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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Is there any Gynexin side effects?

By Matt Claybourne

In spite of Gynexin having attained excellent reviews and revolutionizing the way men are getting rid of man boobs, can it be said that there is no possibility of side effects? I don't think there is a product out there that does not have at least one side effect, no matter what the product. Most things will have something about them that will not agree with someone, somewhere and somehow. Especially if you have ongoing medical conditions,the good news the side effects of these natural supplements are nothing too terrifying however are worth your consideration.

Does Gynexin has any side effects?

Stomach irritability

Some people who have used these supplements have said of times of Stomach irritability, so if you have a very sensitive stomach it may well is worth taking heed of this particular side effect.

Can Gynexin Sometimes cause increased heart rate?

This is not a regular occurrence however if you have any doubts about the suitability of gynexin or ultimate gynemax you should consult you doctor.


One main part of Gynexin is Guggulsterones which assists in maintaining your cholesterol levels. Some doctors recommend consulting a physician before taking this product if you are already on another prescription medication, especially a thyroid treatment. It makes sense to consult your doctor if you start having any of the above symptoms after beginning to take these supplements.

A very small percentage of people experience side effects from gynexin. Generally these supplements are seen as an effective tool to help get rid of man boobs.

Be aware that these products are supplements to reducing man boobs, and by definition are used as a way of moving the process of man boob reduction forward, but there are still other ways of losing man boobs without these natural supplements.

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