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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Is it Life Threatening to Develop New Health and Sickness Cures?

By Cmekell

How sad it is and hard to believe that when an individual has researched and developed a brand new medical cure for disease or sickness, some greedy individuals in high positions of power use their positions of power twould threaten his/her life.

Read on and see what has happened to this lady doctor. Her name is Dr .Suzanne Gudakunst, and she is certainly someone worthwhile paying attention to. Why?... Because she may have discovered the answer everyone has been looking for when it comes to preventing disease, sickness, as well as a permanent end to people becoming over weight and obese!

Dr Suzanne has properly identified the exact causes of peoples becoming obese, and how to eliminate it. She has also discovered that the identical cause of why people get fat is also the same reason why people sooner or later, get sick and die too early - often cutting off years from their lives (not forgetting, to point out the quality of their lives!)

It is most significant to note that she has identified numerous species of parasites and a specific strain of goopy plaque that if allowed to remain in your bowel system over time will cause you to become bloated, fat, growing an extra large stomach pouch sometimes called a spare-tire belly, which also is directly responsible for up to 99.9% of almost all diseases including but not limited to diabetes, arthritis, cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure and strokes, just to name a few!

Beacause of her dedication and consistant efforts, incredible as it seems, Dr Suzanne has discovered an instant and natural remedy that flushes out these various parasites and plaques for ever. People using her formula have frequently reported a sudden reduction in weight with losses of up to 100 lbs., or more - and without changing a single thing pertaining to their diets.

Also more specifically is the fact that many people see reversals in heart disease and suddenly their diabetes or even their cancer goes into remission to never return!

Apparently as I have previously mentioned, some indiviuals believe this lady doctor is taking a large amount of income away from the them as she actually makes people get well as apposed to just keeping them sick, month after month and often year after year, all just to bring in huge profits at the price of their health and sooner or later, their own lives.

As an inventor of new products and services for over thirty years, I find this information shocking. God willing, the good lady doctor will continue her work and provide more and more information to help people all over the world benefit from her work.

A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous and then dismissed as trivial, until finally, it becomes what everybody knows. William James.

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