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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Successful Chakra Balance with Soundwaves, Food and Gemstones

By Christy Tanner

If you want to learn about the concept of chakra balance you have to understand chakra's in general first. Chakras are our energy stations or centers. Chakras are your openings in your body for life energy to flow in and out of your aura.

One of their many beneficial tasks is the vitalization of the physical body as well as the healthy development of the self-conscious, they relate to our emotional, mental and physical relationships and activity.

You may wonder what the chakras look like. While researching you will find that chakras have a funnel like appearance, with even smaller funnels spinning within the larger funnel. Chakras have a similar appearance of the lotus flower.

In all there are seven chakras in everyone's body. Each has a specific color that is associated with the individual chakras. We will learn the physical location of each chakra too, and the benefits of chakra balance and how it enhances our life and relieves so much of the stress that you feel.

Starting at the base of the spine and ending at the top of the head, you will find seven chakras. The names of the chakras are the root chakra, solar plexus and heart chakras, the throat, brow or third eye and the crown chakra.

To accomplish a chakra balance you can eat certain foods which help to ground and re-energize your chakras.

Root Chakra: Beans, beets, carrots, eggs, garlic, meat, parsnips, potatoes, radishes and tofu products.

Sacral Chakra: Almonds, cinnamon, honey, mangos, melons, strawberries and many others.

Solar Plexus Chakra: Cereals, cheese, flax seed, ginger, milk, mints as well as many other foods. These types of food increase your self esteem.

Heart chakra and foods that will help heal emotional hurts try eating spinach, kale, broccoli, green teas, basil, sage and thyme.

Throat Chakra: Apples, kiwi, lemons, lemon grass, limes, plums, pears and salt, since these foods and spices aid in speaking your truth.

You can awaken the senses of the third eye by feeding the brow chakra with such foods as poppy seeds, lavender, red grapes, blueberries and black berries.

For the final chakra your crown chakra, this will help to open and clear spiritual communication try the following incense sage, copal, myrrh, frankincense, and juniper.

This of course, is a partial list of the foods, spices and drinks that are beneficial to the chakra centers, however, to gain a proper chakra balance, you must learn to focus on your own chakra centers.

You can begin balancing your chakras, by starting with the root chakra and working your way up to each ascending chakra, by placing gemstones on each chakra point. When working with each chakra point, you can bring balance to individual chakras by leaving a gemstone on the point for 3 to 5 minutes each, depending on the level of balance you feel each chakra needs.

You can use any kind of gemstone, but some people suggest certain gemstones for each chakra. But this list isn't always the same for each person; you can test this out by buying a few kinds of gemstones. Once you place the gemstone on your chakra you will possibly notice a humming or a feeling that feels good if you are using the proper gemstone. If you feel a negative feeling, or just the gemstone doesn't feel correct, do not use that gemstone for that chakra again.

After experimenting with various gemstones, you will find the perfect gemstone that feels good to you. Once you find the best gemstone for your use, you should make a list of the gemstone you use as well as the chakra you use it on. For instance, some individuals may use a lapis lazuli for the throat chakra, however if it is not comfortable for you, it is not the best gemstone to use on your chakras. You should never feel as though you have done something wrong when a recommended gemstone does not feel right for you.

You can balance all of the chakra centers at the same time, by placing your gemstones on each chakra point for approximately three to twenty-five minutes, depending on how much balance you feel your chakras need.

Lots of people have discovered that the easiest and quickest way to achieve a complete chakra balance is by using the latest binaural beat audio technology which reproduces the sound frequency of each chakra and resonates your own chakras to the frequency needed for total balance.

By listening on headphones, your own chakras instantly start to resonate at the correct frequency!

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Breaking Down Texas Health Insurance Premiums For Business Owners

By Jordan FeRoss

There are different factors that determine insurance costs for the small business owner who provides health insurance in Texas for their employees. Unlike larger companies, the benefit levels and deductible charges are not the sole determining factor of their health care costs. Additional factors that determine their expenditures consist of things like the health and lifestyle choices of their employees as well as other factors like the employees' ages, gender and the industry they are working in.

Here's a breakdown of some of the components that could make a difference in the cost of health insurance in Texas:

Age: As we age, we tend to become sick or injured more often. Because of this, older employees will generally cost more to insure. The reality of this level of blatant exclusion is harsh, especially because an employer cannot refuse to cover an employee based on their age, even if it will cost them more to do so. Health insurance in Texas and other states will almost always cost more for older workers.

Gender: According to the statistics young women tend to incur more health care cost than young men. There are typically two reasons for this: One is that young women are in their childbearing years and two, is that women are more likely than men to seek regular medical checkups and care. This turns the tide in later years as health care costs for females declines and the cost for the male employees who have neglected their health goes up. Considering that health insurance costs in Texas are constantly going up every factor must be taken into consideration.

Participants in Health Care Plan: Health insurance carriers use the size of small employers to calculate rates for coverage. This is done in order to keep the administrative costs on the level with how many people are in that particular group. With small business employers, they prefer to purchase health insurance based on what their employees need. This will help the employees get benefits for any claims that they submit. If they should happen to increase in size, then they will have to adjust accordingly. Small business employers that use health insurance in Texas are faced with the same thing.

Area: The cost of health insurance in Texas can vary from county to county and even city to city. Cost of living, the number of accidents, crime rate and other safety factors can all play a role in the cost of health insurance for small business employers. Most often, the health insurance companies in Texas will use the zip code of the business when determining health insurance rates for that company.

Industry: Some industries are just more dangerous than others and the employees of these types of businesses are more likely to get injured on the job. Other businesses use chemicals that can cause health problems for employees over time. These risk factors from these types of businesses are factored into their insurance costs. For the small business owner health insurance costs in Texas will be determined by these factors and every small business will pay a different amount and be able to offer different types of coverage for their employees.

Small business employers will probably want to do their research before deciding on a health insurance that not only will be beneficial, but also cost-effective for the company.

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A Pillow to Help Stop Snoring

By Lacy Kasmond

If you have a problem snorer in your family, there are a number of products to help them stop. One such product we call the special "pillow to help stop snoring." These inexpensive pillows don't require a prescription, are natural, non evasive and they really work.

Snoring frequently becomes noisier and more intense when the snorer is sleeping on his back The pillow to stop snoring keeps the snorer on his side where the breathing passages remain clearer. The pillow prevents the snorer from rolling over onto his back, thus substantially reducing the snore.

The little pillow to help stop snoring keeps the snorer in the right sleeping position. The sleep position is just one cause of snoring, however. If changing your sleeping position doesn't reduce snoring, a doctor should examine you to figure out exactly why you snore.

Many people snore due to an obstruction in their air passages. Air expelled through an obstructed air passage way will cause a snoring sound. The pillow to stop snoring is designed to keep your neck positioned correctly to keep air passages open while you sleep.

If your snoring is not caused by a medical condition, using a special pillow to stop snoring is only one of many solutions you might try. Other natural remedies are available that can help widen the nasal passages. One such method is nasal strips. These are placed on the nose to make breathing easier during sleep, thus cutting down on snoring sounds.

A common source of snoring, the mouth, can be helped by several natural products. When the palate vibrates because it is too soft, snoring occurs. You may be able to eliminate this vibration by wearing a dental device during sleep that adjusts the mouth's position. This is a relatively inexpensive remedy that works very well for many. It is not uncommon, however, for doctors to recommend surgery for this type of snoring.

Since constant snoring can cause sleep deprivation for you and your spouse, finding a cure should be considered vital. The first step may be trying the pillow to help stop snoring. This simple, inexpensive remedy may turn out to be exactly what you need to align the body in a side sleeping position, keeping your breathing passages open, thus helping you not to snore.

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Colon Detox and Toilet Bowls - Health Benefits of Colon Cleansing

By Sue Thompson

Several stories have been circulated after John Wayne's death from cancer one of which was the discovery of over 35 pounds of impacted fecal matter in his colon.

Will your own colon be able to carry that amount of baggage?

The body cleanses itself using its seven channels of elimination which include the liver, lungs, lymphatic system, blood, skin, colon and kidneys. These channels of elimination play a significant role in flushing out toxins and wastes, therefore, one should keep in mind the specific function of each when planning to engage in a cleansing regimen. In order for a cleansing regimen to work well, it is necessary that a regimen of cleansing be administered on all channels of elimination. The channels of elimination must be clean so that they will be able work in concert towards good health and well being.

The colon, which is one of the channels of elimination, is said to be constipated when it fails to discard waste matter within 24 hours after food intake. Ideally, the transit time of food is 24 hours which is the length of time it takes for food to enter the mouth and exit the rectum. Failure to excrete food as waste within the transit time could be an indication of a poor digestive health.

The naturopathic perspective holds that transit time of food that goes well beyond 24 hours allows toxins to stay longer in our digestive tract causing proteins to putrefy and carbohydrates to ferment. Fermentation and other chemical changes in the intestine produces harmful substances that could cause infection and disease inside the body.

Waste matter that overstays in your colon is by all means unhealthy. The risk of developing certain diseases and even cancer is high when waste stays and accumulates in your intestines.

Whether the 35 pounds of fecal matter in John Wayne's colon is urban legend or not, there is no doubt that waste matter and undigested food in your colon will have adverse effects to your health even if they weigh less than 35 pounds.

You can read through following while eating.

The food you eat over the last 24 hours has a good chance of putrefying in your intestines if you have only one bowel movement per day. Poisoning from within occurs once your body starts absorbing the toxins produced by the chemical process in the intestines. This stage is called intoxification wherein the body will no longer be able to purge harmful substances from your system.

The body absorbs whatever is present in the digestive tract. It makes no distinction between toxins and nutrients making it incumbent upon individuals to make sure that their colon is healthy and is free form harmful substances which could harm the body in the long run.

Colon cleansing eradicates accumulated waste matter in the colon allowing uninterrupted movement of fecal matter as it make its exit through the rectum. This makes colon cleansing the healthiest way to start a cleansing program. In order to enjoy the full benefit of colon cleansing, maintenance program with colon hydrotheraphy will prove to be very helpful.

Consult your Doctor before deciding to engage in any activity or program that may affect your health.

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Yeast Infections: What Are They?

By Rachel Brunette

Over 75% of all women will suffer a yeast infection in their lives according to the National Women's Health Information Service. In addition over 50% of all women will have more than one yeast infection. Any woman who has had a yeast infection will tell you it's a more than just an annoyance, it's a real problem.

It's hard to believe but a yeast infection is caused by a tiny one cell fungus called yeast. Although there are many different types of yeast the one most frequently causing infections in people is the species Candida. The yeast infection is not an infection really but an overgrowth where the yeast takes over the vagina or wherever the yeast infection is. The yeast infection can cause pain as well as be annoying.

Candida grows normally on and inside the body. It especially likes to grow in warm moist conditions. This means it grows especially well in the vagina, men's foreskin, and in skin folds and mouth. Normally the yeast growth is kept under control. It grows without taking over. In the vagina specialized healthy bacteria keep the yeast from taking over. These bacteria work by keeping an acid environment in the vagina.

Circumstances happening in life can overtake the body's normal defense system. It may be stress, taking antibiotics for a urinary tract infection, or the hormonal changes of pregnancy. When this happens the yeast do not have the normal check and balances system. They overgrow and the result is what we call a yeast infection.

Symptoms of a yeast infection include itching and burning. There are many different ways of treating a yeast infection. Most prescription medications work decreasing the growing number of yeast. This type of treatment works on the symptoms of the yeast infection, not the cause.

What really causes a yeast infection?

Antibiotic use is the most frequently named cause of yest infection. That's because the antibiotic kills not only the harmful bacteria, but the helpful bacteria as well. Without the helpful bacteria the yeast is free to grow wildly.

Yeast can overgrow when we are under stress. This is because the body is so busy fighting the effect of stress it is unable to moderate the growth of yeast. Without the moderation effect the yeast overgrows causing a yeast infection.

It's hard to believe tight jeans can cause yeast infections. But it's true. With tight jeans the sweat and heat of our bodies does evaporate. It's all held tightly against the body creating the warm, moist environment yeast likes to grow in.

When you are pregnant your hormone levels vary wildly. The changing levels can lead to the perfect condition for yeast to overgrow.

When you douche you change the normal acidic environment of the vagina. this can make it easy for the yeast to overgrow and cause a vaginal yeast infection. People who are diabetic and often have high or uncontrolled blood sugars are also prone to yeast infections. That's because yeast like to feed on sugar.

Protection against yeast infections is something to discuss with your health care provider. Talk about ways of helping your body protect itself. You'll find natural lifestyle changes can make yeast infections a memory best forgotten.

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A Guide To Panic Attacks

By James Redder

Emotional and physical symptoms are part of a panic attack which is just another part of an anxiety disorder. Of all the medical problems a person can have, a panic attack is probably one of the most intrusive. Scientists have discovered that a gene dubbed DUP25 is carried by many people who suffer from panic attacks. Being able to deal with a panic attack is important and this article hopes to show sufferers that there are ways to help with these situations.

Don't underestimate the power of knowing what key points to look for in an attack as these could make the episode more bearable and help to ensure it doesn't last as long. The symptoms of a panic attack normally follow the same pattern of the victim feeling their throat and chest tighten which leads to breathing trouble. Other symptoms include a dizzy feeling and increased heart rate which then turns into a fear that something really bad is about to occur. As this fear of a terrible event occurring, it worsens the cycle and multiplies the effect of the panic attack.

Many sufferers feel that the chest pains are in indication that there are about to have a heart attack and this often triggers the panic attack. The medication the doctor prescribes is based on the frequency and severity of the attacks.

Usually any physical symptoms are followed by psychological ones that may make you feel that reality is slipping away from you. If you experience these symptoms then you should seek out the help of your doctor. Panic attacks sometimes start when a person is required to do something they do not feel confident about; this is why I had my most recent attack.

In relation to panic attack medication, it is wise to maintain healthy eating habits, exercise regularly, cut down daily stress; these are all part of a sensible anxiety and panic attack solution. One quick fix is using panic attack medicine to help reduce the symptoms you will experience.

While a number of attacks can usually be controlled by the sufferer, there are those severe panic attacks that require medication which would have to be prescribed by your doctor. Some natural and herbal remedies are available which have some success in controlling conditions that are stress or depression related including panic attacks. The use of music has long been effective as a calming aid and it can work with stopping a panic attack as can forcing the muscles to relax or performing yoga.

Anti-depressants and other medication may be able to help but in the long term it is the natural methods which must be pursued as the solution to controlling panic attacks.

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Physiotherapy Approach to Benign Joint Hypermobility Syndrome

By Jonathan Blood Smyth

Our ligaments, tendons, discs and skin are made up of forms of collagen, one of the most important structural proteins in our bodies. This gives our tissues the ability to heal, its elasticity, its integrity and its strength, allowing us to have strong and healthy joints and skin which will put up with the stresses life puts upon them. Collagen is also responsible for the strength and integrity of our arteries and many other bodily structures. Human populations show great variation in collagen function from those who are very stiff jointed to those who are very mobile jointed or "double jointed".

Ehlers-Danloss syndrome is caused by an abnormality in the way collagen is produced and acted upon in the body, causing an inheritable deficiency in the strength of the substance. 10 forms of EDS are known to exist, with much overlap, and EDS Three is considered the same as benign joint hypermobility syndrome, called benign because the serious changes such as in the arteries are not present in this form. Very hypermobile joints are the most obvious sign of this syndrome, with a smooth, flexible skin which tends to heal slowly and scar poorly in terms of wide and thin scars.

Joint hypermobility syndrome exhibits a series of symptoms and signs including some fragility of the tissues, slower and poorer wound healing, a propensity to joint dislocations, flexible skin and hypermobility of the joints. Along with these findings patients often complain of multiple chronic joint pains which can develop into a pain syndrome. Poor muscle balance around the major joints causes instability and incorrect muscle patterning which can cause joint and muscle pain and limit the ability to do functional things. Contact sports or vigorous physical activities are not appropriate for this group of people.

Advice to patients is very important and education should be a priority to allow them to manage their condition over the long term. Avoidance of excessive or repeated heavy lifting and other movements which put stresses and strains on the hypermobile joints is important and patients should avoid end-range postures which strain the lax ligaments. Joint protection, as in arthritic joints, is essential and patients should avoid showing off by performing "party pieces" such as dislocating a joint voluntarily or other extreme tissue manoeuvres. Stretching the joints strongly may worsen the underlying problems, and any activity carrying high risk of skin damage should be avoided.

The stresses and strains of daily life and recreational activities tend to result in more acute injuries and pain complaints in hypermobile patients which are managed by physiotherapy to the joints and muscles. Even in normal circumstances the shoulder is very mobile yet unstable but in hypermobile patients the lax connective tissue makes the joint very unstable and difficult to control. The shoulder and surrounding muscle must keep the large ball of the arm bone aligned with the small socket during large movements and this is difficult with hypermobility, leading to abnormal muscle patterns and pain. It is common to have pain due to this and to repeated dislocations.

Spinal pain is common in hypermobility perhaps secondary to the difficulty in keeping good stability of the joints as forces act upon them. Gentle mobilizations can be performed for local problems but manipulation is likely to be unwise. General exercises to keep the joint moving can be helpful but end range and stretching exercises should be avoided. Gentle weight training and core stability work may help stabilise the spine and other joints, increasing the muscle tone to hold joints in their mid ranges and prevent excessive play. The knees may bend back excessively and suffer arthritic change in time, so work on the hamstrings to counteract this in standing is an option. Often patients need to work on several areas, maintaining muscle strength and control.

Overall, hypermobile patients have a challenging condition to manage, as over-stress of their joints in any activity can lead to pain. When their joints are stresses they respond by recruiting abnormal muscle patterns, allowing joints to be placed in unhelpful positions and causing them to suffer from end range strains. Patient education is the most important factor in self management, although physiotherapists can help with advice and postural training.

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Tips on Losing Cellulite

By Dallas F Thomas

Cellulite reduction is no easy task. The wide range of products that are available can make it difficult and confusing as to what is the best treatment for cellulite removal. Fortunately, while it will take hard work, there are some easy ways to implement steps to help you in your fight against cellulite.

1) Lose Weight. Cellulite is caused by the thin layer of fat located directly underneath the skin. While skinny women can still be affected by the condition the more excess weight they have the more fat is placed into this layer and therefore the worst the cellulite will be.

Undergoing an effective weight loss plan will enable more fat to be removed from this layer which will reduce the cellulite itself. You don't have to starve yourself. Simply start eating more fresh fruit and vegetables, and avoid those foods with high sugar or fat content.

2) Stop smoking. Many health experts believe that cellulite is worsened by the accumulation of toxins in the body. Smoking contributes to these toxins in the body. By stopping smoking you can not only help your overall health but you can also contribute to the reduction in cellulite.

3) Reduce caffeine and alcohol. These two products have a large impact on the accumulation of fat inside the body and the increase in toxicity levels. By avoiding the foods and drinks which contain them you can directly affect you cellulite levels.

4) Increase your water levels. We all know that we should drink more water. What many people don't know is that plenty of water can flush out those toxins that make cellulite worst. This is really a simple and easy tip that can work wonders.

Another advantage of drinking water just before a meal is that it can help you feel more full and you will therefore eat less food. This is a great tip to combine with your cellulite weight loss plan. Diet pills and laxatives can reduce the water levels in your body so you should avoid them.

5) Exercise. By undertaking a balanced exercise program you will burn calories and tone muscle. This can reduce your fat levels as well as tone those areas affected by cellulite.

6) Increase fiber. By increasing your intake of fiber you will boost your metabolism which can increase fat lose and cellulite.

While these tips sound easy it really takes a lot of dedication to implement them and stay on track in the long term. Getting rid of cellulite is not an easy task and will require your to keep at it even when you don't see the results straight away.

There are also many other way to get rid of cellulite. You may want to explore other treatment options like wraps, radio waves, laser therapy or cellulite cream.

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Symptoms of Chronic Depression

By Janelle Wrightwood

Chronic Depression is also known as Dysthymia. This illness can be serious although not as severe as bouts with Major Depression.

Someone who knows you may have chronic depression, but you have no idea.

Having a regular life is very possible for people with this condition. They go to work or school and go about their daily lives without as much as creating a ripple in the water.

The fact that the problems caused by this illness do not appear on the outside of the body but on the inside are the reasons for this Still, both physical and mental effects can result.

Tremors, dizziness, or a fever won't result from Chronic Depression. Your body won't break out in a rash.

Although you may well feel helplessness, worthlessness and hopelessness.

You can also experience problems with sleeping like insomnia.

The sufferer might be consumed by constant feelings of sadness and emptiness .

Death and suicide are considerations that a person with chronic depression will have .

Those with Chronic Depression do a good job of concealing these symptoms most of the time.

When an illness is born mentally you often have to look very closely to catch these symptoms. It may not always obvious.

When you are approaching an illness such as Chronic Depression there are a few major options for treatment.

One of the most popular approaches is Psychotherapy. You confront the mental ailment with a mental solution.

Using psychotherapy the doctor looks for the cause of depression and attempts to create a positive outlook for the patient.

Anti-Depressants are another option that help to stem the spread or worsening of the condition.

In many cases the answer is to utilize both options to bring about a positive result.

Chronic Depression is not Major Depression but it can certainly become the result.

As with all illnesses, one of the most powerful tools in fighting this is early detection.

When Chronic Depression cause problems in day to day life, it has become a problem.

Something must be done when it impacts your ability to work or to relate with other people.

Chronic Depression doesn't mean people afflicted are ready a mental hospital.

Care and support are needed to address the underlying issues.

Everyone is vulnerable to the chance of confronting this disease.

Therefore, knowing what it is may one day assist you in facing it personally for yourself or for someone you love.

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Texas Health Insurance And Pre-Existing Conditions

By Jordan FeRoss

As anyone with a pre-existing condition knows, it can be very difficult to get health insurance in Texas. For some, health insurance may be completely out of reach as many insurers reject people with pre-existing conditions completely. If you do find insurance, you will likely pay higher premiums and deductibles for your care because you are considered far riskier than someone without any pre-existing condition.

But, people with pre-existing conditions can still get the insurance they need. They can choose the Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool, or Texas Health Pool, which provides health insurance in Texas to anyone who cannot get it through a traditional carrier. This can be a great resource for anyone with a pre-existing condition.

The biggest problem with choosing the risk pool for your health insurance in Texas is the cost. Costs twice as much as regular premiums for a few reasons. First, there are very limited resources for this type of insurance, which drives up the cost. Second is that people who opt for the risk pool have no other choices and it is a bit of a monopoly. But, for someone who cannot get insurance through any other method, the risk pool can provide the protection someone with a pre-existing condition needs and their options are limited.

The Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool insurance can be used to cover doctor's visits, hospital stays and prescription drug costs. Serious mental health problems can also be covered by this type of health insurance in Texas. The one thing that is covered by most insurance companies that is not covered by the pool is help for chemical dependency issues.

The federal government has strict eligibility guidelines for the risk pool. One important distinction is that you must have been rejected for insurance through another health insurance company because of a pre-existing condition before you can join the risk pool for your health insurance in Texas. You will need to provide documentation of this when you apply for the pool.

Dependents of people who are covered with health insurance in Texas by Texas Health Pool may also be eligible for this type of insurance coverage. There are also certain types of medical conditions that will automatically qualify you for coverage in the pool. You will need to provide documentation from a health insurance agency that would prove your inability to get coverage through the traditional insurance companies.

A person with a pre-existing condition needs health insurance in Texas more than anyone else and not being able to get it can be frustrating. Fortunately, there is something that can be done. Everyone needs and deserves to have proper health care for a reasonable cost. It is essential that states, like Texas, have programs like the Texas insurance pool in place to allow people with pre-existing conditions to get the quality health care they need and deserve. The implementation of the Texas Health Insurance Risk Pool is likely one of the most significant improvements in Texas, at least as far as health insurance for people with serious needs is concerned.

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Hair loss and you... Are you afraid of losing your hair?

By Tom Sailor

It is natural to lose hair and is part of the body's way to renew itself. There are many reasons why a person can lose hair but the problem is extremely common an untold millions of people are affected by it worldwide. If you loss your hair, the correct medical term for this occurrence is Alopecia. Male pattern hair loss is the most common form, representing close to 95 percent of all cases in men; and due to a hereditary condition: Androgenic Alopecia.

Some people only loss a small amount of hair and this is often down to a poor diet and is worth checking with you specialist. Exposure to chemicals or cosmetics, hormonal imbalance, stress, anxiety and mental tension are some of the other causes. No matter what the reason, it is worth remembering that it is only if the hair follicles are damaged that can make the condition permanent. Often mistakenly thought to be a strictly male disease, women actually make up forty percent of American sufferers.

In fact, hair loss is also common among women as they age although with women a thyroid condition is one of the more common causes. By the time they reach sixty, forty percent of women around the world will have experienced loss of some form or another. Some women also have a hair loss problem when they are pregnant; often lasting many months after the child is born. In America approximately thirty million women suffer from female pattern, hereditary baldness at some point in their lives.

People who suffer with permanent hair loss now have a relatively new but popular treatment called surgical hair restoration which is considered to be the ultimate solution to an increasing problem. It involves the process of transplanting hair follicles from one area of the scalp to another.

The process only requires local anesthesia and is carried out on an out-patient basis but has become one of the most regular forms of hair restoration for men. It is now possible for women to enjoy this hair restoration treatment that men have been using but it is becoming popular for women who also wish to hide some scarring caused by previous facelifts.

The best result you can go for is to try and recapture how you originally looked when you have hair transplant surgery and not attempt to change your appearance. For a person planning on having hair transplant surgery, all current health issues must be cleared up before any treatment can commence.

While cosmetic surgery does include hair restoration as one of its sub-fields, this is a different form of cosmetic treatment available. If all other hair treatment therapies have failed then it's possible that a surgical hair transplant might be the only permanent solution available for your hair loss condition.

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Why You Must Rid Yoru Body Completely Of Candida

By Jennifer King

75% of women will suffer from at least one yeast infection during their lifetime, and because they are so popular many women assume they are harmless. For some women they get an infection, and to them a trip to the chemist/drug store to get an OTC yeast cream is the answer. What most women don't realize is they are dealing with an aggressive fungus that if not treated correctly, it can destroy their good health. And an infection can be a reason that their health isn't as good as it should be.

Symptoms of a yeast infection are caused by the fungus feeding on the skin cells of the body. All that feeding is causing the itching and burning in and around your vagina. Fungus just doesn't make a home anywhere, it has to be their for a reason, and this is what needs to be discovered for many women before they are completely cured. Most women are happy just to deal with the symptoms, and not even think about the cause of the infection.

Recurrent yeast infections can be a sign of a health condition such as diabetes or another immune weakening illness. A doctors appointment can be completely missed because of the ease in which anti fungal yeast creams can be purchased. This means they don't get their health checked for any underlying conditions that could be causing their infections.

Yeast in your intestines can completely destroy your health if the Candida is not eliminated from your body. Fungus love your body's cells to feed on and this will happen in your intestines if the yeast is allowed to feed without treatment. The first sign of yeast in the intestines is usually digestive disorders, and after a while the fungus will eventually feed on the walls of the intestines until they are perforated.

Once the walls of your intestines have been perforated you will start suffering from symptoms that neither you or your doctor will associate with a yeast infection. Your internal organs will start to suffer when toxins from the yeast and small food particles enter your bloodstream through the perforated intestines.

Intestinal yeast causes symptoms that are not like other yeast infection symptoms, and they are aching muscle and joints, concentration problems, mood swings, foggy brain and many more. Because the symptoms are different for everyone, this is why a doctor can't diagnose an intestinal yeast infection.

Once the harmless Candida yeast mutates into an aggressive fungus it can get very destructive. If you suffer from more yeast infections than the average then a check up at your doctors may find a hidden cause Your infections will be a lot easier to treat once you know what is causing them.

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Obesity, Your Genes Are as Guilty as You

By Ricardo d Argence

While genes play a role in your body shape, their role should not be used as an excuse to ignore diet and exercise, or else you will never lose weight.

Even though your genes control how many fat cells you have in your body, doesn't mean that you need to fill them with food. Losing weight can be easier than you think, but you must commit a significant amount of effort and hard work in order to be healthy and sculpt your body.

There are some basic body types the thin, lean ectomorph who has little body fat at any time, the athletic and well muscled mesomorphs who can lose fat easily and bulk up quickly, and the endomorph who stores fat. For the endomorph, life can be a little more complex, they gain weight quickly, and it is usually stored as fat, and the fat is very slow to disappear.

If you have an endomorph body, you will gain weight on a regular, healthy diet. That can be discouraging for the most of this kind of people. However, you can lose weight by counting calories and engaging in an exercise program even when it seems you are doomed by genetics.This is a more reasonable and suitable solution to the problem. Instead of having to wait several weeks or months,many people however tend to want something that promises quicker results.

Also be due to some chemical imbalances that can occur in the brain may tendencies to gain excess weight. Even when they have had plenty to eat, a lot of people seem to get a signal to eat more.

If you read the news, you'll find that there's a lot of research trying to find a new appetite suppressant. Another one to add to the huge list of them in the market. This medication is said to block the impulse to overeat by regulating a hormone in the hypothalamus. In short time, it will be in the market ready to be purchased by the thousands of overweight men and women of America.

Billions can be made each year off a drug that will keep people thin, or make obese people lose weight. With this kind of money at stake, there is little wonder why new weight loss drugs keep popping up, both with and without harmful side effects. What is somewhat shocking is that people would rather use manmade chemicals as their quick cure instead of commit to solving the problem through dedication, willpower, and work.

You can lose those pounds and create a new body with weight training, cardio workouts, and a healthy diet, instead of hoping for a new quick fix for your extra weight. The loss of weight will be gradual, and this will give you time to firm those arms, abs and glutes. Heredity will not lock you into a body shape if you are willing to follow a course to change it. It is not impossible to lose of extra fat, but not without some effort on your part.

The sad fact is that quick weight loss plans, pills, and drugs do not successfully help people lose weight permanently. For anyone who needs to shed some fat and get in shape the best method is to stop feeding your body the unhealthy carbs and sugars that make you gain weight, and to begin a regular exercise program.

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Controlling Panic Attacks - What Can You Do?

By M B Bryan

If you happen to suffer from panic attacks then sometimes carrying out a very simple task each and every day can prove a challenge. But through learning the right techniques when it comes to controlling panic attacks you will soon feel much more able to cope when they do happen. There are several things that you can do in order to control a panic attack and below we take a look at some of them.

When it comes to controlling panic attacks the first thing that you actually need to do is realize that you are in no danger. Although you may think that you are going to lose control when the attack happens you aren't really. Your body is just responding to what it perceives as a threat when nothing is really there.

The symptoms that many sufferers have when they get a panic attack are just the body's way of releasing excess energy. This will then be used by you to either stay and deal with the situation or remove yourself from it. Sometimes people feel as if they are having a heart attack or going crazy, but they aren't really. In fact the feelings they are having are their mind playing tricks on them and to control an attack you need to learn how to retrain your mind so that it doesn't continue to have such thoughts.

Something else you can do when you feel a panic attack starting is to go for a walk. Again this is a great way to burn off that excess energy your body is producing along with adrenaline. Along with the brisk walk helping to get rid of the excess energy your mind will start having to think about other things as well.

If you cannot go for a walk when you feel a panic attack happening then find something that you can do which will occupy your mind instead. Anything is fine including listening to music, as what you want to do is actually stop yourself thinking about the situation that has caused the panic attack to start in the first place.

As well as doing the things we mention above there are certain self help programs you can use as well in order to learn about controlling panic attacks. Of all of the ones available certainly one of the best panic attack cure programs available is "Panic Away". Along with advice and tips relating to controlling panic attacks you will find a step by step guide that is easy to follow and will soon have you controlling your attacks in the future.

This program has proven effective for many people who suffer from panic attacks, including those who have had to deal with them for 10 years or more. The author of this program has himself dedicated 10 years of his life to looking at what causes and how to treat panic attacks and if used correctly the program will allow you to get yours under control within a matter of seconds.

Above we have shown you some ways of controlling panic attacks when they happen. For those who suffer from such attacks only occasionally then the ways suggested above are more than suitable. However, for those who suffer from chronic panic attacks then using the best panic attack cure "Panic Away" may be their only solution.

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Natural Ways To Cope with Arthritis

By Ralph Ferriss

Many people are turning to natural treatment of arthritis to avoid taking medications that have dangers side affects. There are many anti-inflammatory medicines out there that do help arthritis sufferers to cope. However, there are always some risks associated with these drugs. There are natural remedies that have proven helpful to arthritis suffers and give relief without the risk of side affects.


Natural arthritis pain relief supplements are extremely popular nowadays, and the two compounds glucosamine and chondroitin which are found naturally in the body can help in giving pain relief to your joints as well as repairing them. A sulfur compound called MSM is another natural arthritis pain relief and has the same pain relief factors as any other anti-inflammatories, and can reduce swelling to a great extent.

Two other natural supplements that have been proven very effective are niacinamide and manganese. Niacinamide, commonly referred to as Vitamin B3 helps repair and strengthen tissue and cells and therefore diminishes the pain that arthritis can cause. For those who suffer from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis manganese is very helpful. This antioxidant helps to slow down the affects of aging on muscles and joints.

Turmeric and ginger extract are just as powerful as other anti-inflammatories and are extremely good for natural arthritis pain relief in the treatment of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. The best option would be to put together all the supplements and work together as one single complete supplement. There is a special arthritis supplement called Arthrit-Eze, which contains all the natural arthritis relieving nutrients.

Take Care of Your Body

Most people who suffer from arthritis must take some kind of medication in order to cope. However, taking good care of your body can really help relieve much of your suffering as well. Eating right, daily exercise and getting the proper amount of rest will contribute to better help and less suffering. Keep in mind that the type of exercise you do should be based on the type of arthritis you suffer from.

Consult your doctor to see what exercise program is best for you. Exercise helps to keep muscles and joints strong and flexible. It promotes bone health and keeps you at a healthy weight which is not only good for your joints and muscles but is also good for your heart. Exercise makes you feel better overall and gives you more energy. Exercise is a vital part of natural arthritis treatment.

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Panic Attacks and Anxiety

By Jack Collins

Although panic attacks and anxiety can be related to each other, they can also be completely separate entities with their own set of symptoms. Both conditions cause problems if the symptoms become extreme. It is at this point, that treatment will need to be sought.

Anxiety is a reaction to stress, and this is considered to be normal. It is something that can help someone deal with tense situations in different areas of one's life, such as at work, school, or just something that requires facing a crowd of people. If anxiety starts to become an excessive and irrational dread of facing everyday situations, it has crossed into the area of a disabling disorder.

Anxiety attacks and panic attacks are different because a panic attack strikes without warning whilst an anxiety attacks slowly builds up. Unlike anxiety, a panic attack is an irrational fear of something that can't be named. Panic attacks rarely have an obvious reason and are more intense than the feelings of an anxiety attack.

At some point in their lives, 1 in 75 people will suffer from a panic attack. Fortunately, it will be their one and only panic attack. But statistics show that anxiety attacks and panic attacks are far more common than other emotional discovers like ADHD, OCD, depression, phobias, and schizophrenia. Also, sufferers of anxiety and panic attacks rarely seek help for these conditions.

Of course, there are similarities between panic attacks and anxiety attacks, and anxiety attacks can lead to panic attacks. Suffer from enough anxiety and it can escalate into a panic attack. So if you begin to find yourself becoming overly anxious, it's time to get help in bringing it under control before it gets too much to cope with.

Panic attacks and anxiety are not pleasant and can actually become quite debilitating. But people who suffer from anxiety or panic attacks can take some comfort in knowing there is help around to lead a regular life. All it takes is asking for the help you need.

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Brain Training - You'll Be Happier For It

By Martin G. Walker

When I took up brain training I never expected to find such a strong connection, or any connection, between brain exercise and my happiness level. On days when I'm in a good mood, I do better at the brain exercise; and on days when I do the brain exercise, it makes me feel happier and more relaxed. My fellow brain trainers report the same thing.

Science gives us insight into why this would be. Starting in 2005 with a study of Tibetan monks by Dr. Richard Davidson several studies have confirmed that the brain functions differently if we attain a state of peaceful meditation. Davidson measured the brain activity of the monks while they meditated and saw that the neurons fired much more regularly and with greater intensity than in the brain's of those not practiced in meditation.

On a much more limited, short term scale, this reflects my experience when I am feeling tranquil and at peace during brain training. I can improve my attention further if I close my eyes and breathe deeply between training blocks. The end result is better attention to the exercise and a greater ability to complete the training successfully. On days when I'm feeling stressed or low, my brain can't stay focused and retaining items in working-memory is a struggle.

The longer we work on these skills of mindful meditation, the studies found, the greater the effect.

Equally encouraging, new exploration of the mechanics of depression indicates that we can help our mood and mental health by stimulating brain growth. Researchers have found that new brain cell growth is essential for the working of antidepressants. The team from UT Southwestern Medical Center demonstrated that antidepressants stopped producing benefits without new nerve cell growth in the brain region called the dentate gyrus. And German researchers have found that stress inhibits new neural cell growth, thereby contributing to depression.

Which brings us back to brain exercise. Two activities are known to stimulate new nerve cell growth in the dentate gyrus: aerobic exercise and working-memory activation. While we've known for decades that aerobic exercise benefits us for many reasons, the finding that brain exercise can not only help keep us sharp but can also help keep us chipper is a welcome discovery.

Not all brain exercises will be pronounced enough to stimulate significant neural growth. Casual brain teasers or games that don't demand concerted focus and attention for an extended period are unlikely to produce these results. New nerve cell growth demands intense concentration at a novel and rewarding mental task.

When researching the brain training program that's right for you, check out the vendor's information on the science of the training. Is the training based on or supported by academic or independent study? Does the vendor specify what you should expect to gain from the training? Is there a prescribed schedule for use?

I didn't begin brain training to improve my mood. The benefits to my mental sharpness and long term mental health were more than enough persuasion. But I am enjoying this unanticipated side effect.

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