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Monday, January 12, 2009

Group Vs. Individual Health Insurance

By Jeff Cline

There are Pros and Cons to buying individual health insurance versus accepting your employer group plan. In order for you to make an informative decision we will touch on some of the main pros and cons in this article. By reviewing these pros and cons you should be able to make a decision with confidence that you have thought through thoroughly.

On a group policy it is often difficult to afford coverage for dependents, because the employer does not pay a portion. Even your rates can be expensive if you employer does not share much of the cost for you or the plan they offer is very expensive. With the rising cost of health insurance these are trends we are seeing.

Individual health insurance premiums are typically more affordable then group premiums. This rule is not true for everyone however. Carriers set rates according to factors such as age, location and medical conditions. So if you or your dependent is 55 and has a few medical conditions you may get the best rates through the group policy.

There are times Group Insurance can end up cheaper and your only option. If you have a medical condition that is causing the individual carrier to significantly increase your rate or refuse coverage Group is the way to go. Group Insurance can not decline you coverage based on your medical condition.

If it is freedom you like, than an individual plan is probably a good choice. They have many plans, many benefits and many customizable additions. You just pick and choose, find what suits your needs and get what you pay for. No more, no less.

How would you like to be told what benefits you will have, which providers you can see and how much your going to pay. With group insurance this is what you get. You do not get the freedom to decide these factors. You can not even add a dependent unless it is the right time of the year.

Individual carriers offer bundling of benefits which make it really nice. For example, say you would like medical and dental coverage. You can bundle them as a package and pay one premium. They often offer vision, life and maternity as an add on as well.

As you can see there are many factors you should ponder before deciding which option is best for you and your family. You should take some time to think about your budget, medical conditions and what is important to you.

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Pros and Cons of Individual Health Insurance

By Jeff Cline

The pros and cons of Group versus Individual health insurance are easy if you know a few basic things. Below you will find those answers, equipping you with the knowledge to decide which the best option for you is. There are a few things to consider when compiling your list of pros and cons.

The main reason consumers think about going to individual health insurance through a private health insurance company versus their employer group policy is because of the increasing cost of group premiums. Many times your employer pays a portion or your entire premium, but pays nothing for your dependents.

Individual health insurance premiums are typically more affordable then group premiums. This rule is not true for everyone however. Carriers set rates according to factors such as age, location and medical conditions. So if you or your dependent is 55 and has a few medical conditions you may get the best rates through the group policy.

If you are eligible for Group insurance and you have a medical condition then most of the time Group is the favorable option. See where individual insurance can base rates and coverage on you as an individual group can not. They must cover you even if you have a significant health condition.

If it is freedom you like, than an individual plan is probably a good choice. They have many plans, many benefits and many customizable additions. You just pick and choose, find what suits your needs and get what you pay for. No more, no less.

When an employer offers group insurance, they pick the carrier, the plan and the benefits. In addition they only allow changes or additions to your policy once a year. You have no freedom to choose. They can change the carrier or plan anytime they wish and you may be forced to find a new provider.

Employer group policies usually just cover medical. Vision and dental may be offered from your employer, but usually as a separate cost, separate plan and different carrier. With individual health insurance many of the carriers offer bundling. Which means you can have medical, dental and vision in one plan and one rate.

You have much thinking to do now. You have to decide what is important. You now have to tools to make a good decision. Don't sell yourself short or be locked out of a good thing. Your needs should be tops when making this decision.

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Getting Ahead In The Medical Profession

By Kelly Brooke

If you are seeking to get ahead in the medical field, you should consider the speciality of medical billing coding. It doesn't have to be tough to discover the best school to get your credentials, regardless how overwhelming it might seem at foremost.

First Off of all, don't choose a medical billing and coding school based solely on monetary cost. It is understood that with today's economy you might not have excess funds to spend on schooling. Nearly all schools charge a huge amount for their services. If you settle upon a medical billing and coding school because you can afford it, you're taking a huge chance. It is well worth your time to go to a Medical Billing and Coding School as this is genuinely an investment in your future.

Make sure you get a practical idea of how long it will take to get your degree and how much time you'll have to commit to it. If you are working at the current time, it might be wise to check into medical billing and coding schools offered online. Online academies provide much greater flexibility so you can acquire documentation without disrupting your current lifestyle. You will be able to take the required courses right from the comfort of your own house. Remember that will can keep on work and earning a salary while you are doing the necessary things to make your life better.

When searching for online medical billing and coding schools, you should always stay with those who are renowned. Some of the online schools are really technical schools so you might be able to qualify for financial aid.

Allied Medical Schools and Drexel number among the foremost medical billing and coding schools that you can find online. If you enroll in Allied Medical School today you can receive a free laptop. Both schools offer ways to obtain fiscal aid, either through nothing down financing or some other type of financial help including grants and scholarships.

Getting your medical billing and coding academic degree has never been simpler and you don't have any excuse why you can't finish the courses and begin a new and satisfying occupation in medicine. Conduct some online searches for schools on and away the internet, and discover the right medical billing and coding school that fits your lifestyle.

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How To Find A Wrinkle Removing Cream That Works!

By Jen Hopkins

Trying to find a really good wrinkle cream? Although the search is tedious, and having to search through thousands of reviews is not something most people enjoy, you still have to ask yourself: Will the wrinkle cream work for me?

The best thing is to try all them one by one to find best suitable products for you. Other ways are to read booklets about product guide for skin health or reading reviews about products that you are going to use.

Research the ingredients used in the product to find out if the product will actually do anything for you or if the company is trying to gip you. Researching this will also let you know if there is something in the product that is potentially harmful. Companies will claim their product does something for you like removing crows feet, but you have to check up on that first.

They also offering trial pack which last for 2 to 3 days, and if you like then you can order full pack after it. This is best way to get good wrinkle cream. Depending upon this trial offer, they are getting feedback and reviews over the internet and telephone. So this is best source of getting information about product success.

The reviews you search through will have people giving both their negative and positive reactions to products that they have experience with. While some companies offer trial products, others offer life time money back guarantees so even if you purchase a product that does not work, you haven't lost anything.

Vitamin E, an antioxidant found in most wrinkle creams, is helpful to the healing and repair of tissues. Collagen with keratin improves skin tone and increases its elasticity to remove wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid is also common to wrinkle creams as a moisturizing agent.

One should read labels for ingredients and instructions on how to apply the cream. Usually a little manual comes with it to explain what exactly it should do for you and whether the product is approved by an institution to be used on people.

Still if you are in doubt then you should ask questions in forums over internet. You can get good answer within few days for it. You should consult your family physician to get best diagnosis and best wrinkle cream to suite for your skin.

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Acai Berry Juice

By Mark Roberts

Acai Juice can be a beneficial supplement and is one of many new ones in recent years. Acai Berry juice is a refreshing and enjoyable form of acai. The best acai berry juice is processed at the source and in glass bottles.

Acai berry juice similar to blueberry's and the tongue may notice a touch of semi-sweet chocolate or cinnamon. The juice normally blends easily with yogurt or smoothies. Acai berry juice will mix easily with other juices such as grape, blueberry or pomegranate and used in recipes. When added to other fruit juices it creates a really refreshing drink or beverage.

Pure acai juice has one of the highest ORAC values available more than most other berries grown in the world. The ORAC value is higher than pomegranate and blueberry and acai is often seen on super food lists often rated towards the top or as number one. What you should not find in acai juice is added sugars or refined sugars and fillers. Some products will add sugars and fillers to enhance the flavor you should always read the label. When in doubt call or email the company to find out more about the acai juice brand you may be buying. Many acai juice products contain a type of sugar called guarana which can also be a stimulant.

Pure acai berry juice possess a great deal benefits and are loaded with protein, fiber, potassium and A and C vitamins. Another amazing property this berry delivers it it also has essential fatty acids Omegas 3, 6 and 9 these beneficial fats are critical for the overall health of our body. Acai berry products is the number 1 antioxidant that contains omegas 3, 6 and 9. No other berry carries all these nutrients. A pure organic acai fruit juice will have an oily sheen on the top and this is the omega oils.

While looking for pure acai berry juice that might be part of your acai berry diet review products that don't include sugars. If you're diabetic or grappling with inflammation issues it's generally most beneficial to keep one's distance from sugars. Guarana isn't exclusively a filler but is also a sugar or sorts and can be stimulating. You need to purchase acai berry products that are kosher certified pure organic Brazilian acai berry juice and it's best if it's purified and processed at the source. Your Finest acai products will be 100% pure organic and USDA certified without added sugars and fillers.

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Tobacco and Alcohol: Unhealthy for Body and Breath

By Darren Wumoult

Many serious medical conditions are the result of a lifetime of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Liver conditions, lung cancers and diabetes are among these diseases, together with gingivitis and cancer of the mouth. If you are a smoker or heavy drinker who have always planned on kicking the habit but never had enough motivation to do so, this may help you along -- both smoking and alcohol consumption have been proven to cause temporary as well as permanent bad breath.

If you are at all concerned about your health and also don't want to have stinky breath you must stop smoking and taking alcohol. If you are addicted to either or both, please seek help so that you can quit and regain your health.

For those who want to quit smoking, there are a variety of techniques you can use. For some people the patch or gum designed to help reduce nicotine craving usually helps. Some of these products are available over the counter and some of these you may need a prescription for. If you have any questions about the best smoking cessation products such as these you should consult your doctor.

Other gradual quit smoking programs are advertised on television, as well for those who want to try quitting smoking one day at a time. Furthermore, joining support groups and counseling sessions designed for those who want to quite smoking can be very helpful for those such as yourself who want to quite smoking.

There is a great deal of free motivational material that is available via the Internet and that will bolster your will power to quit smoking. You can also find out what are the personal triggers you have which make you smoke and once you have identified them, it will make quitting easier.

Alcohol consumption is another bad habit that can cause bad breath. There are dozens of group counseling programs designed for people who want to stop excessive drinking. Alcoholic Anonymous or AA is undoubtedly the most widely-known, but there are also smaller groups, even in your own town. During group sessions, you will be able to identify the cause of your drinking and your counselors will be able to help you find better and healthier solutions to whatever problems you may be facing in life.

One main issue that these group counseling sessions focus on is that excessive alcohol consumption poses a threat not only to your social life but to your own health as well.

Besides these group sessions, you can also quit drinking by going online and searching for reading materials on this topic. Hundreds of articles are posted on the Internet with the aim of enlightening people like yourself and motivating you towards having a better and healthier life. A good thing about these articles and websites is that they are absolutely free. In addition, many of them have links to sites that can help you further by offering either products or programs you can sign up for as part of your quitting process.

Nobody said that quitting smoking and drinking alcohol is easy, so you have to be prepared to face challenges ahead of you. The process is different for each person. It may take a few weeks to several months. During the quitting process, it's advisable to surround yourself with people who understand what you are going through and are capable of supporting you throughout the process.

By chance, if you don't know where to seek treatment for smoking and drinking, check on the net. You will probably be able to find some good center near where you live. If you care enough about yourself, you should give up these bad habits. You will also find help and support on the Internet itself through support groups, chat forums, discussion, blogs and more. Remember this is not about bad breath alone.

To distract your mind from tobacco and alcohol, you should find some activities which take up some of your extra time. You can join some sports team, learn a musical instrument, and take up a hobby. You don't have to be stuck going to a smoky bar or meeting people who love drinks. Even the people you meet through you support groups will help you and perhaps become lifelong friends.

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A Clean Colon is a Healthier You

By Pat Johnson

Measuring nearly five feet in length, there is no denying how important you colon is to your body's overall health. This organ is where waste goes before it is released from the body. It can get clogged up and if you take measures to keep it cleaned out you will be rewarded with improved health.

Not all methods for cleaning out your colon are created equally and you need to be choosy when you decide to finally take action. You want to research the topic and then make you move in this direction. I will give you a few suggestions here on what to look for.

It is important for your chosen method to be thorough. At the end of the process you want to be certain that their will not be any lingering waste stuck to your colon walls. Perpetually blocked colon's can lead to serious medical conditions.

Before making a purchase make sure that the colon cleanse you choose will give you your money back if you are not satisfied. This shouldn't be a problem with any reputable company. You can not now for certain you will respond to the product so it is reasonable for you to have a chance to try it out and measure the results.

An additional benefit of a clean colon is that you can absorb vitamins and minerals more easily.

Which product should you choose? You can opt for a natural remedy or purchase a commercial one. If you choose to buy a product online like Evercleanse be sure to do your research and read customer reviews. Do not make your selection based on advertising alone. You want to seek out real testimonials.

Becasue your colon is such a critical part of your body's digestive system you need to ensure that you are taking care of it. Proper maintenance will keep it working in tip top shape. Plus you will have more energy and be healthier overall. You can make an improvement by taking action right away.

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How to Get the Best Results From Your Anti Wrinkle Cream

By Julie Samtsonn

Aging brings on signs of aging for everyone, it is just part of life, however as with many things in life, some of us do our very best to create the best situation for ourselves, it is no different when choosing an anti wrinkle cream. When you are searching for the best anti wrinkle cream you get what you pay for, this is why it is a good idea to do a bit of research into the subject of anti aging creams.

Fortunately, for many of us there is a wide assortment of such products from which to choose. There are many anti aging creams and treatments that do help eliminate the signs of aging, we just have to find the best product for our personal skin type and use.

The goal of every anti wrinkle cream is to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, while rejuvenating the skin and repairing the damage of our skin tissue, by encouraging the growth of new skin cells. This is done by increasing the production of elastin and collagen, which are natural proteins of our skin and making it look and feel supple and soft once more.

When searching for an anti wrinkle cream, you should pay close attention to the ingredients, especially the active ingredients of the products formula, most often these ingredients are listed first on the label. Some of the ingredients you should look for are Vitamins A, C and E these work to reduce the signs of wrinkles and enhances the production of collagen and elastin in your skin.

Alpha-Hydroxy acids aid by cleansing away the dead skin cells on the skins surface, which improves the appearance of the skin, making you look younger. Some of the other natural ingredients you should look for to achieve the most out of your anti wrinkle cream are, olive or grapeseed oil, various fruit extracts, keratin, and hyaluronic acid as well as anti oxidants, since they help reverse the effects of free radicals that are harmful to the appearance of your skin.

Since there are so very many anti wrinkle creams to choose from, sometimes it is not easy to make a decision as to which product to use. You can do a bit of research into the various products you are interested in by reading the online reviews of such products. Especially interesting and informative are reviews written by skin care specialists or dermatologists. On the other hand, you can also consult with your dermatologist to find out what they recommend for your use, for your particular skin type.

Budget is also important when you are looking for a good anti wrinkle cream. Try to find something that will fit your budget, because when you find the right one you will need to continue using it. Free samples are also available and are useful for trial purposes. When you do this you will be able to know which of these anti wrinkle creams are suitable to you and detect any allergic reactions you may have.

Keep in mind that no two people are alike and anti wrinkle cream can work well for some and perform poorly for others. Be aware of cost and your particular skin type. A little time spent on research will pay back big dividends.

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Getting an Insight into Our Chakra System

By Anne-Marie Laureaut

The study of the bodys chakra system is often referred to as Chakrology by its proponents, alternative medicine advocates and New Age theorists. The existence of our chakra system was first discovered by the Ancient Hindus more than four thousand years ago. They have used the model for healing and promoting and individuals well-being.

It is believed that the human bodys energy centers number in the thousands of which seven are considered of vital importance to our individual well being. The major energy points that comprise our chakra system are the energy centers that all together contribute to our spiritual, mental, and physical well being and essence as an individual person.

Each major energy point of our bodys chakra system possesses a unique function which contributes to a unique feature of our individuality. Although they work independently of each other, they are at the same time processing the energy they gather towards a common goal: our well being.

It is quite remarkable that despite the existence of numerous models of depicting the chakra system, there is one common denominator among all the models used. And that is the energy points correspond to a particular endocrine gland of the human anatomy!

New Age philosophers go further in giving a graphic representation of the bodys major chakras by assigning one of the primary colors Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet for each of the seven major energy centers in our body. Coincidental or not, colors are also used to depict different levels of energy that emanate from the environment, including the people and objects therein.

The significance and existence of chakras is primarily assumed to exist in our awareness (psyche). Nonetheless, there are advocates who firmly believe that chakras also have a physical manifestation and exist not just in the consciousness. Not without basis though as more and more study on the subject reveals what the Ancient Hindus and other Eastern Civilizations have claimed thousands of years ago: that there is a distinct and direct connection between the locations and performance/behavior of the chakras and of the endocrine glands of our body.

Our bodys energy centers play a very important role in our well being " both physically and spiritually.

Since the chakra system is the principal processing center for every facet of our self, any interruption, obstruction or dysfunction or fault in the flow of energy in the chakras usually results to illnesses or disorders in our body, mind or spirit. A malfunction of the energy flow through any of the seven major chakras results in a corresponding reaction to specific areas of the body which generally affects the entire individual. The reason for this is because energy fields are generally holistic in nature and can not be separate from its complementary component parts; a malfunction of one affects the others in one way or another.

It is widely accepted that only five of our seven energy centers possess both an active and passive quality. These are the second to the sixth energy centers. Of the seven, the first and seventh energy centers do not have this active/passive quality inherent in the other five. This first and seventh chakra points are the ones that initially receive more energy than others.

While energy is transmitted through the various energy points of our chakra system, extra energy is more commonly channeled through the first and seventh chakras. This is why an understanding and awareness of how they work and their benefit to our well being is necessary so that with practice, we can send and receive energy through all our energy points equally.

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Getting The Most Out Of your Physician - Anatomy & Physiology

By Timmy Jones

Its no mystery that we are facing a medical shortage. Doctors are getting over reserved and waiting times to see medical specialists, is sometimes stretching upwards to a year. So just what are getting by way of medical treatment in todays age? First off the anatomy of the human body never changes, only our outlook and what we learn does.

It can be slightly crossing when we have to wait for 2 hr in a crowded Docs office, where children have everything from a awful cold to a awful bout of the flu. Or children are crying because they are worn and nostalgic. Finally when you get past all this, and in reality get into the Doctors examining room, in an hr clock time you eventually get to meet the docface up. Well you had best make the following 15 minutes count, because that is in all likelihood all the time you are going to get with him. Don't get me wrong ,I am not making lightly of this situation, but the picture I just colored is quick becoming a realism.

It has at present come to the point where you need to become innovational with your medical care in order to have the most benefits from it. If you have had to wait 3 wks to make it to see the doc, then be coordinated and prepared when you make it there. The anatomy of the human body can be complex but it can be hands-down when you learn to visualize it a little more. Here are a few pointers to learn for your next call to the Physician.

Keep the greetings brief This is challenging when you have had the same family doc for yrs, It is easy to get into a 10 minutes. talk more or less how the families are, and the children in universities, and so forth. There is nothing wrong with a few minutes of pleasurable conversation, and it is significant to make a attachment with your health care supplier. Maintain it short, you need your time to discuss your topics. Remember there are somebodies out in that waiting room, just like you were.

Get to the point Give the doctor a common thought of why you are there, inform him in as short as way as possible what your symptoms are. For example if you have had a fever of 102 then tell him precisely that. Do not go into a long-term definition of like, well when I got up yesterday morning around 10am and I felt kind of heated up so I ..and on and on. If you continue your conversation to the point, you will have given the Doc a lot more selective information, and rapidly open the doors for him to narrow down the likely trouble.

Simply the Facts Now your doctor will begin asking you queries. Answer them the same way, short to the point, and accurate ,butdon't leave out several significant points.

You have now covered all of the preliminaries to the doctors examination and you have done this rapidly. This gives him more time to study you thoroughly. Your doc has spent various yrs learning the anatomy of the human body, and equipped with the correct data, he will be able to make a very educated diagnosis.

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