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Monday, January 19, 2009

Is Work Stressing You Out?

By Christian Goodman

The farm was a great environment when I was growing up. The animals taught me a lot about the ways emotion can either be shown or held back. Animals only reflect how they actually feel.

Human beings seldom make this show of emotion so apparent. We either deny how we actually feel, or we pretend due to the setting we're in at any given point in time.

Interestingly, animals don't tend to end up with stress induced problems either. They rarely have hypertension or heart related problems - unless it's due to the stress humans put on them.

That leads me to wonder just how much we contribute to our own health problems.

I get a lot of feedback about job related stress. "I'm exhausted and sore at the end of the day, even though all I did was sit in front of my computer." Or "I don't doubt my hypertension started when my job got so stressful."

Who know modern conveniences could create so many issues? Over one million stress related job absences occur daily.

Addressing the issue has hit expensive and elaborate forums. Conferences, books and entire training programs are based on work related stress.

A few other ways to deal with the issue also exist.

Just stop working?

That could be a nice immediate solution, but the financial burdon would create an entirely new problem for most people.

We can however, incorporate some fairly basic tips into our work day.

We can start by determining reasonable limits on our work and social burdens. Tact is always recommended, but the end result should be not piling on more than a person can handle without raising the blood pressure.

This is addressed specifically to the population of people who are so driven or eager to please, that they will not allow themselves to reject unreasonable requests.

What are the consequences if I don't grant this particular favor?

Also, remember that it can be okay to ask for help yourself. If you manager, co-workers, friends and family are asking for help - maybe there's something to this.

Slowly walk for a few minutes every hour if possible. It doesn't have to be far, and certainly not fast. Just take the opportunity to stretch your legs and alleviate your mind for a bit.

Also not new - eat well. Eat healthy foods that will provide your body with the stamina and energy you seem to be lacking.

Remember to use good posture. The last thing you need on top of other job stress is a sore back.

Breathe deeply. The additional oxygen will make a big difference. This doesn't require leaving or creating a special environment.

Stretch and rest your fingers. Inhale deeply, and stretch your hands out as you exhale and imagine all stress leaving your body through the tips of your fingers.

That will help especially if you do it regularly.

Try not to process work related thoughts once you have left work. It will be there tomorrow. Use the ride home for relaxation instead of more stress.

My all natural programs can help with many physical problems.

Currently offered are: The High Blood Pressure Program, Weight Loss Breeze Program, Fibromyalgia Program, Stop Snoring Program, Migraine and Headache Relief Program the Dizziness and Vertigo Program and soon to be released is my Insomnia Program.


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