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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Adults And Seniors Can Get Texas Health Insurance

By Jordan FeRoss

Older adults can face special challenges when attempting to obtain health insurance in Texas. Many health insurance providers are all too aware of the potential for large and numerous health care claims from this demographic and want to avoid these increased claims. The age and health history of a person will be taken into serious consideration when an insurance company considers selling a policy to an individual.

Of course, it isn't impossible for older adults to get health insurance in Texas. A person age 65 or older who has worked for ten years, or is married to someone who has worked for that length of time might be able to qualify for Medicare through the government. Medicare will cover most, but not necessarily all of a person's health care needs and they may still need some additional coverage.

Qualifying for Medicare can be fast tracked for anyone who is qualified and needs care if they are seriously ill or disabled. This is especially true for anyone who has received Social Security benefits for two years or more. And, even if you, as an individual do not meet the requirements for Medicare, you may still qualify if you are married to someone who is eligible. So, as you see, there are multiple routes older adults can take to get helath insurance in Texas.

Though Medicare covers the majority of medical expenses, there can still be some bills the insured will need to cover. To help keep these costs down, you may choose supplemental insurance to augment your Medicare benefits. These plans are designed to work with Medicare and cover the costs the government plan does not. Similar to many group insurance plans, there are open enrollment periods for supplemental insurers and you'll want to be sure you don't miss what is often a narrow window to apply. If you do miss the open enrollment, you may need to wait until the following year before you are fully covered by your health insurance in Texas and will be charged for any uncovered Medicare claims in the interim.

Not everyone will need a Medicare supplement, but for those that do it saves them a lot of money each year and may allow them medical care that they could not otherwise afford. There are also additional health insurance options in Texas that may be purchased. Some older adults have health insurance included in their retirement packages that will suit them well and cover any additional medical costs.

As with many government programs, the paperwork for Medicare is complex and can be difficult to understand, particularly for older people or the disabled. These individuals can find assistance through the Texas Health and Human Services department. The agency's Web site also offers a wealth of information for anyone needing Medicare as their health insurance provider in Texas including eligibility requirements and necessary forms.

When using Medicare health insurance in Texas, there are some limits for prescription drug coverage. This is important information to know about your Medicare benefits so you can be sure to apply for supplemental coverage if you need it to get the medicines you need to stay alive. Finding the appropriate health insurance in Texas is more challenging for older adults, but it is also more vital so it is important to get as much information as possible and weigh out all of your options carefully in order to protect your health and keep medical problems from bankrupting you during your retirement years.

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