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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Self-improvement 101

By Oc Remillard

Desire is the foreplay to the fulfillment of dreams. If you can think it, you can have it! What do you want?


There is something inside of you stopping you dead in your tracks. Find it, fix it, go free!

Don't feel bad. The desire for better is the fuel for self-improvement. The whole deck was stacked against you. You had no choice. No more.

I feel your pain.

Failure fuels stress. It harms you in every way possible. Something else to consider.

You can't go to the bookstore without stopping at the bulging shelves in the self-help department. You've searched high and low for the answer, the magic formula.

Something inside of you is screaming to find the answer. Why have things turned out as poorly as they have?

Nobody has told you. Somewhere inside of you the seed has germinated and grown. Greatness is your birthright.

I hear you. I've been there.

Let me let you in on a little secret. Everything you need to know to excel at anything is no more than a simple mouse click away. And most of it is free.

Relax, take a deep breath.

There is a way out of this mess that society and life have gotten you into. There is no magic involved or great complexity. You already have the basics of what you need. All that is lacking is basic self-improvement.

Let's blow away some of the dust that is making it hard for you to see. Incredible things can be done with those three words.

All the info you need is all around you. There is too much in fact so you want to increase how fast you can read as much as possible.

Wouldn't it be a shame to have this great intellect developed and then be stuck in a creaky, miserable body? Developing radiant health will be your next goal.

The next thing you will want to do is to develop a recording tape memory. You want to be able to remember everything that is of value.

You don't believe that there really is anything new under the sun for you? Read on.

Ever been visiting somewhere and you were asked to go into the kitchen for the salt shaker or something similar? Even though you had been told exactly where it was, someone had to get it because you couldn't see it even when it turns out that it had been right in front of your nose. Why?

If my consciousness can filter out cars, what could it be missing at this moment? What new avenues to explore, what opportunities and what great relationships?

Incredible things are all around us. We are simply not used to seeing them.

Decide here and now that using your mind to it's max is your battle cry. It is your greatest tool. Pure magic.

Ever gone to work with a cold? Of course you have. Feels awful yet you went. What a waste it would be to build this massive army of mind and imagination but have it housed in a sick, exhausted body. That's another goal for you. Rich, rosy-cheeked health. Let it be a part of your self-improvement package.

Time. We seem to have so little of it. Once your life is full of wealth and health, you don't want to be stuck in a quicksand of appointments, schedules and other time killers.

Self-improvement never ends. Learning time management will not only propel you on rockets of efficiency, but it will lay the groundwork for you to build a balanced life full of pleasure, abundance and happiness.

What is your heart's wildest desire?

All of our brains are capable of creating incredible things. Let your ideas come from a memory that is like a steel trap that is fed from a mind that reads with lightning speed.

Develop your body to the level most enjoyable to YOU. Enjoy the life you want with your time managed efficiently.

Life full of abundance and health is so much more enjoyable when there are more hours of the day than things to do. Learn to be stingy with work and generous with your time. Let self-improvement be a life long joy for you. Letting yourself decline is how stress affect your overall health.

There is plenty of time to get it all done. The world is an ocean of opportunities and you are on the verge of diving in. Enjoy!

How badly do you want it?

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