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Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Facts About Acaiberry Juice

By Ron Duckett Douglas

Acai juice is an extract of processed acai berry. Acai berry is a purple in fruit color that grows on acai palms which is mostly grown in the Amazon rain forest in Brazil, South America. The acai fruit is similar to grape in color, shape and size. Occupants of the Amazon forest use the fruit is as a source of food and for medicinal purposes.

The acai palm has the capacity to produce bunches of the fruits. The palm has the capacity to produce eight bunches, which are then processed under controlled conditions to overcome the effects of sunlight that might degrade the fruit juice. The ORAC rating ranks the juice to have many benefits as compared to other fruit juices.

The berry normally consists 88-90% as the seed while 10-12% of the fruit forms the skin. Acai berry benefit includes good health, weight loss and being antioxidant that helps in prevention of cancer disease in the body and acai juice is 100% organic and natural.

Experts believe that, the chances of contracting cancer are greatly reduced by the presence of fatty acid portion in acai berry that resembles olive oil. Diseases connected to Blood Pressure are combated by sterols and phytosterols present in acai.

High essential fatty acids and omegas are contained in Acai berry juice. The juice is believed to be pure and has antioxidants ten to thirty times more than grape juice. Toxic materials in the body are removed by these antioxidants. Acai berry juice is a protein supplement that contains dietary fiber, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and high proteins.

The juice has the capacity to burn off extra fats in the body. This aids in weight loss, and prevents bulking of the cholesterols in our bodies. This helps in reducing chances of cardiovascular diseases like stroke, atherosclerosis among others. It has been proved that this health drink contains carbohydrates to act as source of body energy.

The skins of the acai berry contain fibers. In acai berry juice, the fibers help in food digestion and metabolism. Besides, micro minerals and macro minerals like magnesium, copper and potassium aid in boost the body immunity as well as improving the flavor and benefits of this herbal drink.

Acai berries produce acai berry fruit that contains minerals, proteins, fibers, antioxidants and other components to aid in boosting body immunity. Scientists have proved that acai berry fruit juice can protect you from obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and improve your mental ability. This is not only a juice, but also a health and diet juice.

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