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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Acai Berry, the dirty truth about this superfood

By Maria Ramirez

Acai Berry has been used and distributed for a long time in south America. Now it has also become the number super food in the world and easily the most popular.

Acai has recently been called Superfood Number 1 by Dr. Nicholas Perricone, author of The Perricone Promise: Look Younger, Live Longer in Three Easy Steps. He has given acai this title because of the numerous outstanding health promoting properties inherent in the fruit.

Even TV networks could not ignore the popularity of this product. It has been features on Rachel Ray and Oprah. Both host has endorsed the product favorably.

Health magazines have investigated the benefits of acai due to its popularity. They too have reported the acai is really a superfood because it is full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and various nutrients.

But the main substance that differentiate acai berry from any other food is the sheer amount of antioxidants that it contains. Those same nutrients that have been proven to help reduces the damaging effect of free radicals.

Anthocyanins are the chemical components that give the intense color to many fruits and vegetables. You can also find them in red grapes, and it is the same compounds responsible for the health benefits of red wine.

Actually Acai berry has more than thirty three times more anthocyanins than you will find in red wine. This is the main reason why acai berry is classified as a superfood.

Acai berry has been proved to be beneficial in numerous scientific studies. It has demonstrated longevity, detoxification and anti aging benefits, just to name a few.

Now that modern science can no longer ignore the benefits of acai berry. We are seeing more and more consumers taking advantage of this amazing superfood.

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Physiotherapy Joint Examination

By Jonathan Blood Smyth

Our joints are extremely important for our functional activities, from the temporomandibular joint for eating and talking to the major weight bearing joints such as the hips and knees. Our joints are designed to allow us to move about, to accomplish tasks and to bear weight, a job they do superbly well. However, with injury, illness or disease our joints can be affected in various ways, limiting our abilities and causing stiffness and pain. Physiotherapists are trained to examine joints logically, determine the limiting factors and construct a treatment plan accordingly, with many techniques at their disposal.

Joints, the junctions between two bones, can have weight carrying, force transmission or movement properties depending on their design and position in the body. An example of a movement joint is the shoulder with its great range, the acromio-clavicular joint is a force transmission joint allowing arm function and the back and hips are weight bearing joints with some movement function. The most obvious of our joints are all synovial joints, a particular and very important joint type. The bone ends are coated with articular cartilage which reduces friction, the joint fluid is secreted by the synovial joint lining membrane and the joint capsule, formed by the ligaments, holds the joint protected against mechanical forces.

Observing the patient as they walk into the examination room and sit down can give the physiotherapist valuable information about the state of their joint. Slow and guarded movement is common, along with splinting of the joint and carrying it in a close and protected position to minimise joint stresses. Once the physio has taken a history they will check out the joint visually, looking for swelling, effusion, warmth or a joint deformity. If there is no obvious problem in a cool, settled joint the physiotherapist will need to stress the joint more thoroughly to find the restriction. However, a swollen, inflamed joint should be treated acutely as soon as possible.

Moving on from the relatively quick visual joint assessment the physiotherapist will start to palpate round the joint structures. This systematic manual examination allows the physiotherapist to clarify which parts of the anatomy are involved in the problem. The typical areas tested will be the ligaments, the areas where the tendons and ligaments insert to the bone, the joint line itself and around the margins of the joint. Any fluid in the knee, called an effusion, can be identified as it moves about if it is thin, it is very firm if the swelling is tight and it is thick and deformable if the swelling is older and stickier.

Active joint range of motion is then assessed and this is the joint movement the patient can do for themselves. Depending on the joint, this is expressed in degrees or as a proportion of the tested normal range on the other side, with limitation of range noted and the reason. Passive range is then tested and the physiotherapist moves the joint for the patient to see if any more movement is possible within the limits of discomfort. If the active range is poor and the passive range full, i.e. the joint can move where it should, then weakness or pain may be the limiting factors. If the passive and active ranges are both restricted then joint stiffness may be the problem.

The physiotherapist will assess the active range of the joint movement which is what the patient can manage independently, noting the ranges as a proportion of normal and why the joint could not achieve full range, e.g. pain or muscle weakness. The physio will then move the patients joint passively without the patients effort to see if the joint ranges are different. If the physio can move the joint through its full normal range but the patient cannot do this, then either pain or muscle weakness is the likely cause. If neither the physio nor the patient can get the joint to full range, pain or joint stiffness may be the problem.

The last part of the examination is to test the joint in functional activities or positions, especially if there is little to find on the more detailed examination. The physiotherapist can see how the patient is willing to use the joint and this may reveal difficulties with joint function which until then have not been clear.

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Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Bronchitis

By Amy Cheung

Chronic bronchitis is described as the swelling or inflammation of the airways or bronchi in the upper respiratory system. This condition is commonly accompanied by an overproduction of mucus. Chronic bronchitis can manifest as a wide range of symptoms, and is generally hard to diagnose since the symptoms may be attributed to other ailments that involve the lungs in particular and the respiratory system in general. To date, at least one in twenty Americans reportedly suffers chronic bronchitis. Despite the fact that the figure has been consistently diminishing since the seventies, the large quantity of individuals who have chronic bronchitis still concerns doctors as it is frequently life threatening. The following are some frequently occurring symptoms of chronic bronchitis:

Coughing - Cough that results from chronic bronchitis is usually originallynoticed in the early morning, soon after rising from bed. The person will most likely cough|get a coughing attack) for several hours after waking up. As the disease advances, the coughing attacks will become more pronounced, and sometimes cannot be cured.

Shortness of Breath - Shortness of breath usually occurs in a number of patients suffering from chronic bronchitis. The shortness of breath can possibly be triggered by overworking or even just mild activity. While the disease develops further the shortness of breath may even be triggered by merely hiking a little distance, or climbing down some stairs.

Infections in the Respiratory System - Chronic bronchitis is most commonly the primary cause of respiratory infections. Since an excess of mucus is created by the body in people with respiratory infections, this this results in the upper respiratory system becoming abnormally damp and warm. This can become a hotbed of sorts for infectious agents, and makes infections exceedingly difficult to cure as soon as they are caught.

Fatigue - Fatigue or exhaustion is frequently felt by individuals suffering from chronic bronchitis. These patients easily become tired just after rising from bed in the morning, or at other random periods throughout the day. This is due to the fact that the amount of oxygen in their blood is significantly reduced compared to those who don't suffer from chronic bronchitis.

Enlargement of the Ankles and Legs - Since chronic bronchitis can commonly cause more complications, due to deficient levels of oxygen in the blood, it may cause the skin to turn blue or cause the extremities to become swollen in the advanced stages of this disease. The swelling of the legs is additionally a sign of congestive heart failure, therefore individuals experiencing this symptom is advised to see a physician at the soonest possible time.

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How to Stop Panic Attacks

By Peter Bogdanovich

Panic attacks are themselves part of a larger anxiety problem which displays both real and emotional manifestations. Panic attacks are also a very distressing for those who suffer from them. Medical researchers looking into those who experience panic attacks found that a large number of sufferers have a gene called DUP25. This article has been written with the intention to show panic attack sufferers that there are options available to them in dealing with these incidents.

Don't underestimate the power of knowing what key points to look for in an attack as these could make the episode more bearable and help to ensure it doesn't last as long. The symptoms of a panic attack normally follow the same pattern of the victim feeling their throat and chest tighten which leads to breathing trouble. This feeling of panic may increase because they're heart starts racing and dizziness follows combined with bad thoughts and worries which make them feel if something real bad is going to happen. Just as all these feelings happen it makes the attack feel worse and feeds the cycle, increasing the severity of the attack.

The feeling of chest pain merely makes the situation worse and increases the fear leading to full scale panic attack. The doctor uses the frequency and intensity of the attacks to decide what medication he will use.

Usually any physical symptoms are followed by psychological ones that may make you feel that reality is slipping away from you. Don't delay in making an appointment to see you physician if you have anything like this happen to you. Sometimes it can be the fear of doing something that you haven't done for a while that sets off a panic attack, when you do not feel confident about carrying out a specific task.

By avoiding situations which could bring on a panic attack, sticking to healthy eating habits and exercise n a regular basis, you are likely to reduce the chances of a panic episode. A quick solution is to exploit panic attack medications that are known to reduce your symptoms.

Some panic attacks can be controlled but serious attacks may require you to use medication prescribed by your doctor which can help stop the attacks. Using herbal remedies including natural Homeopathic remedies has worked for some sufferers including those with other stress or depression related problems. The use of music has long been effective as a calming aid and it can work with stopping a panic attack as can forcing the muscles to relax or performing yoga.

Medication may have it place but in the long term it is controlling the attacks yourself which will be the solution that will be the most effective.

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Cleanse Your Body of Internal Toxic Waste

By Linda Riley

With today's hectic lifestyle, we are gorging ourselves with unhealthy and poisonous chemicals without knowing it. If we continue to indulge in these kind of food, our body will suffer. Our important internal organs like our liver and kidney will become less effective in purging out harmful materials. These eventually lead to illnesses, aching joints and whole lots of health problems in the long run.

To improve or prevent health related problems in the future, you need the master cleanse diet. Master cleanse diet involves removing the toxins in your body. These allow you to shed those extra pounds and feel more energized. Reason behind why Master Cleanse diet is so popular is because it detoxifies your body. Most importantly, its many health related benefits is achieved all without the use of drugs.

Many reports also had surfaced that with the use of the master cleanse diet, things people used to shallow as child was also discharged from the body when the detoxification process initiated by the master cleanse diet begins. The main reason why toxic accumulated inside our body is because of the body inability to digest what we shallow. So when these undigested matter build ups inside our body, they become a place for bacteria to breed. Without removing these waste products from our body, we will poison ourselves more and more each day. This why we need to flush ourselves with the master cleanse diet.

Examples of things which contribute to the accumulations of waste products inside our bodies include eating artificial sweetener, fried foods like fired chicken and factory processed foods which contain artificial additives. All these which the body cannot digest properly can be removed with the help of the master cleanse diet. You do not have to constantly be on the master cleanse diet to stay healthy. All our body needs is that we flush it cleans of toxins a few times in a year with the master cleanse diet.

In my opinion, master cleanse diet is suitable for people who have been suffering from obesity, aching joints, indigestion or kidney related problems. If you have been struggling with the above mentioned problems, do try the master cleanse diet. The master cleanse diet contains many essential vitamins that the body needs everyday. By using the master cleanse diet roughly around every 60 days and you will not only improve your health but also prolong your life.

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Defining Chronic Bronchitis

By Amy Cheung

Chronic bronchitis is a prolonged problem occurring from inflammation of bronchi, which results to increased formation of mucous blocking the airflow into the respiratory system. To be labeled chronic bronchitis certain fixed criteria have to be adhered to these are:

-For two years consecutively cough with expectoration for at least of a time frame exceeding three months.

-Other lung pathologies must have been ruled out.

The most common problem that a patient is affected with is the shortness of breath so much so that it affects day to day activities.

One of the major factors causing chronic bronchitis is smoking, and smokers have a high incidence of the same. In the early stages of the disease, the patient suffers from severe cough in early hours of the day, but as the pathology of the condition changes chronic is afflicted with continued bouts of cough with expectoration of mucus. This occurrence commonly] is known as smokers cough.

In the inchoate periods of the condition the broader air ducts are affected, but in time even the smaller air ducts are affected. As the chronic bronchitis reaches this stage the sufferer's VP ratio (ventilation perfusion ratio) balance is affected i.e the ratio between inspiration and expiration. The results of this abnormal VP ratio lead to various problems like decreased amount of dissolved oxygen in blood or hypoxemia causing further complications like increased effort of breathing which if not checked eventually leads to cor pulmonale.

When compared to acute bronchitis chronic bronchitis as the name suggests is a grave condition, the patients suffering from acute bronchitis managed with antihistamines and antibiotics but the same cannot be said chronic bronchitis because of increased chances of reoccurring bacterial and fungal infections.

Hence the patients affected by chronic bronchitis are advised to take care of themselves and inform about the minutest of difficulties and get admitted into the intensive care units of hospitals till the condition improves.

As the disease progresses there is decreased ciliary movement hence the difficulty in coughing out the mucous, this coupled with swelling of bronchi leads to decreased protection against air borne and droplet infections.

Chronic bronchitis is a difficult condition often occurring in tandem with other respiratory ailments like emphysema and asthma. And in later stages of chronic bronchitis coupled with emphysema there is an overall decrease in the dead space volume and the condition may manifest blue bloaters in which the whole skin has a bluish tinge or cyanosis for want of oxygen.

Chronic bronchitis as a disease grows slowly but unfortunately it has no cure and the only treatments are directed in direction of mollifying of presenting complications.

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Can Vitamins Help Prevent Asthma?

By Kim Archer

In the U.S. there are over ten million people who are asthma sufferers, and many physicians regard asthma as an epidemic because it so widespread.

Exposure to noxious chemicals in the air and environmental pollution are usually held responsible for contributing to this disease. There is an increase in the number of people dying from asthma, mostly because the warning signs are being ignored.

Asthma causes the airways in the lungs to swell, throw out thick mucus and, over time, spasm. The swelling that takes place will make the airways smaller, making it difficult to breathe. The first asthma attack that you experience may include congestion, pain, wheezing, shortness of breath, dryness in the mouth, coughing, and fever.

An attack can be caused by almost anything. Upper respiratory infections, overexertion, poor nutrition, and stress are frequent causes, and allergies are the most typical trigger of an asthma attack.

Some attacks are triggered through exposure to irritants such as exhaust fumes, smoke, the smell of gas, or pollen. An attack can also be brought on by certain foods such as peanuts, corn, dairy or chocolate. Antibiotics, hormone therapy and tranquilizers are also possible triggers.

There are a number of herbal, mineral and vitamin supplements that can be used as treatments for asthma. Vitamin B is the most significant of these. Not only can it decrease the severity of an attack but it preserves the biochemical equilibrium in your body.

If you use vitamins A and E in concert they collaborate to defend your lungs from pollution. As well, big dosages of Vitamin C are highly successful in combating asthma.

Gingko biloba is also a useful treatment to improve breathing and ease bronchial responses. Another good choice is odorless garlic. This supplement's anti-inflammatory properties help to lower the chances of experiencing an attack.

If you think you might have asthma, see your doctor right away to get tested. Until then, eat a diet high in protein with lots of vegetables and fruits and steer clear of known triggers.

Asthma can be very stressful, but there are ways that you can fight back and help to eliminate it. If your doctor tells you that you do indeed have asthma, ask him any questions that come to mind and get his advice on what you should and shouldn't do.

You can sometimes help to avoid an asthma attack by using natural products like vitamins and nutritional supplements. There's no reason to avoid enjoying your usual activities. It can often be managed successfully although it might slow you down somewhat.

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Blueberries, blackberries, acai berries and more

By Mark Goodman

1. Blueberries

Blueberries are really a no-brainer if you're looking for a fruit high in antioxidants. A favorite pie ingredient of North American grandmothers. They are available at most any grocery store in the US and the cheapest of those on our list. I personally eat a bowl of them a day just because I enjoy the taste so much. The ORAC rating for one cup of cultivated blueberries has been listed at 9019.[1] The ORAC rating for one cup of wild blueberries is listed at 13427.[1]

2. Blackberries

Although generally more difficult to find than blueberries, blackberries are another well known berry which contains a very high concentration of antioxidants. The ORAC value has officially been listed at 7701 per cup.[1] Most often you will find blackberries in a berry mix along with raspberries and blueberries.

3. Cherries

With an ORAC value listed at 4873[1] per cup, cherries are high on the list of antioxidant-rich berries. As the favorite berry of many, there is no mistaking their sweet taste, but knowing how beneficial they are for your health should provide even more incentive to grab a bunch next time you're at the grocery.

4. Wolfberries

Cultivated and eaten for centuries in China, wolfberries are relatively unknown outside the region. Wolfberries are probably more recognizable by the name goji berries in North America where they have been marketed as a miracle berry in a way similar to acai and noni. While they surely have high antioxidant value, the actual ORAC rating has not yet been confirmed by an independent study.

5. Acai berries

Made popular recently by Oprah and internet marketers everywhere, acai is another berry which is high in antioxidants. As with wolfberries, to ORAC value of acai berries has not been confirmed by an independent study, it would probably be safe to assume their antioxidant value lies somewhere equal to or above that of blueberries. They do taste good and the juice has a semi-sweet flavor which even tastes like it's good for you. Considering how long they have been cultivated an eaten in South America, they must have some merit besides flavor.

6. Noni berries

You might be most familiar with noni in juice form. It's common to see noni juice all over health food stores, but the berries themselves are rather difficult to find. While the noni berry is high in antioxidants, what you may not know is that the ORAC rating for them is less than the rating for oranges.[2] I've included noni in this list to make people aware that the common blueberry most likely has more antioxidants than the noni berry.

When thinking about how healthy a berry or fruit might be for you, it would be wise to also consider and research the concentrations of phytochemicals, flavonoids and xanthones. Probably the best decision would be to consume a variety of berries and fruits so you receive all the benefits. Some berries and fruits might even have synergistic effects when eaten together.


1. Nutrient Data Laboratory, Agriculture Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of Selected Foods - 2007.

2. Nutrient composition of the blended Noni Juice, a PDF file located on-line at

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Beautiful Hair And Beautiful Appearance Tips

By C R Bolden

Are you interested in improving your appearance? If you are, are you interested in learning what types of makeup is best for you, as well as how to properly apply it? If you are, you may have turned to the internet or to fashion magazines, but have you ever thought about buying a beauty book? If you haven't or even if you have, you may be wondering whether or not these are really worth the money.

There are so many different beauty tips that you can use, and so the more tips that you learn about yourself, obviously the better off you will be overall. We all care what we look like and we all want to look our very best, and this is why knowing about the most beauty tips that we can is such a great idea.

Hair stylists around the universe are trained in a variety of ways to create beautiful designs with a person's hair. There are many factors that make hair more or less difficult to style. The texture of one's hair can be either fine or thick, smooth or coarse, and all different variations in between. The hair may be dry or oily, damaged or brittle, yet there are methods that can be used with any type of hair to give it a healthy and lustrous glow.

Different colored hair is suited to different styles as well. For example, blonde hair can look quite beautiful with long, golden layers. Black hair looks elegant, on the other hand, in straight short layers with a thick, shiny look. No matter what hair color is chosen, a style can be match.

A person's hair can come in all shapes and sizes and is a unique feature that each individual has to call their own. The way in which one wears their hair is a matter of personal preference, as there are thousands of hairstyles, both long and short to choose from. Black hair styles are as diverse as the people who wear them as well and are highly unique to the black culture. As the texture of a black person's hair is often very coarse and/or curly, different styles are used on their hair than a person of a different race. Beauty and style are an essential part of black hair, and great care is invested into taking care of one's hair within the black community, as in many others as well.

Blonde hair is normally associated with a femme fatale, Rebel without a Cause and one notices it everywhere and women are often found in salons begging for more bleach. Hair that is Blonde is characterized by low levels of dark pigment eumelanin as well as high levels of pale pigment phemelanin and is believed to be found in various hues of blonde in less than two per cent of the total population of the world.

It seems like curly hair is making a big splash what with trend setting celebrities such as Christina Aguilera, Alicia Keys, and Beyonce all sporting curly locks. It is debatable whether they are more convenient to maintain but are still associated with less time consuming hair dos. However, it tends to be dryer as well as more brittle and is prone to frizzing as compared to straight hair.

If you are beyond your college years, the term emo might not mean much to you. However, if you belong to this age group or if you are the parent of teens, you might be aware that emo hair has become the modern punk look of today. The term emo is actually short for the word emotional and was first used to describe a genre of music. Now emo is used to describe everything from music, to hair, to clothing styles. One of the most popular aspects of this trend is the new hair styles that are referred to as emo hair.

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Types Of Ovarian Cysts That Can Develop

By Rebecca Wincup

Women should not be alarmed by the relatively common occurrence of functional ovarian cysts. In most cases these cysts do not predict or develop into cancer. In fact, many cysts will have no noticeable symptoms or need any form of treatment, although some could be painful and require treatment of some kind.

A follicular cyst is a simple type of ovarian cyst that occurs when ovulation does not take place or when a mature follicle collapses on itself. These kind of cysts can grow to about 2.3 inches in diameter. However, they rarely have any symptoms and should disappear without treatment after a few months.

An ovarian gland will produce progesterone during the ovulation portion of the monthly cycle of menstruation when the egg is released, and this is when a corpus luteum cyst could potentially develop. When a corpus luteum is healthy, it is approximately one inch in diameter, round in shape, and fluid filled. Corpus luteum cysts do not usually have noticeable symptoms. They can develop at the end of a menstrual cycle or early on during a pregnancy. Many of them do not require treatment, and, fortunately, disappear on their own.

As the name suggests, a hemorrhagic cyst is a type of functional ovarian cyst that releases blood. Though it is rare for these type of ovarian cyst to burst, when they do burst they leak blood and cause a burning sensation across the pelvic area. However, hemorrhagic cysts are fairly common and do not normally require treatment. Doctors may surgically remove hemorrhagic cysts when they think it indicates the presence of endometriosis.

Women can develop dermoid cysts at any time and age, but they are more common during the childbearing years. A dermoid cyst is one type of an ovarian cyst that grows from the totipotential germ cell in the ovaries. Tissues such as bone, teeth and hair can form from this ovarian cell. Dermoid cysts may contain solid physical tissue. Indded, in some cases doctors have found hair and teeth forming in these cysts. Treatment for these types of cysts is to remove them as they can block the flow of blood to the ovaries.

Included in a pathological ovarian cyst are endometriosis and tumors. These rare cysts can only be diagnosed by a doctor after a thorough examination. A pathological ovarian cyst is a type of tumor that can be either cancerous or non-cancerous and malignant or benign. Tumors must be treated soon after discovery. Tumors generally have thick walls are greater than 6cm in diameter and can be persistent unless treated. An endometrioid cyst, which is different than a tumor, occurs when a section of endometrial tissue becomes transfered into the ovaries after being dislodged. The peak reproductive years are when endometrioid cysts most often occur in women.

There are many different types of ovarian cysts and each type should be diagnosed and treated properly. Pathological ovarian cysts are less common but potentially more serious than functional cysts. Women should speak to doctors about any cyst they have, especially if they are experiencing pain in the pelvic region.

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