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Monday, January 5, 2009

What to do about the symptoms of stress

By Dr. R. Kirouac

Symptoms of stress have been around for thousands of years, affecting people differently.

Symptoms of stress can broadly be categorized into three classes: In most cases, stressed people experience a combination of symptoms from these three categories: psychological, physical and/or emotional.

Some common symptoms of stress are sleeping too much, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, tight stomach, tight muscles, pain, moody, irritability, depressed, anxious, lack of sense of humor and being abrasive.

Stress is everywhere. Frequently, it appears disguised as other things so we don't believe we are stressed out.

Symptoms signal that stress is doing damage. Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder usually develop within the first 3 months after the trauma, but they may not surface until months or even years have passed.

Psychological impacts like depression, apathy and unstoppable anxiety are very common symptoms of stress.

Your heart and circulatory system were not designed to fight stress for prolonged periods. Their way of dealing with it are sometimes sudden death or the terrible side effects of heart attacks.

Factors such as job insecurity, long hours, continuous change and unrealistic deadlines all contribute to stress.

Feeling overwhelmed by the demands life makes on you, feeling as if you cannot control life's events, these all gang up on you to increase stress.

If you are feeling constantly moody or tired or are carrying tension in your neck and shoulders, you have illnesses usually caused by stress.

Recognize common stress symptoms - then take steps to manage them. Recognize the triggers or stresors in your life. Relaxation techniques like meditation are another great option for relieving stress.

Avoid stimulants like caffeine and foods high in sugar as these all increase anxiety and give the body temporary "highs" only to be followed by periods of fatigue.

If you are a perfectionist, cut yourself and those around you some slack. Your life will love you for it. Some people have a real problem with this because if something isn't perfect, it is cause for stress.

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