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Friday, January 9, 2009

Eating Muscle Building Foods

By Dave Vower

Well trained athletes usually target two aspects in their training for them to develop their muscles really well. First, they have to practice a lot and do some weight training exercises and another would be eating the right kind of muscle building foods. But for starters who just realized that they need to gain some pecs and muscle humps, they usually don't place much importance on the way their eating habits can affect the overall progress of their fitness program.

It is because of this carefree attitude that disregards the importance of good muscle building foods. If two individuals will exercise in the same manner, at similar lengths of time and use the exact same gym equipment, most likely they will gain the same results. But if one of them is taking in a diet of good food like drinking lots of milk everyday and takes in some whole wheat sandwich that is heavily stuffed with lean turkey along with fresh tomatoes, lettuce and cheese then he or she will develop those muscles a lot faster and in a much greater shape than the person who is fixated with processed foods, deep fried chicken, junk foods, chocolates, pizzas and sodas.

In the same aspect, the person that eats healthier food, no matter how big the quantity will have a good physique. The ones taking in the unhealthy types of food will get fat a lot easier even if only a little of these fatty foods are being eaten. Yes, the person's metabolism also affects the speed as to how fast the body will make use of its energy sources, but the quality of food intake comes as the first factor to consider before genetics sets it. As most people say, "blame all your fat to the food that you eat and not because of what you are!" People are not born fat. They usually become fat with what they eat.

Once you begin eating the right foods, you will see a noticeable difference in the amount of foods that you are able to eat. You will find that you are able to satisfy your hunger even after a difficult work out. Developing a healthy eating habit will serve you for many years in your life. You will be able to nourish your body and not gain the fat that comes with junk foods.

Use care when you are choosing the foods that you will include in your diet. Lean sources of protein for your diet are chicken and poultry, lean beef, dairy products that are low in fat and seafood. These foods will give you the variety that you want and the lean sources of protein that you r body needs.

When you are choosing your carbohydrates, you should look for whole grain products, fruits and vegetables. Look for carbohydrates that are as close to the natural source as possible.

Using these foods to develop your menu will allow you to choose the best foods for your weekly plan. Pick up the healthiest foods in your local store to ensure that you have the right foods in the home at all times. It is best if you develop your diet on your own with the foods that you like the best from the healthiest choices.

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Getting To Know Your Health Guardian, HDL Cholesterol

By Ned Dagostino

A healthy level of HDL cholesterol guarantees protection against heart disease. HDL cholesterol is instrumental in controlling its bad cousin, LDL cholesterol. Let's learn how to maintain a healthy HDL cholesterol level.

Simply put, we should do our best to enhance the level of HDL (good) cholesterol and reduce the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Pharmacological researchers are busy formulating medications to raise the level of HDL to combat heart disease. These medications apart, there are a number of alternative techniques which do pretty much the same thing in a more natural manner. Cardiovascular exercise is a form of exercise which concentrates on improving the blood circulation, which is vital to maintaining a healthy cholesterol balance. So if you already have heart disease or simply want to avoid getting it, cardiovascular exercise is a powerful way to attain the desired cholesterol balance.

Cardiovascular exercise must be done regularly for it to be effective. The American Heart Association's recommendation is very simple: just put in 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise every day. You can even do it in stages. There is another opinion, led by Dr. Mercola, who says that one hour of cardiovascular exercise is necessary and that too at one go.

To help your HDL cholesterol to remain at a healthy level, you should not have any food which contains heavy amounts of LDL cholesterol. Saturated fats as food items or as cooking medium are notorious in this regard. Omega-3 and mono-unsaturated oils and fats are good for HDL cholesterol.

Some fats like omega-3 fats actually enhance the level of HDL cholesterol. Include fish in your diet because they are rich sources of these beneficial fats. Margarine and creamy and sugary processed food items are bad for HDL cholesterol, and should be restricted. Dietary control coupled with regular cardiovascular exercise will improve your HDL cholesterol level.

Next put your lifestyle under a scanner. Do you smoke? Cigarette smoking is turning out to be a bigger killer than originally thought. Stop it, immediately! Smoking smothers the HDL cholesterol in the blood. Are you obese? Obesity aids and abets the malefic HDL cholesterol. Follow regular workouts specially designed to reduce obesity.

Modern life is very hectic. This leads to many stressful situations. Stress has an immediate effect on the cholesterol level in the blood. Stress management techniques are very helpful in keeping the cholesterol balance at a healthy level. Change your outlook on life to handle stressful situations safely. Consider a change of work environment for the sake of your health.

This article shows you how to improve the HDL cholesterol level in three simple ways: regular cardiovascular exercise, proper nutrition, and curbing lifestyle excesses. Follow these steps to improve your HDL cholesterol. Once that happens you will be protected from critical heart diseases.

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Skincare Tips and Beauty Advice

By Makeup Girl

Women go to all sorts of lengths to improve their natural beauty. We apply makeup, style our hair and paint our nails. When it comes to our skin, it is unbelievably important to keep in mind that it is one of the most vital things to care for. Healthy skin provides you with a gorgeous glow that makeup alone can't provide.

Have you ever noticed how many expensive treatments there are out there for our faces? Not only are they expensive, but it is often hard to truly know if you are getting your money's worth. I have that the best remedies are actually the least expensive. They are the least expensive because they are natural items found in our kitchens. These beauty tips will help you bring out the radiance of your skin, without breaking the bank.

Exfoliating the skin on your face is crucial to help getting rid of the dead skin cells that can create a dull tone on the face. By exfoliating away the dead skins cells, you also encourage new skin cell creation which will keep your skin looking younger longer. One of the best exfoliating scrubs that I have found is one that you can make yourself. The recipe calls for sugar and honey. Simply mix them together in a one to one ratio. Sugar is the perfect exfoliating agent for the face because it is not too harsh. Something like salt could possibly tear the delicate skin on your face. Honey actually has moisturizing qualities so it is really helpful for replenishing the skin.

Maintaining a balance of moisture for your skin is also extremely important. An excellent way to keep this balance is by applying a weekly facial mask. A mask will provide the super deep moisture that your face needs from time to time. Instead of buying an overpriced mask product, try using plain yogurt as an alternative. Just make sure that the yogurt you use doesn't have extra additives - a whole foods store will most likely have the right kind. Simply apply the yogurt directly to your skin and let it sit for about five to ten minutes. The natural acidophilus in the yogurt will even help kill unwanted bacteria in your skin which can prevent and clear minor acne.

By trying these homemade beauty tips and skincare remedies, you can keep your skin looking amazing without breaking the bank. Improving your natural beauty can make your daily makeup regimen more simple. It can also allow you to get away with wearing less makeup in the first place. Now that's refreshing!

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Cholesterol What To Eat And What To Avoid

By Adrian Fletcher

If you have high cholesterol deciding what to eat offers some challenges especially if you are not accustomed to following a healthy diet. However, certainly there are actions that you can take immediately to bring down the cholesterol from high levels and get back to good health.

A doctor can give you cholesterol lowering medications, but you can also do a great deal to control your cholesterol with diet. In fact, your doctor will often insist that you change your diet first before taking medication. And in many cases this will do the trick. When you speak with your doctor about your initial diagnosis of high cholesterol, what to eat should figure highly in your discussion. He or she can to give you some ideas about the best diet to follow.

You will be able to find some excellent books on nutrition and cholesterol at your local bookstore or library. As you learn about cholesterol what to eat should become clearer and you can devise a diet plan on your own with the information available to bring down your cholesterol levels in the shortest time. The important part is that you should be able to find a diet plan that you like so that you can stick to the plan and thus improve your health.

One of the best methods to learn about foods that you will like to eat is to go see a nutritionist or dietitian. You can work together with a nutritionist or dietitian to figure out a diet plan that will be designed only for managing your cholesterol. This way you will be certain that given your high cholesterol what to eat can be faithful to this diet and be healthy. Your cholesterol will improve when you eat better. Not only will you lose excess pounds, you will soon feel better too. This is one of the obvious benefits of eating healthy foods.

Healthy habits come with built-in motivation: looking better causes you to feel better, and vice-versa. The spring in your step and the bright shiny face in the mirror will help keep you on track. The feelings of satisfaction and contentment you will gain from a healthy diet may be all you need to encourage you to continue. With the habits you learn as you reduce your cholesterol what to eat will soon become second nature, so once ingrained, you will not have to spend a lot of time reminding yourself to follow your plan.

With cholesterol what to eat will have a tremendous effect on your levels. When you have incorporated good eating habits into your lifestyle, it is time to begin incorporating exercise. You don't have to be a professional athlete to lower your cholesterol, eating healthy foods along with moderate exercise five times a week for thirty minutes each will do it.

The truth is as you continue to monitor your cholesterol what to eat should be part of the equation now and for the future. Even though you have reduced your cholesterol level and your cholesterol number is currently within normal limits it is still possible that your cholesterol could rise again. So stick with a healthy diet and exercise regimen and resist temptation.

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Will 2009 Be The Year For Universal Health Care Coverage?

By Ethan Kalvin

Lawmakers are becoming more and more plugged in to the fact that health care and health insurance reform are issues that the American people are extremely concerned about. The unusually large amount of attention and legislation in 2008 supports that fact. As more and more are losing their health care coverage due to continued increases in deductibles, skyrocketing prescriptions and insurance premiums, Congress is likely to act in 2009, according to the consensus recently at a Washington DC health care forum sponsored by two non-partisan groups.

Since Senator Kennedy (D-MA) relinquished his seat on the Senate Judiciary committee a few weeks ago to work specifically on health care reform, the resolve in Congress to pass sweeping legislation seems to be growing. John McDonough, a health care aide to Senator Kennedy stated that the Senator is committed to achieving comprehensive health care reform and is very confident it can be done in the upcoming Congress.

The Senate Finance Committee's Republican Advisor for Health Policy, Dr. Mark L. Hayes, spoke of the need for bipartisanship in addressing the issue. He stated the current rate of Federal health spending can not be sustained, and that the cost of not acting now would be too high, so something must be done now rather than later. That is not in contrast to the statement made by Charles Clapton, the GOP Health Policy Director, who spoke on his own behalf. Clapton conveyed that he thought health reform could get done with strong support from Republicans, but with the existing massive budget deficits facing Congress, there would be some competition for those dollars. The Republican members, he said are committed to a delivery system that is market-based and which emphasizes that private plans should be delivering the benefit. He added his thoughts that private plans could hold the best opportunity for innovation.

Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV)'s aide Jocelyn Moore also spoke up at the forum. She stressed that the issues of skyrocketing unnecessary spending, effective preventative care, and affordability should be addressed in the development of a sweeping reform plan. She stated that all options are on the table and that Senator Rockefeller is eager to get started working with the Congressional leadership and the new Administration to accomplish the goal of comprehensive health care reform.

The ranks of the unemployed are growing monthly, with nearly 1.2 million jobs eliminated in November and December alone. And the newly unemployed are not likely to be able to afford to maintain their health care coverage for long. The issue seems to be growing as a matter of urgency, and hopefully Congress will realize that health care is not a partisan issue, as they work together in 2009 to pass a comprehensive universal health care plan.

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Health Insurance Secrets To Save Money

By Ethan Kalvin

In these days of high cost insurance plans, there are real ways to reduce your health care costs without shaving needed coverage. There are some health insurance benefits that are an excellent value based on certain needs, and others that are overpriced for the benefits you receive. None of us have the same requirements, so a bit of legwork and research will be required to determine your own specific needs. But the benefit of saving potentially hundreds of dollars per year cannot be overlooked in this time of inflated health care costs. Here are some things you can do to craft the best plan for you:

You can increase your deductible, the amount you have to pay each year before your plan begins paying. If you are like many of us, you don't have many doctor visits per year. Increasing your deductible could easily save you hundreds per year. Insurance industry insiders have revealed that insurers have a rating system which, strangely enough, reduces premiums by the same amount of a deductible increase. That is, if you increase your deductible to $1000 from $500, your rates could possibly go down by $500 or more.

Adding a limited visit restricted doctor visit copayment is another little known way to save on premiums. The copayment is a certain amount that is fixed each time you have an office visit, and the amount is usually somewhere betwen $15 and $40. If you don't have a copay, then you have to pay the entire amount of each doctor's visit until you reach your yearly deductible amount. However, if you think you will be visiting the doctor a few times during the year, the copay can save you money. This feature usually adds to the cost of a plan, but by setting a limited number of visits which are covered, you can save money and come out ahead.

Choosing a plan with a smaller network can also be an advantage. Most plans today, whether they are an HMO or a PPO, will offer coverage within a specific network of doctors and hospitals. Chances are you won't need to see the wide variety of specialists often available. PPO's allow you to choose physicians outside of your plan, but they charge a premium as an incentive to stay within the plan. HMO's however, will require you to choose a primary care doctor who is in the system, and won't allow you to see specialists unless they have been recommended by your doctor. Choosing an HMO will reduce your coverage, but your premiums will be less.

Getting re-underwritten is one of the best kept secrets for how to save money. The process of underwriting is when insurers write a policy based on factors that they know about you, such as pre-existing conditions, current health and future risk. Most of them also put you into a "pool" of similar policyholders. The problem with that is that if a large amount of the pool members get ill, then your premiums go up even if you have been healthy as a horse. So it is recommended by industry insiders that changing policies each year or changing carriers each year or both will likely save you money. Navigating your way through the complicated world of the insurance industry doesn't have to be difficult but in order to be successful, you will have to put some effort into it.

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Avoid Winter Harm to Your Skin - Naturally

By Marilyn Etzel

Some natural skincare tips help to protect our delicate features during the winter months. While winter is beautiful, our skin may not be due to the often harsh weather conditions.

Extra moisture may be needed in winter. The sun may shine, but the air is still cold and brisk. Thats a deadly combination for unprotected skin. Clothing keeps us warm but doesnt replenish the moisture we lose from our skin. Finding ways to bring that moisture back is the main focus of winter skin care.

1. Get your eight glasses of water"When we lose moisture through our pores, it has to be put back. Our bodies are composed of mostly water and we risk dehydration if we dont replenish. Drinking lots of water is healthy for our bodies inside and out.

2. Moisturize at night"Even if we put on lotions or creams during the day, we might forget to do so at night. We cover up to stay warm, but that is not enough. Activities throughout the day deplete the moisture in the skin and not moisturizing at night continues the process. Cover your skin with a layer of moisturizing lotion before bed. To keep feet from getting dry and cracked, massage them with a natural salve or balm and cover them with socks.

3. Dont go outside without sunscreen"The glare of the sun on the snow can cause sunburn even if you dont feel hot. Without a protectant, the radiation penetrates deep into the skin and can cause damage that ruin our skin and put us at risk for skin cancers. Prevent dryness and skin damage with zinc and other moisturizers with sunscreen.

4. Use a humidifier"The air in winter can be very dry. Even in the house, the heat can have a drying effect on the skin and the nasal passages. To add bits of moisture to the air invest in a humidifier. There are two types: warm and cool mist. A cool mist humidifier adds moisture to the air but lowers the temperature a few degrees for comfort.

5. Exfoliate your skin"This can be accomplished with skin creams that contain microbeads, a sugar scrub, or by using a loofah sponge. Using gently circular motions, the exfoliant removes dead skin from our body. A weekly scrub allows healthy skin cells to absorb the moisturizers better and the skin can maintain a healthy level of moisture.

6. Take cooler showers"Hot water feels great on tired muscles but it can do a number on our skin. Instead use lukewarm water and shower for less time to keep your skin from drying out. Winter winds can wreak havoc with our skin and leave us irritated. Learn to protect your skin by adding these simple steps to your daily routine.

Winter winds can wreak havoc with our skin and leave us irritated. Learn to protect your skin by adding these simple steps to your daily routine.

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Green Tea And Ginseng More Energy, More Strength

By Ron C

Antioxidants such as green tea are now being used in many products around the world and of course within the Wellness industry itself Green tea is available in such forms as liquid for your beverage or for those who can't sit still a tablet form. There is no real difference between the two and it is said that if you use green tea weight loss products you will lose calories.

The affect on the human metabolism is quite amazing as it actually slows down the process of aging if used over a long period by aiding cell regeneration. With losing weight however together the laxative effects and anti-oxidant abilities are used to assist and improve the metabolism. The green tea weight loss product increases the metabolic rate and the amount of calories that are burnt so fewer fatty tissue forms.

The management of green tea weight loss products in spite of everything requires effort on the part of the individual who wants to lose fat; meaning keeping fit and healthy food are still required. If you want to get a healthier body and lifestyle then modifications to your food practice will be needed along with other adjustments.

For the best results when using green tea as a hot drink; you are encouraged to use it before sleep whilst the metabolism is slowing down. Fat loss products containing this product can take some getting used too and often there may be some bowel irritation for a few of days nevertheless it will pass. Individuals using green tea dietary products for the first time must not be distressed by this effect as it means the tea is doing its task of increasing the speed of the metabolism to clear it of toxins prior to entering the bloodstream. Results are more often than not obvious within the first week, particularly if you conclude the diet with real exercise, heaps of fluids and green foodstuff.

Extracts from the ginseng plant, being the (root) are often combined with green tea as collective; the 2 prove to be more effective. Ginseng has additionally been used in Chin and Tibet for countless thousands of years and helps by adding vitamins and minerals to enhance those already being used in the detoxification process.

With the use of green tea and ginseng you will now have more energy and strength to help fight off those stressful days during weight loss. As far as we know there has been no adverse side-effects that have been exposed with tests of up to half a year showing good safety levels for health and weight loss products containing green tea and ginseng.

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How to Stop Taking Hypertension Medicine in a Natural Way

By Christian Goodman

Many of my clients have emailed me to let me know that my programs have really helped them get healthier. They feel better, body and mind.

It's refreshing to be able to interact with customers personally.

A question which keeps recurring is: How can I get off hypertension medicine using only your program?

In a sentence, yes, most people can get off hypertension medicine and use only a natural program.

The key is to take it slowly. Always consult a doctor before you stop medication he or she has prescribed for you.

Begin the program. Take your blood pressure daily and record the results. When you see the blood pressure start to drop, talk to your doctor about weaning you off of your medicine.

It shouldn't come as a surprise to you that many western doctors regard natural remedies with skepticism. Don't be deterred. Let the proof for your doctor be the blood pressure results you've taken.

Keep following the program. Each time you notice a pattern of reduced blood pressure readings, talk to your doctor about reducing the medicine again.

As you keep following the program, you should see that your doctor will eventually stop prescribing medication after he or she sees the results.

My first exercise leads you through rhythmical walking. This patter of walking allows for better focus and your brain and emotions are then able to "relax."

The second exercise allows for finding negative or anxious feelings and get rid of them in a natural, calm way.

In my third exercise, I will lead you through an entire body relaxation. This traditional exercise is very effective.

Using these exercises in combination has proven results, in less than even a week! Within one week, over 75 percent of my customers reduced their blood pressure and almost 90 percent were able to reduce their blood pressure within a month.


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Frantically searching for kidney stone relief?

By Anthony M. Belden

How crucial is kidney stone treatment?

Imagine this and then decide. The torture stones bring on, is equivalent to a bayonet in the back. Think how a person would be feeling if someone picked up a blade, used it to punch a hole inside them, and furthermore twisted it each 2 or 3 seconds.

Following that, picture the practice happening again from time to time. Small-scale bladder stones, Damaging stones. Painful? Certainly, and it's not the kind of suffering that, in some future time, would go away. Most assuredly, it's the unrelenting, vexatious brand that says "remember me" at times a person least expects it to, on any one particular day or night.

Even without the pain component though, kidney stone treatment is nonetheless a matter of course. Why? Stones may well be reasonably small however they can lead to a lot of damage to an individual, they might restrict the urinary stream thru the ureters.

These are the tubular passages which deliver urine to the bladder. Whilst this happens, the congestion creates aggravation which, in turn, provoke the kidneys to swell. Once in a while, these stones leave down the ureters, generating torturous spasms to the stomach area, the genital region and the back.

Not getting right kidney stone treatment, micro-organisms can breed where the congestion is and ultimately cause UTI (urinary tract infection).

Curing techniques. Kidney stone removal differs, counting upon the bladder stones span and also the asperity of the symptoms shown. Almost all sufferers can expel stones by themselves and so they themselves provide kidney stone relief.

Even people who find this disagreeable to do, could consume nutritional supplements or a homegrown potion - the Home type remedy for kidney stones, to flush the kidney stones (also called renal calculi) out on their own.

But what if my kidney stones (also called renal calculi) are excessively bulky? What if, rather than passing out in a natural way, they block the ureters instead? This is when surgical treatment is necessitous. The renal calculi - kidney stones might be surgically eradicated. It is either that, or crushed using ESWL - extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy.

Here are five helpful ways to beat annoying kidney stones for the rest of your life.

1. Consume ample water. Eight or so drinks is as a rule recommended, but if anyone has had renal calculi - kidney stones in days gone by, it would be most effective to consume at the least around fourteen drinks.

2. Drink generous amounts of lemonade (lemon juice, sugar and water). It's no wonder tonic, but it will be able to bring about something some drinks do not: increase citrate amounts in a person's urine. Citrate staves off the formation of bothersome kidney stones.

3. Do not consume oxalate-rich foodstuff. Spinach, soybean, rhubarb, chocolate, sweet potatoes, black indian tea, peanuts, wheat germ and beets are high in oxalate. Do without these.

4. Reduce salt intake. On the authority of the AAFP, folks really aught to limit their salt levels to approximately a teaspoon of salt each 24 hours. This proposal is backed up by the Cleveland Clinic, that tells that excess salt can make way for serious calcium build-ups in the bloodstream. These will generate kidney stones.

5. Cut back on your meat intake. Curb your red meat intake to two meals per day maximum. As stated by the AAFP - American Academy of Family Physicians, the proteins resident in meat produce uric acid after they have been broken down. Uric acid is the basic offender for uric acid stone growth and furthermore gout.

Make no mistake - the most effective remedy from kidney stone growth is to live, drink and eat healthy.

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