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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Feeling A Bit Anal,5 Symptoms For Piles

By Noel Byrne

There are five main symptoms for piles, although the symptoms may come and go. Piles may vary from minor or severe cases.

Painless piles are the swollen cushions inside the anal canal. They are commonly know as first degree piles, and are always internal.

Piles which usually return to their original position after the stool passed are referred to as prolapsed second degree symptoms of piles. They are pushed down when having a bowel movement but go back up by them selves, pain may occur.

The symptoms for piles which are third degree piles,they come down when the motion is passed but also come down at other occasions. This type of pile does not sit back up to the anal canal.

How you know you have piles, the symptoms will include itching and irritation. Bleeding from the piles can also occur this can cause aching and discomfort. A protruding lump for the anus may be very tender.

Another symptom for piles can be soiling of underwear with feces or slime, also know as skid marks!

Lumpy piles can stop acting as cushions or soft pads, allowing mucus to leak out this can irritate and causing itching the area around the anus.

When the stool motion moves along the canal, pain and discomfort is caused from the swelling and the lining of the anal canal is scratched.

A frightening symptom for piles is when they bleed. The bright red color noticed on the toilet paper, on the stool or in the bowl can be very alarming.

Very painful symptoms for piles are the second or third degree piles, where a lump is pushed outside the anal canal.

If you have any of these symptoms, then you probably have piles. Help to cure these piles can be found at the site listed below. Piles can recur if not treated properly. Receive the best possible treatment for the symptom for piles.

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