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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Healthy Vegetarian Diet Article

By James Richardson

The purpose of a vegetarian resource is to have a educational materials ready to help inspire you with the new lifestyle as a vegetarian. To show you the benefits in your nutrition, environment and ethics. Most of these resource centers are non-profit and dedicated to your education. The idea one would be A to Z reference guide with all the facts.

Vegetarian resource groups are open to exchanging ideas from topics like peer pressure and coming up with new snacks to eat. Use your group as a place to help with the challenges of your non-vegan friends. Plaining put, its the basic facts for the new vegetarian.

Standards for vegetarian are not the same, this society of vegetarians has many groups and sub groups with-in them. The strictest vegetarian is the vegan hands down with out even wearing a silk shirt because silk worms may have been caused harm in the process. Even the food labels do not know the different types.

Some people choose what they eat simple by if it is going to cause harm and/or death to anything living. If you choose that your choice is going to be somewhat limited. You will have just mostly nuts and pasta with some tomato sauce. Very little in fine cuisine will be eaten.

Vegetarian practices may seem like a bunch of annoying things but they are not. I have been a vegetarian most of my life with all the talk about energy ratio to produce your flesh, come on now, last time I checked; cows eat grass. Bring back the farms; they have worked for thousands of years.

Vegetarian dietary practices have the potentially to save so much in health care costs. There would be less cancer without the fat from the meat. Heart disease and obesity would be far less; sorry I am getting on a rant.

If you try to cram yourself with all the vegetarian facts at once you will indeed overwhelm yourself. So do yourself a favor and take the lifestyle in slowly. Start making small changes like added more salads to your meals and eating more mushrooms with your meals. Making gradual changes like this is best when starting something new.

Your food will not be boring; your diet will be many of the same fruits and vegetables you eat today. Meat industry would have you belief you will just fall over, what a joke. It is advisable to live without meat, it's healthier. The reason it is heather is you will have a permanent reduction in your weight, cholesterol and blood pressure.

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Fibre Supplements

By Donny Yu

Fiber is one of those "magic" substances that has gotten a lot of attention in the world of weight loss marketing in the last few years. The promotion of a "high fiber" diet has become a byword for a diet that is healthy and, by association, one that is slender. Fiber in your diet is also commonly associated with prevention of cancer due to the positive effects of fiber on the lower intestines and colon. So one of the ways you can evaluate many products, particularly breads and cereals is by its fiber content.

It only makes sense then that there would be a rise in interest in diet supplements that dramatically gain the level of fibre in your system. There is no question that a healthy level of fiber in the dieting is good for your digestive system. And if your digestive system is working well, that is one of many components of good health, which leads to a healthy weight as well. It should go without saying that just increasing fibre in the diet will not automatically ensue in weight loss. It is just one good step toward general good health. You must still keep an total healthy approach to diet and use to see weight loss that can companion all the good you are doing for your digestive system by increasing the fiber content of your every day dieting intake.

The first thing to determine if you feel you want to use supplements to increase the fiber in your diet is to get a measurement of how much fiber your diet usually delivers to your body naturally each day. This calls for maintaining some records of foods you normally eat that increase your fiber count. The general level of fiber consumption that is considered healthy for most people is 25-30 grams of fiber a day. If you are hitting that level, supplements are probably not necessary. But if supplements can help you achieve your fiber goals, there are certainly abundant.

Fiber supplements come in just about any form you would need or to fit your lifestyle. They come as a powder that can be mixed with juice with your breakfast in the morning. Fiber add-on pills are good for when you are on the run. There are even cookies or wafers that are fundamentally a supplement for your fiber content that can also serve as a snack to help keep your appetite under control.

The important thing to remember is that these supplements should not take the place of food. You can always increase the fiber content of your diet by simply increasing the level of high fiber certain fruits and vegetables that will accomplish the same goals as the supplements but do so while giving you good food value too. And real foods are cheaper than supplements so it is worth considering just improving your diet anytime you have an option rather than turn to a diet supplement.

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How to Remove Cellulite Fast

By Missy B Taylor

Every day women are shown images of unrealistically perfect females via the media and fashion magazines. It is not surprisingly then that most women feel unhappy with their bodies when they see these images. What many people don't know however, is that many of these women actually have cellulite - its just covered up with airbrushing, lighting and camera angles. Almost every women will get cellulite at some stage, usually on the thighs, tummy or buttocks.

With the right treatment cellulite can be removed, at least partially. It all comes down to choosing a treatment that works for your particular set of circumstances. Don't be fooled by any marketing campaign that says you can get rid of cellulite overnight or in a few days. The fact is that it takes awhile for any treatment to work, possibly months.

As with anything that takes awhile to work, procrastination is the biggest killer. Most women are unhappy with their bodies but hardly any of them take action to change their circumstances. Efforts is required with these things but once you have achieved your goal you will look back knowing that you have worked hard to get there.

The single biggest thing you can do to remove cellulite is make changes to what you eat. Your diet should consist mostly of fruit, vegetables and lean meat. You can no longer eat chocolate, sweets or junk food.

A diet is not complete without an exercise program. You should be aiming for exercises that will get rid of the fat but also work and tone the muscles in the areas that are a problem. The program that you do should also be something that you enjoy. If you don't like the gym then don't go. Go for a walk or workout at home instead. You need to set things up in such away that it will be something that you enjoy doing so that you will stick with it.

Another risk factor for cellulite is poor circulation. When your circulation is bad toxins become trapped inside the fat causing the cell to become hard and lumpy. Using a cellulite cream and massaging it in your problem areas will help soften up the skin and fat, and improve the circulation so that the toxins can be removed from the body.

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Feeling A Bit Anal,5 Symptoms For Piles

By Noel Byrne

There are five main symptoms for piles, although the symptoms may come and go. Piles may vary from minor or severe cases.

Painless piles are the swollen cushions inside the anal canal. They are commonly know as first degree piles, and are always internal.

Piles which usually return to their original position after the stool passed are referred to as prolapsed second degree symptoms of piles. They are pushed down when having a bowel movement but go back up by them selves, pain may occur.

The symptoms for piles which are third degree piles,they come down when the motion is passed but also come down at other occasions. This type of pile does not sit back up to the anal canal.

How you know you have piles, the symptoms will include itching and irritation. Bleeding from the piles can also occur this can cause aching and discomfort. A protruding lump for the anus may be very tender.

Another symptom for piles can be soiling of underwear with feces or slime, also know as skid marks!

Lumpy piles can stop acting as cushions or soft pads, allowing mucus to leak out this can irritate and causing itching the area around the anus.

When the stool motion moves along the canal, pain and discomfort is caused from the swelling and the lining of the anal canal is scratched.

A frightening symptom for piles is when they bleed. The bright red color noticed on the toilet paper, on the stool or in the bowl can be very alarming.

Very painful symptoms for piles are the second or third degree piles, where a lump is pushed outside the anal canal.

If you have any of these symptoms, then you probably have piles. Help to cure these piles can be found at the site listed below. Piles can recur if not treated properly. Receive the best possible treatment for the symptom for piles.

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Choosing Texas Health Insurance That Saves You Money

By Jordan FeRoss

Few people realize the profound value and importance of having health insurance in Texas. While insurance is most commonly used for doctor and hospital visits and prescription drug treat illness, it's more important purpose is to keep you from getting sick. Health insurance is designed to keep people healthy by providing the resources and safeguards they need to maintain their health and no one should be denied health insurance coverage.

Not having health insurance in Texas can create serious consequences. Generally, it will end up costing a person more not to have insurance than to purchase it themselves and that is not taking into consideration a serious illness or injury. Rising health care costs and high unemployment rates mean that a lot of people are going without health insurance in Texas right now, but that need not be the case. There are ways to get affordable insurance in almost every case.

Finding the right health insurance in Texas that is affordable and gives you the right kind of coverage is difficult, but not impossible once you know where to look and what to look for. Keep in mind that the more expensive insurance isn't always better, so it is important to really weigh out all the factors including the cost and type of coverage before making a decision.

There are some health insurance plans in Texas that cost less and provide great benefits. If you want, you can contribute so much money a month toward your premium. This too, depends on how much you can spend. With some health insurance plans in Texas, you may have to pay for outpatient services and also pay a certain amount of money before your health coverage will be active.

If you have a pre-existing condition (meaning the condition was there before you purchased the health coverage), you may be covered, but you will have to pay a higher rate. Health insurance companies in Texas feel that they are taking a big risk by insuring you with that cloud hanging over your head. You may also have a doctor examine you before you can start any health coverage.

The pre-existing conditions Health Insurance Company will cover are usually clearly outlined in their policies and you can also request a more detailed list if you need more information. This is important as you shop for health insurance in Texas as there is no point in wasting your time on applying for insurance if you know the insurer your considering will not cover your condition.

In addition to reviewing the insurer's information regarding pre-existing conditions and your eligibility for their health insurance in Texas, you will want to know exactly what the benefits of your policy will be before purchasing it. This will help you more fully assess whether the policy will meet your needs and provide you with the coverage you want. Your health insurance in Texas should fit your budget, offer substantial coverage and have co-pays and deductibles you can live with if you need to meet them in a lump sum in the event of an emergency. If you make the effort to educate yourself on all your options, you will be more likely to make the best health insurance choices for yourself.

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The Hoodia Dosage For Maximum Effectiveness and Safety

By Reagan Miers

Hoodia diet pills can be effective appetite suppressants but the most common question asked by dieters pertains to the recommended hoodia dosage. They want to know how much they can safely take to suppress their appetite. It's a good question because hoodia diet pills aren't regulated and don't require a prescription so dieters are forced to figure it out themselves.

Working out the correct amount of hoodia you should take can be quite a daunting task. Everyone seems to tell a different story, for some a small amount, say 500mg might be enough to suppress their appetite, while others may tell you that they needed nearer to 2,000mg!

Weight loss experts say that it can take anywhere up to around 3,000mg of hoodia per day to suppress a person's appetite. In fact, one doctor has recently revealed that most of his patients experience the largest amount of weight loss when they were taking a dose of around 2,250mg to 3,000mg per day. It's important to remember though that to get great results you cannot rely solely on hoodia, you should ensure you are leading a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly too.

Everyone's body is different, and therefore the most effective dose of hoodia will be different from one person to the next. You will probably find that the amount that works for one person, would not work for you. You may require a much higher dose, or alternatively you might only need a fraction of what someone else takes. Pills which contain 100% genuine hoodia gordonii have been shown to be safe so you can experiment to find the right dose for you without worrying too much about side effects. However as with anything if you have any concerns you should contact your doctor immediately.

There are also certain groups of people who should get in touch with their doctor before taking any hoodia gordonii at all, these include pregnant and nursing women, anyone with existing health conditions, anyone who is currently taking medication, and anyone who is under 18 years old. While hoodia is perfectly safe, these groups need to exercise caution when thinking about taking any form of medication or diet pill.

The best approach to figuring out what hoodia dosage works best is to follow the recommendations found on the product label. The reputable and honest companies that sell hoodia diet pills will recommend a safe and conservative approach. They'll typically recommend 1-2 capsules per day for the first several days, which is usually around 800-1,500mg per day of hoodia gordonii. They'll usually recommend that you slowly increase the dose until you reach the maximum amount allowed per day. The maximum amount allowed may vary, but it's typically around 4,500mg per day.

When you are taking hoodia gordonii diet pills, they may also decrease your thirst along with your appetite. You should always drink plenty of water when you are supplementing with them. That is why the product labels always say to drink 8-10 ounces of water when you take your capsules. People who are dieting should be drinking at least eight glasses of water a day anyway!

One final note when it comes to figuring out the most effective hoodia dosage - hoodia gordonii doesn't work for everyone. Some people simply don't respond to it no matter how much they take. Keep that in mind because more isn't necessarily the answer. If you're taking the upper amounts recommended by the product label and you're still not noticing any difference in your appetite after a couple weeks, hoodia diet pills probably aren't going to work for you.

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2 Healthy Ways To Get Rid Of Thigh Fat

By Luke Rutledge

Do you want to lose that extra annoying flab on your thigh? It is possible, but if you think that you can lose thigh fat quickly with the help of quick weight loss pills or supplements, you are dead wrong! And if you thought that there is some special workout you could do to lose thigh fat, you are wrong again.

In reality, whether you want to lose thigh fat, belly fat, neck fat, or any other fat, there is no way for you to target certain areas of your body. You can target certain areas of your body when it comes to weight-lifting and muscle growth, but not for weight loss. Your body will decide which fat comes off first. All you have to do it start the fat burning process.

Therefore, it only makes sense to do things that would help you burn fat from all parts of your body: that is, follow a healthy diet and do resistance training workouts! This is the only surefire way to lose thigh fat!

1. Your diet: The diet you choose to follow for the purpose of weight loss is very crucial. Low-calorie and low-fat diets won't help you burn fat because these diets don't increase your metabolism!

Besides the fact that these diets aren't very enjoyable, they can actually slow down your metabolism! This happens because your body does not get enough nutrients with a low-calorie or low-fat diet. So your body believes that it is going into starvation mode because of the lack of essential nutrients. It immediately stops the fat burning process by slowing down your metabolism, and stores fat so that it can survive in case of starvation. Having a balanced diet with certain portions from each of the food groups is the key to weight loss.

With low-calorie/low-fat diets, you probably will lose a few pounds, initially, but as soon as you quit and return to your normal eating habits, you will gain back all the weight that you had lost!

So what types of diets should you choose? You should choose a diet that includes eating fruits and vegetables for sure. Natural fruits and vegetables are not only great for increasing your metabolism; they are also extremely effective at suppressing your hunger!

Choosing a healthy diet plan is just not enough; you should also choose a diet which allows you to cheat at least once per week. On this cheating day, you are free to indulge yourself in your favorite foods. And don't think that taking a little break from your diet would make you fatter; far from it; it will actually help you lose weight by boosting your metabolic rate to a very high level!

Apart from an improved metabolism, cheat days will also improve your dedication to your diet plan for the rest of the week by extremely reducing cravings for forbidden foods.

2. Exercises: While a diet plan alone is enough for significant weight loss, many people try adding some intense workouts into their routines so they can accelerate the weight loss process! Strength and cardio training are the best ways increase weight loss. With strength training, you will not only burn fat, but you also add valuable lean muscle to your body.

Lean muscles not only make your body stronger, they also help you burn fat even while you are resting. As a matter of fact, you can burn at least fifty calories per day with one pound of muscle, even at rest!

Follow these two important steps for weight loss and that thigh fat is as good as gone, along with the rest of that unwanted body fat!

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Where Does Health Insurance Come From?

By Amy Nutt

We are all familiar with the concept of health insurance and most people have it in some form or another, but have you ever stopped to wonder how it all began? The idea of paying monthly or annual fees to cover the cost of our health issues seems to be a modern one, but the truth is that there is a long history behind it.

Centuries Old The original idea of health insurance was brought into being by Hugh Chamberlen in 1694. By the time the 1800`s rolled around, people were able to buy accident insurance, which worked to help those who were injured in an accident or who ended up disabled.

The very first health plans only offered compensation if the victim was injured due to an accident on a steamboat or train. While not terribly useful, since there were more injuries related to other circumstances at the time, it did prepare people for the more comprehensive types of plans that would be developed later on by health insurance Canada companies.

In 1847, the Massachusetts Health Insurance of Boston offered the very first group insurance policy with comprehensive benefits. By the 1890`s, insurance companies were starting to issue individual policies that covered everything from injuries and accidents to sickness and disease.

Health Insurance During the War Group insurance plans as we know them today didn`t start until 1929 when a group of teachers decided to create their own plan. They worked a deal with the Baylor Hospital in Dallas, Texas where they would pay a monthly fee in exchange for medical attention and recovery care whenever needed, for any member of the group.

The idea went over so well that it wasn`t long before Blue Cross health plans were designed. These were health plans that were negotiated specifically with the local hospitals or even specific doctors. Discounts were given to the plan holders and the entire process worked very well.

By the 1940`s, it was evident that more than these very basic types of health insurance was necessary. Some people couldn't afford the monthly fees, but were still in need of the protection afforded by having insurance. This is when employee health insurance became common. Employers would negotiate a deal for their workers and while you worked in a specific workplace, you were covered by their health plan.

During the Second World War, there was a wage freeze. No one was allowed to offer higher wages, which made it virtually impossible to lure the best worker to your company. With so many men away from the country fighting, getting the remaining workers available because a war in and of itself. Health benefits became the new lure and before the war ended in 1945, hundreds of businesses were offering comprehensive health packages in exchange for working for them.

Modern Times, Modern Plans In the 50`s and 60`s, the government began to take an interest in health care and social security began to include disability insurance in 1954. Medicare and Medicaid were both created in the mid-60`s and by the 90`s, most Americans were enrolled in a managed care health insurance program. While minor changes have been made in the years since then, the basic premise has remained intact.

Health insurance Canada has come a long way since the days of steamboats and rail cars, but it`s even more important now with health care costs on the rise. Built on decades of practical application, modern health insurance allows people to enjoy proper health care and emergency care without having to worry about paying huge amounts of money to a hospital or doctor.

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A Healthy Energy Drink: Can it Be Taken By Just Anybody ?

By Julieanne van Zyl

So, do you think it's advisable for just anyone to take a healthy energy drink? Wait - just before you go take another can of Red Bull, you must think about the health consequences of drinking too many energy drinks in one day. While energy drinks are superb energy boosters and can give you immediate energy, they are supposed to be taken only as long as you need them.

Energy drinks are very common these days and it is only natural that once you feel a little low in your energy level, you just go out to get yourself a can of some kind of energy drink. This tactic is not good. Energy drinks contain certain ingredients which when used in the accurate quantities can give you the desired burst of energy. But it will not last long and in some cases goes away promptly and leaves you with less energy then before.

So when is it better to consume energy drinks?

Report and research have both shown that many individuals are in the habit of having energy drinks first thing in the morning -even before their breakfast. Unfortunately, because the side effects are not always immediately apparent, many think they can easily get away with this or just simply believe that there are no side effects.

Therefore, drinking an energy drink first thing in the morning is bound to get you in the hospital in a very short while as you will more likely suffer repeated bouts of dizziness, increased pulse rate -also known as tachycardia- continual headaches, insomnia and restlessness. A Healthy Energy Drink: Can it Be Taken By Everyone?

Why Are Energy Drinks Able of Causing Such Side Effects?

The cause for the near instant boost that you get from taking energy drinks is as a product of the high content of both sugar and caffeine. While these are sure components for an improved energy level, they are not exactly the simplest way to increase your energy levels on a consistent basis. If you have a heart condition or a minor problem with nerves, then caffeine is not meant for you.

If you have a heart condition or a slight problem with nerves, then caffeine is not meant for you. The same applies to those who are suffering from diabetes; the sugar content obtainable in these drinks is a definite no-no. So if you have any of these diseases or related ailments regardless of how minute or mild they might be, then energy drinks are not meant for you. Instead , you can increase your water intake and use some other health remedies.

Energy drinks are common for body builders and physical fitness buffs that use them to increase their stamina and enhance their performance while they are training. However, a lot of teenagers take these drinks on a daily basis thus making it responsible for their hyperactivity and restlessness.

It is not advisable to have teenagers who are not into high energy sports activities take energy drinks, otherwise the risks involved are that the kids become violent and suffer what is known as "toxic jock" syndromes as research has shown. There is an alternative, and that is to take a healthy energy drink like the Verve Energy drink.

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How Does Eat Stop Eat Diet Work

By Eric Foreman

Heard of the new fasting for weight loss approach called Eat Stop Eat? Looking for a more clearer insight as to what it does and how it works? Keep reading further to get a more detailed review on Brad Pilon's flexible eating approach for fat loss.

Intermittent fasting has existed for a long period of time. In fact, fasting has its own special place in many religions as well. How does Eat Stop Eat fit into all this?

Do you know who came up with the "eat 5 to 6 meals a day" approach? It was called the "bodybuilders secret" since bodybuilders used to eat more frequently to manage high calorie intakes to maintain muscle mass. It was easy for them since they needed to go over 3000 calories, but imagine splitting a 1600 calorie diet to 5 meals? The Eat Stop Eat diet breaks this law and you'll get more theory about this proof in the book.

The health and fitness industry took advantage of this system by making a rule that the only way to lose fat fast is by eating frequently or your body falls into what is called "the starvation mode".

Think about it. If you don't feed your body for two 24 hour periods per week, you are saving your body of 3500 to 4000 calories per week. You need to burn 3500 calories to remove 1 pound of fat, and when you follow the ESE approach, you automatically lose one pound of fat every week! This approach by Eat stop eat has got pretty popular especially after the book kills the theory about starvation mode and eat frequently.

To make Eat Stop Eat work in favor of your fat loss goals, all you have to do is follow at least 3 days of high resistance strength training workouts. This stimulates muscle growth and Brad Pilon has proven how diet has no connection with muscle growth.

Yet there is one special advantage to following the Eat Stop Eat diet. You don't have to count calories anymore. You don't have to fear the clock waiting every 3 hours to feed your belly. You don't have to be afraid of carbs anymore! You can eat moderately the way you want and still lose the fat as long as you follow strength training and one 24 hour fasting session every week!

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Why Everyone Should Balance Their Chakras

By Jai Dahalli

It is a proven fact that optimal conditions are achieved only at a specific point where there is equality in the factors of the surroundings and the same applies to the energy circles or the chakras that bring in the spiritual energy into our bodies. Another fact of life is that every human being lives with an outer body and an inner self, and both are very important for survival.

In any act we perform it is important that both forms of our existence have the correct balance and can perform optimally. While food, air and water are the key elements for the survival and balanced growth of our physical body, the 7 chakras are considered to be responsible for the active functioning of our spiritual self and it is also important that we maintain the chakra balance.

Once you have performed the exercise of chakra cleansing it is crucial that you follow it up with the act of balancing your chakras. During the cleaning process you let off all the negative energy in your body and try to get in the positive energy which supposedly is generated by the actions of the planets and the heavenly bodies.

Only after each of the chakras is in a state of equilibrium and hence all the chakras put together form a balance in the human body, chakra balance is said to be achieved. It implies that the human body is free from any kind of problems or uncomfortable situation.

Since each of the chakras is said to affect an important organ in our body it is important to ensure that all of them are well balanced as living with even a little problem in important organs would be discomforting.

One of the major ingredients of chakra cleansing and chakra balance is water, making it a major part in your diet as well as regular bathing; swimming etc helps to keep your chakras balanced.

Another important part of our lives are the various colors around us as each chakra relates to a particular color and hence if there is an imbalance of the chakra, bringing the associated color into your life can be said to be an effective way of treatment.

Adequate sleep brings to our body freshness and a revived energy to perform various day to day activities and functions and similarly while we meditate our soul goes into the relaxation mode and our aspirations, will power and various other inner strengths get awakened and sharpened. All the more important is the fact that to achieve chakra balance your soul needs to be relaxed and that can be through meditating.

Sleep has also been identified to be a form of unintentional mediation as the body goes into a state where in it loses awareness of the environment to an extent. This provides a relaxing sensation to the soul and also helps to intake spiritual energy.

One of the most common methods of maintaining chakra balance is by keeping all your body parts in proper shape with the help of correct exercises. Inclusion of exercise in ones routine means that the chakras are physically shuffled and also this helps to ensure chakra balance. Though the exercises done are not for a long period of time, they need to be done daily.

Various chakras are impacted by the kind of food you consume and hence it is very important to change your eating habits to healthy food so that the chakra balance is not disrupted. There are many illnesses that are caused due to the type of food consumed and hence you should be careful about your diet.

One can be sure of the fact that the chakra balance impacts the various aspects of your body and personality and its maintenance is very crucial for effective survival.

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Getting Back Your Groove after New Years Eve Party Hardy

By Lidia Peru

We love to celebrate, and one of the biggest celebrations is New Years Eve. For many their idea of a good time is a little bit of good food and a whole lot of tasty alcoholic beverages. The question remains " how do you feel the next morning?

If youve been out partying you likely know how it feels to be hung over. Consuming alcohol is hard on our digestive tract, and consuming too often makes it hard for your body to recouperate. You get empty calories that burn those nutrients you need for healthy body function.

Have you ever heard of Kombucha Tea? This is actually a food, very nutritious, tangy in its taste, and very easy on your budget. You can buy it at your health food store, or make your own.

When you drink Kombucha here is what you get: Enzymes, Acetic acid, Carbonic acid, Folic Acid, Gluconic acid, Glucuronic acid, L(+) Lactic, Usnic acid, Amino acids (various), Hydroxy acids (various), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin B2(Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin, niacinamide), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin, cyanocobalamin), Vitamin C (from Lactic acid).

Most of us eat a very acidic diet. The meat, alcohol and cola diet is a different, and harmful type of acid balance, different than the acids found in Kombucha. This natural food based drink restores pH balance and gives energy. It is balancing and supportative for the body.

Here is another basic alcohol fact " alcohol depletes our magnesium supply. Our what? Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in your body. You have heard all the hype about calcium, well you need magnesium to get the benefit from your calcium. When you drink you reduce the already depleted magnesium supply in your body.

Here is one problem with having a low magnesium level. When the level is low you likely will have trouble absorbing it from your foods. There is another way to restore your magnesium, and that is through your skin. Transdermal is what they call it. You can use magnesium oil or gel, or a magnesium bath salt. How easy is that?

There are over 300 enzyme functions that magnesium is needed to complete. Almost every part of your body needs magnesium. The world health organization states that about 75 percent of our population is deficient in this mineral. This affects your health, both physically and mentally!

You dont have to wait for a night out on the town to enjoy the restorative qualities of transdermal magnesium. In fact, you can sip on your Kombucha tea served in a champagne glass after your healthy soak.

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Costs And Benefits With Texas Health Insurance

By Jordan FeRoss

In Texas, the unforeseen can happen at any time. You could have need for medical attention for whatever reason. However, if you don't have health insurance in Texas to cover that, then you will be stuck holding the bill. To prevent that from happening, a Texas health insurance coverage plan is needed to pay for the costs of medical services. This would include prescription medicine, doctor visits and other related medical expenses.

Like most costs of living, health insurance in Texas has increased considerably over the past few years. Texas lawmakers recognize how difficult this is for most Texans and are dedicated to reducing insurance costs by aligning with insurers to arrive at solutions together. Because of this, most people can find some health insurance in Texas that offers them the benefits they need at a cost they can afford.

There is now health insurance in Texas that is offering dual insurance. You can get major medical insurance and disability insurance in one package. When getting major medical insurance, it can be used for things such as chronic illnesses, like asthma. With disability insurance, it can provide medical coverage when you can't work due to a medical or health issue.

If you get individual health insurance in Texas, they will cost you more. Even with that, there are health insurance plans that can be cost-effective for you. The best way to get more information is to go online and research some quotes. You'd be surprised at the information you'd find on different health insurance rates. These cost-effective health insurance coverage plans also comes with lower priced deductibles. There are some things in a health insurance plan that are universal and come with any coverage.

The advantages of shopping online for health insurance in Texas is that you can compare each policy and quote item for item and truly determine which plan is best for you. Some people prefer to pay a higher premium and then know that everything is covered while other people would rather pay less for the policy and have a higher co-pay and deductible later on.

Using the online method to shop for health insurance in Texas helps to ensure that you pay only for the amount of insurance that you really need and aren't being pressured by a commissioned salesperson whose only interest is how much money they are going to make off of you. Shopping online for health insurance in Texas puts you in control of your insurance needs.

And, after you choose the insurance that is best, you may want to look into starting a medical savings account to cover anything over and above what's covered by your health insurance in Texas. These savings accounts are generally funded by pre-tax deductions from your paycheck and can be used for any medical expenses from major hospital equipment to contacts and eyeglasses. For some individuals who have no other options, a medical savings account may be in lieu of health insurance in Texas. By leveraging the vast resources of the Internet, you will find almost everything you need to know to assess your family's insurance needs and discover a plan that works for you.

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Your Free Healthy Eating Plan

By Michael Byrd

Are you looking for a healthy eating plan, and tired of browsing websites that requires you to pay for the eating plan that you want? You've come to the right place, this is where you can see your free healthy eating plan, and you don't need to spend a penny!

My family has been keeping a healthy eating plan for years and we are all overjoyed by its benefits and the healthy life it gives us.

The focus of the plan is to keep it simple. As simple as it is, we get healthy while we enjoy what we eat, and the foods are really delicious! Let's begin with what we don't eat.

We shouldn't eat the following: sweets, processed foods, white flours, white rice, fried foods, processed oils, snacks, fast foods, and any kind of junk foods are a no. As for the beverages, we don't drink soft drinks, fruit juices, coffee and alcohol.

You might think that everything is a no. This free healthy eating plan will guide you to everything that you need to know.

Always remember, that the focus is on natural whole foods.

We may eat lots of vegetables and fruits, but it's not enough. Eating at least nine servings a day is recommended. And, you do this by eating it at every meal time.

Fresh and organic foods are the best, but if it isn't available, frozen foods can be used as a substitute.

The fact that we don't eat any processed foods, we don't drink milk. Still, dairy should be included in our diet. We eat low-fat organic plain yogurt, kefir, and cheese, and some no-salt organic butter.

Olive oil is our main and best choice for cooking foods and making salads.

As for the cheese, we only eat cheddar, Swiss, mozzarella, or feta and we do it in moderation. Adding fresh fruits and raw nuts are good to add as a sweetener for plain yogurt and kefir.

We only use whole grains, because of its great benefits. Whole grains include, breads that are mostly sprouted, cereals, rice and pastas. They have much greater flavor and give more nutrition as you get used to it.

As you sprout the whole grains, it increases its protein and digestibility. Also, take note of the products that you use, be sure that it has no added sugar.

There are always eggs in every home just like bread. We eat them in different kinds of way, whether that be, scrambled, hard-boiled, omelette, egg-sandwiches, poach or egg toast. You choose what you want and you'll never get tired of it, we go through as many dozens of eggs in a week, imagine that?

Although we don't eat meat everyday, we always eat fish and poultry. It offers a great source of lean protein and the taking in of fish adds more benefit of being rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

Even if we eat the healthy way, we still take food supplements; this is to ensure that we are getting all of the essentials of fatty acids, amino acids, fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that we need to stay well and healthy.

And, this is my family's free healthy eating plan. All that is left for you to know right now is to drink lots of water, and if you want to lose weight, burn more calories of what you eat daily.

Do all the suggestions and add regular exercise, and I assure you that you will feel like a whole new person, in no time!

Now, who would you like to be?

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Verve Drink - half energy drink half nutritional supplement.

By Josh Dill

Verve Drink is produced and marketed by Vemma, a rising star the in the network marketing industry.

Vemma's CEO BK Boreyko knew that the energy drink was a huge and expanding market. But if he was going to create an energy drink he needed it to make big impact on the entire industry.

Red Bull, Monster, and Full Throttle make up the majority of the main stream energy drinks out there today. Examine the contents of these drinks and you will find it's only a over caffeinated soda with loads of sugar and artificial flavoring and coloring. Not what we should be dumping into our bodies.

Yes the caffeine will provide a energy boost and maybe a boost of mental awareness but the artificial ingredients is completely stressing out your body.

With that in mind BK set out to create the world healthiest energy drink with Verve Drink.

So what sets Verve apart from Red Bull and many of the other popular energy drink?

The most obvious difference between Verve Drink and all the other popular energy drinks is that Vemma Verve is all natural. No artificial ingredients at all.

What you will find is a heavy load of healthy ingredients. Ingredients your body will actually use to naturally produce more energy and mental awareness. Ingredients like organic green tea, vitamins, plant source minerals, phytonutrients, and even organic aloe.

One can of Verve Drink includes your daily does of vitamins. All the vitamins in Verve are body ready. The second they enter your body, your body can use them in their present state. There no converting to a usable form.

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Alcoholism: A Disease that Affects the Entire Family

By Ed Philips

Alcoholism involves every member of the family; how else do you explain the fact that children who come into Alateen rooms generally report that they have more problems dealing with the non-drinking parent than they do the alcoholic.

What? I'm not an alcoholic! He... him... he's the alcoholic! He's the one who is in trouble all the time! He's the one who causes all the problems...

Everyone who has dealt with an alcoholic knows that the alcoholic is a predictable creature. Kids can read an alcoholic like a book. Kids know when it's the right time to ask for an advance on their allowance, or if they can go out with their friends; they also know when it's time to get out of the way and make themselves scarce. Kids understand the routine as far as the alcoholic is concerned. However, they never know where the non-drinking parent is coming from next.

One moment the sober parent is screaming at the alcoholic and in the blink of an eye she will be caringly rescuing him from the consequences of his latest episode.

The truth of alcoholism affects the entire family's life, the attitudes and thinking of everyone changes perhaps more dramatically than it does for the drinking spouse and is often hard to recognize. Why? Because it creeps up slowly.

Frog In The Water A few years back, there was a story going around the 12-step rooms about a frog in the water. It goes like this:

If you put a frog into a pan of boiling water, it will jump out faster than the eye can see. But if you put the frog into a pan of water that is the frog's body temperature and then slowly turn up the heat the frog will stay in the water -- even to the point of boiling alive. Why? Because the frog does not notice the gradual change in temperature.

Alcoholism works much the same way... the heat is slowly and continuously turned up but nobody notices the change. Cunning and baffling! It's a progressive disease. It typically begins with casually accepting unacceptable behavior. As time passes the behavior has slowly grown more and more intolerable, but it is still being accepted and becomes the "norm."

What you finally end up with is chaos that a few short years ago would have been unthinkable. If you looked out the window and saw the same kind of things taking place across the street at the neighbor's house, you undoubtedly would pick up the phone and call 9-1-1 to get those people some help!

An Insidious Disease As the behavior becomes routine, the last thing that occurs to us is to pick up the telephone and get help. We are slowly drawn into the thinking that the alcoholic should be protected. We learn to cover for him, lie for him and hide the truth. We learn to keep secrets, no matter how bad the chaos and insanity all around us has become.

Few who have been affected by the disease of alcoholism realize that by "protecting" the alcoholic with little lies and deceptions to the outside world, which have slowly but surely increased in size and dimension, she has actually created a situation that makes it easier for him to continue -- and progress -- in his downward spiral. Rather than help the alcoholic, and herself, she has actually enabled him to get worse.

The heat increased so gradually, over such an extended period of time, nobody noticed the water was beginning to boil and it was time to jump out of the pan.

The disease will continue to progress for the alcoholic until he is ready to reach out and get help for himself. Waiting for the alcoholic to reach out is not the family's only choice.

Other family members can begin to recover whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not. But it can't happen until somebody picks up the telephone and asks for help. There is hope and help out there.

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