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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Is there a negative side to green tea dieting?

By Collin De Ruyck

It has been said the green tea increases health benefits but scientific proof of its health benefits are still mixed. In an article in the Archives of Internal Medicine, American researchers collaborated with their Chinese counterparts to discuss the good effects of green tea on cholesterol levels.

There was a recent case study completed where 200 men and women with an average age of 55. All participants have mild to moderately high levels of Cholesterol. When the study began, researchers told them to not change anything in their daily routines. Eat the same, walk the same etc. After 12 weeks the researches concluded that out of the 200 people who participated in this case study, the ones who were chosen to consume Green Tea has lost 15% of there cholesterol levels.

Although the researchers never explained how green tea may influence cholesterol levels. Earlier studies have shown that certain compounds in green tea play a key role in reducing cholesterol absorbed by the body which results in, increasing the quantity of cholesterol excreted, and thus keeping cholesterol from being stored.

Th researchers stated in a later report that the first group of participants did not lose cholesterol as a result of drinking green tea. So let me get this right, first you provide proof that they did, and now you say they didn't! Did I read that right? How much did you pay for your education again??

The problem I have always noticed in the medical community is that anything organic that works is not supported very well. Here is an exact example of what I am talking about.

When my son was 3 years old he got the chicken pox. Most kids do get it, but the problem was, he got it everywhere. There literally was not one square centimeter on him that did not have a spot on it. This kid was in so much pain we took him to the hospital 3 times to try and find something that would help ease the pain of being so itchy. Three trips to the doctor resulted in nothing being prescribed.

Finally a family member recommended for us to try the extract from an Aloe Vera plant. Once I found one to buy, I applied it to my son and with in 15 minuets he had stopped crying, and he was no longer itchy.

My youngest son got the chicken pox when he was 6 months old. We had to take him to the hospital just to be safe (6 months old is a bad age to get the chicken pox) and when we were there I told the nurse what we got to work with our oldest boy. She told us she knew that all ready. I asked why no one would tell us and her response was "we are not permitted to recommend organic forms of medicine" I was like.....ok, just let the kid suffer then?

Even though there is tons of evidence supporting major success with dieters using green tea to help them lose weight my guess is if it is not made by a pharmaceutical company doctors can not support it, right?

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Acai Fruits Intoduction to the Modern World

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

The people of Brazil have relied on a palm tree that they refer to as the Tree of Life due to the fruit that is produced from the palm having immense life giving properties. Acai fruit berries grow in clusters at the top the acai fruit palm tree that resemble grapes.

Acai fruit is very fragile and must be freeze-dried within twenty four hours after harvest. After this time, the delicate berries will no longer maintain their powerful medicinal benefits.

So how did the acai fruit make its way to America? The story goes that two surfers from California surfers were looking for energy when they discovered a fruit berry that instantly rejuvenated them and gave their energy back.

These surfers were so impressed with the berries restorative powers; they decided to start a company dedicated to bringing this amazing treasure to the modern world. The company today is still distributing acai fruit and as always on the leading edge.

Scientist have discovered many more benefits since its arrival to the modern world. The acai fruit is known to be the healthiest fruit in world and has been designated a super food.

With thirty times more antioxidants than red wine, the Acai fruit has taken the health industry by storm. From Olympic athletes to cancer patients, all are taking advantage of the many therapeutic qualities of this tiny berry.

This tiny fruit is packed with essential fatty acids, amino acids, and antioxidants and has a taste that is fruity chocolate.

This fruit has made an impact on shows such as Oprah, NBC Today Show, CBS Early Show, and even in prominent newspaper articles like Sports Illustrated, Washington Post. In Europe, the acai fruit's amazing curative properties has been known for years.

The acai fruit berry is an amazing super food that will give you vigor and nutrients that your body needs.

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Best Green Tea For Weight Loss-Do You Want Lose That Extra Weight

By Doug Taylor

Do you need something to help you to achieve the weight loss that you are striving for? If your answer is yes, you should try using green tea for weight loss. There are several choices of green teas to help you lose weight. In addition to helping shave off the pounds, the best green tea for weight loss is also beneficial for your overall health.

The main benefit of green tea leaves comes from the fact that they are not fermented before they are dried or steamed. This preserves the antioxidant, antiviral, and anti- cancer properties of green tea. Using green tea for weight loss is attributed to its fat flushing properties. The best green tea for weight loss has many health benefits besides weight loss and has a clean, fresh taste.

Research has proven that individuals who have a bottle of green tea for weight loss each day for 90 days lose a larger percentage of their body fat than control group subjects who do not. That is because of the catechins contained in the green tea and weight loss is facilitated by the fat cleansing ability of catechins. Your body is able to use up calories more quickly the result is lower body fat. Green tea suppresses hunger as well.

Although several teas are made from the plant Camellia Sinensis, green tea is more effective at fighting fat than the other kinds of tea. For those who do not particularly like the taste of green tea, pills containing green tea are ideal. These pills offer similar benefits to drinking the green tea for weight loss and are widely available in health food stores.

The green tea for weight loss pills is taken one or two at a time with each of your daily meals. It is important to note that these pills do not affect your weight loss more than drinking the green tea. However, the green tea will stay in your system longer when you take it in a pill form rather than simply drink it.

If you absolutely detest green tea and are upset by the notion of swallowing pills, you have another alternative. Taking green tea for weight loss a step further, there are now green tea patches available. If you utilize it in that form, your skin absorbs the properties of the green tea and weight loss is achieved without having to drink the tea or swallow the pills. Do look at the ingredients list, however, to learn what chemicals are used, particularly if you are allergic to certain adhesives.

Exercising, eating properly and drinking the best green tea for weight loss is a viable program for most people who want to lose a few pounds. Remember that prior to starting a diet or exercise program, it is best to check with your health care provider so they may help you determine the best methods.

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4 Tips on Managing ADHD

By Amy Nutt

Despite what people think, ADD (an acronym for Attention Deficit Disorder) is not a catch all phrase for a bunch of common behaviors nor it is a pseudo ailment. The reality is, scientist have been able to link ADD with certain malfunctioning neurological responses that are lacking in individuals who do not have this disorder.

Also called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) this condition affects a small population of children (roughly 8-10 percent) and a number of adults who may have missed being diagnosed when they were young.

Top symptoms of ADD/ADHD that can be found in both child and adult sufferers and often include: - Trouble focusing - Hyperactivity and inability to sit still - Impaired social interaction - Irresponsible behaviors - Moody and insulting - Extremely forgetfulness There is a segment of society that believes that ADD/ADHD symptoms can be easily controlled through will power. What they don't realize PET and CAT scans have uncovered circuitry abnormalities and lower metabolic activity in the part of the brain that controls our emotions and basic responses. The neurotransmitter dopamine is also severely lacking in the ADD brain.

Despite this knowledge, many parents refrain from seeking a diagnosis for their child and mature men and women feel ashamed and closet their impairment. This only serves to exacerbate the problem and clinical depression may even result.

Today, individuals with ADD need not suffer in silence.

Children and adults with ADD/ADHD can seek out the assistance of an experienced ADD doctor for analysis. The doctor will perform a series of diagnostic tests that will allow them to make an informed prognosis in regards to the condition and help them regulate it.

Once you are officially diagnosed with the disorder, there is a lot you can do about it.

1. Medication - slowed down and impaired neurons actually benefit from stimulants because they help to make the neurons fire correctly. Psychostimulants like Ritalin for children and amphetamines for adults are commonly prescribed to combat the many problems associated with ADD/ADHD. 2. Self management - this aspect may be a tab bit easier fro adults, but parents can help a child in this arena. Doing small things like making a to-do list, getting an organizer or planner, or planning to arrive someplace early as opposed to on-time may help you mitigate some of the more aggravating aspects of the disorder. 3. Talk with ADHD doctor - your doctor will be a veritable fountain of tips that can help you place you on the road to controlling your ADD symptoms. Be sure to ask lots of questions and take the acquired info to the internet for further study. Knowledge is power. 4. ADHD support Groups and behavioral therapy - At an ADHD support meeting you may learn valuable insights from people who know what it is like to deal with such a complex neurological problem. For instance, you could acquire from a host of dietary aids or holistic remedies that can help you get lower some of the more off putting aspects of your ADD behaviors. Behavioral therapy will also help as it can provide one-on-one counseling. A qualified therapist who understands ADD/ADHD psychology can retrain your thought processes so you recognize your ADD symptoms and learn how to control them by treating attention problems.

Combating ADD will take a multi-pronged approach, but with due diligence and proper education you should be able to gain control of your disorder and feel more in control of your own destiny. If you suspect you have ADD/ADHD contact a reputable doctor in your neck of the woods to get evaluated so you can be well on your well to greater health and a even better life.

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Using Green Tea To Boost Weight Loss

By Mary Bush

As sure as the sun comes up tomorrow, there will be millions of people searching for the newest fad diet that will help them lose weight quickly and effectively, and achieve the goals they have set for themselves. There are a lot of diet products out there, but there is one that has been around for awhile and continues to provide incredible results. In fact its not even a diet product, its green tea.

Green tea has been around for a long time, in fact since 2737 BC. It is believed that the Chinese Emperor Chen Nung accidentally spilled boiling water on a Camellia Sinensis plant and green tea was born. Since then green tea has been used in social engagements and also for medicinal treatments.

Historically, China has been the biggest manufacturer of green tea, while many other countries farm it as well. One of the largest misconceptions regarding green tea is how it is grown. Green tea grown on a tree, not on a vine or bush. And interestingly, Green Tea, White Tea, and Black Tea all come from the same plant, but how the tea is processed determines tea you end up with.

Many centuries have aided the Chinese in better understanding green tea for its medicinal properties. A few ailments that the brew is said to treat includes heartburn, acne, infections, and bad cholesterol levels. It's rather hard to believe that green tea went virtually unnoticed for thousands of years. At times, people would gain an interest, but the last couple of decades have really seen a boost in awareness from individuals spread across the world.

The healthful attributes of green tea has inspired researchers to carry out studies on how green tea can aid all types of ailments including heart disease, cardiovascular disease, some cancers, and arthritis. Many more people are becoming aware of green tea and its benefits. Other research has demonstrated that green tea has antioxidants that your body requires in order to stay healthy. Among the most significant of these antioxidants is EGCG which has been used to restrain the appetite and aid dieters in controlling between meal snacking.

Studies have shown various weight loss benefits associated with green tea. Some people have included green tea in their regular diet and have experienced a higher level of weight loss than if they relied on another method. In the end, green tea works by increasing your metabolic rate - creating an increased energy level - a process referred to as thermogenesis. Another study has shown that dieters that consumed green tea in conjunction with a routine dietary plan can burn up to 40% more fat than those who didn't.

One of the best things about green tea is that it creates very few side effects, as it is all natural. The biggest side effect most people notice is the increased alertness and energy due to the natural caffeine. It has proven so effective that green tea is frequently used in many dietary supplements. You can consume it as tea, pills or powders. Just walk into your local supplement store and you will see the incredible amount of products that contain green tea. The form you consume is not important, regular tea is the same as pills or powder, but you will get the best results when you use it with an existing diet plan.

Sometimes people are concerned because of the caffeine contained in green tea. However, it is all natural and no more potent than a cup of coffee, plus it helps you burn more calories. People who are caffeine sensitive will want to be aware of the effect that green tea has on them. Finally it is easy to drink and can be found in a variety of flavors. What could be better?

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Aromatherapy As A Great Alternative Medicine

By Fedrinand Mekinsy

The content of aromatherapy gift baskets differs from one seller to another, but varieties do exist in the same shop too. Thus, instead of naturally scented body lotions you can go for a basket that includes aromatherapy bath salts for instance. The common element in all aromatherapy gift baskets is represented by the essential oils. One cannot practice aromatherapy without these key extracts that make the very basis of any therapy session. Then, though much more rarely, aromatherapy gift baskets could also include some form of diffusers, but the cost of such packages would be a little higher.

Aromatherapy soy candles are made of 100% pure soy wax that ensures a clean-burning period without any dripping or soot formation. Quality aromatherapy soy candles include only herbal colorants, meaning that the shades of green, rose, yellow or blue are the result of mixing natural pigments extracted from different herbs. Moreover, the element that distinguishes these candles from scented products is the all natural presence of essential oils in the composition. Here are a few features of aromatherapy soy candles that you should consider before making a purchase; yet, the products will very much speak for themselves once you try them for yourself.

The effects of aromatherapy on the nervous central system are well known, which is why most applications revolve around this impact on mood and positive psychological response that has been reported to function. Thus, certain herbal extracts and essential oils like rosemary and lavender, for instance, have been proved to trigger brain alertness and an increase in the nervous electrical activity. The effects of aromatherapy are constantly noticed on groups of people who are exposed to the inhalation of a scent. Afterwards, researchers can measure the level of relaxation or alertness, depending on the substance the subjects were exposed to.

Since of all senses, smell is the first to influence our health and emotions, which makes it perfect to use for healing purposes. The tools to operate such changes on our bodies are aromatherapy oils or essential oils that are basically volatile substances extracted by means of steam distillation or pressing. The applications of aromatherapy oils are extremely vast but the most common and popular to use are massage and body care with all that they include: perfumes, body lotions, bath salts, hair shampoos and more. In this context, the attribute of aromatherapy oils that surely seems overused is the relaxing and uplifting one.

Last but not least, the combination of massage and aromatherapy for depression cases has been one of the most fortunate and praised so far. The massage opens the energetic channels, stimulates the pressure points and allows for a direct and quick passage of the aromatic oils from the skin surface into the bloodstream. The relaxation level achieved through massage is much higher than that resulting from aromatherapy alone since more senses are stimulated at the same time. Constant therapeutic sessions of aromatherapy massage could actually help one get rid of the troublesome depressive episodes.

One further advantage of aromatherapy massage is the possibility for the essential oils to get absorbed into the skin, which would explain a higher efficiency rate and more benefits for one's health. Here are just a few examples of the properties specific to the fragrances used in aromatherapy massage. Chamomile, orange, geranium and lavender are great for their calming and relaxing properties at the level of the central nervous system. Rosemary boosts up the energy levels and cleanses the body while tea tree, pine and eucalyptus have a great impact at the level of the respiratory system.

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Cold Weather Makeup Advice

By Makeup Girl

Have you ever noticed how much harder it is to put on your eyeliner and mascara when the weather turns colder? When it gets colder, your mascara can be a little stiffer coming out of the tube making a smooth application next to impossible. Maybe your eyeliner seems to be almost frozen solid. It doesn't take much to make your eyeliner harder which makes putting it on really difficult. Colder weather can pose a few problems for eye makeup application, but I have a few makeup tips that I've learned and I hope will you apply your eye makeup a little easier this winter.

It is so annoying when eyeliner seems to be too hard and cold to apply properly. The good news is that each of us holds the key to fixing the problem. It is our bodies. Your body heat is the perfect temperature to warm up that chilled eye makeup. Simply put your eyeliner right on your stomach or hip allowing your clothes to hold it tight. It doesn't take very long to warm it up and it will be ready for application. A simple thing I do is allow my eyeliner to warm up while I am doing my hair.

The same idea works for your mascara. When mascara gets too cold, it gets thicker and clumpier and while thick might be the look you want on your lashes, clumpy definitely is not. To fix the problem, simply use the same trick you used with the eyeliner. Your body temperature will warm up the mascara to perfection in no time. It might take a little bit longer than the eyeliner, but it will be worth it when it goes on your lashes smooth and clean.

I never apply mascara without curling my lashes first. With that in mind, I have one final tip to help your lashes look their best. To get the best curl from your lashes, you can warm up your eyelash curler. Think about it, you use a warm curling iron to curl your hair, why wouldn't your eyelashes curl better if the eyelash curler were warm. I will use my body heat to help warm my eye lash curler.

Sometimes, when I don't have much time, I will use my blow dryer to warm the curler. Be sure to just use it on low heat for only a few seconds and then test the curler to make sure it is not too hot so it doesn't damage your sensitive eye area. So this winter, when the cold sets in, try out these makeup tips to help you make the most of your makeup and look your best.

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How the Acai Berry Can Increase Health

By David King

The Acai Berry, which is Brazilian fruit is extremely rich in vitamins, fiber and protein. These are not the only health benefits of Acai Berry. The Acai Berry is also rich in antioxidants and Omega Fatty Acids, the good kinds you or I do not get enough of. Lets take a second and break down some of the benefits of the Acai Berry.

The antioxidants in the Acai Berry

By having a low level or a low amount of antioxidants in our bodies we are at an increased chance of getting certain illnesses and cancers. The Acai Berry contains a large level of antioxidants which helps our bodies drastically fight against things that will harm us.

The human body does not produce enough antioxidants to meet it's needs. We need o increase our levels of antioxidants by consuming certain foods. Certain fruits are the best sources we can get to help us increase of antioxidant levels.The Acai Berry is the perfect fruit to do this for us as it packs a major amount of antioxidants with in it. Up until recently the blueberry held the title of being the best for having a high amount of antioxidants the Acai Berry, has twice as much as the blueberry has.

Essential Fatty Acids from the Acai Berry

Omega 3 and Omega 6 are the two main fatty acids we need to consume for maximum healthy living. There is a Omega 9 as well but our bodies produce enough Omega 9 fatty acids on there own so we do not need to really seek out a supplement for that one.

Out of all the essential fatty acids the one we need the most and the one that is the most important to us is Omega 3. A deficiencies in essential fatty acids like omega 3 can contribute to cancer, depression, increased risk of heart attacks and other serious health conditions. This is where an Acai Berry supplement can help us, with the Acai Berry being extremely rich is all three essential fatty acids we can increase health and lower our risks of serious illnesses.

Antioxidants and essential fatty acids are not the only reasons to consider adding an aci berry supplement to your diet. The acai berry is also a great source of fiber, protein and vitamin B. Can you see yet why they call this a super fruit?

Grocery stores do not carry the acai berry, it does not ship well. The best way to add the acai berry to your diet is either through a pill form or though a juice.

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Life-Enhancing Quotes From : ONE - Sharing the joy of giving Pt2

By Masami Sato

Part 2 of 3

This collection of beautiful quotes that will inspire you to discover and embrace the joy of giving is extracted from Masami Sato's second book - "ONE". Masami is the founder of a global giving movement called Buy1GIVE1. The quotes in this edition include topics that are related to our everyday lives, such charity, giving, receiving, joy, making a difference and rich-poor separation. This article is the second part of three "ONE Book Life-Changing Quotes Series".

Giving and receiving

"When we give more and communicate wholeheartedly, we have less insecurity-both emotionally and physically."

"we can feel the real joy of giving when we're doing something for others knowing that we're simply doing it for ourselves-we're doing it for our own joy."

"The people who give more (time, money, kindness, love, ideas) have more of these things because that's the balance. And balance is the natural law of life."

"one key in the giving process is never to expect a return when we give."

"The people who give more (time, money, kindness, love, ideas) have more of these things because that's the balance. And balance is the natural law of life."

"Giving something to others is so much easier than trying to get it first."

"Giving to others is actually giving to self."

"Every single one of us prospers when we learn to give value to others first. We are rewarded naturally."

"we're not here to give in order 'to get'. We're here to have more to give more."

"Because we can't have scarcity when we are totally grateful."

"Giving to others is actually giving to self."

"Giving is not just about helping others. It is about sharing the joy. We do it for our own joy first and we pass it on."

"Every single one of us prospers when we learn to give value to others first. We are rewarded naturally."

On joy

"So without denying the benefit of having more innovation (because it feels good), can we find the way to have more joy in our life? If we can, then we can go beyond the temporal gratification. We can create a sense of permanent certainty."

On charity giving

"charity organisations are like our out-sourcing agencies for the giving of our life."

"Businesses and charities are actually the same thing. Someone started the organisation with the passion to do something-to make a difference."

"The moment we start giving out of guilt, we appreciate charities far less."

On having more or having less

"The moment we perceive someone as 'poor', our perception creates the poor feeling in the other person."

"The moment we believe we have more, we're saying others have less. And OUR attitude creates separation."

On making a difference in life

"Big is nothing other than a whole lot of 'smalls'. Small things can actually transform the world.

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A Shiatsu Massage Chair Administers a Total Body Massage at Home

By Steve Esquire

After a long day at work, you may be tired, under a little pressure or feeling some anxiety. A great option, once you finally make it home, might be a massage. That would relieve some tension and anxiety. Then I realize my house did not include a masseuse service. But wait, there is another option: How about a shiatsu massage chair! No appointment necessary. Just sit down, lean back, raise the footrest up and hit the start button. Oh, ah, oh, ah, now that is hitting the spot!

With the advance of electronics and mechanical systems and our increased knowledge of massage therapy has culminated into the massage chair of today. Certainly, shiatsu massage chairs have come a long way. There are robotic chairs that are capable of massaging almost all parts of your body. These shiatsu loungers can massage your back, shoulders, neck, buttocks, thighs, calves, feet, arms and hands. You can massage techniques ranging from a Shiatsu massage, Swedish massage or even a Deep Tissue massage. The premier massage chairs have advanced technology to replicate the most beneficial massage techniques performed by masseuses. Many massage therapy techniques have specific applications to improve your health and wellness.

The Montage Elite massage chair by Omega Massage, Inc. combines advanced technology with sophisticated luxury while delivering the healing benefits of full body massage. The Montage Elite has full body heat with individual heat controls for the chair back, the seat and the footrest. It has an MP3 player and headphones. This shiatsu chair allows you to synchronize the massage movements to the rhythm of the music you select. The Montage Elite has a reflexology foot massage built into the footrest. Omega even included a lower body traction function that will stretch out your lower body. It is truly a technological marvel.

The massage chair field is highly competitive and has major players such as Panasonic and Sanyo. Sanyo for instance has incorporated a technology to find your stress points throughout your back with the HEC-DR7700K. Sanyo has equipped the DR7700K with its GK roller system, which can reach out and touch you. These rollers are contained in the chair back and can extend forward to reach out and massage your neck and shoulders. The Sanyo shiatsu massage chair certainly a delightful and invigorating massage.

Panasonic has the EP-3222 provides a full body massage. This chair also has a lower body air massage with airbags built into the seat and footrest. The rollers provide a realistic massage with the Panasonic Swede-Atsu massage. The Swede-Atsu massage uses a blend of Swedish and Shiatsu massage which feels tremendously realistic. The Panasonic EP-3222 shiatsu chair can even memorize the settings you like for up to 3 different users. I can get used to a chair knowing what I like in a massage therapy!

These shiatsu massage chairs gets more realistic with each technology advance to simulating a human masseuse. The best massage chairs have integrated multiple capabilities to satisfy your most demanding needs. These chairs come with advanced remote controls which allow you to manually control almost all aspects of the massage functions. You can concentrate in a given area or let it give you a full body massage.

There is a wide variety of massage chairs with many different features. You should take your time and educate yourself. It is important to know what types of massage therapy would be good for you. If you can, get out and try some massage chairs. Be sure the chair is comfortable to sit in. Try chairs from different massage chair brands. Invest a little time upfront to really find what is suitable for your needs. A shiatsu massage chair is an investment in your health and relaxation. Find the right chair for your needs. Then you can enjoy a full body massage in the privacy and comfort of your home.

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Discover The Truth With Proper Lasik Correction Surgery Facts

By Bill Johnson

People who become bored of putting on glasses or think they appear best when their not wearing them may consider corrective surgery utilizing laser technology to repair their vision. Before maneuvering out to an all-night laser surgical center individuals need to acquire all the laser eye surgery truths they can find to verify that they are making the proper decision. Lasik sight surgery isn't for everybody and you can quickly ascertain whether or not you qualify in advance by poring over all of the applicable facts. After seeing all of the facts about the process you can then proceed on, if you so determine,being a well enlightened patient There are several laser eye surgery facts that likewise point to the success rate of the operation. Learning what can be anticipated before the surgical process, during the surgery and the right follow through care is an important piece of the decision-making process and the laser eye surgery facts can assist in providing that information as well. One of the key facts is that almost all insurance policies do not underwrite the surgical process if it is being done strictly for cosmetic intentions.

Those who wear contacts may have to postpone while their eyeballs return to their natural shape before having the operation performed, meaning they will need to wear spectacles until the day of the surgical process. They might also have to wear spectacles to adjust the vision in the one eye that is not corrected according to the on hand laser eye surgery facts.

Success Rates Are In Potential Patients' Favor

In spite of many perils involved the probabilities for a successful operation are better than one might imagine as there are far more stories of successes than of failures While the risk elements are encapsulated in the laser eye surgery facts, the experience and expertise of the surgeon doing the surgery will greatly increase the odds of success.

The patient will be under localized anesthetic merely with a local numbing agent for the eyeball on which the procedure is being performed. In most cases, the patient will leave the clinic the same day to begin the mending process and with the appropriate follow up maintenance, after their recovery they will be blessed with much stronger visual acuity than they had pre-op.

Being able to afford the operational costs might seem disheartening for some, but when the cost of optic examinations and contacts over their lifespan is reckoned, the laser eye surgery facts point out that it can comprise a noteworthy cost savings through the years succeeding the operation.

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Acupuncture Basics: Acupuncture Points

By Peter A.C. Garrison

It's the needles that everyone knows about acupuncture. And it's those needles that prevent most people from looking any further into using acupuncture. Acupuncture works by inserting these fine, metal needles into acupuncture points to manipulate the flow of "qi" or energy through the body. The acupuncture points are numbered from 1 to 41 for the large points, and 1 through 33 for the small points. These points are a major part of the course of study of licensed acupuncturists.

These acupuncture points create an energetic river or system in the body according to TCM, similar to lakes and rivers. Using this water analogy, TCM likens a healthy body to a healthy water system. When there is a free flow of energy, the system of which it is a part is considered healthy. When there is blockage or stagnation of that energy, the system is unhealthy or diseased. By unblocking or strengthening the flow of qi at key points, acupuncture allows the body to heal itself.

If, like most people, you have a fear of needles, you've probably avoided acupuncture as a healing modality. You'll be glad to know, however, that the needles used in acupuncture are so fine that they are painless in the vast majority of cases. And since they are only inserted millimeters deep, they do not draw blood. Licensed acupuncturists have hundreds of hours of training, making them quite adept at making acupuncture sessions as pain-free as possible. When a needle's insertion is felt in rare instances, the sensation is so mild that it resembles only a minor bite from an insect such as a mosquito. So fear not; acupuncture is not a masochistic exercise but a health-producing one.

The paths or flows of energy, called meridians, formed between acupuncture points are still being mapped out by Western science. The challenge of this task lies in the fact that the meridians don't correspond closely to the established nerve or blood pathways already mapped out by Western medicine. Some scientists are beginning to think that the meridians are located throughout the body's connective tissue.

However, Western scientists have gathered data suggesting acupuncture points are strategic conductors of electromagnetic signals. The Gate Theory supposes that pain signals must pass through high traffic "gates" as they move from an area of pain or injury through the spinal cord and to the brain. Like streets or freeways, there is a limited to the amount of traffic or signals that these gates can carry.

Like ambulances, some signals are given higher priority and clearance by the body's nerve system. These higher priority signals fly by ordinary signals, at times even crowding them completely out of the pathway. Acupuncture generates these faster signals, and subsequently crowds out the slower, lower priority pain signals from reaching the brain. The signals produced by acupuncture may also trigger the release of opioids and other pain-reducing chemicals, perhaps also directing the immune system to give special attention to certain portions of the body.

Experimental and clinical evidence has found that acupuncture not only inhibits pain but also has a direct effect on circulation, blood pressure, blood cell production, and the immune system. It is believed that acupuncture points stimulate the brain and spinal cord to release chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord and brain, altering brain chemistry in a positive way.

Acupuncture is still in many ways a mystery to Western medicine. That by no means, however, diminishes its efficacy. Whether acupuncture works by balancing the complementary forces of yin and yang in the body or by manipulating the electrical signals of the nerves, we don't have a definite answer yet. We do know, however that acupuncture works wonders on many modern ailments, and that it is, in many cases, at least as effective as Western modalities in eradicating pain, promoting health, and restoring well-being.

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