you have hot flashes, night sweats can shortly follow and your body drops its temperature leaving you not just cooler however soaking wet. This will follow by shivers and chills and all of this can happen within the span of a minute or two.

As you get close to menopause, your body will begin to slow its production of the hormone estrogen. Estrogen is a type of hormone that helps your body to regulate temperature. For many women, menopause can take up to five years to complete which means that hot flashes become a way of life.

As hot flashes are a normal occurrence in a woman's life, they should not be afraid of. If you can safely replace the estrogen that your body no longer develops with a natural alternative such as menopause treatment that mention in our website, you can prevent things like hot flashes and night sweats. Even though there are some prescription drugs that show some promise in alleviating menopause symptoms, they also cause some unsafe side effects and therefore should be prevented.

Along with a natural replacement of estrogen, there are a few things you can do to manage hot flashes. You can look after your diet and maintain a healthy weight. This means that while you should not be overweight, you should have a healthy level of fat on your body.

You should exercise regularly and keep a healthy lifestyle which includes giving up things like caffeine and cigarettes. Both of these substances have been shown to increase the chance of having hot flashes. Exercise is good for menopausal women for many reasons.

Some studies indicate that it may even slow osteoporosis, something that many post menopausal women suffer from. If you are beginning to experience hot flashes or night sweats and chills, chances are you are getting ready to experience menopause. With the advent of many excellent natural remedies, having menopause does not have to be something you afraid of.

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The Cause For Anxiety Disorder is Unimportant

By Ed Lathrop

Anxiety disorder is a nervous condition where the sufferer secretes excess adrenaline into his or her bloodstream to the point it can control how he or she hears, sees, thinks and functions. Normally, a person who is having anxiety problems, will live periods of life without being bothered by this nervous condition. Then, on occasion, the anxiety sufferer will be besieged by spells of anxiety or what are known as panic attacks.

There probably isn't a person alive who has not been nervous, at least on occasion. Most people experience a certain amount of nervousness everyday. This, of course, is normal. When we are nervous, we know why we are nervous. Anxiety sufferer's, on the other hand, often experience extreme nervousness and have no idea why don't know why they feel this way.

Nervousness On Steroids

Generally speaking, the difference between anxiety attacks and everyday nervousness can be defined by how much adrenaline is flowing through the bloodstream. Naturally, a small amount of nervousness occurs when a relatively small amount of adrenaline flows through the bloodstream.

We've all felt normal nervousness and the feelings it brings. These feelings include raised heartbeat and sometimes trembling. Anxiety, on the other hand, can cause a person to feel as though he or she has lost control altogether. These sometimes horrifying feelings of anxiety cause a very large amounts of adrenaline to flow through the bloodstream.

Anxiety is Physical, Not Mental

Often an anxiety sufferer will believe he or she is having a complete mental breakdown. Adrenaline can actually cause vision changes. These may make objects seem to change size or shape and many times anxiety sufferers cannot help but think there is something wrong with their mental abilities. This is not true because this problem has to do with a nervous system out of control.

It may be comforting for a person experiencing anxiety attacks to realize many other people also experience them. It is beneficial to know many, many people have recovered from anxiety disorder as well. If you are one who now has an anxiety disorder, or maybe just extreme nervousness, or perhaps an occasional panic attack, remember you're not alone and you can overcome this condition as a great many others have.

The Cause in Unimportant

There are a number of ways you can wind up being a victim of anxiety. Finding out what brought on this terrible condition is of no importance. Anxiety happens to many people. That is a fact. Don't look for a reason for anxiety and don't blame yourself.

It may be redundant, but it is important to repeat anxiety is not a condition of the mind, it is condition of the nervous system. Your nervous system is secreting too much adrenaline at inappropriate times. This is what is causing these bouts of anxiety and panic.

Anxiety can be mild or severe or anywhere in between. There are different types as well. So giving exact advise on how to recover from all types of anxiety with one blanket statement is impossible. Still, all kinds of anxiety share one thing; they all become more intense when the sufferer tries to fight through an attack of anxiety or panic. So it is important you let anxiety attacks come and go without trying to fight them. Believe it or not, this will make the attack milder. In some cases, not fighting, but totally accepting anxiety and panic attacks has put an end to them altogether.

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Acai Berry Is The Worlds Best Superfood

By Bruce Jenkins

Superfood is a term that refers to foods with tons of phytonutrients that can provide health benefits. There are quite a few different foods that qualify as such, including salmon, blueberries, broccoli, and yogurt. All of these foods are able to provide a huge nutritional punch that provides you with health sustaining nutrients in very large quantities. Recently a new food has been added to this superfood list- the acai berry. The acai berry has long been used by Brazilian natives for its many beneficial properties but it hasn't been until recently that it was discovered on this continent. It is now recognized as an incredible provider of many of the most important nutrients and as one of the most complete and health giving foods on the planet.

One of the reasons that the acai berry has not been recognized as such an incredible food until just recently is that it is highly perishable. It is found naturally in the Amazon rainforest region of Brazil, but tends to perish within a day or so of being picked. Since it is not grown in the United States, only people who had traveled to Brazil or who lived there ever knew about all of its great properties. However, it is now possible to get the benefits of this fruit in supplement form through Pure Acai Berry. This product provides all of the powerful nutrients found in the whole form of the fruit, but it allows you to get these benefits without having to travel all the way to Brazil.

Just why is this berry considered a superfood? It has to do with the tons of different compounds found within the plant. While the acai berry is just a small fruit (about the size of a grape), it contains a huge amount of phytonutrients. These nutrients are able to provide tons of benefits to the body such as better sleep, easier weight loss, more disease resistance, and more energy. What makes this berry so special as a food is that the concentration of each of these nutrients is much higher than in other foods. For instance, you can expect about 5 times the amount of antioxidants in Pure Acai Berry as in blueberries- another superfood known for its antioxidant concentration. And, with its phytosterols, this food also has the ability to keep your health and cardiovascular system healthy. In addition, you can also find fiber, a balanced essential amino acid complex, and even Omega fatty acids.

Thanks to Pure Acai Berry's many nutrients, it has some very beneficial properties. It is often used as a supplement for weight loss because it tends to help the metabolism work faster and to help burn more fat. It also helps with weight loss by allowing the body to shed toxins and other wastes that slow your body down and add pounds. The antioxidants found in this food provide your body with the ability to fight off damage caused by aging and environmental toxins and can even help protect against cancerous changes in cells. In addition, this berry has been said to help boost libido, increase energy and stamina, and even help people sleep better. As you can see, this berry really earns its title as a superfood.

Pure Acai Berry is now being offered for free so that you can experience all of its benefits for yourself. Just sign up for your free trial offer and see how this delicious and beneficial fruit can help you.

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Treatments Available For Bad Breath

By Darren Wumoult

There are new treatments for people who have halitosis, otherwise known as chronic bad breath. These treatments can help people gain control of their lives and help improve the quality of it.

Bad breath has been known to disrupt people's lives in various ways. It can even cause emotional damage like when the object of your affections refuses to go out with you because of your foul breath. It can even get in the way of your career growth if your bad breath prevents you from making the sales quota that can lead to your promotion. Even children who have bad breath are not spared from the merciless teasing of their playmates. Because of these and about 17,000 other potential disasters, it is imperative that you try to eliminate bad breath as early as possible.

Sometimes, getting rid of bad breath simply requires that you brush your teeth more often. People take this basic element of dental hygiene for granted, leading to tooth decay and plaque buildup that will then result in bad breath. Flossing is another activity that most people now neglect to do, perhaps due to their hectic lifestyles.

In some cases greater treatment measures are needed, though. Some people cannot simply be rid of their halitosis just by keeping teeth and mouth clean. If you are a person in this predicament you may want to consider some of the new treatments on the market.

One such modern remedy to the age-old problem of halitosis is the marvelous new product called the breath strip. This product has actually been sold in pharmacies for a few years now, but it hasn't caught on as a real cure to bad breath until the last year or two. The breath strip is essentially a tiny piece of paper-thin substance that melts when you put it in your mouth. It works in a similar way to most mints and breath freshener gums, in the sense that these products conceal the smell of your bad breath with a strong menthol or mint flavor.

Breath strips have a minty flavor that is similar to that of many mouthwashes, toothpastes and other breath fresheners. The difference with this product is that its effect encompasses a wider area and it provides longer-lasting freshness of breath. Despite the seemingly higher potency, breath strips are actually very mild. In fact, they're so safe that you can even use them on a daily basis. Some people find the flavor too strong however, in which case they just use half of the strip each time.

Other revolutionary products for the treatment of halitosis can be found on the internet. With a simple search on Google, you will be able to find everything from traditional breath fresheners to the most advanced oral medications that can eliminate bacteria in the mouth. One excellent website to go to for your dental needs is the Center for Breath Treatment. The products advertised here are very effective and sold by reliable vendors who can easily be contacted through email or telephone.

However, before you fill out an online order form, it is still a good idea to consult with your dentist or oral hygienist beforehand. Have a discussion with them in order to determine what kind of remedy will work best for your particular situation. Once you get their recommendations, that's the time you can go online and search for the particular brands that the experts believe are the most effective.

For the past several years, many of us have been using mouthwashes with some alcohol content in them. However, it has been recently discovered that these mouthwashes actually do more harm than good in terms of bad breath, because the alcohol dries up the mouth, encouraging the growth of bacteria. Instead, dental experts recommend that you choose mouthwashes that have chlorhexidine, chlorine dioxide and zinc gluconate. These chemicals are very effective in killing oral bacteria without actually drying out the inside of the mouth. It is important though that you use these oral rinses in moderation.

The use of herbal treatments in the treatment of bad breath has also gained a lot of popularity in recent years. However, if you want to use these natural products, make sure you take all the necessary precautions because most of them haven't yet been approved by the health department.

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Most Advanced Learn To Read Phonics Program Makes Learning Fun!

By Learn With Phonics

ClickN' READ Phonics is an Interactive learning to read program where children demonstrate learned skills. 100 fun interactive reading lessons that children love!

Your child experiences the joy of self achievement using a learning to read program where answers are learned and not just given away by the program. Your child enjoys the challenge of responding correctly to move forward within a lesson and the program patiently re-teaches until the correct response is learned.

All you need is a computer and an internet connection! Use the program at home, while visiting Grandparents or while traveling on vacation! It's all online and you can log in from any country in the world. No waiting for shipping and no software to install. No flash cards, video tapes, game pieces, CD's to keep track of or piles of worksheets.

A learning to read program that closely matches live expert reading tutor instruction. Your child learns perfect English pronunciation while having fun.

Your child will learn the entire kindergarten to 3rd grade phonics curriculum based on the National Reading Panel research, the same research all school language arts curriculums are based on.

Parents can use this beginning reading program with complete confidence. They are buying the best for those they love the most. ClickN READ Phonics is the ONLY reading program that is guaranteed to teach your child to learn to read!

The program is used used worldwide by schools and homes in over 100 countries. A wonderful program for children ages 4 and up and adults learning to read. The only phonics product you will ever need to teach your child to read. It is also an excellent reading program for autism and dyslexia.

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Understanding The Dangers Of The Three Day Diet

By Cathy Maree

The 3 Day Diet dates back to 1985 and today can be found all over the Internet and on book store shelves. The three day diet and its variants promise quick weight loss, a cleansing of the system, lower cholesterol and increased energy all through a specific metabolic reaction that no version of the diet has ever explained.

The diet goes on for three days and then off for four or five with lots of specific and cryptic steps so that when it fails the dieter can be pinned for doing something wrong.

Breakfast on the first day begins with coffee (no sugar), half a grapefruit, and a portion of toast with one tblsp of peanut butter. For lunch, you are to eat a can of tuna, a slice of toast, and black coffee. Dinner consists of 3 ounces of chicken or lean meat, a cup of green beans, one cup of carrots, one apple, and one cup of regular vanilla ice cream.

The other two days of the three day diet are pretty similar in meal quantity, though the specifics change, for example Day 2 recommends two beef franks for dinner in place of three ounces of lean meat. The diet crows that weight loss of 10 pounds is achievable over the 3 days that the diet lasts.

Hogwash is the answer. The inquiry is what is a specific reaction to that claim? As claimed the metabolic reaction has never been examined much less been proven medically. Any weight loss would be mostly water loss due to a lack of carbs which help the body hold water. Inevitably that could lead to dehydration.

Because of binge eating after such starvation and because most of the weight lost is from water, the weight will rapidly return after the three days. Deprive the body of water in three day cycles enough times and a person could develop kidney damage, dehydration, or a host of other dangerous conditions.

The 3 day diet should really be treated as a no day diet. In other words, don't do it.

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Home Acne Treatment

By David Lam

The acne products that sold in stores are full of chemicals that you may not want to apply to your skin. Many people prefer to use more natural products and often look for home treatments for acne. For many cases, home acne treatment has proven to be as effective as the products that you purchase in the store.

Home acne treatment starts with proper skin care. Make sure you wash your face with a pure soap such as Ivory at least twice every day. Whenever you live in an area where high air pollution has, you may need to wash more frequent. You should also wash your face after activities which make you to sweat. Wash your face with warm water and do a final rinse with the cold water to close the pores.

It is also important that you drink plenty of water to maintain your skin and your body hydrated. The proper amount of water intake will assists to promote healthy skin and will keep your skin looking younger for a longer period of time by helping it to retain its elasticity. You also need to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

While no food has been scientifically proven that trigger acne, any food that you have an allergy to will cause an acne breakout. You can have food allergies without knowing it as the only sign of the allergy may be the acne breakout. You should pay close attention to the foods which you eat and keep records of what you have eaten when your skin breaks out. You might also need to consult an allergist to find out what you are allergic to. Most people are allergic to at least one kind of food even if they don't realize it.

Home treatment for acne also includes exercise regularly. Most people don't realize the overall effect that exercise has on our minds and bodies. Exercise relieves stress while stress can cause acne breakouts.

Exercise can build our immune systems and makes us less susceptible to infections because acne is a skin infection. Exercise causes us to sweat that rids our bodies of toxins which can cause acne as well. It will be a good habit that exercises at least three times every week for at least thirty minutes.

Home treatment for acne continues with natural products to prevent or clear up acne. For instance Evening Primrose oil can be used both internally and externally to clear up acne. For internal treatment reason, you should take between 3000 and 6000 milligrams per day. For external treatment reason, you should apply the oil directly to the acne. Then leave it on overnight and then wash it away in the morning.

An herbal tea that made from the petals of the Evening Primrose plant will help to prevent acne if you drink it regularly. Crush the leaves or the petals from the plant and mix one teaspoon of the herb for every one cup of boiling water. Avoid using a metal cup or pot as the metal can destroy the medicinal properties of the herb.

When purchasing herbs or herbal oils home treatment for acne, make sure that you look for products that have been organically grown. Don't use oils or herbs from plants that were chemically treated with pesticides or other dangerous chemicals as this really defeats the purpose of home treatment for acne.

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The Mesmerism of Jewelry Past

By James Gilbert Pynn

I ask you to imagine me as a hypnotist. Now, imagine if you will, that I command the spotlight to shine on that piece of fine jewelry on your wrist (or ear, or wherever). Now, allow yourself to be receptive to my every command, to the sound of my voice. Now, let us pay a special kind of homage to the men and women who were responsible for producing that fine piece of jewelry. Once youve embarked on this reverie, you will find your thoughts drifting back, in time to the tapping of a jewelers hammer, to the misty past of ancient history. Despite the radical technology that makes modern jewelry possible, most aficionados would agree, there is something breathtaking about the fact your piece of jewelry has passed through the ages, from one set of hands (or ears) to the next.

To be sure, the craft of the jeweler has come a long way. Modern techniques utilize laser precision and binary algorithms, but it still requires a human hand to steady the chisel and hold the hammer. Jewelry itself seems to have a primeval hold upon us. It seems to represent or indeed, fill, a deep longing, a kind of permanence. As a species we seem to enjoy collecting " from rocks to stamps " we are wired into gathering and keeping. Somehow, it buttresses our faith and pushes back against the impermanence of life. A piece of fine jewelry grants us a moment of immortality, a reprieve from the inevitability of death.

Though we may laugh at the behavior of our ancestors, or even more so-called primitive peoples, when they instill their trinkets with spirits. But, again, this seems to be an innate act, a deep-seated hunger to fill the world with entities that can boost our morale and protect us from harm. For example, coral was believed to easy the pains of childbirth. In China, jade is believed to ward off harm and is often fashioned into an array of jewelry for children. We have all infused fountains of luck and protection into our childhood rabbits feet, rings, and necklaces.

In addition to fending off evil and protecting our lives, fine jewelry has been, and may always be, a form of portable wealth. It is not merely the stone or even the alloy used to make the piece, it is the labor poured into crafting the piece. They obviously, then, make for highly desirable gifts. Though, it should be said, the exchange of such a gift is usually reserved for inter-family or courting purposes. You wouldnt give someone you just met a diamond ring, but it is expected you would give your fianc one.

Now, when I count to three, you awaken, drawn back through the veil of time, to this moment now. You will look at your fine jewelry and instantly conjure the host of people involved in crafting it. You will better appreciate who gave it to you that much more and you will think long and hard when you wish to let someone special know how much you care about them. You will appreciate the special coding involved in each piece, how each line and twist and shimmer was the result of a host of peoples time, energy and love.

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