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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Colon Detox and Toilet Bowls - Health Benefits of Colon Cleansing

By Sue Thompson

Several stories have been circulated after John Wayne's death from cancer one of which was the discovery of over 35 pounds of impacted fecal matter in his colon.

Will your own colon be able to carry that amount of baggage?

The body cleanses itself using its seven channels of elimination which include the liver, lungs, lymphatic system, blood, skin, colon and kidneys. These channels of elimination play a significant role in flushing out toxins and wastes, therefore, one should keep in mind the specific function of each when planning to engage in a cleansing regimen. In order for a cleansing regimen to work well, it is necessary that a regimen of cleansing be administered on all channels of elimination. The channels of elimination must be clean so that they will be able work in concert towards good health and well being.

The colon, which is one of the channels of elimination, is said to be constipated when it fails to discard waste matter within 24 hours after food intake. Ideally, the transit time of food is 24 hours which is the length of time it takes for food to enter the mouth and exit the rectum. Failure to excrete food as waste within the transit time could be an indication of a poor digestive health.

The naturopathic perspective holds that transit time of food that goes well beyond 24 hours allows toxins to stay longer in our digestive tract causing proteins to putrefy and carbohydrates to ferment. Fermentation and other chemical changes in the intestine produces harmful substances that could cause infection and disease inside the body.

Waste matter that overstays in your colon is by all means unhealthy. The risk of developing certain diseases and even cancer is high when waste stays and accumulates in your intestines.

Whether the 35 pounds of fecal matter in John Wayne's colon is urban legend or not, there is no doubt that waste matter and undigested food in your colon will have adverse effects to your health even if they weigh less than 35 pounds.

You can read through following while eating.

The food you eat over the last 24 hours has a good chance of putrefying in your intestines if you have only one bowel movement per day. Poisoning from within occurs once your body starts absorbing the toxins produced by the chemical process in the intestines. This stage is called intoxification wherein the body will no longer be able to purge harmful substances from your system.

The body absorbs whatever is present in the digestive tract. It makes no distinction between toxins and nutrients making it incumbent upon individuals to make sure that their colon is healthy and is free form harmful substances which could harm the body in the long run.

Colon cleansing eradicates accumulated waste matter in the colon allowing uninterrupted movement of fecal matter as it make its exit through the rectum. This makes colon cleansing the healthiest way to start a cleansing program. In order to enjoy the full benefit of colon cleansing, maintenance program with colon hydrotheraphy will prove to be very helpful.

Consult your Doctor before deciding to engage in any activity or program that may affect your health.

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