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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Weight Loss Magic With Acai Berry Supplements

By Dawn Q Quashnicky

The buzz in the weight loss world over the last several months has been about the acai berry and its weight loss benefits. Some have made big claims that acai berry supplements have helped them lose a lot of weight while others say that they've only lost a few pounds. So is the acai berry really beneficial to people trying to lose weight?

One big thing that acai berries have over other anti oxidant fruits is the amount of anti oxidants they have. Nearly twice as much as blueberries and citrus fruits. This has lead many to claim these little berries are a Super Fruit loaded with disease fighting powers.

As far as the Acai berry assisting with fat loss, Acai can be a great weight loss aid. The berry's natural concoction of essential fatty acids, fiber, photosterols and amino acids work together to help your body burn fat.

The fatty acids and amino acids aid in both muscle development and proper digestion, both of which are essential to weight loss. The fiber helps your body to move food out of your system quicker and also to help you feel full, as do fatty acids. Photosterols help fortify your digestive tract, moving waste materials out of you body and helping your cells absorb nutrients better.

Acai berries also contain good amounts of other needed nutrients. Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids are another bonus that the berry gives our bodies to operate healthier. These are essential for good heart and digestive health.

The acai's weight loss power comes by way of its Omega fatty acids that boost your metabolism. This benefit along with the others already mentioned is the single reason this little berry from the Amazon is gaining such a following here in the U.S.

Amazingly, it is also possible that each little acai berry contains its own special fountain of youth. It might even make the aging process slow itself. That is why it is already so popular with people who are into health food.

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Sciatica And Where It Comes From

By Jim Fillsons

Several years ago I had to endure a flair up of sciatic nerve pain: sciatica. To be perfectly honest, it was one of the worst years of my life that I had to live with it. But where did this sciatic discomfort and annoying pain come from. What could I have done to prevent it? Following is some basic information about sciatica and what brings it on.

For the most part, people who have sciatica will tend to complain of a shooting pain down their backside, down the leg and into the heal. Some folks feel the pain running deeper, while others feel it just in certain areas, but it is always on the back side. Some people also say that they experience numbing or even tingling that radiates down the back end. It can always get worse with stress.

Sciatica is commonly caused by the bad practice that had been obtained all through the years. These practices include bad sleeping habits, muscle straining, bad posture, and incorrect lifting method. Each of these bad habits create tensions in the body and as time went by it can develop into chronic conditions which could upset the lower back and begin inflaming the Sciatic nerve. Most complaints centering around and causing Sciatic nerve pain are the compression of the nerve itself. Other causes of sciatica are: tumors, pregnancy, and child birth.

Moreover, the most usual cause of Sciatica is the extreme and constant contraction of the muscles. The sciatic nerve runs under the piriformis muscle, and this muscle is positioned in the lower section of the spine and aid with the hip rotation. The piriformis muscle is prone to being hurt by arthritis in the hip, a fall, or when one leg is shorter than the other since this can bring in spasms and contraction in the muscle which squeeze the Sciatic nerve.

It is not always clear just why and how your sciatic nerve pain may have come about. In fact, even a complete medical exam may not reveal the cause. Oftentimes MRI, xrays and other scans are needed to determine the cause or causes.

you should be prepared to undergo all of these tests and more, should you pain persist. If left un-treated, the pain or sciatica will knock you out of commission for sure. Keep in mind that getting to the root cause is the foremost goal in beginning treatment. Sciatica has many causes.

There is a way to cure sciatica and the discomfort that comes with it, but you need to be prepared to work at it. Curing the problem may involve several steps and you it will not be easy. It takes persistence and the ability to work for the goal. Do it right, and you will be get better.

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Some Women Have it tough in 2009

By Charlie Reese

You can be anything that you want to be in life. Some women find it difficult to find employment in todays tough economy. Its good to put yourself in the shoes of someone that cannot find a job. In this way, you can prepare yourself for a much better future.

In return, you can become anything that you want to be as well. Its important for you to understand that you are a person that is going to have to support other women in order to make it in life. Life is a tough journey in todays society and most people dont know how hard it is until they have been through something themselves a few times.

I think that when you see for yourself that you can do anything, you can see that your job market will open up for you. Its important to remember that you can do whatever you want to do because you have energy inside of you to go after what you really want. You have to see for yourself that you can do whatever you want to do if you just put your mind to it on your own.

I think that when you put your mind into something that is beneficial, you can really make something happen. Many women find that working on the psychic hotline brings them some extra pay. Sometimes you have to do what you can to make ends meet in these difficult times.

You have to really go where the money is. When you do something that you enjoy doing, you can do it with pride and encourage other women to do the same. I think that if you take the time out of your busy schedule everyday to volunteer a few hours at a womens facility, then you can help plenty of women to find jobs in almost every area.

Many women are known to work for minimum wage as well as high paying six figure jobs. In my opinion, every woman should help other women to succeed if they are ever going to be truly successful. You have to really see for yourself that you can do whatever you want to do in life as long as you put your mind to it. Your mind has great power if you know how to direct the correct energies to it.

I think that when you step out there to find work, you have to tell yourself that you are trying to land something good so that you can make your life a whole lot easier. You have to see for yourself that you have what it takes to make it successful in life. You can be and do whatever you feel called to do one step at a time. Dont let things bother you. Just do your best and then things will just start to click for you.

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Checkout Line Tabloids Bringing You Down

By Sara Duncan

Having to go into a grocery store knowing that you are about to pay an arm and leg for food is difficult enough without having to wait in line and be bothered with senseless tabloids exploiting the private lives of famous people. It is not only disrespectful to them, but us and our kids too endure looking at the stuff every time our eyes hit the magazine stand.

Pictures and strategic large-font headlines of baby bumps, secret affairs, weight gain, weight loss, poorly dressed, goings-on of children of celebrities; it's all the main focus of any tabloid attempting to lure in the prospective reader. We'll admit by the time my grocery list has been scratched off I'm slightly on the exhausted side, and yet we still have the grueling task of keeping our young kids happy and quiet until we can leave the store with our groceries paid. Tired eyes wander to find something to keep us occupied and upbeat.

Occasionally a headline or picture will grab our attention and without picking up the tabloid, we'll quickly skim the cover for more information. Then that dirty feeling creeps in. Would we really want that information about us or our family plastered for everyone to view, even if it's false? Absolutely not. Is it our business to know about the latest break-up or pregnancy? Not really. Will our problems vanish or will we feel better about ourselves knowing about the successes or failures of someone else? No, and once again, no.

It is hard to believe that people spend their money on tabloids, but many readers engross themselves in the latest gossip for entertainment. With reality TV being the in thing today it's no wonder people feel the need to know the personal goings-on of just about anyone.

A danger that comes with tabloids is the spreading of false rumors and somehow because they're celebrities, we decide (wrong, in my opinion) that "It's what they signed up for." These rumors can shake the lives of whom they're about, sometimes creating trouble where there wasn't any to begin with.

You've likely gotten wind of an affair but no confirmation of a break-up from the famous couple's reps until some months later. In that instance it leads one to wonder if major problems existed before the rumor hit the news, or if maybe it was rumor that was the cause of the couple's split - whether or not cheating actually occurred. It is all very high school, but many adults willing participate.

Despite frequently seeing or hearing famous people on TV, movies or the radio, we are not their family or close friend, and we should not feel like we're entitled to know their personal information or get a report every time they go to the bathroom or venture out without their panties on.

Our society's infatuation with celebrities, their children, minute details of their life, etc. really freaks me out. What's the benefit of knowing these things? We do not walk away from the grocery store checkout line any smarter than when we first got there if we read tabloids. It's sad our society feels the need to invade the privacy of celebrities' lives, sometimes spreading false rumors just so the tabloid can make a profit.

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Why Most Probiotic Supplements Don't Work

By Waldmar Jones

Are you putting up with gas, bloating, and embarrassing bathroom breaks? Have you tried probiotics? Picking the correct strains and the strength is essential for success. If your digestive distress is not addressed it can easily become more serious

Do you know how important it was to have an army of friendly bacteria in your digestive system? If you have more unfriendly bacteria in your system you may be experiencing bloating, gas, acid reflux, plus much more.

The friendly bacteria is essential for your overall health. First of all, they help break down the food you eat so that your body can absorb the nutrients. Second, they actually help your body create B Vitamins and digestive enzymes. Third they crowd out harmful bacteria like e coli and salmonella so they cant proliferate and do harm.

Supplementing with a Probiotic Formula from a respe4cted company is very important to ensure excellent results. It is important to have high levels of both major species, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. It is also important that the Probiotic Formula contain multiple strains of each of these species.

Read the labels, and youll see many of the supplements out there contain only one or two strains. When you see a formula that combines this many strains you know it is superior. Lactobacillus harnesses Bifidobacterium bifidum Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus casei Lactobacillus plantarum Lactobacillus salivarius Bifidobacterium longum Streptococccus thermophilus Lactobacillus bulgaricus Lactobacillus paracasei Bifidobacterium infantis

Also look at the labels and make sure they do not contain chemical additives, corn, gluten, MSG, pesticides, soy, fillers or artificial favors.

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Massage Treatments for Assisting Your Health and Wellbeing

By Steve Esquire

Is your health really a priority in your life? Of course, we all answer yes. However, the reality is that we do not take good care of ourselves as we should. We are under more pressure and stress, then perhaps at any other time in history. We try to ignore this and try to work through it without realizing the devastating long term affects on our bodies. We need new ways to reduce stress. You may not have realized that you can effectively reduce your stress with massage therapy from a massage chair.

Stress can come from work or it may come from home. We react to the situation and our bodies defend the body by a release of chemicals. These chemicals will build up in the body if not consistently released. One very effective method of release is massage therapy.

Massage chairs are very advanced and can provide full body massages. They are particularly effective in relieving aches, pains and discomfort which can result from the build up of stress in our bodies. The massage chairs of today offer a tremendous variety of comprehensive and effective massage treatments.

There are a whole range of benefits from receiving massage therapy. There are numerous studies that show massage therapy to improve your range of motion of joints, relax your muscles, remove toxins from the muscle tissue, increases blood and lymph flow and increase awareness. The one caveat is that massage therapy must be received on a periodic basis. Just like diet and exercise, you need to perform this with a regular frequency to really get the benefits.

Massage chairs bring you unprecedented convenience and time savings. For massage therapy to be effectively, you must get massages on some regular basis. People simply do not take the time, even though they should. A massage chair provide in home convenience and 24/7 access. It also massages the body in parallel which saves you time. You can receive a whole body massage in a matter of minutes rather then a full hour with a masseuse.

We do want to point out that if you can get regular massage therapy from a masseuse, then that is certainly a great way to go. The relieving and soothing hands with the human touch are certainly fantastic. However, the convenience is where this can be a challenge.

A massage chair is an excellent time saver. You get a massage in parallel with a massage chair. A masseuse works your body over one part at a time. The massage chair can massage your back while it massages your legs, buttocks, feet and calves. All the parts of the chair are working and the total time is significantly reduced.

The second biggest obstacle to receiving regular massage therapy is the expense. Seeing a massage therapist on a regular basis is not cheap. In fact, in time it is expensive. A one hour session runs about $50 per hour plus tip. A massage chair on the other hand is much cheaper over time. A $3,000 massage chair has a minimum of 1,000 hours of life and many have 2,000 hours. If we use the 1,000 hours, then an hour of massage therapy is $3 per hour. No tip required. This is a huge economic advantage.

We all say that our health is a priority, but few take the necessary action required. How hard is it to sit for 10 minutes and relax your body and mind? For some impossible, but for most of us, it is very possible. Why not start to establish a routine that helps to reverse the effects of modern day stress. Your health is not a luxury, and neither is having a massage chair to help you bring back that critical balance in your life.

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Finding Over-the-counter Acne Treatments

By David Lam

Over-the-counter acne products are starting to become an increasingly popular alternative to prescription medication in the treatment of acne. These products are readily available while you don't need any prescription from your doctor to buy them. For people with mild to moderate acne cases, the best over-the-counter acne treatments will be just as useful as the more expensive prescribed ones.

Not only being cheap, these acne products always have little or no side effects in comparison to some of the highly publicized prescribed antibiotic drugs which used by doctors. Even though there are lots of over-the-counter acne products available, there are only two types of acne treatments which are medicated or natural. Both types utilize basically the same method by using a drying agent to exfoliate the skin and to combat the acne.

Usually in most case of a medicated product, this is either glycolic acid, salycic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Natural products tend to apply combinations of ingredients and plant extracts such as tea tree oil, green tea extract, vitamin E and aloe vera. There seems to be a growing number of different treatments however usually over-the-counter acne products come in the form of topical gels, creams, cleansers and patches which are applied onto the skin.

When using these kinds of preparations, it is important that you cover all of the area where you have acne so that you will also be curing the hidden blemishes which you can't yet see as well as the acne breakouts. Expect some trials and errors as you experiment with the different kind of acne treatments available, it may take you some time before you find the correct type or combination of products which work for you. No matter what you do, don't use more than one treatment at the same time particularly with medicated products.

If you are using a new acne product, give it enough time to start working before leaving it to try other else. Usually you may need to use it for 6 to 8 weeks before you notice any real progress but this depends upon the severity of your acne and your skin type, some people may see improvements after only a few weeks. After you have found the perfect acne products that suitable for you with providing good results, you may still need to carry on your acne treatments to keep your acne in check. This is because acne is a chronic skin disorder and it is possible to reoccur if you stop using your acne treatments.

To get the best out of any over-the-counter acne products, you need to use them correctly and consistently. This may be common sense however do read the labels and make sure you use them with the instructions given! If you don't follow the instruction, it may cause damage to your skin and doing more harm than good especially if you have sensitive skin.

The over-the-counter acne products which are available in medicated or natural do successfully treat most forms of acne. Unluckily there are always some exceptions to the rule and there are some types of acne that do not respond to these types of acne treatments. If this happens to you and nothing you can do to improve your condition, you should seek the help of your dermatologist or doctor.

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All about Alpha Hydroxy Acids in Anti Wrinkle Creams

By Julie Samtsonn

Use of Alpha Hydroxy Acids in anti wrinkle creams started to become extremely popular in the early 90's with concern about over exposure to the sun reaching a high. Alpha Hydroxy Acids are natural and found in certain milk products as well as various fruits. Due to their being a natural substance, it was always assumes that their use was perfectly safe. However, recently it has been thought that skin previously exposed to acid peels, whether they are natural or not, could possibly be more sensitive to UV rays and the risk of cancer associated with this exposure to the sun.

Wrinkles are a result of dry, dead skin cells that have shriveled and lost their plumpness. Alpha Hydroxy acid control methods remove the dead skin to give younger, new skin cells the chance to surface. These topical solutions take away the appearance of undesirable dead skin that natural aging has caused to lose its ability to lock in vitamins, elastin and collagen.

Repetitive facial gestures like squinting, smile lines, frown lines, eyebrow lines, are usually deeper in the skin and usually in the underlying muscles. This makes the skin cells form a ripple effect over time. Various topical anti-aging creams and anti-wrinkle creams, can be a short-term remedy as they will only affect upper levels of skin cell arrangements.

Basically, alpha hydroxy acids are an exfoliate, removing the outer, older, dead skin and making the underneath, alive skin cells surface, which do not show the finer lines that often first start to surface. Because some persons may be sensitive to the acid treatment, based on the ph of their skin, it may cause redness, blistering or itchiness, which may worsen the skin condition.

It is important to know whether this is a good method to chose for anti-aging creams or anti-wrinkle creams, based on the individual skin types. For somebody that already has dry skin, this could produce drier skin and cause more flakiness, when they may need a hydrating or moisturizing treatment instead. If you do not have a dermatologists suggestion to try alpha hydroxy acids, you may want to be sure that this is the proper method to try, instead of deep moisturizing treatments first.

A lot of the over-the-counter alpha hydroxy acid treatment solutions may come in the form of a microdemabrasion kit. This removes the thinner, outer layer of skin by applying a chemical peel, then followed by a neutralizer to stop any acid action. This is followed with a deep moisturizer, or anti-aging cream or anti wrinkle cream, depending on what product you like.

This treatment will give the appearance of younger skin, but is only a temporary fix. Prices will vary with all products and the saying 'you get what you pay for' does not necessarily apply to skin care. It is best to do some research into what works best, perhaps taking into account things like testimonials. Remember to stop if there is any redness, flakiness or itchiness that lasts more than 2 or 3 days.

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Get Relief From Hot Flashes Easily

By Grace Lam

The only thing on your mind is finding relief from hot flashes when a hot flash strikes. Since hot flashes are inconvenient and uncomfortable, most women are willing to try just about anything to relieve hot flashes. Whenever you are looking for relief from hot flashes, you may have tried a few methods below:

- Herbal remedy for hot flash - Effexor for hot flashes - Neurontin hot flashes medication

Many women are making a choice to use only natural remedies to cure hot flashes. Studies are beginning to show a few startling side effects which hot flash medications can cause. You won't face any dangerous side effects if you choose to pursue an herbal remedy as a hot flash treatment.

You can also supplement your herbal menopause treatments with a few smart ways. Hot flashes tend to come on speedily and bringing your temperature up at a rapid rate. They can dissipate just as fast and leaving you chilled and always drenched in sweat.

One of the easiest things to get tangible relief from hot flashes is to dress in layers. While you dress in layers, you can always take off the outer layer of clothing when your hot flash begins and continue removing layers as your temperature rises. As soon as the hot flash away, you can quickly wear your clothes back on and staving off a chill.

The very clothes you choose to wear can even play a role in your hot flash relief as important as layering your clothes can be. Try to avoid wearing clothes made out of any kind of synthetic fiber. It is better to wear natural fibers like cotton as clothes made out of cotton breath and allowing you to remain cooler.

Many women who suffer from hot flashes usually also suffer from night sweats, so it is important to consider what type of clothing you should sleep in. Most doctors recommend something which is loose and easy to change in the middle of the night. Just like the clothing you wear during day, your pajamas and sheets should be made from natural fibers such as cotton.

Hot flashes are caused by the waning amount of estrogen in your body when menopause strikes. Finding relief from hot flashes is as simple as getting a way to replace the estrogen your body is no longer producing. Using a product which mention in our website is the best way to naturally help your body find relief from hot flashes and other menopause symptoms.

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Make Beef Jerky At Home

By Jonni Haydens

Not all beef jerky is created equal. Great beef jerky is made by using some creativity and testing new and different spices until you come up with the perfect blend. Then you have a true homemade masterpiece to share with everyone.

Yes, in your head, for it's your imagination that will help you create superior beef jerky recipes time and time again. And, don't just stop at beef, consider other meats such as bison, turkey, fish or chicken. When it comes to making jerky the ONLY limit is your imagination.

Let's start letting our imagination go and use some red wine in our beef jerky. Yes, you heard me right. We are going to use your favorite red wine and make come red wine beef jerky. However, remember to use the wine in small amounts because we do not want to get the jerky too wet because then it will be hard to dry.

Just a word of caution. The first batch of jerky you make will probably not be very good. It's just like learning anything and it will take some time to master. But the more you make, then better you will get and in turn your beef jerky will also taste better.

When it comes to what meat to use for your beef jerky, we recommend that you use sirloin tips. It is our personal favorite but you can use whatever you would like. Once you get your meat you will then need to cut it into 1/8 inch wide strips or just have the butcher do it for you. Just make sure that you cut the meat with the grain to ensure a better final product. This width is recommended because it will make the meat dry much faster when you put it in the dehydrator.

All cut and ready to go? Did you remember to take off all the fat, or as much as you can? This isn't because you want to make it leaner or to cut down on calories, it's because fat does not dry out and will go rancid. Okay let's say you are going to marinate your slices of meat. This is where the creativity comes alive. Get that bottle of wine and here is what you do with it.

For your red wine marinade you will be using 1/2 cup of wine, 2 crushed garlic cloves (wooo- powerful mojo), 1/2 cup soy sauce (salt free), 1 teaspoon of crushed garlic peppercorns, and if you're a bear for punishment, add some crushed red pepper for extra zing to taste. If you don't want to be putting out flames later, take it easy on the red pepper. Pop all these ingredients into a large, zippered plastic bag along with the sliced meat, sling it in the fridge and leave it over night.

The next day fire up the dehydrator and go to town. It takes about 6 to 12 hours for the jerky to be done. Check it constantly after about the six hour mark and so some slice tests to make sure it is drying out and not still wet/red inside. When it's done, hide it. It won't last long.

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