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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Young Ladies With Acne at Puberty

By Zul Rahman

Puberty is a difficult times for most teenagers. Girls for example going through a lot of physical changes to their body.

Girls starts their menstruation, going through growth spurts, growth of body and facial hair and also skin changes. Physically their body starts to have more fat tissue around the hips, thighs and breast.

Psychological changes leads to mood swings, easily become irritable and feeling of low self esteem even for girls who normally enjoy a high self confidence.

what effect does acne have on girls during puberty?

Acne outbreak starts to happen at this time due to the increased in skin oil. Acne is an added problems to the other physical and psychological changes.

Luckily with just following a few simple steps that becomes a daily habits, these problems could be put under control.

Acne problems is a lot more easier to manage by preventing it rather than curing.

Proper skin care is the first step in preventing acne outbreak. Wash your face with facial cleanser. Skin care cleanser are available over the counter without prescription. Use a gentle skin care cleanser that is accommodating for all skin types.

Be gentle when cleaning your face. Do not scrub your face excessively and washing face twice a day should be the norm. Use skin care cleanser that contains Sulphur, Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic acid.

For those who wear facial makeup, make sure to use cosmetics products that contain non-comedogenic ingredients. Products with non-comedogenic ingredients are less likely to cause acne, blackheads or blocking skin pores.

There are many non-comodegenic products for makeup, lip sticks, moisturizers and even acne medicated makeup are available on the market today.

Acne is a manageable problems, with just following some simple routines. In serious cases that is unmanageable, please consult skin care specialist or dermatologist for proper treatment or medication.

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Pure Acai Berry Products

By Pete Roberts

Pure acai berry products are come in a variety of forms. You can usually find these acai berry products in capsules, or powder forms. The most popular form is acai berry juice. Acai berry products are one of natures greatest supplements to hit the market in the last few years.

Acai berry tastes like blueberry's with a hint of chocolate or cinnamon. The powder usually mixes well with yogurt or smoothies. Acai powder or juice mixes well with other juices like grape and blueberry and is finding its ways into recipes that involve an acai berry diet. When mixed with other juices it make a refreshing flavor or satisfying beverage.

Pure acai berry products have one of the highest ORAC values available for most known berrys. It is much higher than blueberrys or pomegranates. What you will not find in pure acai berry products are added sugars or fillers. If your acai berry product has added sugars or fillers that may be the reason it is such a good deal. Some products contain a form of sugar called guarana it is also a filler and may not be 100% organic.

Pure acai berry products have many benefits and are loaded with protein, fiber, potassium and A and C vitamins. The other amazing property this berry has it it also has essential fatty acids Omegas 3, 6 and 9 these good fats are vital for the overall health of our body. Acai berry products is the number one antioxidant that contains omegas 3, 6 and 9. No other berry contains all these nutrients.

If you are looking for pure acai berry products or if your on an acai berry diet look for products that do not contain sugar. If your diabetic or need to avoid sugar due to inflammation you need pure acai berry products not ones that are loaded with sugar or fillers. You need a product that is kosher and certified Brazilian acai berry and it should be processed and refined at the source. The best acai berry products are 100% organic and USDA certified.

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Home Remedies To Treat Acne

By Lucy Collins

There are lots of home remedies for acne that actually work for many people. Many people who go on prescription medications may have been able to clear their acne in a much easier way.

It has long been debated whether or not home remedies can work for acne or not, or that they are weaker than other things you can use to fight acne. In many cases they are weaker, but you get less side effects and in many cases they can clear your acne up easily. It is all about allowing the body to heal itself. If you learn to change the way you treat your skin, it may also have lasting results where medications may allow acne to return.

Vitamins can make your body stronger against acne. Niacin, Vitamin A and E are powerful acne-fighting vitamins particularly. You still need to take care how you use vitamins and consult a physician before starting any treatment regimen, of course, even though they are 'natural'.

Garlic has also been known to be one of the most effective remedies out there, despite what others might think. If you take raw garlic, and rub it on the pimples that you need to get rid of you will have clear skin in a relatively short period of time! Make sure that you rub the garlic on your face numerous times a day, though.

You also need to take care of what you eat. Eat a lot of foods with fibre including fruits and vegetables, and also make sure you drink lots of water. Substitute water for unhealthy drinks like soda. You'll be surprised how much of a difference this makes.

Fruits and vegetables also include many antioxidants which help your body resist acne breakouts. One acne solution that is common is to squeeze lemon juice onto acne prone areas, or to rub orange peel onto the affected area. These do not work for everyone, but are effective at times.

If you need something a little stronger, try zinc supplements. It is a common and popular home acne remedy even today. You should take zinc supplements at the regular dose at the beginning and then start to reduce the dose after taking them for about one month. Results may not be visible for several weeks, however.

Home remedies acne treatments come in all different forms. Finding the right one for you, is going to be about testing each remedy out for yourself. These remedies are just a few remedies out of literally hundreds that you can find virtually anywhere!

Believe it or not, these remedies do work. Of course you may be sceptical so why not go right now and rub some garlic of your pimples? Do this a few times each day and watch those pimples disappear then at least you'll have witnessed the effectiveness first hand.

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Tooth Whitening: What To Remember After Whitening

By Jennifer Johnson

Recently, you had a teeth whitening session and felt happy & had that charming million dollar smile is back on your face. You are no more embarrassed in smiling widely. A few days later, when you wake up & face the mirror, the same nightmare has come back to haunt you in the form of a yellowish stain on your white pearl teeth. Now what, the worst, you wont feel like smiling anymore.

You start thinking, how come this stain is back, when I had teeth whitening from the best dentist in town. After a thorough thinking you realize, you were asked to take some precautions by the dentist, after the teeth whitening session. You say, Oh I forgot & now, don't even remember them. No problem. We can always recall them again here.Just follow those & you can retaining the whitening for a longer period :

- First of all check the credibility of your dentist. Reach out to those who have had teeth whitening session and what is the success ratio.

2. After the teeth whitening session, it is always important to remember that the teeth are still vulnerable to the stains of any kind. So make sure that you use a good quality teeth whitening toothpaste. There are many brands available in the market or at any pharmaceutical or cosmetic outlets.

3. Avoid using hard bristles based toothbrushes as they scrub out the protective enamel from your teeth.

- Wash teeth in and out properly on a regular basis.

- This we had been hearing since our childhood but still carries weight. Brush your teeth twice a day without fail.

- Stains get back again because of regular consumption of beverages, colas, or nicotine product, caffeine products (tea, coffee etc) and red wine. In case you can't avoid them, make sure to rinse your mouth quickly after you have any of such items.

- Rather than drinking the dark pigmented drinks directly, you should use straws.

- Dark colored foods such as cherry and blueberries tend to release stubborn color although in minute quantity, so avoid eating them.

9. Consult your dentist before consuming certain medicines (Antibiotics) as they tend to cause stains.

- Certain people have delicate teeth formation. In case you are one of them, it is better to see your dentist. & better now than later, on finding a stain, lest it might be a problem indicator for another teeth problem.

- Stains on teeth heavily depends on your lifestyle. So if you are little relaxed about it then it should be the cause of worry for you. You might need to see your dentist after teeth whitening at regular intervals. It all comes down to you only. If there are certain instructions that your dentist specified for you then you ought to follow them.

- You might need to have a little touch up after every 6 months or a year.

- Sometimes there are other causes for example seminal discharge from the plaque that might leave stain on your teeth. So again immediately visit your dentist if you notice anything amiss.

- Do not experiment with your teeth as they essential for keeping a nice smile on your face. Always stick to known products and brands as they are expected to be more reliable.

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The TRUTH about Acai Berry

By Bob Parkins

The most powerful antioxidant on earth is the Acai berry.

Acai (ah-sigh-EE), is a fruit of the palm berry plant, and has been reported to contain more antioxidants than red wine, while boasting 10 times the antioxidant benefits of grapes and 2x that of blueberries and has a beguiling berry-like flavor and a strong chocolate overtone.

Acai berry is a very strong antioxidant, and many television shows, including Oprah, have praised it for the natural remedies that it offers, including weight loss.

Acai is a Brazilian berry original from the Amazon Region that is considered to be one of nature's most complete and healthy foods, and has been used for generations. Acai berries are produced by a palm tree known by it's scientific name Euterpe oleracea. Acai is common in floodplain areas of the Amazon River, only grows in the Amazon Rainforest and is very perishable.

Acai users report the Following Health Benefits:

Weight loss

Helps Relieve arthritis pain

Helps to clear skin of warts

Has been reported to reduce the occurrence of seizures

Helps to reduce physical injuries & speed up recovery

Will help stabilize normal blood sugar levels

Reported to improve patients suffering from leukemia

Fights depression and increases general wellbeing

Improves upon your overall physical strength

Is an extremely powerful free radical fighter

Acai has very high levels of fibers

Cleanses and detoxifies the body of infectious toxins

Strengthens your immune system

Enhances sexual desire and performance

Fights cancerous cells

Promotes healthier and younger-looking skin

Promotes healthier and younger-looking skin

Alleviates diabetes

Normalizes and regulates cholesterol levels

Helps maintain healthy heart function

Minimizes inflammation

Improves circulation

Prevents arthrosclerosis

Enhances visual acuity

In a study of three traditional Caboclo populations in the Amazon region of Brazil, aa palm was described as the most important plant species because the fruit makes up such a major component of diet (up to 42% of the total food intake by weight) and is economically valuable in the region .

It is said that beverages containing aa are more popular than milk in the southern hemisphere. The juice and pulp of aa fruits (Euterpe oleracea) are frequently used in various juice blends, smoothies, sodas, and other beverages. Take a trip to your favorite smoothie place and you might find Aa as one of the add-in ingredients available to you. In northern Brazil, Aa (or jussara, which is one of the fruit's common folk names) is traditionally served in gourds called "cuias" with tapioca and, depending on the local preference, can be consumed either salty or sweet (sugar, rapadura and honey are known to be used in the mix). Several companies now manufacture juices, health drinks, yogurts, and sorbets made from Aa berries, often in combination with other fruits.

As the high fat content of Aa indicates it would deteriorate rapidly after harvest, its raw material is generally available outside the immediate growing region only as juice or fruit pulp that has been frozen or processed as a pulp powder or freeze-dried powder.

Not only are consumers finding the benefits of aa to their interest, but researchers and the media are amazed by the power of this small berry. NBC's Today did a feature story on aa in 2004, and more recently researchers at the University of Florida tested the attributes of aa to discover it actually destroyed cultured leukemia cells. Acai's high vitamin C content also relieves symptoms of asthma according to the University of Florida News.

Aa has been around for ages, and current research indicates no known side effects to taking Aa in any form.

The Bottom Line on Acai is that while the claims made about Acai often might seem too good to be true, this is quite possibly the magic bullet to problems that ail us all!

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Benefits To Using Vitamin E Oil

By Alison Addy

Vitamin E or Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that comes in many different forms. In addition, it's an antioxidant that protects the cells in our body from free radicals and their effect on our skin. Free radicals cannot only damage our skin, but they can also lead to cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Research has been taking place to determine if Vitamin E can help prevent these diseases. Vitamin E usually comes in the form of capsules, gels and oils. While the capsules are ingested and swallowed, the gels and oils are applied directly to the skin like lotion.

Vitamin E oil is very good for our skin. You will find Vitamin E oil in most cosmetics, but unfortunately, most cosmetic companies add other ingredients and additives such as glycerides to the Vitamin E oil so it is only about 18-20% pure. Many of the face creams and anti-aging lotions you see on the market today are advertised as being rich in Vitamin E oil. The most natural forms of Vitamin E oil come from vegetable oils such as soy, corn or canola oils. Vitamin E oil will have a negative reaction if it is exposed to oxygen or heat. This is why most manufactures recommend keeping containers tightly closed and in a cool dry place.

Benefits of Vitamin E oil

Vitamin E oil is also known as tocopherol. Because Vitamin E oil is so good for our skin, you may have seen the word "tocopherol" on many health and skin care products and not realized they were referring to Vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil is excellent for or skin whether it's ingested or applied directly to our skin. In most cases, topical use is the most common. Our skin is abused in many ways such as stretch marks, bruising and over exposure to the sun. Applying Vitamin E oil directly to our skin has been claimed to be very beneficial. It's recommended to aid in the elasticity of our skin as well as to help remove stretch marks and discoloration. Many women that formerly suffered from stretch marks swear by the effectiveness of Vitamin E oil.

Vitamin E oil for skin care

Because Vitamin E oil neutralizes the harmful affects of free radicals in the body, it helps us to have smoother and younger looking skin. Many women take Vitamin E supplements or rub Vitamin E oil on their body daily. Many anti-aging products on the market boast of their Vitamin E or Vitamin E oil content in the product.

Although taking iron is recommended for many people, iron supplements are known to decrease the level of absorption of Vitamin E. For this reason, they should not be taken together without consulting with your doctor. This is not the case if it is Vitamin E oil you are using on your body.

More resources about natural vitamin supplements and vitamin supplements at this web.

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Liposculpture Cost - Not Cheap, But They Are Worth The Expense

By Mark Ernst

The cost of liposculpture these days can be averaged out to well in the thousands of dollars in most surgical clinic's, which is the reason some people shy away from the procedure. However, a lot of positive feedback, from people across the United States who have had liposculpture in the past prove that the cost is well worth the investment.

The average person does not need to get an entire body work-over, but instead opt for individual body parts to be worked on. This is an effective, safe, and painless procedure, and it's perfect for cutting away excess fat from areas such as the abdomen, hips, waist, thighs, buttocks, knees, arms, and the face and neck. Some may question if they really need a liposculpture to help improve their physical appearance. Many plastic surgeons wholeheartedly agree that the process is quick and simple, yielding fast, and most importantly, noticeable, results.

The cost of maintaining a healthy and strict diet, having a gym membership, and maybe even hiring a personal coach may require a large time investment, and with uncertain results, one could never be totally sure if they will gain any improvement. In the long run, this can add up to a hefty cost, most likely more than a quick and painless liposculpture. This is why the procedure is most highly regarded as a permanent and effective substitute for diet and exercise. It does not only help those who have had trouble in the past losing weight, but also those who have no time to spare from their busy lives to get into the right shape.

Each plastic surgeon has a set standard of excellence that can be seen through their amazing results, year after year. Not only do they have years of experience, but their tools are state of the art. Technology is evolving rapidly, producing sophisticated machines capable of the most intricate and delicate operations, which is utilized in clinics all across America. An advanced technique called the topographic mapping technique is normally used prior to the procedure as a highly effective and accurate way of targeting the problem areas, making precision marking that garner visually pleasing results. liposculpture may not be too easy on the wallet, but as an investment, it is the only safe and secure procedure that is faster and more effective than traditional weight loss methods.

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Finding The Best Anti Aging Wrinkle Cream

By Julie Samtsonn

Just as all things on this earth, humans begin to age and then begin to show signs of aging as the years go by. There are some individuals who are not bothered by the signs of aging and take it in stride. However, there are even more individuals who are interested in eliminating the signs of aging and begin their search for the best anti aging wrinkle cream they can find to reduce the signs of aging.

Now if you are reading this article you are very likely one of these people searching diligently for anti aging wrinkle cream. You are probably looking for help to reduce the signs of aging with an effective anti aging wrinkle cream.

First, you must understand that the process of anti aging begins inside you, this means that if you hope to fight off some of those fine lines and wrinkles, you need to take proper care of your body and your skin.

Start with a nutritious balanced diet. Do not smoke and drink as these substances deteriorate your skin over time. Have you ever noticed the fine lines around the mouths of smokers, making them look older than they really are? Those who indulge in alcohol will often have broken capillaries on their faces and a tendency for more wrinkles. UV rays from the sun can be very harmful to your skin and over exposure to the sun should be avoided. Take care of your body and skin to keep you looking younger.

Keeping a daily regimen of good skin care can go a long way to helping you reduce the signs of aging. One of the best means of reducing the appearance of wrinkles is to use the best anti aging wrinkle cream you can find for your skin type. Talking with your dermatologist can be helpful when you are not sure what brand of wrinkle cream you should use. However, you can always check out the brands carried by your local department and specialty stores, although it is in your best interest to do a bit of research into various wrinkle creams before you buy and try them on your skin.

You will find many review sites for anti aging wrinkle creams and related products. Here you can read about other people's experiences with different products. These reviews will help you to get a better overall view of the product. It is good to notice all the good and bad points so that you can choose the right product.

Anti wrinkle creams come in a wide selection from which to choose, some contain harmful products which can damage your skin as well as making you look older if you were to stop using them. Harmful chemicals in such products have a risk of allergic reactions when using them, so if you do use such products, it is best to do a patch test to find out if you may have a negative reaction to such products. Other anti wrinkle creams are made of organic ingredients, these are much better for use in the long run, since organic substances help to nourish and revitalize your skin and they are just much better for your use than those with a lot of harmful chemicals. The choice of an anti aging wrinkle cream is a personal choice. Choose wisely.

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Helpful Hints To Deal With Acne

By Judith Allison

If you are a teenager, acne is a dirty word. The increase of the hormone androgen causes an overproduction of keratin and sebum resulting in clogged pores. Bacteria begins to grow and the result is ugly blemishes and zits that none of us want on our faces. If it is neglected, the result can be blackheads and scarring that we will be stuck with for our adult lives. Dealing with acting as a teenager is tough enough, we don't want to carry that embarrassment into our adulthood.

Today, you will find thousands of products aimed at curing this condition. You do have to be careful however, as some of these are just fly-by-night products that will have no effect on the condition of acne. Products come in various types and forms you need to be aware of them:

-scarring treatments






With so many different products on the market, confusion is easy and understandable. Some of these products are for treatment while others are suitable for acne affected skin. These products are made readily available in both markets and on the net. However, before purchasing any product you need to do the proper research and ensure that you're buying the correct items. If you find this too challenging, there is no shame in consoling a physician to make sure you have exactly what will help you.

As we stated above, acne can become quite embarrassing. The ugly blemishes can often be the target of finger-pointing and gossip. The proposition of treating the acne can also be embarrassing and frustrating. Using the wrong products can sometimes make it even worse to the point that we are afraid to walk out the door. To ensure this doesn't happen to you follow these suggestions:

1. Drink a lot of water. Sounds simple but it is very effective. One of the reasons that you get acne is because you have toxins in your system. Drinking a significant amount of water will flush them out of your system. It is suggested that you drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

2. Garlic has also been found to be a quick cure for acne. Massage the garlic on your face a few times a day. While you may not smell too good, this should help alleviate the condition.

3. Cosmetics have an ingredient that is also very helpful in treating acne scarring. Rosehip Seed Oil is a great way to treat that scarring. Applying it to the infected area twice a day for 15 minutes will help dramatically.

4. Something that we all forget to think about when talking about acne is a healthy diet. Avoiding things like sugar, saturated fats and foods cooked in vegetable oils will help avoid this condition. What you will no longer be able to eat things like cookies, cakes, fast food and chocolate your health and appearance will both be much the better for it.

5. Another item that you can apply directly to the skin is apricot juice. The applying it directly to the affected areas for about 10 minutes is an inexpensive natural way to help your acne.

Follow these helpful tips and you'll be well on your way to curing and preventing acne. Not addressing it or simply ignoring altogether is definitely not the way to go. It will only result in your acne becoming more serious in a larger embarrassment in public.

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Is Teeth Whitening Dangerous?

By Zul Rahman

The danger in teeth whitening procedures?

Most people are concerned about making their teeth white but how many of those are ever thought about the potential danger in teeth whitening procedures. To be fair, yes there is a potential risk of chemical reaction to your mouth tissue and teeth.

By and large the potential risk can be minimized and nothing to be worried about but worth looking into.

3 Potential Dangers in Whitening Your Teeth

1) For those people who have sensitive gums and soft mouth tissue, they could respond negatively to the chemicals solutions such as carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide that are normally used in tooth whitening procedures.

Warning! Be very careful if you want to try using these chemicals at home. Be sure that the chemicals are only in contact with your teeth but not other mouth tissue.

The risk is minimized if you get the dental professional to do the work. Dental professionals could safeguard your teeth and mouth tissue from the toxic chemical used in the whitening procedure.

Some teeth whitening home kits do provide some protection tools such as mouth guard. Mouth guard does not work very well since it doesn't fit everyone. It will not work with everyone, though some people may fit nicely.

2) People with sensitive teeth could be affected by the chemical used during the treatment. You could tell very well when eating food that are too hot or too cold like ice cream or hot soup.

3) The chemicals used (carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide) in the whitening procedures could also be potentially dangerous if swallowed. Some people will have a reaction of stomach upset, nausea and vomiting.

Some case studies have shown that the use of hydrogen peroxide for teeth whitening has been associated with the development of tongue cancer. The claims might or might not be valid but it is always better to be safe than sorry.

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