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Thursday, January 1, 2009

4 Natural Ways to Lose Cellulite Fast

By Sara B Giddins

Every woman will get cellulite at some stage, even if they are dancers, models or movie stars. Even supermodel Tyra Banks has admitted to having cellulite and was able to hide it with airbrushing her photos. This just shows the way the media gives women unrealistic role models to live up to.

The average woman isn't a supermodel and doesn't need to be able to look like a million dollars in a bikini for a swimsuit calendar. Instead, they want to look good for their local beach or for their partner and not feel embarrassed by cellulite somewhere on their body. They simply want to look good for their natural body type.

Despite their desire to look great, most women don't want to undertake the risk of surgery or have to pay the cost. Neither do they want to put artificial products on their bodies and skin. This is why natural cellulite treatments are very popular in today's market.

The first step in a natural cellulite removal program is to increase your exercise levels. Many women complain about this, pointing out that even fit female athletes have cellulite. This is true but this type of cellulite is invisible unless you pinch the skin or stand in a certain way. The toned muscles of the buttocks and thighs keep the cellulite together and the skin taught.

The second component of a natural cellulite program is to stay hydrated. This means you need to keep drinking plenty of water. The extra water will help your skin to stay smooth and strong, and will reduce the appearance of the dimples.

You will also need to change your diet to complement your new exercise regime. This will require you to reduce your consumption of sugar and fat, and increase the amount of fruits, vegetables and wholegrain foods.

Exercise and diet are important factors in cellulite reduction. You will also need a treatment that targets the cellulite directly. The most popular method is to massage a cellulite cream in to the dimpled skin on a daily basis.

When choosing a good cellulite cream you should look for a product which has natural ingredients like green tea, vitamin A, caffeine and brown algae. When used these types of treatments are considered to burn fat, make the connective tissues more strong, help the body to lose fluid retention and detoxify the skin.

The massaging of the cream into the skin and fat will soften the cellulite and make it smoother. The skin will become softer and more resistant to dimpling which is the main characteristic of the condition.

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Hemorrhoids Hurting, Instant Pile Pain Relief

By Noel Byrne

If you are suffering in silence from hemorrhoids, you can find a solution for fast working Hemorrhoid cures. If you have never experienced hemorrhoids, breathe a sigh of relief since often the treatments are simple but can be extreme.

Depending on the severity of your hemorrhoids, always consult a physician to determine if you need surgery. This is rare, do not be alarmed. 99% of hemorrhoids can be cured with simple treatments and remedies. More severe piles can be cured with natural remedies too. For you I have listed a few cures available.

AROMATHERAPY For less severe cases of hemorrhoids, this is one of the fast working hemorrhoid cures. Aromatherapy has been in place for years, and one of the popular treatments includes adding 20 drops of both lavender and juniper to your bath water. Once the oils have been dispersed, soak for at least a half hour for several times a week.

Local drug store, if you stroll down the aisles of the drugstore you will find many treatments and fast working hemorrhoid cures. Probably the most popular is Preparation H, an ointment. Apply a thick coating to the skin. This works by shrinking the tissue, which can eliminate the condition. Suppositories are also available to cure internal hemorrhoids.

Sometimes in very severe cases the doctor might recommend Rubber Band Ligation. This might sound painful, but it is a minor procedure which involves a surgeon placing a rubber band on the hemorrhoid to cut off the blood flow. Days later the hemorrhoid will have shriveled and the band will be removed.

A treatment that is not common, is laser treatment for the hemorrhoid cure. This causes a reaction which shuts down the blood supply. With the blood stopped flowing the hemorrhoids can be cured.

A site I have listed below you will find a hemorrhoid which from my personal experience works in 48 hours. Suffering for years from hemorrhoids, sent me on a mission to find a cure which really worked. I urge anyone suffering from the pain of hemorrhoids to avail of the free report.

Try fast working cures for hemorrhoids, don't be discouraged if they fail. They didn't really work for me, you case might require other treatments. Most problems with hemorrhoids will be cured with natural hemorrhoid remedies and cures.

Don't put treatment off - it will only exacerbate the problem, and the initial irritation will cause the hemorrhoids to get worse instead of getting better on their own.

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Get Fit at Home with the Galena Pro

By Hanif Furqan

The Bodycraft Galena Pro home gym is one of the best constructed home gyms on the market today. If you would like an opportunity to persue your fitness program in the comfort of your own home yet still get all the machines that can be found at the athletic club, you have found it with the Bodycraft Galena Pro home gym.

If you are like the rest of us, you have plenty of reasons about why you cannot make it to the athletic club. Many people have every intention of going to the health club but do not get there consistently. The reason is, they get diverted by life in general and lose the habit. You have possibly noticed this yourself. You may have started out religiously going to the health club but then had to drop a workout or two. This knocked your entire schedule off track and you stopped ever returning to the health club. You probably attempted to make up some of the days, but before you know it, you discover that half a year has elapsed since you last visited the health club. With the Bodycraft Galena Pro home gym, you cannot make up any excuse. And when you use this machine every day, you will soon become aware of a difference.

The Bodycraft Galena Pro Home gym allows you to strengthen the muscles in your abdomen, your legs, your arms and your back. As a matter of fact, you are able to get a complete workout using this premium home gym. You are able to choose between doing a bench press, a leg press, pulling, pushing and any kind of exercise that you would do at the athletic center by using this one machine. Two people can work out on the Bodycraft Galena Pro Home gym as well, which makes it the perfect home gym to share with a workout partner.

Home gyms are only valuable when someone puts them to use, consequently, you should be sure to use yours regularly. Because it is more controlled than exercising with free weights, you could safely work out using the Bodycraft Galena Pro home gym without requiring a spotter. You should never do that while using free weights. You not only can have a better workout with this home gym, but a safer workout as well.

Everyone in the family can work out with the Bodycraft Galena Pro home gym. If you have youngsters who wish to get in shape, this is a good opportunity for them to accomplish that. Younger people as well as older people can perform the perfect workout since the tension for the weight system can be effortlessly increased or decreased to work for anyone. Usually, you should increase the tension with time. You are able to work towards strengthening muscles or only staying toned and in shape with the Bodycraft home gym.

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How To Be Healthy And Slim Too

By Henry John

Far too many of us forget that the most precious thing that we possess is ourselves. Why is it that we treat our bodies with such little respect? Its not as if we have the option to trade our bodies in for a better working model. Medical science has not yet in a position to offer us a new body if the one weve got starts to give up on us.

Its very strange that we allow our bodies to be neglected. If we have any regard for them you would think that we would do everything we could to keep them in tip-top condition, but we treat them with a lot of disrespect.

How we look clearly demonstrates to all around us exactly what we feel about our bodies. It gives a very clear picture of what sort of person we are and what we think is important.

All of us in our heart of hearts know this, but somehow we do very little to resolve the problem. Yes, there are some excuses that can be made and there are circumstances that deflect our attention away from looking after ourselves properly, but we all need to be able to get our priorities right if we are to stay healthy.

Being overweight is a classic sign of neglecting your body, or to put it another way, of not paying yourself proper attention. This is not something that suddenly happens, neglect is a long running story. The only person who has allowed this to happen is you.

What to do? The first thing is to come clean about your bad habits. What are the bad habits youve allowed to rule your life? If you can recognize these habits it will help you to increase your self-awareness. This is essential if you are going to make real and lasting change.

Next you need to choose a program that will help you to make change and one that helps you to increase your fitness and gives you good, honest support as well. Making change is not as daunting as it sounds, in fact it is not difficult at all. Its all about learning new habits.

Having identified you bad habits you need to learn new ones. What you dont do is to try and change your bad habits. Successful behavior change is always best achieved by learning new habits. The only sure fire way to a slim, healthy life is to learn new habits " slim habits. Its also the key to permanent weight loss.

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Curious How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs With Surgery?

By John Martin

Surgery should be the last resort to consider to reduce male breasts. This surgery has been proven effective, however, any surgery always contains risk, no matter how minor.

The losing man boobs surgical procedure is well suited for men who are healthy and they do not do drugs or smoke.

It is important to answer all of the questions at your surgical consultation honestly. This will reduce the chance of any complications. Being as this is basically a cosmetic surgery, your surgeon is going to want to access your overall mental outlook for wanting to get rid of your man boobs. Therefore will ask you personal questions as to why you want to have the procedure performed, and what do you expect from it.

Your overall general health is another area of interest. Your surgeon may advise against the surgery for male breast reduction if you have any existing issues of health. Your surgeon will want to ensure the elimination of any other type of potential causes for your condition. For instance, issues such as hormone imbalances must be taken care of for the best results.

If you think that you can just walk into a hospital and only be there for a couple of hours, wow, you need a wake up call. It will take a lot longer than just 2 hours for a visit. Even longer if you need surgery. Don't expect to get out of there without spending at least 6 hours or more there. Bring a lunch. A diet low in carbohydrates will help get rid of man boobs as will lot's of exercise especially weights on a regular basis. but that is not all there is to this as genetics also play a part. If you really want to eliminate your man boobs you will have to undergo a surgical procedure.

You should be very happy with the outcome in the end. The results you get may last long time under specific conditions. You must remove the underlying cause of your condition, whether it be weight gain or complications from medication. It is important to find out why it is happening so it can be prevented from happening again. If your problem comes from excess fat, it is important to maintain a healthy weight. It is pointless to undergo this surgery only to neglect your diet and weight until the problem returns.

Think about the cost associated with this treatment. Research is required to find out more. What you need to weigh is whether the expected outcome is greater than the expense.

Tigi Hair Products

By Jennifer Summers

The Tigi ranges of hair products are some of the funkiest urban ranges of hair products you can get. With ranges to suit all needs for the young and cool fashionista, you're guaranteed to find the right product to get a truly great style that you are looking for. Choose from Tigi Bed Head, Tigi Bed Head Body, Tigi Catwalk and Tigi S-factor.

Tigi Bed Head Tigi Bed Head Conditioner: - It's never been easier to treat your hair and pamper it to a healthy and radiant condition, with Tigi Bed Head conditioners. Tigi Bed Head Styling: - Funk up or spike your hair! Add texture and shine. Tigi Bed Head Styling is the ideal range for creating the style. Tigi Bed Head Shampoo: - With a shampoo to suit every hair type, and a great selection of shampoos to choose from, choose Tigi's Bed Head range, for clean and great smelling hair.

Tigi Bed Head Body Papayarazzi Body Wash: - This Papaya scented wash will leave skin soft, gently cleansed and smelling truly exotic! This luxurious body lotion has a sweet papaya fragrance. Creamy Dreamy Orange Body Lotion: - The motion of this lotion will hydrate your skin from head to toe with the creamiest, dreamiest scent in the universe. It's not heaven; it's your body. Papayarazzi Body Lotion: - Lavish this hydrating lotion onto skin for a sumptuous moisturising treat. This luxurious body lotion has a scrumptious papaya fragrance.

Tigi Catwalk Tigi Catwalk Shampoo: - Let your hair shine and be the envy of all your friends. Get great-looking healthy hair every day with Tigi Catwalk Shampoo. Tigi Catwalk Conditioner: - Tame that sexy main and let it shine. Give it the condition it deserves and keep your hair looking super sexy with Tigi Catwalk Conditioner. Tigi Catwalk Styling: - Keep your hair up to date with the latest style. You can have the style and the look you want with the Tigi Catwalk Styling range.

Tigi S-factor Tigi S-factor Shampoo: - Re-strengthen and fully cleanse your coloured, dry or frizzy hair with these premium quality treatments made especially for you and your hair. Tigi S-factor Conditioner: - Get the knots out! Smooth and you're your hair with this fantastic range of conditioners made especially for frizzy or damaged hair, or fine, dry or coloured hair! Tigi S-factor Styling: - Change your hair style day in and day out with these easy to carry, nutrient-filled treatments.

Having great hair is easy when you have the right products. And finding the right products is easy when you have a company like TIGI doing all of the hard work for you. Tigi is 'the rage' and the latest fashion choice of hair products for young and funky urban people today. Find the nearest Tigi stockist to you, and try out their fabulous products. You'll be glad you did.

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Looking Forward- Shows in your Complexion

By Juanita A. Davenport

What is the largest organ in the body? If you answered the skin, you're right! Also did you know that women's skin seems to age more easily than men's do because women's skin is thinner? The biggest aging factor that damages the skin and causes wrinkles are smoking, free radicals, and excess sun injury. We can reduce the exterior influences as well as our internal wellness and thinking for healthier skin.

It is well known in the mental health field that stress is a major cause of sickness and disease. Emotional stress may be caused by situations in your childhood where you could not express your frustrations and it has carried over into your present life. When we can reduce stress in our lives then we can improve our natural radiance and health. Money cannot buy natural health in a bottle, yet.

Repressed frustration, anger, bitterness, and judgments about your job, your relationships (or lack of a relationship), or even the world situation cause stress at a deep level in the muscle tissue. This could be a major reason for the body to put on wrinkles and lines in the face or even the beginnings of the disease called Fibromyalgia. The stress of repressed frustrations is often under many name brand diseases.

Going within through meditation helps release stress. Exercise, therapy, and Reiki energy clearing can also help you relieve stress. Most people have heard about Transcendental Meditation. It is commonly called "TM" and its practice has given notably positive results in some peoples' outward appearance, well-being, health, and longevity.

Anytime you connect with your inner being (your higher self) you are helping establish a sweet relationship with the health and appearance of your body.

To summarize, getting a full night's sleep is essential to beauty and good health. It is optimal to go to bed at the same time every night. When you count the hours that you have in bed - eight hours are best. Given these facts it is easy to see that if you have to get up early some morning then try to go to bed earlier the night before. Overall, it does not make good sense to stay up late when you know you have to arise extra early the next day.

When you eat organic fresh foods that you prepare yourself you are working with the body in a joint effort to increase better health. Partly cooked food contains more enzymes and life force energy than overly cooked or processed food. Giving the body the correct "fuel" will help you start looking younger and stay youthful.

Looking Forward to Life - It Shows in your Complexion. You can look younger, feel healthier, and brighten the depth of your spirit through simple, enjoyable methods.

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History of the Acai Fruit

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

For hundreds of years, the Brazilian rain forest has been thought to contain many of medicines within plants and herbs that could alleviate most ailments known today.

Scientific evidence has made this legend fact; Buried deep within the South American rain forest, a berry like no other has been revered as Amazonian treasure for hundreds of years. The Acai fruit offers an answer to the stories of old.

(pronounced Ah-sigh-ee), this tiny fruit has been cultivated by the Amazonian tribes of the for thousands of years. It has proven to be a cure all from ailments like the common cold to diabetes. New scientific data has even linked this tiny fruit to certain types of curing cancer.

The story of the discovery of the acai fruit is an amazing one indeed--There was a tribe that had been blessed for centuries but now faced the threat of famine. The situation was so dire that the leader of the tribe, a proud man by the name of Itaki, made a law that all children were to be sacrificed.

Unbeknown at the time to Itaki, declaration would even infiltrate his own family. He discovered that his own daughter, Laca, was about to give birth, so she to would have to sacrifice her firstborn child.

The starvation and thirst caused the tribal leaders daughter to imagine that she saw her child outside. with haste, she ran out side toward a palm tree that she imagined her child to be at

The next morning, the tribe descended to this palm tree and discovered the dead body of the tribal chiefs daughter. As they looked up at the palm tree, they noticed clumps of blue berries, which later became known as acai berries.

The acai fruit saved the tribe from certain death through hunger and to this day has been key to the offspring of that tribe where the acai fruit has proven to be the primary export of the people of Belem where the acai fruit is harvested.

This tiny Acai fruit is still proven to be one of the largest economic exports for this tiny city in Brazil.

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American Crew Shampoo: The Best in Men's Hair Care American Crew

By Jennifer Summers

American Crew Shampoo... some of the finest shampoos available for men's hair. Using very high quality natural ingredients, American Crew Shampoo delivers first rate cleansing, conditioning and treatment while promoting a classic style for men's grooming products. There are 6 shampoos in the American Crew Shampoo range.

American Crew Tea Tree Shampoo is an ideal moisturizing cleanser for the hair and scalp. Using a blend of herbs and natural oils, this Tea Tree shampoo cleanses and treats both the scalp and the hair. With American Crew Tea Tree Shampoo your hair is gently restored and conditioned. Irish Moss Extract - Soothes irritations and nourishes hair and scalp. Black Tea Extract - A protective antioxidant that has topical anti-inflammatory benefits. Tea Tree Oil - Serves as an antiseptic and cleansing agent and helps to heal scalp issues. Nettle Extract - A nourishing tonic that stimulates circulation of the scalp.

American Crew Daily Moisturizing Shampoo naturally tones and moisturizes the hair and scalp. This moisturising shampoo contains Hydrolized Wheat Protein, Sage Extract and Rice Bran oil to moisturize and condition the hair without weighing it down. American Crew Daily Moisturizing Shampoo soothes and replenishes, leaving the scalp healthy and refreshed. This shampoo is ideal for dry hair. Rosemary Thyme Extracts - Naturally tones and moisturizes the scalp. Rice Bran Oil - Adds sheen, elasticity and moisture. Quillaja (Panama Bark) - Gentle, natural cleanser that doesn't strip natural oils from the hair. Chamomile Extract - Soothing, softening and moisturizing agent.

American Crew Peppermint Cleanse Shampoo Liberate your hair and scalp with American Crew Peppermint Cleanse Shampoo. Formulated with Peppermint and Tea Tree Oils, this deep cleansing shampoo removes build-up of styling product, excessive dirt and oil and environmental pollutants that weigh hair down. Rosemary Extract - Naturally moisturizes and conditions hair and scalp. Peppermint Oil - Stimulates the scalp and helps to break down residue in the hair. Hops - A natural astringent with antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Tea Tree Oil - Natural antiseptic that promotes healing, penetrates quickly and is beneficial for problematic skin. Ginseng Root Extract - Nourishes and tones the scalp without over drying.

American Crew Daily Shampoo contains Panama Bark extract, a natural cleanser that gently cleanses and conditions the hair and scalp, and doesn't strip natural oils from the hair. This popular shampoo also contains Wheat Protein which adds shine and strength while Rosemary and Thyme extracts naturally tone and moisturize the scalp. American Crew Daily Shampoo is suitable for normal to dry hair. Rosemary Thyme Extracts - Naturally tones and moisturizes the scalp. pH Balanced - Avoids drying the hair and scalp. Quillaja (Panama Bark) - Gentle, natural cleanser that doesn't strip natural oils from the hair. Wheat Protein - Adds shine and strength.

American Crew Citrus Mint Active Shampoo is a balancing shampoo for everyday use. Citrus Mint Shampoo contains a balancing blend of natural citrus cleansers that work to gently remove dirt without stripping the hair of essential oils. Peppermint and Spearmint stimulate the scalp. This citrus shampoo is excellent for all hair types and is also safe for color treated hair. Wheat Protein - Increases hair strength and sheen. Color Safe - Excellent on color treated hair - will not cause color fading. All Natural Oils (a blend of Lime, Orange, Peppermint and Spearmint) - No synthetic fragrances. Natural, gentle cleansers that won't strip hair of essential oils. Natural fragrance that cleanses, soothes and awakens the senses. Certified organic grapefruit extract. Polyquaterium-10 - A complex conditioning agent that provides volume and improves hair texture and imparts natural shine.

American Crew Anti Dandruff Shampoo is formulated for problem scalps, effectively promoting healthy looking hair and scalp. The active ingredient, Zinc Pyrithione, helps prevent the itching and flaking associated with dandruff. This dandruff shampoo gently cleanses conditions and moisturizes leaving hair feeling great. Menthol - Cools and refreshes the scalp. Methylisothiazolinone - Antimicrobial and antifungal agent. Zinc Pyrithione - Helps prevent itching and flaking associated with dandruff.

American crew provide shampoos that cover all the needs a man could have for his hair, whether it is problem hair, colored hair, or even just a normal shampoo to be used in a daily basis.

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Chlamydia A quick guide inc symptoms

By Andrew Sutton

Chlamydia, often misspelt as clamidia / clamydia, is an extremely common sexually transmitted infection. Unfortunately, many people do not know enough STD facts to help prevent themselves from contracting infections such as chlamydia (clamidia / clamydia).

Chlamydia is the most common STI in the UK today, with many people not even knowing that they have it. Nicolette Heaton-Harris explains in Sexually Transmitted Infections, You can be infected by chlamydia [clamidia / clamydia] through vaginal, oral or anal sex. If you are sexually active in any way, there is a risk that you could get infected with chlamydia (clamidia / clamydia).

Symptoms include: a burning sensation when urinating, pain in the lower back and abdomen and discharge from the penis or vagina.

If chlamydia [clamidia /clamydia] goes undiagnosed for a very long time, then serious problems affecting future fertility and health can present themselves.

Females who have contracted chlamydia present themselves with an increased risk of also contracting HIV if exposed to it.

Being tested for chlamydia usually involves either a swab test or urine sample, and can be carried out by your GP, who will test for chlamydia infection. Your doctor will also provide you with any STD facts to help prevent you contracting other sexually transmitted infections in the future.

If you are found to have contracted chlamydia, doctors will prescribe a course of antibiotics. Your doctor will also advise that you let any previous partners know that you are having treatment for chlamydia, so that they can also get tested for it. Like other sexually transmitted infections, chlamydia is far quicker and simpler to treat if detected early.

In order to prevent yourself from catching chlamydia, it is essential that you use a condom, and that you become aware of all the information available to you, so that if you do contract it, you will know the course of action to take.

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Why My Cream for Wrinkles Won't Work

By Samatha Jackson

There are many reasons why cream for wrinkles does not work and most of them are because of the ingredients and components of the cream itself. Instead of buying and wasting money on expensive creams that do not satisfy you, find an anti aging cream that suits your skin best.

Disappointments from cream for wrinkles are really frustrating. It can actually happen to anybody. We bought this beautiful cream in this very decorative container wishing that this wonderful cream will make our faces so blooming and bright.

We patiently waited for our relatives, friends and even our colleagues to notice this big change in our faces but unfortunately, nothing great happened. Our skin stayed the same, creased and dull and our dream of redeeming our beautiful skin is fading away. And when our cream for wrinkles treatment is becoming empty, we search and spend a lot of money on the wrong cream for wrinkles again and again.

Luckily, these anti aging treatments may fail for a reason. Take a look at your own anti wrinkle regimen to find out if you are just wasting your efforts on the wrong product.

Your Anti Aging Treatment May Be Nothing but Just Pure Moisturizers We can never determine what are the real creams for wrinkles, as there are no specific guidelines for us to know these facts. Some companies just make moisturizers, and will just randomly call it an anti aging cream to attract people like us, who are concerned about our wrinkles. As you all know, moisturizing your skin every day will prevent the signs of aging, which is very different then repairing the wrinkles that is already visible in your skin.

Take Note of Their "Secret" Ingredients There are tons of cosmetic companies who make products for our skin, and there is always competition with each of them. Some companies will advertise that they have a secret ingredient that can do wonders, but cannot be exposed for security reasons. If you have an anti aging cream just like this, and you are not getting any results, your cream for wrinkles possibly doesn't have any secret ingredient at all. Before you buy any product, make sure you to take a good look at the reviews of the product and avoid looking at their official website, this will help you determine if their secret ingredients are worth a try.

It is The Wrong Cream That You Are Using There are times that you might have just purchased the wrong cream for wrinkles. In this case, you will not see the results but it doesn't mean that there is something wrong with your skin or with the anti aging cream. It is just they are not compatible. If you do not see your desired results with the anti aging cream, do not lose hope. Simply observe and let your skin feel what specific ingredient suits your skin the most.

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What's The Real Deal With Colon Cleansers?

By Dorthy Weatherbush

Eating healthy is the key to maintaining a properly functioning colon. The reality is that in our fast paced environment, many of us do not eat the way we know we should. Given this fact, some have found colon cleansing products a quick fix to a healthier lifestyle. While there are some benefits to using colon cleansers, these agents can also be misapplied as a solution to weight gain and this is not a proper use of them.

Some researchers estimate that most of us have anywhere from 3 to 15 pounds of undigested fecal matter in our colons. This toxic matter can slow down your metabolism; make you more susceptible for allergies; give you constipation, gas, indigestion, and acid reflux; and make it difficult for your body to absorb nutrients. If you are dealing with some of these symptoms then it could be time for you to detoxify your body. The best natural cleansing is to use all natural herbal products that are designed and formulated to cleanse the colon, detoxify the liver, and restore normal bowel function. Most people feel a renewal of energy after detoxification. Cleansing gone wrong would result in feeling washed-out and weakened.

It's when people decide to use colon cleansers as a weight loss tool that things become "ugly." First of all, if you have a lot of weight to lose, then colon cleansing is not your answer. An initial cleanse will only result in about 4-8 pounds lost. After that, you will simply be eliminating everything you eat, nutrients and all. This is not healthy. Using an herbal remedy for colon cleansing, you could jump-start your weight loss journey with a clean colon. Maintaining a healthy diet after cleaning out your colon would be a safer choice.

You will be amazed at the assortment of colon cleansers out there. There are complex ones, easy ones, liquid ones, herbal ones, and many others. Colon cleansing should be done in conjunction with a high fiber and low cholesterol diet. If you want your cleansing process is smooth, you will make a subtle shift in lifestyle and diet.

Think of your body as a sponge. When using that sponge in the course of a day, it can get really dirty and dingy. Now what happens when you run water over the sponge in an effort to rinse it out? The debris and dirt fall away from the sponge down the drain. If you squeeze the sponge, even more of the residue is released. Well, the same is true of our bodies. Yes, a colon cleanse may cause insignificant weight loss but think about the lasting benefits of having all of the gunk out of you.

Almost anything in life can be harmful if taken to extremes. It is important to exercise moderation in every area of our lives. We've all heard the saying "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." If you are looking to take a pill and instantly lose pounds every week, then you are turning to colon cleansers for the wrong reason. They should be used to become a healthier, more energetic person, not a skinnier one.

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