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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Cause For Anxiety Disorder is Unimportant

By Ed Lathrop

Anxiety disorder is a nervous condition where the sufferer secretes excess adrenaline into his or her bloodstream to the point it can control how he or she hears, sees, thinks and functions. Normally, a person who is having anxiety problems, will live periods of life without being bothered by this nervous condition. Then, on occasion, the anxiety sufferer will be besieged by spells of anxiety or what are known as panic attacks.

There probably isn't a person alive who has not been nervous, at least on occasion. Most people experience a certain amount of nervousness everyday. This, of course, is normal. When we are nervous, we know why we are nervous. Anxiety sufferer's, on the other hand, often experience extreme nervousness and have no idea why don't know why they feel this way.

Nervousness On Steroids

Generally speaking, the difference between anxiety attacks and everyday nervousness can be defined by how much adrenaline is flowing through the bloodstream. Naturally, a small amount of nervousness occurs when a relatively small amount of adrenaline flows through the bloodstream.

We've all felt normal nervousness and the feelings it brings. These feelings include raised heartbeat and sometimes trembling. Anxiety, on the other hand, can cause a person to feel as though he or she has lost control altogether. These sometimes horrifying feelings of anxiety cause a very large amounts of adrenaline to flow through the bloodstream.

Anxiety is Physical, Not Mental

Often an anxiety sufferer will believe he or she is having a complete mental breakdown. Adrenaline can actually cause vision changes. These may make objects seem to change size or shape and many times anxiety sufferers cannot help but think there is something wrong with their mental abilities. This is not true because this problem has to do with a nervous system out of control.

It may be comforting for a person experiencing anxiety attacks to realize many other people also experience them. It is beneficial to know many, many people have recovered from anxiety disorder as well. If you are one who now has an anxiety disorder, or maybe just extreme nervousness, or perhaps an occasional panic attack, remember you're not alone and you can overcome this condition as a great many others have.

The Cause in Unimportant

There are a number of ways you can wind up being a victim of anxiety. Finding out what brought on this terrible condition is of no importance. Anxiety happens to many people. That is a fact. Don't look for a reason for anxiety and don't blame yourself.

It may be redundant, but it is important to repeat anxiety is not a condition of the mind, it is condition of the nervous system. Your nervous system is secreting too much adrenaline at inappropriate times. This is what is causing these bouts of anxiety and panic.

Anxiety can be mild or severe or anywhere in between. There are different types as well. So giving exact advise on how to recover from all types of anxiety with one blanket statement is impossible. Still, all kinds of anxiety share one thing; they all become more intense when the sufferer tries to fight through an attack of anxiety or panic. So it is important you let anxiety attacks come and go without trying to fight them. Believe it or not, this will make the attack milder. In some cases, not fighting, but totally accepting anxiety and panic attacks has put an end to them altogether.

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