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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Acai Berry Better in Powder or Liquid Form

By I Russell

Which of the liquid or powder form of the Acai berry is superior? The answer depends on the constituents of each. There are both powders as well as liquids which have little Acai berry extract content in them and consist largely of other ingredients. The berry, which is about as large as a marble or grape, has been called the "super fruit" and provides many benefits to those who consume it or its juice. The adulteration of the berry with other ingredients reduces its efficacy. Purity of the product is therefore critical in ensuring that the most good can be obtained.

The Acai berry is only in powder or liquid form, simply because it is so very perishable and needs to be processed to be shipped anywhere far from South America. Only locals in Brazil and the Brazilian Amazon are fortunate to eat the fresh item. The natives in the Amazon comprise about fifty percent of their diet with Acai fruit. They also contribute their good health and long life to the Acai fruit. The fruit is commonly used by others as topping on desserts and mixed with sugar and or honey and Tapioca or eaten as is.

There are numerous benefits using this fruit, however, the number one reason for its popularity is weight lose. The Acai berry is noted for its properties beneficial in preparing the body nutritionally to lose weight. The Acai berry does not make you lose weight, but by preparing your body and making it healthy, paves the way to easy weight lose. This product along with an appetite suppressant give you a good start with your weight lose program and its success. One of the benefits is increased metabolism and there is a host of others that you will receive. Weight loss, yes, but so much more than that.

Now we are going to talk about whether the Acai berry is in powder form or in liquid form. It is important to find either the powder or liquid in its purest strength. Though some companies claim to have the best, but you will find after reading the product ingredients, that the Acai fruit powder or juice is mixed with other ingredients. So with this discussion out of the way, the doubt that comes to our mind is whether it is a powder or liquid. I could go into all the ORAC, (antioxidant value of a nutritional product) but simply the liquid has three times more nutritional value in each bottle and even with the larger cost of shipping, the juice seems to be the better value.

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The Facts About Acaiberry Juice

By Ron Duckett Douglas

Acai juice is an extract of processed acai berry. Acai berry is a purple in fruit color that grows on acai palms which is mostly grown in the Amazon rain forest in Brazil, South America. The acai fruit is similar to grape in color, shape and size. Occupants of the Amazon forest use the fruit is as a source of food and for medicinal purposes.

The acai palm has the capacity to produce bunches of the fruits. The palm has the capacity to produce eight bunches, which are then processed under controlled conditions to overcome the effects of sunlight that might degrade the fruit juice. The ORAC rating ranks the juice to have many benefits as compared to other fruit juices.

The berry normally consists 88-90% as the seed while 10-12% of the fruit forms the skin. Acai berry benefit includes good health, weight loss and being antioxidant that helps in prevention of cancer disease in the body and acai juice is 100% organic and natural.

Experts believe that, the chances of contracting cancer are greatly reduced by the presence of fatty acid portion in acai berry that resembles olive oil. Diseases connected to Blood Pressure are combated by sterols and phytosterols present in acai.

High essential fatty acids and omegas are contained in Acai berry juice. The juice is believed to be pure and has antioxidants ten to thirty times more than grape juice. Toxic materials in the body are removed by these antioxidants. Acai berry juice is a protein supplement that contains dietary fiber, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and high proteins.

The juice has the capacity to burn off extra fats in the body. This aids in weight loss, and prevents bulking of the cholesterols in our bodies. This helps in reducing chances of cardiovascular diseases like stroke, atherosclerosis among others. It has been proved that this health drink contains carbohydrates to act as source of body energy.

The skins of the acai berry contain fibers. In acai berry juice, the fibers help in food digestion and metabolism. Besides, micro minerals and macro minerals like magnesium, copper and potassium aid in boost the body immunity as well as improving the flavor and benefits of this herbal drink.

Acai berries produce acai berry fruit that contains minerals, proteins, fibers, antioxidants and other components to aid in boosting body immunity. Scientists have proved that acai berry fruit juice can protect you from obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and improve your mental ability. This is not only a juice, but also a health and diet juice.

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Why Attend Rehab Centers

By Don Pedro

Taking a victim off drugs is not effortless. Hence, you ought to get the victim to attend a suitable and reliable drug rehab retreat and center. Much as the drug addicts or family members want him or her get off the addiction, he or she can't help it. This is why the support of professionals which is only within reach at rehab centers is required.

You need to understand that the addict can't do it all alone. Neither can you the family members. Try as much as you can, you and other family members don't have the requisite education to assist an addict gets off drugs or alcoholism.

However, much as you or your loved one craves to go to a drug rehab retreats and centers it's absolutely prudent that you hunt for the right one. Getting a genuine one does not come easy at all. You need to be persistent before settling for any of the hundreds of drug rehab centers out there.

And it's been identified that many people that wants to get off addiction are always in haste. They briskly check into any accessible drug rehab centers close to them. But they soon notice that the center is not well equipped to assist them.

At suitable and dependable drug rehab retreats and centers, the drug addict will be medically and psychologically assisted to get off drugs. Medically, he or she will be presented with drugs that will assist the body reclaim its standard position or act. The body of an addict has been accustomed to ingesting drugs or alcohol and the body is either attenuated or damaged in the process. Thus, changing the body's system won't be simple. A well trained health expert will be able to assist the victim's body adapt to ingesting good and body inspiring drugs.

Moreover, emotionally, the addicts need to recognize about the evil impacts of drug abuse. Thus, he or she will be told how to stay off drugs. He or she will be supplied emotionally, to avert any relapse to the old way of life.

Not all drug rehab retreats and centers are costly. You can still get discounted ones. But you should never sacrifice quality service for low cost. Your health and that of your loved ones matters most in this case, not the money. If you're patient (can't seem to stress this enough) you'll be able to get satisfactory and trustworthy centers that won't call for you breaking into a bank before paying for their services. As an example, its quite feasible to get non-profit centers.

These centers, as the name implies are not in the business of helping drug addict in order to make huge profit. Rather, they're mostly sponsored by foundations, government and religious organizations. Check into any dependable one among these ones and you won't regret getting assistance there.

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During Spinal Decompression What Can You Expect


Spinal decompression therapy isn't a new concept, but some of the methods that are becoming more and more popular today are relatively new, like the use of tables for spinal decompression Phoenix and other Arizona doctors are embracing like the drx9000.

In the past doctors in the Phoenix area have routinely prescribed traction for their back or neck pain patients. Especially here in Arizona traction was often the treatment of choice. But with advances in technology newer treatments like spinal decompression therapy with the DRX9000 take the idea of traction to a whole new level, and offer a safer and more effective way to relief back and neck pain.

If you're getting herniated disc treatments in Scottsdale, Phoenix or even smaller towns in Arizona and you want to try spinal decompression technology like the drx9000, Arizona doctors in your area should be able to refer you for the therapy.

The first thing you'll notice is that the table looks very space age, not just in the design of the table you lie down on, but in the column attached that holds the brains of the table. A touch-screen computer system controls the spinal decompression and carefully monitors your relaxation and resistance levels to the movements you're led through by the table itself.

In Arizona spinal decompression is now available utilizing the DRX9000 and the newest technology. Doctors routinely refer for this treatment and 20 session is typically the protocol, although that may vary.

Arizona doctors who use tables like the drx9000 usually suggest sessions in 30-minute increments, and typically perform rehabilitation as an adjunct to the treatment.

The DRX9000 is safe, gentle and effective and does not require that the patient do any work. The table works on decompressing the spine while the patients remains relaxed.

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Ways To Quit Smoking

By C R Bolden

One of the most serious diseases in today's times is smoking. Smokers have such a hard time in the long run with their body than a non-smoker. It causes a lot of problems on the life of the smoker and those around him. It leads to lung cancer and various heart diseases like asthma and emphysema.

To quit smoking is not easy because you been doing it for long and by the time you're ready to quit you're addicted. However there are very many ways and methods that help us to quit smoking for instance we can prescribe for acupuncture therapy or aromatherapy. We can also opt for non-nicotine cigarettes, the body patch or go for precise prescription by a doctor.

We need to definately decide in our heart to stop smoking. Inform your family about your decision and seek for their help and assistance. You must throw away all the cigarette packets, ashtrays and lighters. Stop buying any more cigarettes.

Think of the more useful and better things that you can buy with the money. Ask the other family members also, who smoke, to stop smoking. Keep yourself busy. Exercise regularly and meditate occasionally. Eat healthy food.

After doing all this you may still have an urges to smoke. You may also actually retort back to it, but that?s no problem, just be persistent and bring back your decision on to the right track after this break, because most of the people are successful only after 2-3 attempts.

Be prepared for withdrawal symptoms. About 80% people retort back to smoking after once leaving it and only 20% successfully accomplish the task. People retort back due to many reasons . Some say they feel agitated. Others say that the aroma when someone lights up is irresistible. But most of them do so due to the fear of symptoms that appears after that last puff like weight gain, dry throat, fatigue, muscle cramps, constipation, and dizziness. These examples are all just temporary symptoms and disappear in a few days.

As a matter of fact, after the initial smoking bout is over the blood pressure, heart rate and pulse get back to normal. You thus need to keep your will power strong and stick to your decision.

Some people are not able to continue with the smoke cessation programs because they say that it cost too much. But this is a wrong perception because they are not costlier than the price spent for buying cigarettes in the first place. Seem like it a better solution to spend on your health rather on a disease anyway.

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The Best Alcohol Addiction Treatment

By Don Pedro

According to experts, alcoholism touches on any condition that result in the continued consumption of alcoholic beverages without allowing for the negative personal and social consequences. So, an alcohol addict is someone that indulges in alcoholic beverages in spite of the accompanying negative consequences.

No doubt, you would have come across a lot of suggestion on the best way ot get off alcohol addcition. But the best alcohol addiction treatment is located within the walls of a treatment centre. This is a fact that many people don't want to hear. But the truth must be told that no other form of treatment for alcohol abuse surpasses what you will get when you or a loved one check into a treatment center. This article will inform you on why attending a teatment center is th ebest for you.

Whether the person (the addict) is just a beginner or has gone deep into alcoholism, the alcoholism addiction treatment centre is the paramount place to go for alimony. I have come across so many addicts who tried overcoming alcohol without success and even when they do overcome, it is often shortlived. They usually return to their vomit helplessly. They've mustered all the power at their disposal, yet they could not seem to overcome the attraction of the bottle. When you or a loved one wants to quit alcohol, you need to attend a treatment centre. Now, which of the centre should you attend?

This is where many people get it incorrect. I generally recommend to people like you or your loved one to attend only a Christian alcoholism addiction treatment centre. Frankly speaking, this is the top place to attend. These types of centres generally combine the spiritual and traditional course in order to help addicts quit alcohol.

This is what many people out there are ignorant of. They thought everything about the Christian alcoholism addiction treatment centre is bible. No, that is far from the truth. The centre will in addition to the bible use other traditional means to assist patients. The patients will be introduced to a higher power that can assist him or her quit if prior attempt have not yielded any good result. Also, one on one counselling will be given to the addict. They would be counselled on the effects of alcoholism and what they can do to quit. Medically, they will be given some drugs that can assist their body so that they don't rely on alcohol again.

Contrary to what you may be thinking, it is not all the christian treatment centers out there that are pricey. Many of them are actually affordbale. Simply scout for them around you or look up the internet to get one that is affordbale and right for you.

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A Guide To Best Body Shape

By Ferda Shinsky

We all have seen and heard of them. You know, impressive chests and rippling muscles, or if their bikinis were made for them, which viewed as the girls on the beach with friends. How do they do it? Or more importantly, you can do this for? Of course you can. In this guide, how can we shape of the body of my dreams to obtain advice on the'll see. It's all down to suit your unique needs for a training program for customising comes.

First of all, some of the science. Most of the research institute cited these days comes from the shape of a man, William Shelton. An American psychologist, he began some research in the 1940s of the Ivy League institution's students, and reached some surprising conclusions. His body is classified into three categories, or body type; mesomorph, endomorph and ectomorph. Results-oriented mesomorphs often low in fat and muscle to easily. Endomorphs the easy fat is around the love of food and company. Endomorphs thinner, more vulnerable to strong emotions. Make sure you type, and then a reading for you!

Mesomorphs a heavy response as well as various bone and training. Therefore, in order to achieve this ideal V-shaped men, women or hourglass, they should be combined with the hybrid system, weight lifting and aerobic work. Try running or swimming twice a week at moderate intensity, and then weightlifiting in any other free time. You should notice the results of a solid very quickly. Exercises, such as the latitude and Latin America will be ups and downs of these core muscles affected!

On the other hand, endomorphs usually need to reduce their own exposure to body fat muscle, and looks forward to the best. They should carry out the 3rd week of aerobic exercise, the right to use only as a secondary form of training. Swimming and cycling's proposal, because these are low-impact, high-calorie burn exercise, there will soon be looking for endomorph his best. Once the body fat has been reduced to about 15% of the women's mark, 10% of men, endomorph should be given to increasing the weight training

Endomorphs usually have low-fat, so should avoid excessive aerobic exercise. On the contrary, they should focus on in-depth re-program; about 3-4 weak session. They should use a large number of complex exercises, the use of multiple muscle groups, such as the squat and sit-ups. Try training partners; they will be able to check your technique. Or better treatment of their own private coach.

Whatever your somatotype, the importance of good posture and confidence remember. One reason there is not an Arnold Schwarzenegger slouching ever remember. A great new body shape and you invigoration in the new, positive steps should be a sign of life. Smile. Relax your shoulders and, purposeful pace for a long time. , Take a deep breath and you'll still look great to expand your chest!

My last bit of advice is this: set realistic, achievable goals. Guys and girls, whatever your desired body shape, training takes time and dedication. Rome wasn't built in a day; and neither are rippling muscles and ideal body shapes. Total transformations can take up to 6 months, but sports science suggests that you should start seeing results within 6 weeks. If this seems long, just focus on the fun side of training, and maybe find a partner to share your fitness journey.

Training and the size of the body is a matter of faith. If your body's feeling good he-in-hand;, you'll feel better and be even-handed performance. Somatotype for his unique training and, you soon will achieve their fitness goals. Remember, your inspired diversity is not lost sight of the goals to ensure important. And if all fails and relax, take a deep breath and appreciate the gift you already have. Only makes these better training.

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Are Herniated Discs The Cause of Your Back Pain?


Many times someone can walk around with a herniated disc and not even realize it. Then there are those that are in debilitating pain that can only be relieved by spinal decompression.

Obtaining an examination, history review, MRI or X-ray studies and undergoing other tests my be helpful in determining if a herniated disc is to blame for your back pain.

Herniated disc treatments in Phoenix and across Arizona are very common, because a herniated disc, also known as a bulging disc, is one of the most common reasons for back pain in the United States.

If you feel you may be suffering from a herniated disc and are in need of treatment in Arizona, it may be difficult for you know for sure. Only an evaluation by a competent doctor can determine if a herniated disc is your problem. However, there are some signs that your pain may be coming from a disc. If certain positions like sitting and bending increase your pain, it could be a bulging disc. If the pain gets worse when you cough or sneeze then a herniated disc is likely the cause.

Looking into a treatment like spinal decompression like other back pain patients in Arizona may be a good idea. The DRX9000 protocol is gaining much more acceptance and is becoming a favorite treatment for many Phoenix Physicians.

Arizona doctors feel these tables can offer relief to some patients previously deemed as difficult to treat. The reason you can't be sure on your own whether or not you have a herniated disc, is that there's no outward sign of the condition.

The lack of outward signs in many cases of back pain lead to the ordering of an MRI. This in turn can show if the disc has a bulge or worse, a herniation. This is the time when spinal decompression in an Arizona Clinic with the DRX9000 would be most beneficial.

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Why Use Water Filters?

By Dick johhnsen

Most tap water just isn't as good as we'd like. Our reservoir, catchment and river systems are under a lot more stress than in the past, affected by drought, high levels of salinity and climate change.

Without national standards for quality and safety of drinking water, it's hard to know whether your town or city provides water that's safe for your family. After all, water treatment plants aren't set up to deal with heavy metals and similar materials.

What this can mean is that cadmium, cobalt, lead and other substances are present in tiny amounts in many water systems. Plus, even water that's safe going out of the plant has to go through hundred of kilometers or pipe, often older pipe.

That means that additional contamination can happen along the way. Plus your water's appearance, quality, smell and taste can all be affected. Don't take your water for granted.

Tap water contamination can come from industrial sources, agricultural waste, buried contaminants, pipes that are falling apart and others. Even the use of chlorine as a disinfectant can cause taste and smell issues, as well as possible health effects.

Remember that your home plumbing can be responsible for a change in the quality of your water, as well. New houses don't usually have this problem, but older homes may cause a change in smell, taste, or even lead contamination.

Filtering our water at home isn't just an indulgence for the rich and picky. It's a necessity, given how strained our water systems are an how inefficient filtering in public systems can be. If you want to consume your home water confidently, it's time to look into a filter system.

While it might seem like bottled water is a decent substitute for good tap water, think again. Bottled water uses a lot of packaging, is expensive, and is often no better than your home water.

This is because most bottled water comes out of municipal systems. Then, it's shipped a long way in plastic containers, which can leach contaminants. A filtration system will give you better water for a lot less.

Remember, healthy water is the best health insurance around, and the best way to get it is filtering at home. Lots of companies are offering filtration devices, but not all of them are the same.

To find the filter system that's best for your home, you'll have to take a look at your usage, what kind of filters you're likely to need, and what kind of filtration you want. After all, some filters only remove tastes and odors, and don't touch mineral or other contamination.

Pick from whole house systems, undersink systems, setups that offer instant cold or boiling water, reverse osmosis filters and much more. Think about checking out a site like H2Only to find out more about all your options and make an informed choice.

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Spider Vein Removal Methods And Costs

By Rob Grabon

Those who suffer from spider veins are often left feeling full of frustration when trying to get rid of them. Spider veins can be unsightly if they are allowed to develop. It is no wonder that those who do spot them are affected in terms of self esteem.

The only solution left for such people will be to remove the spider veins. There is no shortage of ways to do so, and varicose veins are not known to be untreatable except in the most serious of cases. But the common concern of most patients is the cost that accompanies the treatments, which can vary.

Using laser treatments to remove the varicose veins is the best solution at the moment. However, they can be very costly due to the nature of the treatment and hardware required. Specialist skills are also necessary, thus the more qualified a doctor is, the higher the bills. But those are not the only considerations.

The past history and track record success of the doctors must be determined. Needless to say, the most qualified doctors should be your first options, depending on your budget range. If the doctor provides substantial follow-ups, that will provide additional incentive to select him or her.

Naturally, opting for laser removal of spider veins can be stressful on one's wallet. But for the best way to cure the condition, such treatment has been known to be the most successful solution. However, there are other methods which can be employed by those with tighter budgets.

Those with a smaller budget can try spider vein removal creams. Just the right amount can be used at regular intervals on the skin where varicose veins are visible. Success rates are also quite considerable, while the medicinal creams will hardly make a dent in anyone's budget.

Developing spider veins is not a minor issue, especially for those who suffer from it. The problem is exacerbated when one has to leave the comfort of his or her own home. Dealing with the unwanted attention can result in whole new problems such as negative self-consciousness.

With such a view, it is best to avoid having to suffer spider veins than to treat it thereafter. The latter will cost money and time, which can create a burden on many who might not be able to afford it. Exercise frequently and have a healthy diet. These will be the best ways of removing and eliminating spider veins.

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How Much do Dental Implants Cost on Average per Tooth?

By Amy Nutt

Any type of surgery, whether major or minor, can often vary greatly in price depending on a number of factors. Many surgical procedures will be covered, at least in part, by your medical insurance, but unfortunately dental implants are usually not among the procedures covered under regular insurance. This may make it a necessity for the patient to do some serious shopping around and to have all of the facts covered before entering into an agreement for a dental implant procedure by a dentist Toronto.

Here are some of the factors that may end up affecting the cost of the procedure in one way or another and how to give yourself at least a ball park estimate of what a dental implant may end up costing you.

Where You Live

The place you make your home doesn't necessarily sound like something that could have an effect on the general cost of a surgical procedure, but it most certainly does. The cost of almost anything in our lives is affected by our place of residence: homes, milk, gas and taxes all vary depending upon which area of the country you reside and though it may not seem fair the same holds true for surgeries. If you live in New York City or Los Angeles you will most likely be paying more for your dental implant than someone who lives in Knoxville or Boise.

The Difficulty of the Procedure

This is a part of the equation that's very hard to determine, cost wise, before actually seeing the oral care specialist that's going to perform the procedure. There are things that can make the overall procedure more difficult and time consuming that will ultimately run up the price - if there is a good deal of bone and/or gum restoration work that needs to accompany the implant procedure itself, the cost will likely be substantially higher than the average procedure.

The Location of the Implant (which tooth)

Some areas of the mouth are much more difficult to work on than others. The cost for a canine will be different from the cost of an incisor and that of a molar. The more difficult the area of the mouth is to work on, the more time it will require to do the procedure and the more labor it will involve - so in turn the price will go up.

Before entering into an agreement to have a dental implant procedure it's important that you understand everything about what one doctor's price includes as compared to another's so there are no surprises once the bill comes. People often obtain a quote for just the implant procedure itself, but fail to realize that the extra charges are piling up throughout the process.

Get detailed quotes from each implant dentist Toronto that you are considering having the procedure performed by, in writing, for everything that will be involved in the process, including: the implant surgery itself, x-rays, anesthesia, subsequent visits and the cost of the crown to go on the implant. By doing this you will ensure two things - that you'll be getting the best price for the work being performed and that you won't keel over once the bill arrives.

On a very, very wide plane - the average dental implant can cost anywhere from $1500.00 all the way up to $6000.00 or more for just the procedure and exponentially more depending upon what else will be involved. Though it's good to shop around to make sure that you are getting a reasonable price for the services being performed, make sure you aren't sacrificing quality to save money - be one hundred percent certain that the procedure is being performed by a qualified professional with plenty of experience in the type of work that you need done.

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Can Obama Achieve the Lofty Goal Of Health Care For All?

By Ethan Kalvin

The overwhelming majority of Americans approve of decisions President-elect Barack Obama is making, from his transition team to his cabinet picks. However reports show that his ability to make significant changes in health care and insurance reform are issues that aren't so largely agreed on by all.

The Los Angeles Times reports that only 4 in 10 Americans believe Obama can provide all Americans with health care. What does that mean? Why are we not confident of him in this regard?

Since the dire condition of the economy is the current issue of the day, many Americans likely feel that the important issue of universal health care will get pushed off to a back burner until its time again boils to the top of our attention.

Considering the issue's importance in the minds of most Americans, Obama recently stated at a press conference that (health care reform) "Has to be intimately woven into our overall economic recovery plan. It's not something that we can sort of put off because we're in an emergency. This is part of the emergency." The statement was made as he announced former Senator Tom Daschle as his choice for Health and Human Services Secretary.

Another reason many Americans are reluctant to believe in Obama's ability to reform the industry is the still recent memory of Hillary Clinton's inability to get universal health care passed. Times have changed though, and nowadays even the health insurance industry has jumped on board for the notion that it is time to fix our broken health care system now. Hmmm. What do you think?

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Spray Tans: A Backgrounder

By Maria Smitheram

Tanning booths have become the number one way for people to keep that year round tanned look. We should all now be aware of the dangers of too much sun (skin cancer) and a number of alternatives are showing success in the market to counteract these health issues.

The quickest and most preferred method of having a fake tan is by using a spray tanning salon service. Although there are many other methods, spraying seems to provide the most even and consistent tan available at the moment.

Just to provide an even more convenient service, manufacturers have introduced spray tanning equipment that can be used in the home too. While there are different ways to provide an alternative tan, the way to achieve it and make it longer lasting lies with spray tanning technology.

Exfoliation is the first step in getting a spray tan, as this rids the body surface of the dead skin cells. The last thing you want is to have dead skin dropping off and leaving lighter patches where it once was.

To complete this part of the preparation, the skin needs to be moist and ready to accept the tan so a good skin moisturizer will need to be applied all over. unless you want people to see the orange palms which you will most certainly have when you have finished.

Even spray tanning can cause the odd problem if there is an excess and it starts to run so take a towel you no longer want with you to wipe it off.

Always stay as still as possible after artificial tanning to allow time for the application to settle down and create an even coating. Agents of all types will leave stains on your clothing almost as soon as you put them on so consider what you intend to wear once you have finished.

Now that you have this information it should be much easier having a fake tan without anyone knowing.

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Treaments For Cancer

By Shauwn P. Newton

According to the American Cancer Society there is a 41% probability that a person male or female will develop cancer in his or her lifetime. And the sad truth is that most people who suffer from cancer usually die. Though there are many survivors of cancer, there are also many who die from this deadly disease.

Those numbers are very disturbing. Almost everyone has either had the scare of being diagnosed with cancer, or felt something and fear it was cancer, or know someone who has been diagnosed with cancer.

In the last few years cancer detection has been on the rise despite all the money that has been spent for medical research, the medication for cancer and the drugs and widespread cry to find a cure for cancer, there has been so called no cure for cancer.

Yet there has not been a known cure for cancer and people continue to fear it more. The American Cancer Society has named cancer as the number one killer in America. But you don't have to take their word for it, just look around you.

Most people who have undergone chemotherapy or radiation have said that it made them feel weak and are now beginning to seek a more holistic cure for cancer. And as the need for a natural cure for cancer continues, it has come to the attention of many that there is a simple, natural scientifically proven method to cure cancer.

They would have preferred if they could find a more natural cure for cancer without leaving the survivors feeling as if they now need to rebuild their bodies.

This scientifically proven method has been touted to cure almost all diseases that the average person suffers from including the common cold and flu.

Most doctors will confirm that the reason why the body gets cancer or any other disease is simply because the body has gotten so weak that it can no longer fight off disease and so they take over the body.

These researchers have claimed that this technique will help the body to heal itself and bring it back into harmony and cause it to do its work without the help of surgery, medication, drug, chemotherapy and it will do this without causing any side effects.

The procedure is natural, safe, easy, most powerful, fast and least expensive and all it takes to administer is just one minute on a product that cost less than two cents per day.

If you have found this information to be helpful and need to find out more then visit

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Tips To Approach Women Successfully

By Bruce Min

Life is a lot different from the imaginary, fabricated on that we see in Hollywood. It always seem that men are able to confidently approach women, and without a need to search for the right pick up line. But why would this create a problem? With the fabricated script lines that are created for them, and the women who are paid to respond accordingly, there really should be no problem.

Let's face it though, in our real life it's not quite this easy, as the right 'line' isn't always at your disposal. This probably sounds all too familiar to most of us. Perhaps you're out with your friends, and notice a beautiful woman at that corner table. You procrastinate and procrastinate, and still haven't went to talk to her. You procrastinate even more, and look over again, and she's with another man - a confident man, who appears to know how to pick up girls. This man seems to be the man that everyone wants to be like, including you!

If you think the solution to your problems is to figure out the best pick up lines, then you're going to continue on your path of troubles. Not too frequently will you find a female who will fall for the corny pick up line. In fact it's very likely that she's heard that very same many times in the past. She may have even read that line somewhere on the Internet.

The key to approaching a woman is confidence. Stop racking your brain for things to say when you approach a woman. Be confident about yourself, your looks, your skills, and your own person. Come across as a guy who is out to have some relaxed fun and is not needy or desperate to pick up women. Show her your attraction not by saying that she looks like an angel who just fell from the sky. Tell her she's beautiful as relaxed or as matter-of-factly as possible. Don't say it like it's the line that will get you your next girlfriend. Say it as an honest compliment to a lady.

One of the most important techniques when trying to pick up the woman of your dreams is to separate yourself from other males. In most cases, they'll see right through you. Talk to her about her interests, and tell her about yours. If she has friends accompanying her, talk to them, and ask how they both met. Keep the conversation balanced between your interests and hers, and focus on listening to her. Show her that you're a true gentleman, and are not out for the one thing that most other guys are there for. This is usually brought out right away, again, by that terrible pick up line. The one that she and you can just find on the Internet, and the one that every other guy in that bar is probably using in some form or another.

You'll find that this approach will entice your woman, and that she'll have a sincere interest in you. You'll find that a true alpha male can generate a pick up line from just about anything, using only his confidence.

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Is Exercise Necessary With Spinal Decompression?


Spinal decompression doctors around the country have different protocols they use for their programs. Heat, Ice, Massage or Muscle Stim may all be used together or separately. But some doctors only use rehabilitation as part of their program

In the short term the patient may feel better after going through these protocols, the majority of them provide no added benefit.

This is common in the therapy world, as passive treatments are often performed because they make the patient feel good at the time, but they don't offer much in the way of structural change.

Scientific journals have reported that any time a disc is injured the muscles in the back become very weak very quickly.

The disc injuries most common are disc herniation's, bulges and degenerative discs.

The medical studies have proven that if left unaddressed this weakness creates more problems down the road due to less stability in the spine.

Spinal decompression is most effective when combined with aggressive strengthening of the deep spinal muscles.

To ensure that the disc does not get irritated during the process, each layer of muscles must be worked slowly and deliberately to provide long term benefits.

So if you are undergoing spinal decompression, make sure your program is coupled with a well thought out and scientifically grounded rehabilitation program.

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Tinnitus Cure - Is It Possible?

By Gavin Downing

It is difficult for someone who hasn't suffered from tinnitus to understand how difficult it can be. This is why a tinnitus cure is something that all sufferers look for.

What you might not know is what causes it and if it can be treated and maybe even cured. Well, this article is going to give you some information that I am sure you will find helpful.

So what is tinnitus? Well, unlike normal noise that is generated from outside of your ear, tinnitus is generated within the ear itself. A person can have this condition in one or both ears.

If you are suffering from this problem then you probably are experiencing a ringing, buzzing or humming sound in one or both of your ears. If you've ever taken a seashell and put it close to your ear, that's what it sounds like.

The constant noise experienced by someone with tinnitus can be more than enough to cause problems. Whilst it is possible to block out the sounds or distract oneself for limited periods, it is almost always made worse by stress.

Tinnitus is a generally a symptom of damage to the hearing nerves in the ear. This is a benign condition and will not lead to more serious health complication. So whilst the problems encountered by a tinnitus sufferer can range from mild annoyance to more extreme feelings, the condition behind it should not develop into anything more damaging.

Unfortunately there are no drugs that have been developed that will provide a tinnitus cure. Short term relief can be experienced by the administration of some drugs, but the symptoms will generally return.

Alternative treatments have so far shown themselves to be more successful in alleviating the symptoms of tinnitus. My signature below contains links you may find useful in discovering these treatments.

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How Long Can You Leave Contact Lenses in Their Case For?

By Amy Nutt

It doesn't matter what kind of contact lens you wear, there are times in which you have to take them out. How often you have to take them out of your eyes depends on what kind of contacts you have. For example, you may have a daily wear contact lens that requires you to dispose of them daily. Then again, you may have an extended wear contact lens that doesn't require you to take them out for a month.

The different kinds of contacts

First, it is a good idea to discuss the different kinds of contacts. As mentioned before, there are daily contact lenses that you throw away daily. Those should not have to be put into a contact lens case. This is unless you need to take them out at some point during the day. However, you don't need to take them out for part of the day and then put them back in the next day so that you get an entire day's wear out of them. They're daily, so just throw them away.

There are also contacts that you wear for a week and throw away at the end of that week. These are most likely contacts that you're going to take out at the end of the day before you go to bed. You can keep them in your case overnight. If you don't feel like wearing them the next day, you can leave them in their case and wear your eyeglasses. The same applies to those contact lenses that you throw away every two weeks and monthly contacts. You take them out every night and put them back in the next morning.

The next contact lens on the list involves extended wear contact lenses. These are the contacts that you can wear for an entire month before taking them out. However, you don't have to take them out, which means there is no reason for the case. When the 30 days are up, they simply go into the trash can and nowhere else. They should not go to your contact lens case for anything. The only time that should happen is if you have to take them out at some point during your 30 day wear period.

How long to leave them in their case

Well, you have read that there are contact lenses you wear and throw away after wear. Those are the daily contact lenses and the extended wear that you will throw away after a month. As stated before, you may not have to put those in a case at all unless you have to take them out sometime during your wear period.

As for your others, you simply store them overnight. But what do you do if something happens that requires you to take them out for a prolonged period of time? What if you're wearing extended wear contacts and you don't complete the time in which you are to wear them? What do you do?

Truthfully, contacts can remain in contact lens cases for six months to a year. It is just a matter of whether or not you want to do something like that. To keep yourself on a schedule, it is ideal to throw away daily contact lenses. However, you may find yourself in a situation where you were only able to wear a weekly contact for a day. Does that mean you can put it in your case and put it back in next week? That shouldn't be an issue. If you had an infection of some sort, it may be a good idea to throw it away, though. The same rule applies to all of the different kinds of contact lenses. But if you're more than halfway through your wear period, go ahead and throw them away.

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Wrinkles - Let's get rid of them

By Nigel James

All of us want to look good. If our skin is wrinkled, it mars our appearance. To most people, wrinkles are a sign of old age. The human body requires its quota of nutrients and minerals. When the body does not get this dose of required nutrients or vitamins, it has an adverse effect on us, in the form of skin aging and wrinkles.

A proper and well balanced diet and level of nutrition, balances the skin. A wrinkle is a distinctive shape of skin on the face, which is mostly caused due to old age, and/or improper intake of nutrients. This loosely held skin, known as wrinkles, tend to spoil the general appearance of ones face.

Today, people don't have enough time for themselves, thus they are unable to pay proper attention towards their skin or their body. A young person has more fat cells as compared to an old person. As a person ages, the number of fat cells in the skin decrease, the skin however continues to grow and sags, thus forming wrinkles.

Daily routines and stresses such as responsibilities & work related tensions, take a toll on the body, with a result the body gets tired and ages. This aging shows on the skin in the form of wrinkles. The skin looses its firmness and tends to sag.

Moreover, additional everyday activities such as eating, chewing, frowning, smiling, also has an effect on the skin, leading to wrinkles. A proper nutritious diet, relaxation, medication and a balanced schedule can always help to reduce wrinkles.

Various creams and lotions are available to help curb the aging process. Sunscreen is commonly used to reduce aging of the skin and thus helps in prevention of wrinkles. Cleansers are available to keep the skin clean and reduce any type of irritations on the skin. Moisturizers are available to help you get rid of any unevenness in the skin and also help in firming up the skin. AHAs (fruit acids or Alpha Hydroxyl) help keep the skin in shape and give a shine to the face. Facial exercises are quite beneficial to help curb the formation of wrinkles.

As per scientific research, we have learned that when a person grows old, the cells in the body are not renewed at the same rate, as they did when they were young. The growth of cells is uneven as we age, and often we are unable to prevent water retention. All this just adds to the probability of wrinkles developing at a faster rate.

Wrinkles are a natural part of aging, and one cannot do much to retard their formation after a particular age. But medical science has been quite successful in formulating creams to smooth off or even retard the formation wrinkles. Beauty creams are available with DNA and RNA ingredients to optimize skin tone and give it firmness. Some companies have developed creams with collagen and elastin in order to fill wrinkles and give the facial skin a lift. Collagen and elastin being natural proteins which help build skin structure; these skin-care products actually stimulate the production of natural collagen and elastin, thus rejuvenating the skin. Some products also use ceramides for hydrating the skin and hyaluronic acid to give the skin volume, avoiding shrinking and wrinkling of the skin.

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Learn The Facts About Dermoid Cysts

By Marc Sandford

Of the different kinds of ovarian cysts, the most grotesque and bizarre are dermoid cysts. They're classified as a non-cancerous type of teratoma. Teratoma is a Greek word and translates as "monster tumor".

It is because of its freakishness that a lot of myths about this condition have evolved. A medical decision about your health should never be based on misconceptions but rather, the facts. Here are three common questions about dermoid cysts:

1.) What are dermoid cysts?

Dermoid cysts may contain human tissue of any kind. This includes teeth, bone, nails, hair, cartilage, nerve tissue, skin, blood, fat, eyes, thyroid tissue and sweat glands.

This happens because they come from undifferentiated germ cells. These germ cells have the capacity to grow into any of the different tissues that are present in the human body.

2.) Who can be affected by dermoid cysts?

Dermoid cysts that appear on the scalp, face, or neck are very common and can affect any person, male or female. Dermoids can occur at birth. But dermoid cysts in the ovaries usually affect women between twenty years of age to about forty. They usually occur on one ovary but can happen on both ovaries about 15% of the time.

3.) What are the health risks?

Despite their dreadful appearance, dermoid cysts are rarely ever cancerous. If the cyst has distinct features such as hair, teeth, etc., there is very little chance of it becoming malignant. In addition, the rare malignancy usually happens in older women beyond the age of 40.

The health risks associated with benign dermoids are determined by their size. Small cysts are symptom free and are usually discovered during a routine check up. An MRI, ultrasound, X-ray, or CT scan may be used to diagnose the cyst as dermoid.

If the cyst gets too big, it can become inflamed. The abdominal cavity may also become irritated, a condition known as peritonitis.

More commonly, the cyst may get twisted and cut off blood flow to the ovary. A cyst may also rupture causing a release of its contents into the abdomen. Enlarged cysts may also exert pressure on and interfere with the surrounding organs.

Since a dermoid cyst will not go away on its own, surgical removal may be required if any of the above health risks present themselves. Large or small, dermoid cysts must be routinely checked by a doctor.

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