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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How to Remove Cellulite Fast

By Missy B Taylor

Every day women are shown images of unrealistically perfect females via the media and fashion magazines. It is not surprisingly then that most women feel unhappy with their bodies when they see these images. What many people don't know however, is that many of these women actually have cellulite - its just covered up with airbrushing, lighting and camera angles. Almost every women will get cellulite at some stage, usually on the thighs, tummy or buttocks.

With the right treatment cellulite can be removed, at least partially. It all comes down to choosing a treatment that works for your particular set of circumstances. Don't be fooled by any marketing campaign that says you can get rid of cellulite overnight or in a few days. The fact is that it takes awhile for any treatment to work, possibly months.

As with anything that takes awhile to work, procrastination is the biggest killer. Most women are unhappy with their bodies but hardly any of them take action to change their circumstances. Efforts is required with these things but once you have achieved your goal you will look back knowing that you have worked hard to get there.

The single biggest thing you can do to remove cellulite is make changes to what you eat. Your diet should consist mostly of fruit, vegetables and lean meat. You can no longer eat chocolate, sweets or junk food.

A diet is not complete without an exercise program. You should be aiming for exercises that will get rid of the fat but also work and tone the muscles in the areas that are a problem. The program that you do should also be something that you enjoy. If you don't like the gym then don't go. Go for a walk or workout at home instead. You need to set things up in such away that it will be something that you enjoy doing so that you will stick with it.

Another risk factor for cellulite is poor circulation. When your circulation is bad toxins become trapped inside the fat causing the cell to become hard and lumpy. Using a cellulite cream and massaging it in your problem areas will help soften up the skin and fat, and improve the circulation so that the toxins can be removed from the body.

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