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Monday, January 26, 2009

Herbal Acne Remedies

By Richard May

Adults can suffer from acne as much as teenagers. But what causes it? Normally its is caused by the oil glands starting to expand which leads to a build up of sebum on the surface of the skin. The hair follicles can become blocked by this excess sebum, as can the pores in the skin as well. The growth of bacteria can then occur which can spread around different areas of the skin resulting in an acne breakout. This breakout can often affect people in various different ways which also doesn't help in learning what the exact causes of acne are.

Many possible causes of acne have been suggested which can cause imbalances in hormones. There are also other factors which can affect acne breakouts, for example foods, stress and lack of vitamins.

Research has shown that the reduction of sebum and keratin production is linked to the level of vitamin A in a sufferers body. For this reason it is important to keep your body well balanced with plenty of vitamin A. You can do this by eating at least five portions of fruits and vegetables every day.

Something that is linked to the above information about vitamin A is zinc. Zinc helps with the effectiveness of vitamin A and therefore is great for healing and repair of acne damaged skin.

Also remember that there are a number of creams that can help to reduce the inflamation of acne damaged skin. The creams that you should look at in particular are ones containing sulphur. A local chemist of your local Doctor will be able to assist you with choosing the right cream. Products that you should avoid are ones that contain iodide and bromide because they can actually make your condition worse.

Please remember to double check with your Doctor or Medical advisor before trying any new creams or medications to make sure they are suitable to you and have no hidden side effects.

Also you should try to reduce your intake of refined sugars in your foods. Having the right diet can make a big difference to the severity of your acne. You should also avoid any foods containing fried oils or hydrogenerated vegetable oils. Despite acne not definitely being caused by these oils, it certainly will not do your overall health any damage to avoid them.

There are a wide variety of acne treatments that are totally natural, they can sometimes be very effective if not more effective than regular medical treatments prescribed by your Doctor. People often choose this type of treatment because the chances of side effects occuring are smaller. The only downside is that natural acne treatments can take longer to have an effect than usual medical acne treatments. Also note that tea tree contains properties that can help improve your acne. These properties are that they are antifungal and antibacterial.

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