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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Can Obama Achieve the Lofty Goal Of Health Care For All?

By Ethan Kalvin

The overwhelming majority of Americans approve of decisions President-elect Barack Obama is making, from his transition team to his cabinet picks. However reports show that his ability to make significant changes in health care and insurance reform are issues that aren't so largely agreed on by all.

The Los Angeles Times reports that only 4 in 10 Americans believe Obama can provide all Americans with health care. What does that mean? Why are we not confident of him in this regard?

Since the dire condition of the economy is the current issue of the day, many Americans likely feel that the important issue of universal health care will get pushed off to a back burner until its time again boils to the top of our attention.

Considering the issue's importance in the minds of most Americans, Obama recently stated at a press conference that (health care reform) "Has to be intimately woven into our overall economic recovery plan. It's not something that we can sort of put off because we're in an emergency. This is part of the emergency." The statement was made as he announced former Senator Tom Daschle as his choice for Health and Human Services Secretary.

Another reason many Americans are reluctant to believe in Obama's ability to reform the industry is the still recent memory of Hillary Clinton's inability to get universal health care passed. Times have changed though, and nowadays even the health insurance industry has jumped on board for the notion that it is time to fix our broken health care system now. Hmmm. What do you think?

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