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Friday, January 16, 2009

The Perfect Spray Tan

By Kelly Lau

Many people use tanning booths for years in order to maintain a year round all over tan. Technology has come to the rescue to an industry that is having problems, owing to the rise in cases of skin cancer, with some newer techniques that pose less danger. Many people are now turning to artificial methods as they are generally much safer, especially the popular spray tanning system. There are many fake tan creams available but a spray gives a much more even looking tan and is less likely to cause streaking.

There are now home spray tanning systems available but these may not be the easiest to use on your own although regular users they could save money in time. The methods of artificially creating this effect may differ but a guide to getting a good finish works with them all. Initially you need to exfoliate which will eliminate all the dead skin cells from your body. What you don't want is for people to recognize your tan is a fake by noticing paler patches of skin where the dead skin cells have dropped from your body.

Once this process is complete, it is advisable to prepare your skin further by applying a moisturizing cream (or lotion) to it which will make the agent easier to apply. One of the biggest mistakes people make at this stage when applying a bronzer from a bottle or cream application is to forget to wear gloves, this leaves them with orange palms which is hard to disguise.

Another tip, often ignored or forgotten, is to ensure that only a light coat is applied to the backs of the hands, feet and the joints as they show up darker and let everyone know that you have used a lotion or cream. Even spray tanning can cause the odd problem if there is an excess and it starts to run so take a towel you no longer want with you to wipe it off.

Always stay as still as possible after artificial tanning to allow time for the application to settle down and create an even coating. The problem you will have afterwards during this drying time is what to wear because if you wear something expensive that you like, it will probably become stained and won't come off. Another point to consider is the change of clothes you will need once the tan has been applied; take some dark clothes along that way you avoid any staining. To get the most from your artificial tan, follow these guidelines and you won't go far wrong.

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Foods Info Guide My Food Pyramid

By C. Donlotze

Many people today are too busy with their daily activities and they may be tied up by their jobs to the extent that they simply do not have time to sit down and have a proper meal. Such kinds of people will usually be in a hurry to eat their food and most of the food they eat is fast food. The problem is not only restricted to adults alone but also to teens and children who will also want to eat fast foods that do not have the right amounts of nutrients for a healthy body.

Regularly eating healthy and good food is vital in order to maintain good health. It is important to ensure that all family members take their food as scheduled, on time. Skipping meals should be avoided, especially breakfast which is the most vital meal of the day.

Eating healthy should not only be thought of, but eating a balanced diet on a regular basis should be of utmost and paramount importance. Keep in mind that this is very essential because it gives us the vigor that we seek, to carry out our everyday tasks. Therefore, always make sure that everybody within the household eats well and as planned.

Create a blank personal nutrition food pyramid and give it the name my food pyramid. Make a list of foods that can be included in the 5 basic food groups that have been provided. The food types can be changed weekly to avoid giving the same food type over and over again to your family.

Ensure that any changes reflect the guide that has been set out by nutritional experts.The food pyramid is expected to contain carbohydrates rich foods like cereals, bread, rice, corn, pasta and oatmeal. Foods made from grains such as wheat can also be grouped under here.

Fresh fruits and vegetables should be included in each meal. Fruits and vegetables provide the needed minerals and vitamins as well as fibers that keep the intestines and the body system clean and eliminate harmful body toxins. Natural antioxidants in these foods help to keep one looking healthy and young.

Dairy products should also be included as part of the daily meals usually in breakfasts. Calcium which is found in milk, yogurt and cheese is good for the bones and teeth as it keeps them strong and healthy. You may have to choose an alternate like soy because of allergies in your family.

It is true, what you eat is what you are, because your body cells need nutrition to live just the same as you do. Even with all this good food you still need vitamins, minerals and other supplements to prevent and cure degenerative diseases. These are just a few of the things necessary for a long, healthy productive life.

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Mangosteen Juice - Why Do So Many Folks Drink It Now?

By Julieanne van Zyl

Mangosteen Juice is becoming increasingly loved . With the increased awareness of health and nutritional supplements, and the health benefits all over the world, it is hard not to notice the many results these natural supplements are producing in different people's lives. One of these very important nutrition supplements is the increasingly popular Mangosteen that seems to be gathering a lot of rave reviews from the media. Some of the reviews have been pretty favorable while others have been... well, not so positive.

Here is a description of Mangosteen.

With the technical name Garcinia mangostana, Mangosteen is a well-liked fruit routinely found in the tropics in the south East Asian countries. Compared to names like Xango or mangostan, or Vemma, the name Mangosteen is not even very favorite . It is rich in nutritional value and is referred to as the queen of fruits. According to different folks and lovers of the juice, Mangosteen juice tastes a bit like a kind of berry. It is often prepared and manufactured just like every other fruit juice. So far, only a few folks out of the many folks who have drank the juice many say they love the taste.

So what makes Mangosteen so unique and why is it getting so much media attention?

As a result of its high dietary value, Mangosteen Juice is very well-liked . Xanthones are one of the many phytonutrients found in a number of nutritional supplements, and mangosteen has an abnormally high quantity. The Mangosteen pericarp, which is the rind enclosing the fruit segments, has approximately forty xanthones, and there are 200 known xanthones in the research community. It was only relatively recentl that research has shown the xanthones role as an effective antioxidant that can be very effective for neutralizing free radicals within the body system.

With the existing information existing on free radicals, it has become clear that if you want a healthy body then you need to reduce free radical induced damage as a result of the oxidation processes in the body system. Thus, because of the large number of xanthones obtainable in Mangosteen juice, it makes mangosteen a favorable and effective antioxidant. Free radicals, which come from the air we breathe, water, food, cigarette smoke, and even exercise, are not only responsible for stress and anti-aging, but they are also deemed accountable for cancers, and other ailments.

Mangosteen Juice is obviously a great , healthy drink that everyone needs, because of all these traits and attributes. However, is it really the miracle drug that folks indeed say it is? Well, apparently , there is no single fruit so far that has that high amount of xanthones and therefore can do all the things that Mangosteen juice is capable of. Well, the choice is yours of course whether you drink it or not.

Not just that, some people have insinuated that they cannot understand why it is as expensive as it is when they could easily go for some cheaper fruit juice like apple juice and get all the health benefits that they want. Well, the choice is yours. As with all things, if you wish to build up your immune system and protect yourself against a number of health concerns, plus get the highest amount of nutrient quality, then by all means, get some Mangosteen juice for yourself.

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Acai Berry Juice and its Benefits

By Mark Roberts

Acai berry products such as juice and freeze dried powder has been introduced only in the last several years. The natives of Brazil and its local population has been using this for recipes or as part of their diet in drinks and other food dishes. Most people find the flavor appealing often tasting like blueberries with a hint of chocolate some have even suggested it has a slight flavor of cinnamon.

The locals and natives of the Amazon rain forest of Brazil are familiar with acai berries and have been using them in their diet both as a staple and for making beverages. The powerful little berries grow to be about the size of a blueberry and look much like them in color, size and shape. They grow on the acai palm in swampy floodplains from where they are harvested.

With one of the highest ORAC values around this amazing berry packs a punch. With acai berries gaining popularity it is also creating a shortage on the global market driving up prices.

A person who may see results from acai berry juice or acai powder is athletes and people that deal with diseases. Training coaches realize the importance of anti-oxidants and are finding out that such supplements may help with energy and endurance.

Some of the health properties of acai are anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and immune system. Some of the many uses and conditions that people are using these products for are, weight loss, cleansing and detoxing, high blood pressure, heart conditions, high cholesterol, inflammation, arthritis, allergies, eczema, psoriasis and other skin problems.

Can acai berries be so beneficial? Loaded with protein and fiber and boasting such minerals as phosphorus, calcium and iron. You will also find that they have a few B vitamins, vitamin C and E and include a few of the essential fatty acid that based on research help control cholesterol levels, try finding that in a fruit product. A few products add extenders or mix it with cheaper juices such as blueberry, grape or pomegranate but you can do it yourself and save money.

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Be Happy by being Healthy

By SFXsource

Being healthy and happy is a concern of everyone's. By incorporating these tips into your everyday life, you will feel like a brand new person. Staying healthy does not have to be difficult. There is no need to worry because you don't have to spend money on books or gym machines. Just chill out and consider the following advice.

1. Breathe. Daily stress can cause your body to tense up, and you may not even be aware of it. Breathing helps you relax and release stress. Spend a few minutes taking slow, deep breaths.

2. Get out in the sun. You will get all the Vitamin D you need from the sun. If you get ten minutes of sun a day (without sunscreen) you will be all set. Try to get sun in the morning because it is not as harsh as afternoon sun.

3. Drink water? our bodies are 60-70% water! Water gets rid of toxins and also carries nutrients. Sometimes when you think you are hungry, you actually need water. If you think water is boring, add a little maple syrup, lemon, or lime.

4. Exercise. You can walk, run, or go to the gym. Thirty minutes of exercise a day is great. You might like to try yoga, pilates, or tai chi. Find a friend to exercise with, and they will also help you to stay motivated.

5. Laugh often. Laughing not only makes you feel great, but it relieves stress.

6. It's important to eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Not only are they high in vitamins and minerals, but they are also low in calories. Consume organic food as often as possible for the following reasons: they are not sprayed with conventional pesticides, are not genetically modified, and are more nutritious. Include superfoods into your diet such as bee pollen, aai, maca, aloe vera, noni fruit, flax seeds, spirulina, olives, avocados, blueberries, and cacao.

Remember, stay positive. You are meant to have a wonderful life, so enjoy YOUR life.

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Endocrine System and Raging Hormones In Teens

By Larry Jones

Some of have used or at least know the terms, oh it is growing strains, he's passing through a development spurt, or he's got raging hormones. These are common terms that numerous of us apply when relating to our children from a health point of view. We have come to consider these terms gently. So if somebody were to ask us, well what is stimulating the development strain or the growing spurt, we might not be able to answer ,other than, well he's growing. So the better question is what makes him develop? The response to that is the endocrine system contained in his/her body.

The endocrine system is responsible for influencing the metabolism, growth development and puberty, as well as tissue function and moods. Now numerous of these you may visualize better than the others. For example, you understand the growth development ,puberty and moods, but you are not too confident about metabolism and tissue function. So let's talk about them.

Metabolism is a word you in all likelihood know, but perhaps one that you do not recognise what it means. Anyone relating to the endocrine system will most surely use this word at numerous level. You may be good with it when it gets to weight loss. It is much practiced in that context when it comes to burning spare fat, and the body isnt doing it immediate enough so it is stated to have a slow metabolism.

So getting back to the youngsters, what does it have to do with them? By obtaining the result to what is metabolic process will answer that enquiry. Metabolism as we know it in the endocrine system, in easy terms signifies that a serials of chemical activities must occur in anything that is living, in order to keep it existing. It is this set of chemical responses that take place in your child's body that allows him or her to grow. It does this by sustaining the proper structures of the cells in the body, and grants them to respond to what's around them.

Another term we are familiar with is hormones. Well that's what part of the endocrine system function is, to release hormones. We referred to tissue function. The beginning elementary opinion is skin yeah? Yes this is part of it but there is more. The mere meaning of tissue, is a group of some other cells that all came from 1 specific place to attach unitedly, to form tissue. Once this grouping takes place then in is called an organ, and will have a specific process to carry out.

So where does this all fit in with the care of our youngsters. I mean if we give them organic nutrient, make sure they have their vitamins, and their right sleep then everything should be just right. Yes everything should be right, but is it great? I, just like you, want the very best for my toddlers. I have come to consider that I need to learn a bit more about the endocrine system which is serious to not only maintaining them alive, but to be able to grow into healthy productive grownups. To get this knowledge doesnt mean I have to go to medical school. There is some stuff available today regarding the human body that is easily read and understood by everyday Moms and Dads. .

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Faulty Zimmer Durom Hip Cups Lead to Lawsuits

By Maxwell Schmickman

As a people, American's are living much longer than we used to. This is great news! But with a longer lifespan also comes new health problems. Because we're living longer and more active lives, we sometimes outlive the life of our joints. In that case, they need to be replaced, through such procedures as hip or knee replacement surgery. Normally, these operations give people a new lease on their lives, but this isn't always the case, and there can be complications. If you or someone you know has received a hip replacement, they will need to know the following information about faulty Zimmer Durom hip cups used in that operation.

As you get older, it's likely that you're feeling more aches and pains than you used to. For many of us, this is due to joint wear and tear caused by our everyday activities. Because we're living longer, we're also doing more damage to our joints than we used to. When you have this type of joint damage, a hip replacement operation, the kind that used the Zimmer Durom hip cup, is a good option. Hip replacement surgeries are also used in cases where patients have progressive joint diseases, such as arthritis, or have suffered damage due to a broken hip.

In hip replacement surgery, the femur and the hip joint are removed, and are replaced with artificial parts. In the past, these parts have often been subject to wear and tear, and have had to be replaced themselves, which can be difficult to an elderly patient to take. The Zimmer Durom hip cup was invented for the purpose of allowing young, active seniors who needed a hip replacement to get only one, that was designed to last the rest of their lives. Unfortunately for thousands of people, this promise has not held true.

The Zimmer Durom Hip Cup, marketed as a solution to the wear and tear that can happen to a hip replacement, is actually very prone to needing replacement itself. At one hospital, fully 12 percent of those who received these replacements needed another surgery to replace the Durom hip cup within two years, a staggering amount, especially when the hip replacement is supposed to last for a lifetime. A doctor at the hospital complained to the Zimmer Durom company, and was told the issue was with 'surgeon error.'

The issue is not with surgeon error, but with the implant itself. When the Zimmer Durom hip cup was tested by the company, eight percent of those who received it needed a replacement in under two years. This number is incredibly high, and has led to serious problems for those needing a new replacement, and for those who are worried that their hip replacement may fail. Because of these issue, a class action law suit is being filed.

If you or a loved one have received a hip replacement, now is the time to ask your doctor if it involved the Zimmer Durom hip cup. If it did, you may have the right to sue, even if your replacement has not yet failed. Ask your doctor today.

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Food for your Body and Soul

By Masami Sato

As the proverb goes, health is wealth. And in this instance we are talking about the wealth of the human spirit. Good food is necessary for our health because our body is able to absorb its full nutrients - it is exactly so with our life. When we accept life in its sum total, relishing all its phenomena and sensations, our soul will be able to imbibe its entire range of 'nutrients', comprehending the full meaning of our existence, and letting us live our life to the utmost. Masami Sato shares the secret of living a full life in this excerpt from her latest book, ONE.

Why is it that many of us, (actually, most of us) now and then feel some sort of a barren sensation in our lives? It is like being ravenous. When we eat, we are satiated and become slightly indifferent to food. But after some time, we once again feel like having food. Then suddenly we are drawn again to the aroma and picture of food. We can also feel strange pangs of hunger when we are not actually craving for food - just after having eaten something. Some of us have a craving all the time.

Persistent emotional thirst is not the happiest feeling to have. Then how can we live our lives to the brim? How can we be more contented enduringly?

Maybe the answer is straightforward: just live our lives fully. The word 'full' holds the meaning of entirety. Then the secret to live a life in entirety is only to live it fully.

Let us commence by looking at a sample of this 'fullness' with something very close to our heart - our stomach.

Whole Food VS Part Food

We are used to the usage 'whole food.' People say that taking whole food is the secret to the vigour and wellbeing that we require. How is whole food better than 'semi food?'

A full grain throbs with a life of its own. If you put the full grain in water, drain the next day and keep for a few days, it shoots. It has its own life. When we dine on such food, our body takes in the entire live nutrients. It has all the qualities required to purify, remedy and foster different body cells.

And just like the example of a grain, most traditional eating includes eating whole animals as well. Eating whole fresh fish used to be more common than taking a part of fish and throwing the rest away. It was the same for meat and the same for vegetables.

'Part food' sometimes tastes better and smells better but does not have much nutrition. We may enjoy its taste, but we could have some lasting illness if we only ate 'part food' all days of our life.

So, to make up for the missing half, we began to take nutritional supplements. We have been trying and researching for pretty long to find the perfect equilibrium. It gets more and more difficult as we slice the food up, add preservatives and transport, and even try to supplement with other parts coming from various sources, places and seasons. Some of the nutrients are not even from natural resources. They are synthetically generated. After it is tested and analysed, it is approved for man's consumption. But however hard we try, we cannot merge the 'bits' from different sources to make it alive.

Part Life-'Sweetness' of Life

So, if we looked at our life now, part of what we are doing can be like eating the 'half food'. Just savouring the sweetness of life but throwing away the real nourishing part. And if we soaked our 'half life' in water with other bits and left it in the sunlight, could it shoot and grow into a beautiful whole life?

Whole food is not (as some people perceive it) poor in taste. It is actually tastier when we prepare it properly. But while the demand is low, it is more expensive. It is actually more economical in the long run though, as we have less medical expenses later on. When more people start eating it, it will naturally become cheaper because it is a simpler food with less processing and waste.

Our life is the same. When we only appreciate the 'sweetness', and throw away the rest in rubbish bins because we don't see its value, we may be wasting the most important part. And the part we throw away could have the greatest power for the sustainability of our life and our economy. It also takes more energy and resources to discard it. Better yet, the part we throw away is free.

So, what is it that we do not perceive?

Picture a life where we didn't in fact believe that we were lacking anything there.

The secret is right here. The secret of a full life.

Whole Life-The Complete Life

When it is 'full', it does not matter how big the full is. It can spread out all at once. It can still have within it all the components to uphold itself as a complete living thing. Once it develops to a given size, it can continue to live without some portions of it. Like plants can remain alive after birds feed on a little of it or trees survive even after losing their leaves. But if we ignore the equilibrium for a pretty long time, finally it can lead to a deadly disproportion. Then it might become too difficult to revert to normalcy.

We don't have to go back to the Stone Age to find the wholeness. Wholeness exists right now. All we need do is look closely; look closely enough to really see.

When we begin seeing our life in its fullness and stop casting out what nurtures our life the most, we start experiencing more and more satisfaction without looking for 'things' to fill the gaps and hollows of our life. Things finally fit into place. We now grasp the intricacies of our world in a completely different manner.

Yes, it is now time to find out how we can create (and see) this balance, continuously and sustainably.

The real nourishing part of our life is what makes us feel good deep down. It is like the part of food that makes our body become healthy in the long-term. Feelings we experience in our everyday life are the real key to our long-term happiness. And there are feelings that make us feel more complete.

The smiling visages we see when we acknowledge the merit of others. The happiness we feel when we give others gifts. The tenderness we feel when we see our children being happy. The motivation we get when we sense that our life is full of substance ..

Let us absorb these moments of our life wholeheartedly and savour the aroma of our full life. Then we will find how it is not obligatory to incessantly fill our heart (and belly!) with earthly satisfactions - those types of things that only add to our yearnings afterwards.

We can actually feel this joy, gratitude and love in order to experience the life as a whole at any moment regardless of the situations. It is not about what we see, what we hear or what we do that complete our life as a whole. It is about what we 'choose to' feel about our life.

Yes, our life in fact is already whole.

When we initiate taking actions based on this knowledge, we can have real control over the balance creation - enduring health, prosperity, enriching connection and delight.

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Healthy Delivered Meals-Gourmet Style Meals For Diet Bliss

By Xania Hughes

Healthy delivered diet meals are an extremely popular alternative when deciding on interesting ways to lose weight. Not only are the meals gourmet style and full of taste,they can help many people with regular weekly weight loss of approximately three pounds a week. (Providing they stick to the plan of course!) For variety and nutrition, today's healthy delivered meals are a great solution when you want to lose weight.

The following check-list notes several reasons why a healthy delivered meals program may be a great diet option:

1. Healthy delivered meals take the guesswork out of diet planning. Meals are delivered weekly and supply all your food needs for the following seven days.You dont have to worry about what you will have to prepare and eat.

2. All the calorie counting is done for you when you are on a diet healthy meals program.This means you no longer have to stress about counting calories or keeping a diet diary. For each day of the program you will receive three main meals and two snacks, all carefully balanced to give you just the right amount of calories for weight loss.

3. Healthy delivered meals are nutritionally balanced. The professional services that supply healthy delivered meals make sure that you receive all the nutrients your body needs each day to stay healthy whilst your weight drops.

4. All the meals on the program are focussed on losing weight, providing of course that you stick to the plan. You can take away the guesswork about if your diet will work.

5. Healthy delivered meals are suitable for a range of medical conditions such as diabetes and high cholesterol problems.

6. The gourmet style meals delivered on the healthy meals program can also be tailored to suit other members of the family who want to enjoy good food but wish more to maintain their existing weight.

7. Healthy delivered meals programs are very affordable and prove much less expensive than their restaurant counterparts , while style retaining gourmet style and taste.

A home delivery diet can often help many people overcome many of the dieting problems that most encounter when first starting a weight loss campaign. Some of the biggest benefits are the convenience,restaurant standard and great menu variety that diet healthy delivered meals can bring.

Healthy delivered meals plans can vary from supplier to supplier. Here's what you should check for:

* Reliability and a good reputation in the marketplace are always important, and especially so when you are selecting the provider of your meals

* Diets plans should be affordable whilst still maintaining quality

* The systems should be recognised as being based on sound nutritional practices.

You can give Bistro MD five stars, as it meets all of the above criteria and excels. In fact, Bistro MD was developed specifically with good nutrition in mind and has a great track record of assisting healthy weight loss.

Bistro MD prides itself on providing healthy delivered meals that are of gourmet standard and restaurant class. Not only that they provide great meal variety and are are based on sound nutrition to ensure healthy weight loss.

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Simple Solutions To Girls Acne Problem

By Zul Rahman

Teenagers are going through turbulent times during puberty. Girls start to see their body changes into a woman.

Menstruation starts in girls, growing of body and facial hair, skin changes and going through growth spur. More accumulation of fat tissues around hips, thighs and breast.

Psychological changes leads to mood swings, easily become irritable and feeling of low self esteem even for girls who normally enjoy a high self confidence.

Does acne affected girls during puberty?

During this period skin secreted more oil and this resulted to an acne outbreak. Acne become another problem in addition to the other physical and psychological changes they are going through.

Luckily with just following a few simple steps that becomes a daily habits, these problems could be put under control.

The best method to manage acne is to prevent it from happening rather than curing it.

The first step to prevent acne is to have a proper skin care. Use facial cleanser to wash your face. They are a lot of skin care cleanser over the counter that you can use. Find skin care cleanser that is mild and suitable for all skin types.

Find the skin cleanser that contains Salicylic acid, Benzoyl Peroxide or Sulphur. It is very important for you to use only gentle cleanser. Also be gentle when cleaning your face and don't clean excessively, twice a day should be the routine.

If you wear facial makeup, make sure to find cosmetics products that contain non-comedogenic ingredients. Non -comedogenic products are less likely to cause acne, blackheads or blocking skin pores.

There are many cosmetic products such as makeup, lip sticks, moisturizers that are non-comedegenic. Even acne medicated makeup are available on the market today.

Acne is a manageable problems, with just following some simple routines. In serious cases that is unmanageable, please consult skin care specialist or dermatologist for proper treatment or medication.

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