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Sunday, January 4, 2009

7 Golden Rules In Managing Boys Acne Problems

By Zul Rahman

Most people thought that acne is only a problem for girls and for boys it is not a big deal. That is not true if you have a teenage boy at home you couldn't agree more with me. Young men are equally worried about acne as much as girls do. In fact boys are also struggling to cope with both physical and psychological problems due to acne.

Acne problem for boys normally starts when they reach puberty. Most of the times these problems are manageable. Proper diet is an important factor in controlling the problem. Even though there is no scientific evidence that shows greasy foods and chocolate are the culprit, but most people tend to believe that they contribute to acne problems.

Adopt cleanliness as a habit. Your face should be kept clean all the time. There are a lot of over the counter cleansing products that you can use. Always use a mild type of cleanser that suit all skin types.

The psychological stress and difficulties of going through the period of puberty could sometimes contribute to the acne problems too. Encourage your boys to join the support groups that could help them to deal with the problems wisely.

Below are some helpful points and hints for parents as well as boys on how to manage the acne problems effectively.

1) Parents full support and sympathy are greatly needed by the boys at this time. Help them to deal with their emotional and physical stress wisely.

2) A very important tip for the boys, never pick or squeeze at the acne or blemishes. Your fingernails is your acne worst enemy. Picking or squeezing your acne could also cause infections to the skin.

3) Do not use regular razors when shaving. To avoid hurting your acne, an electric or safety razor is recommended.

4) Be sure to use only mild skin care cleanser. It is a good practice to wash your face at least twice a day with a gentle skin care solutions.

5) Use skin care cleanser that are labeled as non-comedogenic. Look for products that do not encourage blemishes and prevent clog of the skin pores.

6) For serious cases that is unmanageable you might have to consult skin care specialist for their advice. Skin care professionals will assist you to manage the problems and recommend the right skin care products.

7) If the problem persist as a last resort, you may need to get the prescriptions from the dermatologist. Dermatologist are the skin expert and they have the latest tools and the best skills to help you solve the problem.

Early stages of puberty is a hard time for your boys due to hormonal changes both physically and psychologically. Acne is definitely not a welcome addition to their condition. They need your full moral support and let them know that you are always there for them.

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