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Friday, December 26, 2008

Are Qigong Books As Good As Personal Instruction?

By Kathy Hunter

If you are reading this then you have already made the important decision, you are looking at qigong as a way to improve your life. Whether you are researching qigong as a way to improve your physical health or mental well being it doesn't matter, what matters is that you have taken the first step.

The big question when someone starts studying Qigong (or most other natural health processes) is "Will books on Qigong be enough?". Books are much cheaper than personal instruction in just about anything, but are qigong books going to be as much help as a personal qigong teacher?

Whether you choose to use books on qigong or find a personal teacher who will guide you through the gradual stages of qigong training depends on many things. Do you have a qigong teacher in your area, being the main one but of course there are other reasons that you may choose to learn from books rather than from a personal teacher.

When you read your qigong book will affect how effectively you learn from it, reading in bed at the end of the day may be the easiest but it isn't going to be the time when you feel like jumping up and exercising. It is ok to read in bed, but just make sure that you go and re-read the section before you go and try any of the exercises.

While going to qigong classes would be great there is no reason why you can not progress perfectly well at home using books to learn qigong. Learning qigong is the same as learning anything else, start at the beginning and allow each lesson to add to your knowledge. It is vital that you learn the basics before you venture onto more difficult lessons.

Stop! I know it is tempting to just flip past the first few lessons in the book, I mean who really needs to follow every word.. You do! Well you do if you are hoping to get the best results possible from your books on qigong. Learning qigong is a process and you need to follow the instructions set out in the book rather than trying to jump ahead to the bits that look more interesting.

Your qigong book should become part of your life, don't just throw it into a corner after your time reading it and putting the lessons into practice. Put the book somewhere you can find it easily so you can pick it up if you find you have some unexpected quiet time available. Make qigong a part of your live and it will serve you well.

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