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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Yeast Infections: What Are They?

By Rachel Brunette

Over 75% of all women will suffer a yeast infection in their lives according to the National Women's Health Information Service. In addition over 50% of all women will have more than one yeast infection. Any woman who has had a yeast infection will tell you it's a more than just an annoyance, it's a real problem.

It's hard to believe but a yeast infection is caused by a tiny one cell fungus called yeast. Although there are many different types of yeast the one most frequently causing infections in people is the species Candida. The yeast infection is not an infection really but an overgrowth where the yeast takes over the vagina or wherever the yeast infection is. The yeast infection can cause pain as well as be annoying.

Candida grows normally on and inside the body. It especially likes to grow in warm moist conditions. This means it grows especially well in the vagina, men's foreskin, and in skin folds and mouth. Normally the yeast growth is kept under control. It grows without taking over. In the vagina specialized healthy bacteria keep the yeast from taking over. These bacteria work by keeping an acid environment in the vagina.

Circumstances happening in life can overtake the body's normal defense system. It may be stress, taking antibiotics for a urinary tract infection, or the hormonal changes of pregnancy. When this happens the yeast do not have the normal check and balances system. They overgrow and the result is what we call a yeast infection.

Symptoms of a yeast infection include itching and burning. There are many different ways of treating a yeast infection. Most prescription medications work decreasing the growing number of yeast. This type of treatment works on the symptoms of the yeast infection, not the cause.

What really causes a yeast infection?

Antibiotic use is the most frequently named cause of yest infection. That's because the antibiotic kills not only the harmful bacteria, but the helpful bacteria as well. Without the helpful bacteria the yeast is free to grow wildly.

Yeast can overgrow when we are under stress. This is because the body is so busy fighting the effect of stress it is unable to moderate the growth of yeast. Without the moderation effect the yeast overgrows causing a yeast infection.

It's hard to believe tight jeans can cause yeast infections. But it's true. With tight jeans the sweat and heat of our bodies does evaporate. It's all held tightly against the body creating the warm, moist environment yeast likes to grow in.

When you are pregnant your hormone levels vary wildly. The changing levels can lead to the perfect condition for yeast to overgrow.

When you douche you change the normal acidic environment of the vagina. this can make it easy for the yeast to overgrow and cause a vaginal yeast infection. People who are diabetic and often have high or uncontrolled blood sugars are also prone to yeast infections. That's because yeast like to feed on sugar.

Protection against yeast infections is something to discuss with your health care provider. Talk about ways of helping your body protect itself. You'll find natural lifestyle changes can make yeast infections a memory best forgotten.

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