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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Make Beef Jerky At Home

By Jonni Haydens

Not all beef jerky is created equal. Great beef jerky is made by using some creativity and testing new and different spices until you come up with the perfect blend. Then you have a true homemade masterpiece to share with everyone.

Yes, in your head, for it's your imagination that will help you create superior beef jerky recipes time and time again. And, don't just stop at beef, consider other meats such as bison, turkey, fish or chicken. When it comes to making jerky the ONLY limit is your imagination.

Let's start letting our imagination go and use some red wine in our beef jerky. Yes, you heard me right. We are going to use your favorite red wine and make come red wine beef jerky. However, remember to use the wine in small amounts because we do not want to get the jerky too wet because then it will be hard to dry.

Just a word of caution. The first batch of jerky you make will probably not be very good. It's just like learning anything and it will take some time to master. But the more you make, then better you will get and in turn your beef jerky will also taste better.

When it comes to what meat to use for your beef jerky, we recommend that you use sirloin tips. It is our personal favorite but you can use whatever you would like. Once you get your meat you will then need to cut it into 1/8 inch wide strips or just have the butcher do it for you. Just make sure that you cut the meat with the grain to ensure a better final product. This width is recommended because it will make the meat dry much faster when you put it in the dehydrator.

All cut and ready to go? Did you remember to take off all the fat, or as much as you can? This isn't because you want to make it leaner or to cut down on calories, it's because fat does not dry out and will go rancid. Okay let's say you are going to marinate your slices of meat. This is where the creativity comes alive. Get that bottle of wine and here is what you do with it.

For your red wine marinade you will be using 1/2 cup of wine, 2 crushed garlic cloves (wooo- powerful mojo), 1/2 cup soy sauce (salt free), 1 teaspoon of crushed garlic peppercorns, and if you're a bear for punishment, add some crushed red pepper for extra zing to taste. If you don't want to be putting out flames later, take it easy on the red pepper. Pop all these ingredients into a large, zippered plastic bag along with the sliced meat, sling it in the fridge and leave it over night.

The next day fire up the dehydrator and go to town. It takes about 6 to 12 hours for the jerky to be done. Check it constantly after about the six hour mark and so some slice tests to make sure it is drying out and not still wet/red inside. When it's done, hide it. It won't last long.

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