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Monday, January 19, 2009

Basics of Health Insurance

By Jeff Cline

Health insurance can prove to be confusing to many consumers. Understanding the basics is key to maintaining individual health insurance that meets your needs and expectations as well as your budget. By educating yourself with the basics you can accomplish that. Here are 7 basics to get you started.

When going down the list of basics naturally the total amount the insurance carrier will pay is a huge factor. This is what they call the Lifetime Maximum. It simply means that they will never exceed that amount if you should reach it. On average they are $3-$5million. When thinking in terms of a major critical illness that can easily cost millions, this amount could be your deciding factor.

If you are looking to lower you monthly rate a good way to do that is going with a high deductible. You must meet all of your deductible before the carrier will share in the cost. So therefore, you take on a bigger obligation they will lower you premium.

The next factor is the co insurance. Co insurance is when you have met your deductible and you only pay a percentage for an additional amount. An example is you pay 25% while the insurer pays 75% up to $3000. Once this amount is met the insurer would then pay 100% of any allowed medical cost within that year.

I am sure you have heard people say I only pay $25 when I go for an office visit. What they are referring to is the plans office visit co pay. Co pays are simple really for the life time of your term if you should have an office visit you can expect to only pay that predetermined amount. The only exception is if the plan states that labs and x-ray in an office visit is not covered.

Some plans include a Preventative benefit. The will allow 1 preventative exam each year. Many consumers do not understand this benefit fully. The main thing is it often has a maximum payout. For example, insurer will pay up to $300 of the visit. Not all plans include this benefit and they do not all cover a broad range of screenings and such. So it is important to comb over the details before you go for this kind of visit.

Each plan has limits set forth by the carrier/insurer/insurance company as well. Some examples of limits are: You are only allowed a specific number of office visits. You are allowed a certain dollar amount on things such as prescription benefits, labs, mental health and emergency visits. These are important to pay attention to when choosing and comparing plans.

Some catastrophic plans do not cover prescriptions. It is crucial that you understand this. On the more benefit rich plans you can expect to pay a co pay for you prescription. But take notice if you have a maximum the carrier will pay, some prescriptions can be very costly.

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Knowing the Basics of Health Insurance

By Jeff Cline

Educating yourself on the ins and outs of health insurance is essential to understanding it. Many people find the details to be confusing to say the least. If you stick to these 7 basics you will succeed in understanding health insurance. This will allow you to make wise decisions and educated choices while finding individual health insurance.

When going down the list of basics naturally the total amount the insurance carrier will pay is a huge factor. This is what they call the Lifetime Maximum. It simply means that they will never exceed that amount if you should reach it. On average they are $3-$5million. When thinking in terms of a major critical illness that can easily cost millions, this amount could be your deciding factor.

Deductibles also make a significant difference. The deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before the insurer will share any cost. A general rule is the higher the deductible the lower the premium will be. When you hear the term "Total out Of Pocket' it is referring to your deductible plus your co insurance.

After meeting your set deductible you may the start paying a percentage of your occurred medical expenses. This is what insurance companies refer to as co insurance. You may have a 70/30 plan with a maximum of $2000. So the insurer would cover 70% while you cover 30% until the maximum was met, at which time the insurer would pay 100% for the remainder of the year.

Another often misunderstood part of insurance is Co Pays. If your plan has built in Co pays for Office Visits you pay only the co pay amount even if you have not met your deductible or co insurance. There are some exceptions, if not noted in the plan as included in office visit you would still have to pay lab and x-rays.

Many insurance plans include what is called a Preventative exam. As a general rule the benefit allows one preventative exam a year. One thing that baffles consumers when they get an unexpected bill is the limits. Many have a maximum pay out. So if you went for an exam and the expense was $500 and the insurer pays a maximum of $300 you should expect a bill for the remaining balance.

One basic that is detailed in clear is the limitations. These are sometimes overwhelming to consumers and overlooked. But you need to take the time to know the limitations. They may restrict how much the pay for certain illnesses or treatments. They may only pay for 2 office visits a year.

Some catastrophic plans do not cover prescriptions. It is crucial that you understand this. On the more benefit rich plans you can expect to pay a co pay for you prescription. But take notice if you have a maximum the carrier will pay, some prescriptions can be very costly.

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Expense Makes Health Insurance Unaffordable

By Ethan Kalvin

Many individuals have become increasingly aware that health insurance is completely out of their reach. With the cost of health care skyrocketing to an unbelievable high, we have to wonder, how can we afford this? Not only are we reaching deep in our pockets as a nation, we are reaching, struggling and dying for these costs.

High health care costs are debilitating for many. But just as big a problem is the fact that many don't understand how health insurance components work and how we can make them work for us. Many don't understand the deductible system, and how or when it resets itself. Many can't describe the difference between a PPO and an HMO. The expenses alone are enough to distract us, but the fact that there doesn't seem to be a place to go to sort it all out and get clear answers is even worse.

We all know about the FDA and their role in testing drugs and medical equipment before they can be released to the market. We understand that medical practitioners need to be paid for their services to us, but we also feel like we are being taken advantage of with excessively high costs. Insurance companies seem to make more and more money while we feel blindsided by the onslaught of new medications on the market. And doctors keep writing prescriptions as though that will really solve the problem.

Each year, the number of new drugs approved by the FDA is astounding. Escaping these medications is just not possible. We are bombarded with advertisements on TV, radio, internet and billboards every way we turn. How many new products do we need which are supposed to do basically the same thing as last year's new product?

It is no secret that millions of Americans are struggling to take care of their bodies both mentally and physically. We have let this necessity slip right through our unsuspecting hands. Paying for health care is no longer a choice; for many of us, it simply is not an option. Undoubtedly, we will continue to struggle. As for the middle class and the poor, it seems we have all accepted that if we cannot pay for our health care in a traditional way, we will be paying for it with our lives.

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The Benefits of Buying Anti-Reflective Glasses vs. Normal Glasses

By Amy Nutt

When purchasing eyeglasses, you're presented with a lot of options. Amongst those options is whether or not to get anti-reflective coating on your eyeglass lenses. You'll hear a list of benefits, but you may wonder whether or not there truly is an advantage to anti-reflective coating. Besides, you know you're going to be able to see no matter what and that is what is important, right? Actually, you might be surprised.

No reflection

You might be surprised what a difference it makes to have anti-reflective coating on your eyeglass lenses. If you've ever been in a room with bright light, then you're probably familiar with the reflections you may experience on your lenses. You see everything in the room and its reflection. This may not always be the case because it really depends on the lighting in the room.

However, you may find that you can see better when you're not trying to see through reflections. You can overcome obstacles better and you can function in a much better manner. This is especially true for driving at night. You can reduce the glare from the headlights of other cars. This reduces night blindness significantly. If this is a major issue for you, you may want to go ahead and ask about having an anti-reflective coating placed upon your eyeglasses lenses.

At work

Many places of employment have fluorescent lights. When a person wears glasses and they don't have anti-reflective coating on their lenses, they catch reflections on the job. This can actually interfere with job performance. Work in front of a computer screen all day and tired of catching the glare? Anti-reflective coating will keep that from happening. You're going to be able to see your computer screen or whatever it is you're doing.

Believe it or not, a lot of individuals could avoid mishaps on the job just by seeing better. Really, anything that can help you see better is something you want. You want to be able to see the world for what it is without seeing two of it or seeing its unwelcome reflections. Perhaps that is why there are many places of employment that require their employees to have anti-reflective coating on their work glasses. These are usually paid for by the employer, so the employer has the right to require that. They know that their employees will perform better.

People can see you

Another great advantage about anti-reflective glasses is that people can look at you and see you through your lenses. They are not going to see the reflections of the room on your glasses. This can be distracting when someone is trying to talk to you. They may not even look at you because they can't see through the glare. With anti-reflective coating, they are able to look directly at you as if you don't have any glasses on.

So the next time that anti-reflective coating is brought up to you as an option for your glasses, it may be something you seriously want to consider. There are many advantages to it that you can enjoy. It is very hard to imagine being able to see perfectly through glasses, but know that it is definitely possible. You're reducing eyestrain, you're able to see things a lot clearer, everything appears crisper, and you'll even see words better. You may be quite surprised that something so simple can do so much for you. It is worth more than the cost you have to pay for it because you can't really put a price on being able to see better. As a matter of fact, being able to see better is absolutely priceless.

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Preparing Your Mind and Body For The Master Cleanse

By Linda Riley

It is always good to know how a typical day of following the master cleanse diet will feel like. This way, you will be more mentally prepared. In preparing the master cleanse diet, you can either choose to have one serving at a time or you can also prepare it all at one go. Once done, start your day with the laxative. They can be psyllium husk, laxative tea or sea salt. Starting the diet with a laxative is mainly because they are more effective with an empty stomach.

If you find that your serving of master cleanse too bland, you can add decaffeinated herbal tea. To control your hunger, you can also try adding hoodia though it is an optional ingredient. Remember to drink lots of water as you will be losing water during the diet. A guideline will be to alternate between a glass of water and the master cleanse. The recommended amount of water to drink will be according to your body weight. Therefore, if you are 150 pounds, you should try to drink 150 ounces of fresh filtered water.

After you have taken the first glass of master cleanse, you can take the wheat grass for the protein supplement. The recommended dosage is 5 grams and you can break up the wheat grass intake into two doses. Throughout the day continue drinking the lemonade and water. If you get bored drinking lemonade the whole day, remember you can flavor it with herbal tea to give it a different taste.

And before you go to sleep, you should remember to take another laxative of your choice. As mentioned earlier, it can be psyllium husk, laxative tea or sea salt. In between the day, always remember to keep yourself occupied so that you will not be distracted about diverting your concentration on fulfilling the master cleanse diet. Initially before you fall into the master cleanse daily routine, you might find it slightly difficult but once your mind and body have adjusted to the new routine it will not be difficult to keep to the master cleanse diet.

Also before you start the master cleanse, you will have mental preparation of 3 days prior so that the transition from a normal routine to a master cleanse routine will be much more smoother and less trying. If follow all the steps that is given, you should have no difficulty in accomplishing the master cleanse diet.

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Getting Rid Of Body Acne

By Lucy Collins

Finding the right body acne treatment for you is as easy as snapping your fingers.

Contrary to what many people believe, acne is not only a facial problem. In fact, a vast number suffer from acne on other parts of their body which in most cases, has spread from their face. In reality, wherever you have pores, you can get acne and that means, you can get acne anywhere on your body. In the event that you are indeed suffering from some form of body acne, you need to find a suitable cure without delay.

Unlike facial acne, body acne is often caused by the clothes you wear or even the deodorant you use and in many instances, changing to clothes made from a different material will be all it takes to rid yourself from this acne. Likewise, you may also need to change deodorant as some brands can aggravate sensitive skin. Additionally, because the skin on our bodies is tougher than our facial skin, you'll more than likely have to opt for a soap which is stronger than that which you use on your face.

Believe it or not but tight clothing is very much a contributing factor to body acne so it stands to reason that as a sufferer, you may need to swap over to looser fitting clothes. Additionally, it is advisable to wear clothes made from natural fabric such as cotton rather than any of the synthetic varieties.

Also, practice good hygiene. Many people who are suffering from body acne are simply not taking good care of their skin correctly. Take showers after working out right away and wash up after sweating in your clothes. Oily skin can cause bad breakouts.

Try looking into some sort of body acne treatment spray. Usually, these sprays come in bottles that are designed to reach those places in your body that you cannot reach! They are usually inexpensive, and highly effective. Run to the store and see what you can find, or talk to your dermatologist about which ones would work best for you!

Try using a topical type treatment to clear your body acne. There is a wide variety of these treatments that have been made available to you, all you need to do. A topical treatment can come in the form of an ointment or an antibiotic that will help to clear up that body acne, and most of these are over-the-counter and can be found at your local drugstore.

If all else fails and you have found that these treatments are not working for you, then look to your doctor for something stronger. Usually your doctor, or dermatologist will be able to prescribe a medication that will come in pill form, and you will take it once a day.

The correct treatment is out there for you. You just need to look a little to find it, and try out some body acne treatments. Even the doctor cannot tell what might work for you in most cases, so it is just a case of trial and error.

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The Best Valentines Day 2007 Ideas

By John Yarled

Guys, its almost February 14th again. The merchants are stocking shelves with hearts, speckled with red and pink colors. Dozens of red roses fill all the flower shops to capacity. Most offer ferns, babys breath and arrangements to catch the eye. So men, now is your time to make a little effort and get her the most original gift. Your happiness depends on it.

So, where do we start? Chocolates in heart like containers with long stem roses are always favorite staples for this most significant holiday. These two are what we call a safe bet. Regrettably, you will not make points for originality when you play it safe.

Want to make an impression? Ask yourself, what doe she like? Write these things down in a secret journal, note pad or PDA. All women appreciate the little things. But who can remember this stuff? So be sure to pay attention when she drops those little nuggets and write it down in your secret black book. This information is better than gold.

Not sure what to look for? Here are a few of my favorite suggestions. What does she order most often when you are out? Dont forget the dessert. What flowers does she look at? Think a dozen roses is going to cover it this year? Think again. Does she love Lilies? Add colorful Lilies to the usual roses for Valentines Day. Little details make a special Valentines Day for her.

Another proven gift is dinner out. Is the favorite restaurant thing been over done? Are you good in the kitchen? Cook her favorite entre. If your cooking isn't an option then here is an incredible idea. Have a chef to come to your home. He will prepare the meal in your and he serves it to the two of you over candle light. Every city has a culinary school and these chefs work inexpensively. Dont forget the champagne and chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. Fellas, after the chef leaves your night is just beginning.

For some extra romance points, not that you will need it, play her favorite music in the background. Will she be impressed? The mood is set. There is no doubt. Its not just the usual chocolates and roses this year. You just went above and beyond.

Making your gifts original just takes a little tweaking here and there. You dont have to spend like a king. Keep in mind she will tell you things that she likes all the time. As Valentines Day draws closer it becomes more obvious. Dont let on that your paying attention. Subterfuge is always fun. So as you make the arrangements you will have the element of surprise in your favor.

Are you going to fall into the trap and not plan for the day? Other guys mistakenly use the same old routines. Dont be one of those guys. Cheap leftovers are not fun and she will not feel appreciated. And boys its all about the feelings. A little effort means a happy woman and a happy woman means your life get so much easier.

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Having Acne Problems? Consider Skin Care Treatment.

By James

No matter what some idealistic people say, in todays world of cut throat competition, appearance does matter. Everybody wants to look their best at all times. But sometimes a skin problem can create a lot of trouble in our life.

Skin problems like acne are quiet common skin problems. We all have experienced acne at some point of time in our life. It probably starts in our teens and ends in few years.

But in some cases, acne doesnt fades away with age and rather increases with time. This kind of acne not only makes the skin look spotted and freckled but many a times, the person suffering from it starts to feel inferior or conscious about his or her appearance.

There are many different stages of acne. Mild acne, characterized by little acne on the limited part of face, can be cured by some medication and change in diet. Such acne may be a result of a deficiency in the body, bad hygiene or allergies.

Consulting a doctor is a must even in slightest acne as the determining the actual cause is very important. But if the acne is in the form of cysts which may even be painful at times and if the acne is spreading on the entire face and leaving spots and pits in the skin, the patient must get a professional acne skin treatment as soon as possible. These days, it has become quite easy to get an acne skin treatment under the supervision of a qualified doctor.

A dermatologist will study your acne and after diagnosing the real cause behind it, will prescribe a suitable treatment for it that may include medication, laser treatments, ointments and lotions etc. If the acute acne is due to a hormone imbalance in the body, then a hormone therapy may also be suggested.

Laser treatment is also getting very popular these days. This treatment is probably the most effective one in treating acne as it targets the exact root of acne which lies in depth of the pores of skin. This treatment is most effective in the case of cystic acne.

The cost of an acne skin treatment depends on severity of your acne problem and the extent you want to go to cure your acne problem. Costs of such treatments also vary from one country to another. But while taking such a treatment, a patient must remember that it takes time to see the final result of an acne treatment.

No matter what kind of treatment are you taking to cure your acne, it is very important to take all kinds of precautions needed to make the treatment work. Also, dont forget to take good care of your skin after the completion of the treatment.

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Is Work Stressing You Out?

By Christian Goodman

The farm was a great environment when I was growing up. The animals taught me a lot about the ways emotion can either be shown or held back. Animals only reflect how they actually feel.

Human beings seldom make this show of emotion so apparent. We either deny how we actually feel, or we pretend due to the setting we're in at any given point in time.

Interestingly, animals don't tend to end up with stress induced problems either. They rarely have hypertension or heart related problems - unless it's due to the stress humans put on them.

That leads me to wonder just how much we contribute to our own health problems.

I get a lot of feedback about job related stress. "I'm exhausted and sore at the end of the day, even though all I did was sit in front of my computer." Or "I don't doubt my hypertension started when my job got so stressful."

Who know modern conveniences could create so many issues? Over one million stress related job absences occur daily.

Addressing the issue has hit expensive and elaborate forums. Conferences, books and entire training programs are based on work related stress.

A few other ways to deal with the issue also exist.

Just stop working?

That could be a nice immediate solution, but the financial burdon would create an entirely new problem for most people.

We can however, incorporate some fairly basic tips into our work day.

We can start by determining reasonable limits on our work and social burdens. Tact is always recommended, but the end result should be not piling on more than a person can handle without raising the blood pressure.

This is addressed specifically to the population of people who are so driven or eager to please, that they will not allow themselves to reject unreasonable requests.

What are the consequences if I don't grant this particular favor?

Also, remember that it can be okay to ask for help yourself. If you manager, co-workers, friends and family are asking for help - maybe there's something to this.

Slowly walk for a few minutes every hour if possible. It doesn't have to be far, and certainly not fast. Just take the opportunity to stretch your legs and alleviate your mind for a bit.

Also not new - eat well. Eat healthy foods that will provide your body with the stamina and energy you seem to be lacking.

Remember to use good posture. The last thing you need on top of other job stress is a sore back.

Breathe deeply. The additional oxygen will make a big difference. This doesn't require leaving or creating a special environment.

Stretch and rest your fingers. Inhale deeply, and stretch your hands out as you exhale and imagine all stress leaving your body through the tips of your fingers.

That will help especially if you do it regularly.

Try not to process work related thoughts once you have left work. It will be there tomorrow. Use the ride home for relaxation instead of more stress.

My all natural programs can help with many physical problems.

Currently offered are: The High Blood Pressure Program, Weight Loss Breeze Program, Fibromyalgia Program, Stop Snoring Program, Migraine and Headache Relief Program the Dizziness and Vertigo Program and soon to be released is my Insomnia Program.


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Acai Berry for Weight Loss

By Kathy O. Steiner

Acai berries have long been used to treat all sorts of maladies. With a whole host of essential vitamins, nutrients, and anti-oxidants, it is easy to see why they enjoy a reputation as being a miracle supplement. Even so, the most popular use for the acai berry these days is weight loss.

The acai berry has been known to help suppress appetite and reduce overeating. That means that people who take this often eat less, and yet feel more satisfied than they usually do. Losing weight and getting fit still require putting in time at the gym and eating a healty diet, but everyone gets cravings. Using the acai berry for weight loss can help with managing that.

Taking acai berries can give you the extra energy you need to start doing more exercise more often. The powerful benefits you find using this supplement don't just apply to the relief of discomforting medical symptoms, they can also help you lose weight more effectively.

The acai berry speeds up metabolism when taken regularly for weight loss. An increase in metabolism leads to more rapid weight loss because the food you eat is burned more quickly and less of it is stored as fat. Ace berries can also remove harmful toxins in your body and help drop water weight quickly, acting as a natural colon cleanser.

Over time not getting enough sleep can contribute to weight gain and stress. Adding the acai berry to your diet helps you to totally relax and sleep more soundly. Acai berries can also help to alleviate depression, another common factor in weight gain. Acai berries can help you better regulate your hormones and endocrine system, helping you stay mentally balanced. This have help you when dieting by reducing depression, assisting with sleep, and generally giving you more energy.

Has a medical condition kept you from getting into shape? Acai berries can not only help you lose weight, they can help relieve some of your symptoms that may be keeping you from exercising and eating right. Arthritis can be a painful condition that can result in decreased physical activity. Taking acai berry to relieve that pain could allow you to engage in more regular exercise.

There are many reasons to take the acai berry for weight loss, and it is a trend that is quickly catching on. Not only can the acai berry help you to drop a few extra pounds, but it can also help to strengthen the various systems of your body, maintain a clear mental state, and promote an overall healthier lifestyle as well.

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