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Monday, January 26, 2009

China Jumpstarts Economy With Universal Health Care For All

By Ethan Kalvin

Recently the Chinese government announced that they will begin providing health care coverage for nearly all of their 1.3 billion citizens. This unprecedented coverage by a single country is estimated to cost over $123 billion for the next three years. Currently, government funded health care coverage is limited to a a very few Chinese citizens.

Chinese officials say that by 2011, 90 percent of citizens will have access to health care and basic medical services. The government has committed to assuring that coverage is equal in urban and rural areas. The citizens have expressed growing concern over rising medical costs, a lack of access to health care facilities, and poor doctor-patient relationships. These factors helped spur the government to make a move.

When implementing the plan, another deciding factor was the desire to boost the Chinese sagging economy. Chinese economists believe that if the citizens don't have to save money to set aside for potential medical care, then they will be able to spend that money on consumer goods.

Their conclusion is partly based on a 2007 survey that found people living in rural areas already with benefits of government-run health insurance plans spend more than those who arent covered. While the article doesnt provide specifics on that survey or further justifications, the idea that universal health care can be an economic stimulus tool is near mind-boggling from an American viewpoint.

Even though China and the United States governments are not very similar, the possibility that providing health care will cause people to spend more money is fascinating and will be watched very carefully by all. If it does work, we can count on American lawmakers using it as a model for a government sponsored health care plan.

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Pruple Fruits Like Acai Berry Hold the Keys To Weight Loss

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

Fruits like the acai berry that have a natural purple pigment, may assist in preventing obesity as these pigments may hold the key to preventing obesity according to a group of scientist in Arkansas.

Their animal study however, reports that eating the whole fruit containing these pigments seems to be less effective than eating an extract of the berry.

Ronald L. Prior and colleagues, who conducted the study, found that past research has shown that the pigments,called anthocyanins, prevent obesity in laboratory mice fed a high-fat diet.

the mice also tested well from other health benefits related to their purple food diet. Anthocyanins are found in acai berry, blueberries, black berries, and many more foods that are dark in color.

The mice were fed for two months a high calorie diet on top of drinking water and extracted anthocyanins from acai berry gained less weight and had a lower body fat level than the other mice.

The study found that anthocyanins extract proved to be the only way the effects of weight prevention could be met. When the mice were fed the whole berry, they tended to gain weight.

The article "Whole Berries versus Berry Anthocyanins: Interactions with Dietary Fat Levels in the C57BL/6J Mouse Model of Obesity" is was published in the ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Colorful pigments found in the skin of blueberries, strawberries and other fruits and vegetables may help prevent obesity, according to recent animal studies according to the USDA Agricultural Research Service.

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When Panic Attacks

By Zul Rahman

Having to go through the worst panic attacks is an experience that you wish would never happen to you. When panic attacks strike, it is a very very terrifying moments. Anyone that have to go through that would never want that to happen to them again.

The worst part is that you never know how long panic attacks will last. It could be from a few minutes or it could continue for several hours. The worst ever panic attacks can have a severe impact on your daily lifestyle.

What makes you have the worst panic attacks ever?

Most likely your worst panic attacks will happen when you are under emotionally stress. This is due to the tired nervous system in your body.

Not everyone will have the same experience with the worse panic attacks. Some people are only strike with the mild symptoms of panic attacks.

Where does panic attacks normally happen to you? Does it happen when you are in a public place like a shopping center or at a movie theater. Panic attacks can happen when you are in a stressful condition.

What are the normal symptoms of worst panic attacks? You can tell when it is hard to breathe and you also feel like you are choking. You would also have a hot and cold flashes and racing heart rate.

Can panic attacks be stopped?

Why did panic attacks happens in the first place? Why did it happen to some people and not the others? Studies shows that people with prolonged emotional stress are most likely to be strike by the worst panic attacks.

If you ever had the worse panic attacks before then don't hesitate to get help from health care professionals such as your family doctor or mental health professionals like counselors, social workers, psychologist and psychiatrist.

It is also helpful to cut down on any consumption of stimulant such as coffee in your diet. Stimulant tend to increase adrenaline in your body and make you restless.

Get advice from your family doctors and ask them to refer you to mental health professionals for treatment. Also let people who are close to you know about your situation.Their understanding and strong moral support is very important to you.

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Wrinkle Cream Along With Self Care = Younger Looking Skin.

By Jen Hopkins

Wrinkle creams of every kind are widely available and make for a very good investment to a woman. There are literally hundreds of creams available, with some of them being specific to certain face areas. You can find creams for the eyes that can reduce the appearance of crows feet, as well as many, many other types of creams. You can buy these products at any store, or you could choose a more expensive brand, which very often is not really better.

A typical cream usually usually will have at least dozens of active ingredients in it that have been scientifically proven to be effective for various reasons. Retinol, which is an antioxidant, basically neutralizes free radicals, which stops them from creating wrinkles by breaking down old skin cells. Exfoliants are another ingredient; they can remove a layer or two of dead skin and expose new and healthier skin; this makes your skin look better right away. There is also copper peptides, which help stimulate the production of collagen, so that your skin will look more firm.

Green tea extracts also are a common ingredient used in wrinkle creams; once again, this is thanks to their antioxidants. Coenzyme Q10 is yet another ingredient used in certain creams and lotions, particularly in eye creams, where this nutrient helps regulate energy production in skin cells.

All of these creams usually will require you to use them at least once a day as directed, and also sometimes twice a day. They help with the appearances of fine lines, and they also help your skin look much more firm. It is very important to remember to use them on a daily basis. If you cease using them, you will not get the benefits creams provide.

Not all ingredients in anti wrinkle creams are proven effective, and not all of these creams deliver the promise on the package, so it is important to do your homework before shopping for an anti wrinkle cream. However, many of these creams do work, as long as they are used on a daily basis, and can definitely improve the look and condition of your skin, making you feel a lot better.

These creams also help the skin by moisturizing. Almost all of them also contain some level of protection from the suns harmful rays. Using them everyday if only just for these qualities can help prevent further damage to your skin. It is best to start using spf when you are young in order to make sure your skin doesnt prematurely age and develop fine lines from sun damage.

It is also important to know that whether you use a cream or not, a healthy active lifestyle can make you look years younger then a person who does not live that way. Drinking lots of water,not smoking at all,getting a lot of sleep and eating well all have very visible effects on your skin. There is also a negative impact on your skin if you live a very stressful lifestyle.

In conclusion, using wrinkle creams daily can make your skin look younger. It will reduce the appearance of fine lines, and skin will look more firm. Make sure it has spf to protect yourself from the sun. Follow a healthy lifestyle, and limit stress in your everyday life, and dont smoke, and your skin will look youthful for a long time.

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Tinnitus Cures - What Are the Possible Causes and Best Cures?

By Lauren Chloe Taylor

Approximately 12 million Americans suffer from ringing in their ear and require a tinnitus cure. Tinnitus is a sensation that is usually described as some form of hissing, whooshing, chirping, beeping, whistling, buzzing, or ringing in the ear that is heard internally. These sounds can vary in volume as well as consistency. They tend to be worse in a quiet room, especially at night when you are trying to sleep. Most people find tinnitus to be disturbing at the least, and some find it extremely hard to live with.

Tinnitus can have quite a few different causes. Microscopic nerve endings located in the inner ear can be damaged by constant exposure to loud noises. Severe ear and sinus infections are other possible causes.

Be aware of these other possible causes:

- Aspirin, anti-inflammatories, and antibiotics can cause tinnitus if used in excessive dosages

- Jaw Disorders (Temporomandibular joint problems)

- Injury or trauma to the neck

- Otosclerosis (bones that have stiffened in the middle ear)

Wax build up can reduce your ability to focus on exterior sounds

Natural, holistic approaches are excellent ways to ease your symptoms. Avoiding constant loud sounds and minimizing salt in your diet is one of the best things to do. Water retention caused by excessive salt can make your tinnitus worse. Eliminate drinks that contain caffeine like coffee, teas, and soft drinks. Make sure you add exercise to your regime and get proper rest to help improve symptoms.

Treating tinnitus naturally can reap tremendous results in finding a tinnitus cure. You need to implement the best cure that works for you. You can tremendously improve your symptoms and have them eliminated in less than a week when using solid proven strategies. Ringing in your ear can end once you start using natural tinnitus remedies.

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Looking Younger is Easier than You Think!

By Juanita A. Davenport

Managing your health is the most important foundation so you can start looking younger (and stay young looking.) I hope you don't expect a quick fix to a long-term solution to the problem of aging. However, you will have to change a few old habits in the way you live your life.

Managing your health and beauty are processes of seeking complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease, sickness, or wear and tear.

Want to look healthier and younger? The 4 main ways are to eat right, exercise, reduce stress, and stop destroying the body with tobacco, alcohol and drugs. Namely, study what others are doing so you can best take care of your body and therefore your beauty will shine through.

Specifically, you can start looking younger by reducing free radicals in your life. Wonder what free radicals are? Chiefly free radicals are caused by environmental factors such as pollution: radiation, cigarette smoking, and eating highly processed foods.

Actually you can triumph over free radicals and become healthy by eating 5-8 servings of anti-oxidant rich fruits and vegetables every day. Previously people would take large dosages of vitamins and minerals as a means of looking younger. Now the trend is to go with the natural way of getting healthy and looking young. Particularly this change to fresh fruits can benefit your beauty as well as your health!

Antioxidants are believed to help protect the body from free-radical damage. Allow your body to look and feel good again by increasing natural products and using alternative health practices.

Discovering how to look younger and live longer is as close as your kitchen. You can take simple easy steps toward better health and a more youthful, more expressive you.

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Herbal Acne Remedies

By Richard May

Adults can suffer from acne as much as teenagers. But what causes it? Normally its is caused by the oil glands starting to expand which leads to a build up of sebum on the surface of the skin. The hair follicles can become blocked by this excess sebum, as can the pores in the skin as well. The growth of bacteria can then occur which can spread around different areas of the skin resulting in an acne breakout. This breakout can often affect people in various different ways which also doesn't help in learning what the exact causes of acne are.

Many possible causes of acne have been suggested which can cause imbalances in hormones. There are also other factors which can affect acne breakouts, for example foods, stress and lack of vitamins.

Research has shown that the reduction of sebum and keratin production is linked to the level of vitamin A in a sufferers body. For this reason it is important to keep your body well balanced with plenty of vitamin A. You can do this by eating at least five portions of fruits and vegetables every day.

Something that is linked to the above information about vitamin A is zinc. Zinc helps with the effectiveness of vitamin A and therefore is great for healing and repair of acne damaged skin.

Also remember that there are a number of creams that can help to reduce the inflamation of acne damaged skin. The creams that you should look at in particular are ones containing sulphur. A local chemist of your local Doctor will be able to assist you with choosing the right cream. Products that you should avoid are ones that contain iodide and bromide because they can actually make your condition worse.

Please remember to double check with your Doctor or Medical advisor before trying any new creams or medications to make sure they are suitable to you and have no hidden side effects.

Also you should try to reduce your intake of refined sugars in your foods. Having the right diet can make a big difference to the severity of your acne. You should also avoid any foods containing fried oils or hydrogenerated vegetable oils. Despite acne not definitely being caused by these oils, it certainly will not do your overall health any damage to avoid them.

There are a wide variety of acne treatments that are totally natural, they can sometimes be very effective if not more effective than regular medical treatments prescribed by your Doctor. People often choose this type of treatment because the chances of side effects occuring are smaller. The only downside is that natural acne treatments can take longer to have an effect than usual medical acne treatments. Also note that tea tree contains properties that can help improve your acne. These properties are that they are antifungal and antibacterial.

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Wart Removal - Different Ways To Remove Your Warts

By Bart Icles

If you have warts, you already know how important wart removal really is. Wart removal techniques can be classified in several different ways. First, there are treatment methods that are performed only in the office of a dermatologist and then there are therapies that can be done in the comfort of your own home.

There are certain drugs that you can obtain to aid your wart removal process, but they can only be obtained by a medical prescription. There are some that are actually over the counter and that work quite well. If you result to professional techniques that are either going to be surgically removed or removed by creams or ointments.

Laser surgery is one of the quickest and most efficient ways to remove a wart. This method is one of the best methods because it tends to minimize scarring. You should know that with this type of surgery, you may have to repeat the procedure several times to completely rid yourself of the wart.

One really old method of removing warts is known as the duct take method. The duct tape wart removal technique is just about what it sounds like. This is where your wart is covered by duct tape for six days. After the sixth day, an individual will remove the tape and clean the area with a pumice stone. This process has to be repeated for about six weeks to see any results. Even though this requires a longer period of time than others, individuals prefer it over surgical procedures because it doesnt cause any pain at all.

Often, dermatologists will use acids to remove warts from an individual. Salicylic and squaric acid are the most popular acids used today by doctors. The concentration of the acid itself plays a huge role in the removal process and should be increased gradually over the treatment period. Your dermatologist needs to be very careful not to get any acid anywhere else than the affected area of the skin.

Individuals who struggle with wart problems are recommended to pick only one of the wart removal methods so they can get rid of their warts much faster. Your health care provider should be able to take a look at your warts and your situation and tell you exactly what solution will work best for you. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration when considering a treatment.

If you consult your doctor, follow the guidelines that they give you, you can be wart free in no time.

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Acne - A Natural Way To Treat This Skin Condition

By Dave Bern

Acne is not something that teenagers and young adults suffer from; today it is a condition that can trouble many adults in later life as well. Today, however, there are now plenty of different treatments available which can help you to deal with this particular skin condition. Many of which now contain very few chemicals that could actually be harmful to one's skin and cause it further damage.

This is one of the reasons why so many people are now looking for more natural ways of treating their acne problem. Many of the natural acne treatments available today do not contain harsh or dangerous chemicals in their makeup. So the chances of your skin becoming dry or irritated by them are greatly reduced.

Even though quite a few people do not believe that natural ways of treating acne are as effective as over the counter or prescription medications this is simply not the case. In fact the vast majority of natural acne treatments one can use today for this particular skin condition are indeed very effective.

One of the most effective natural treatments for acne is tea tree oil. It is a golden color and will have been distilled from the leaves of certain plants using steam. This particular natural treatment has been used for many centuries by the Australian indigenous people not only for medicinal purposes but for cosmetic ones as well.

The oil itself contains anti-bacterial properties which help to kill off the bacterium that causes acne to form under your skin. This particular natural treatment for acne should never be applied directly to ones skin, but rather it be diluted in a mixture of water. You should put 1 part oil to 20 parts water in order for it to be truly effective.

Because this particular natural product has proven to be effective at treating acne some companies who produce acne treatments are replacing the more common benzoyl peroxide with it. Certainly it has the same qualities as the chemical has but is far less harmful on ones skin.

Certainly if you are someone who has sensitive skin then using a product which contains tea tree oil would be far more suitable as it is much gentler on the skin. Also you will soon discover that using such products your skin is far less likely to dry out. However, if you want to moisture your skin as you treat it then use a mixture of tea tree oil with Aloe Vera.

Along with tea tree oil another natural ingredient which is considered to be one of the best acne treatments now available is the spice turmeric. This particular treatment for acne cannot only be applied directly to the affected area of skin, but can be taken orally as well. This natural acne treatment contains antiseptic properties which again can help to kill off the bacterium causing your acne.

If you want to take this natural treatment for acne orally, the best way to do so is mix some into a cup of warm milk. When it comes to applying the turmeric directly to the skin first make up a smooth creamy paste using some coconut or sesame oil then apply on the areas of your skin affected by the acne. It is best to allow it to remain on your skin overnight and so apply about twenty minutes before you go to bed. The next morning you will be amazed at the difference in the size of your acne spots and how much they have been reduced by.

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Distressing Acne and Its Possible Causes

By David Lam

There is pretty good chances that you might get some acne if you are on your teen years. About 8 out of 10 youngsters have acne along with many adults. It is a common skin problem which is considered to be a normal part of puberty.

Apparently, it does make teen or any individual uncomfortable. It doesn't make it easier when you look in the mirror and see the big pimple on your face or chin. However there is good news such as simple steps which will help you feel better about your face.

Acne is a skin condition that shows up as different types of bumps including pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and cysts. You are always thinking how those pimples have grown onto your face or how you got those zits on your back. The simplest scientific explanation which you could know is that your skin is covered with tiny holes known as hair follicles or pores.

These pores contain sebaceous glands also known as oil glands which make sebum and oil that moisten your skin and hair. Glands make the suitable amount of sebum and the pores are fine at most of the time. However sometimes a pore gets clogged up with too much dead skin cells, sebum and germs which called bacteria thus causing you to acne breakouts.

Doctors believe that acne results from several related factors however the exact cause is unknown. One important reason is the increasing hormones called androgen which is male sex hormones. The increasing in hormones androgen during puberty triggers the enlargement of sebaceous glands thus making more sebum. This hormonal change related to pregnancy or starting or stopping birth control pills can trigger acne.

Hereditary or genetics is another factor which may be related to acne. Others believe that the tendency to acne outbreaks is inherited from their parents. Certain drugs such as androgens and lithium are known to cause acne. Likewise greasy cosmetics may modify the cells of the follicles and make them stick together thus producing a plug.

Moreover there are many myths about the causes of acne. People often blame chocolates and greasy foods however foods seem to have little effect on the development and cause of acne in most people. Dirty skin is as well believed to cause the skin disorder however blackheads and other acne lesions are not caused by dirt.

Obviously there are several factors which can make the acne worse. The varying hormone levels in the adolescent girls and adult women 2 to 7 days before their menstrual period begins affect the worsening of the acne. Picking or squeezing at blemishes, environmental irritants and hard scrubbing of the skin are other factors which could worsen acne conditions.

Beside from the dermatologist who specializes on skin troubles, there are doctors who treat all kinds of acne especially those of severe cases. Family practitioners, pediatricians or internists may cure individuals with milder acne cases. It is always the target of the acne treatment to heal existing lesions, end new lesions formation, avoid scarring as well as minimize the psychological stress and embarrassment which caused by the disease.

The drug treatment is to dimish several problems playing a part in causing acne like abnormal clumping of cells in the follicles, oil production, increased bacteria and inflammation. The doctor may suggest one of several over-the-counter acne medicines or prescription medicines either topical which applied to the skin or oral medication depending on the extent of the person's acne.

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