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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Remove Toxins from Your Body and Eliminate Cellulite

By Gal Bishop

Cellulite is a problem for about ninety percent of all women. It causes lumpy skin that can remind a person of cottage cheese. One of the common misconceptions about cellulite is that only over weight people get it. Actually, even average weight people can get it, though. Regardless of why you have cellulite, the point is that you want to get rid of it. So, let's talk about what cellulite is and how to reduce it.

If you want to understand cellulite, the first thing you need to know is that it's a form of fat cell. You also need to understand that your skin contains connective tissue and liquid surrounding that tissue. The liquid nourishes your skin and removes toxins and waste products. If, for some reason, the liquid can't do its job properly, toxins build up in your skin. The result is lumpy, ugly cellulite deposits.

The next step to understanding cellulite is to know where the toxins come from. That's a bit easier said than done, though. There are lots of possible causes of a toxin build up in your skin.

Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to fight cellulite. That's because drinking plenty of water doesn't just keep your body healthy. It also removes the toxins below your skin's surface that cause cellulite build up.

How much water is enough, though? Well, a lot of people say 8 glasses a day. The trouble is that not every person is the same. Depending on things like how active you are and how much you weigh, the amount of water you need to drink is going to change. You just have to figure out the right amount, depending on what you're doing.

Controlling cellulite also comes down to having a healthy diet. Alcohol, junk foods and caffeine can all contribute to a cellulite problem. If you want to limit their effects, drink lots of water. Really, though, the best thing to do is to just try not to over indulge in the first place.

One thing you might not have thought about that definitely plays a role in cellulite is smoking. Smoking, aside from being bad for your general health, can actually cause the connective tissue in your skin to get weaker. That can build up cellulite. So, if you smoke, you may want to quit, if you want to get rid of that cellulite trouble.

The idea here is that cellulite it caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, mainly. So, you should get plenty of rest, water, exercise and healthy food, if you want to be successful at fighting cellulite. You should also remember that stress can play a role, too. So, it's important to take the time to relax and enjoy life. After that, everything else should fall into place.

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