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Friday, December 26, 2008

Products to Stop Snoring for a Good Night's Sleep

By Lacy Kasmond

You will find many different products to stop snoring if you are looking for a snoring cure. Most are designed to open your breathing passageways. This might not be the reason you snore, however. There would be no reason to purchase a product if it won't help you, so it's best to first determine the cause of your snoring.

If you snore because you do not get enough air through your nasal passages, you want a product that will enlarge these passages. Nasal strips may be your solution, Snore strips keep the passages open while you sleep. The color of the nasal strips can be adjusted to blend with your skin color. But nasal strips are just one of many products to stop snoring victims from keeping their mates awake at night

It might be your mouth that is causing you to snore. Several products designed to stop snoring will help you with this problem. Sometimes a vibration is caused by a soft palate which creates a snore sound. Mouth pieces are available that you can wear at night which adjust your mouth safely to allow for easier breathing and cut down this vibration.

Another of the many available products to stop snoring are nasal sprays. Stop snoring sprays are designed to lubricate the nasal passages and make breathing through the nose easier, which reduces the chances of snoring. Care should be taken when using these sprays because they can damage the mucous membranes with prolonged use.

One of the products to stop snoring is a chin strap designed to keep your mouth closed while sleeping. This insures you breathe through your nose. A strap might also be designed to support your lower jaw allowing you to move your mouth when you are awake. Another variation is a chin strip that gives special support to your lower lip, thus holding your mouth in the correct position to prevent mouth breathing. Sound like a torture device? No, these straps are painless and will not keep you awake " in fact they are designed to let you sleep more comfortably!

If you are overweight, this can contribute to your snoring problem. If you suspect excess weight might be source of your snoring then losing a few pounds is a good idea. Refrain from alcohol consumption and changing your sleep position may help you stop snoring.

Severe snoring problems should be diagnosed by a doctor. If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, proper medical treatment is needed. Your physician may suggest a treatment that will keep air flowing properly while you are sleeping. In most cases, a CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure mask that forces air through the nasal passages will be the product to stop snoring that is used.

Wow. There is much to consider. But did you notice many of the potential cures do not include physical products to stop snoring symptoms?. Things like losing weight, no alcohol before bed, and sleeping on your side are all free, natural cures. And here's another big one: Exercise. Any exercise will help your overall health which may help your snoring. However, there are 24 specific exercises designed to help you stop snoring that have had tremendous success. Why not try these natural, healthy cures first?

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