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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Got the Jitters - Go Natural

By Dr. Jones

Energy drinks and health in the same sentence? They are usually loaded with caffeine, artificial sweeteners (Aspartame Controversy, Taurine and to make everything seem OK, artificial vitamins. This cocktail is toxic and has already started to cause serious health problems.

More and more people that consume the traditional energy drink regularly or even daily have already or are destined to eventually suffer from stomach, kidney, liver or heart problems. Not to mention the effects these chemical cocktails can have on one's teeth (premature enamel degradation) or skin (dehydration related blotching).

This generation is graduating into adulthood without the previous generations' coffee addiction, but with a more potent daily stimulant: the energy drink. Many spend hours surfing the net or watching TV, instead of playing sports, which compounds the problem with soft drinks, increasing the incidence of diabetes and other diet-related diseases.

Why should we worry about this new breed of stimulants? One could say that a cup or two of coffee every day has never caused serious health effects. This is because coffee gets its buzz from natural coffee beans. Not from the chemical laboratories that produce synthetic caffeine.

Just like with any other product found in nature, the caffeine in the coffee beans comes with many by-products which are not easily separated from the pure caffeine elements. natural caffeine comes with fibers and other organic substances which reduce the absorption of the caffeine into the bloodstream.

In most energy drinks, the caffeine is synthetically produced in a factory, usually in India or China. This synthetic caffeine has one advantage over natural caffeine: it is extremely potent. All of the natural byproducts that come with natural caffeine from coffee beans or Guarana are not present with laboratory caffeine. It is also much cheaper to produce than natural caffeine, another great thing, from the manufacturer's point of view. Unfortunately, from a consumer's point of view, this concentrated caffeine blast is absorbed into the bloodstream almost as soon as it hits the stomach.

Natural products like the actual coffee from coffee beans, Guarana seeds or tea leaves, are absorbed more gradually by the body. They are also not as concentrated and therefore less toxic than the chemical caffeine in most energy drinks. Here are some advantages of natural caffeine (whether it be in coffee, tea or Guarana). Firstly, the increased mental alertness is longer. Instead of the instant high you get from most energy drinks and then the subsequent downfall, you get a sustained feeling of mental clarity for a few hours and the effect eventually wears off more naturally and gradually.

A second good thing happens over the medium and long term. Continuous usage of synthetic caffeine tends to over saturate the nervous system. If this excessive use continues, our nervous system rebels. This is our body's way of telling us to reduce the intake of this toxic substance. Our hands start shaking, nervous tics can develop; we start to see the same signs of stress as you would from depression or anxiety. This often leads to bigger problems.

With natural caffeine or guaranine, the body can more easily flush out the excess quantities and not overtax the nervous system. But even with natural caffeine, one must use moderation. It is best to stick with one regular cup of coffee or tea (not the large Starbucks which is really like 6 coffees) or one 12 oz can of a natural energy drink or unsweetened cold tea.

Organic coffees don't contain any of the chemicals used in large farming operations. Whole Foods Markets has a wide variety of these.

Two natural energy drinks that I like are GURU Energy Drinks from Canada and Syzmo from the US. They are made exclusively with natural caffeine from Guarana and/or coffee. The big plus for GURU is that its Organic and doesn't have added vitamins. Syzmo is excellent quality but much more expensive, and the taste needs getting used to. GURU has an all natural low-cal energy drink sweetened with Stevia called (GURU Lite), which is an added bonus (see my post on Benefits of Stevia: (ref: For Dollars (will) Authorize (FDA)).

In the world of teas; cold, naturally brewed beverages provide both anti-oxidants and natural caffeine. A brand I recommend highly is ITOEN, from Japan. They have some unsweetened products with a unique taste that grows on you after a while. Teas Teas

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