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Monday, January 5, 2009

Best Adult Acne Treatment

By Zul Rahman

Almost half of adult women and a quarter of adult men have an acne problems. If you are one of them, don't be despair. Acne affected everybody not just young adult or teenagers. Acne is an embarrassing problem to some people as well as physically painful.

How come the adults suffer from acne problems too?

There are numerous reasons why adults are also suffering from acne problems. Among them are changing of your body hormone, skin reaction to cosmetic and also stress from our daily adult life.

There are also many methods of treatment available for adult acne. First of all check your skin care products that you are using. Some cleaners or soap that you are using might not be suitable for your skin type. Normally a gentle cleaning solution is suitable for all type of skins.

Stay with one kind of skin care product that suit your skin type well. Never keep changing the skin care products, since the wrong product could have a negative effect on your skin.

Fundamentals rule of skin care or acne treatment is never pop or squeeze your pimple or blackheads. Doing so may cause the acne to spread all over your face and and possibly catching an infection. Use skin care products that are non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic.

Finally, what are the acne treatment available for adults?

You will find that there are hundreds if not thousands of products out there over the counter that claims to be the best acne treatment.

If you have a mild to moderate acne problems, products that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are known to be effective in acne treatment. Normally you will find these ingredients in many skin care products such as foundations and moisturizers.

Some of the acne treatment products that are prescribed by the dermatologist might be retinoid based. Just be careful with retinoid based products because to some people, they could have a skin irritation. If your skin is always expose to sunlight, using retinoid based product could intensify the sunburn effect.

What about oral medication or surgical procedures for acne treatment?

For some people with severe acne problems, oral medication or even surgery might be the answer or the best alternative acne treatment for them.

How does the oral medication works? A prescribed medication such as Tetracycline is given to you. The antibiotic is suppose to get rid of the bacteria from under the skin.

An oral form of retinoids which is called isotretinoin is also available for acne treatment for severe cases. Oral medication are also used to treat acne problems that are caused by hormone imbalances.

Recently laser surgery is making an inroad into one of the methods for an acne treatment. Would you go for acne laser surgery? Well for severe acne cases when all other methods fail, lase surgery become an attractive option.

You have a wide arrays of choice for an acne treatments. Whatever methods of treatment that you choose is fine as long as it is effective and most importantly your acne problem is solved. Acne problem not only affected your look but deep inside it also affected your self esteem.

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