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Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Useful Vitamins & Supplements Basic Overview

By Rich Tyson

Nutrition is an individual thing, like all healing. You need different vitamins and minerals at different times in your life. There are a few global recommendations that can be made for everyone, but its mostly an individual thing. That is why nutritionists have a job.

If you have access to, and can eat locally grown, natural, organic vegetables, fruits, grains, and meats, you require a minimal amount of vitamin and mineral supplementation. All you need is contained in the fresh healthy food that you eat. However, if you are a vegetarian, youll probably need supplementation to make up for the vitamins youre missing from animal protein, such as vitamin B12 and Coenzyme Q10.

In Austin, Texas we are blessed with a 12-month growing season and four farmers markets within a 30 minute drive of my house that support organic or chemical-free farming. They call this slow food. (This is food raised the old-fashioned way before the industrialization of farming and mass production. There are no pesticides or chemical fertilizers, antibiotics and growth hormones used.) Local food is not shipped long distances or stored for any length of time, so it retains its nutritional value. Also, since it is local, it helps me eat according to the season, and consume food that is part of my local environment. This is in keeping with macrobiotics and other natural schools of living.

I am a big fan of this way of eating and a dedicated practitioner. Come over to my house on any given weekend, and I will knock your socks off with locally grown, minimally processed, fresh, well-cooked or raw foods, while we drink some good beer or wine and maybe enjoy a good cigar.

This abundance of locally grown, natural foods is a blessing that most people in America do not have. When I travel outside of Austin, which is frequently, I take vitamin and mineral supplements. The food served in most restaurants is commercially grown and missing a lot of its nutrients because of the way it was grown, transported, stored, and processed.

There are three general categories of vitamin production: synthetic, extracts, and natural. Synthetic vitamins, as the name suggests, are man-made in a test tube with inorganic substances not easily absorbed by the body and can have harmful side effects. Extracts are not much better than synthetics in that they typically consist of 10% or less natural ingredients, contain very few enzymes, have harsh fillers, and use low quality raw materials. Natural vitamins use natural sources for their ingredients, such as fruits and vegetables, have natural enzymes, and are easily absorbed by the body. The key factor that favors natural vitamins is that they are bio available. This means that your body recognizes the vitamins/ nutrients you are taking and is capable of absorbing them at the cellular level. You can't fool nature with man-made, artificial substitutes.

You are better off not taking any vitamins if they are synthetic or as extracts as they are toxic. You might as well chew on plastic. Get naturally derived vitamins or skip them altogether.

Before you start taking supplements, you should consult a qualified nutritionist to pinpoint exactly what it is that your body needs. The Asyra 3 bio-energetic health screening system, is a great way to find this out.

Even though I sell vitamins and supplements, I strongly suggest find out what you need so you dont waste your money on things that will just pass through your system providing no nutritional benefit. Id like you to buy my vitamins if you really need them and will benefit from them. Otherwise, hold onto your money.

Here is my personal Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements list:

Magnesium: Involved in 300+ enzyme reactions. Calms nerves, helps assimilate calcium, and enhances cardiovascular function. Take immediately after a heart attack for recovery assistance. According to Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, 90% of Americans suffer from a magnesium deficiency. This supplement is essential for me.

You can find it naturally in broccoli, kale, spinach, almonds, and raisins.

Calcium: The most abundant mineral in the body. Found in bones, teeth, and bodily fluids. Alkaline. Helps reduce acid state.

You can find it naturally in soy milk and green leafy vegetables.

Potassium: Electrolyte. The athletes friend. Controls fluid movement into and out of tissues and cells.

You can find it naturally in artichokes, kale, sweet potatoes, and spinach.

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids: Present in human cells (brain, nerve), adrenal glands, and many other anti-clotting properties. Good for cardiovascular function.

You can find it in cold water fish oils, like salmon, halibut, cod, flaxseed and soybean oils.

Vitamin C: Humans are the only animal that cannot produce this. Old Faithful has a beneficial effect in every bodily function, particularly as an antioxidant.

You can find it naturally in parsley, kale, collard greens, strawberries, broccoli, and French sorrel.

CoQ 10: Aids in protecting cells from free radical damage. Produces energy in all cells of the body. Not readily available in most foods. Good for the heart.

You can find it naturally in organic bison or beef liver and organ meats.

Sodium (salt): Most common trace mineral and condiment. Himalayan Rock Salt has 84 trace minerals in a bio available form.

Selenium: Mineral antioxidant. Helps with heart function and free radical protection.

You can find it naturally in bison meat, carrots, artichokes, asparagus, and broccoli.

Zinc: Immune system protection. Used as cold remedy. Reproductive aid. Increases sperm count.

You can find it naturally in seafood, grains, and organic meats

Iron: Transports oxygen throughout the body via red blood cells. Bodys basic building block.

You can find it naturally in chicken, fish, meat, nuts, whole grains, broccoli.

Vitamin D: The sunshine drug. Vitamin D is produced in the kidneys and converted into the hormone calcitrol. Calcitrol helps assimilate calcium into the body. Thought to have significant cancer fighting properties.

You can find it naturally in sunshine. Get at least 30+ minutes 5 times a week. Get your sunshine, but dont burn. Vitamin supplements in small doses, if sunshine is in short supply.

Beta-carotene, Vitamin A: Beta-carotene is the yellow, orange, and red pigment found in many vegetables. It is converted into vitamin A by the body. Antioxidant and free radical scavenger that promotes healing in many areas. Helps with eyesight and vision.

You can find it naturally in sweet potatoes, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, squash, broccoli, green leafy vegetables. Abundant in fruits vegetables.

Vitamin B6: Metabolism of amino acids and proteins. Helps with the production of hemoglobin in the blood and the function of neurotransmitters. A deficiency adversely affects your mood and sleep. Brain food.

You can find it naturally in organ meats, meat, potato skins, brewers yeast, wheat germ, bananas, and beans.

Vitamin B12: Supports growth of cells, and red blood cell production.

You can find it naturally in eggs, meat, milk, and cheese.

Probiotics: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus casel, Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, etc. Friendly bacteria for the intestinal flora. This is good bacteria that fights bad bacteria when it enters your body. They inhibit the growth of yeast and other disease-causing bacteria. I use them daily.

You can find them in Probiotic supplements with at least 1 billion live organisms per gram, cultured yogurt or kifir contain probiotics Probiotics. Supplements are best. These are my number one supplement. I use PRO EM1 Daily Probotic Cleanse.

Digestive enzymes: Assists food digestion, particularly animal protein insuring better absorption of vitamins and minerals.

You can find it naturally in Bremelain, an enzyme found in fresh papaya and pineapple. Capsules containing a mixture of digestive enzymes.

Trace minerals: Germanium, iodine, zinc, palladium, molybdenum, indium and anything that can be found in sea water 78 others. Excellent for removing heavy metals from the body. Thyroid health. Alkaline characteristics...

You can find it naturally in Sea vegetables (dulse, wakame, kombu, kelp), and Himalayan Rock Salt.

Protein Amino acids: Basic building blocks of life. Muscle nutrition.

You can find it naturally in soybean curd, soy tempeh, grass-fed bison, beef, chicken.

Vitamin E: Alpha Tocopheral, a powerful antioxidant known to fight free radical damage. Beneficial effects in cardiovascular health and fighting certain types of cancer. Said to work best in combination with beta-carotene, selenium, and vitamin C.

You can find it naturally in soybeans, nuts, and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin K: Aids in blood clotting.

You can find it naturally in eggs.

Kukicha Tea, Umeboeshi Plum: Kukicha tea, made from the twigs of tea plants, is alkaline in nature and contains iron and other minerals. Umeboeshi plum is a pickled Japanese plum having alkaline properties. Macrobiotic beverage. Lowers acidity, aids digestion, has anti-parasitic effects.

You can find it naturally in the tea plant and plum.

Acillin: Concentrated garlic extract provides high doses of acillin (active ingredient in garlic), along with having anti-parasitic and antibacterial properties. Lowers cholesterol. Cleanses blood.

You can find it naturally in garlic cloves.

The vitamins and supplements above are my personal preference. You will need to find the combination that works for you and your present state of wellness.

Many people in the United States, even over-weight people, suffer from some type of malnutrition because the fast food and junk food they consume contains empty calories. Their excess weight is due to a lack of good nutrition, not an excess of nutrition as one would imagine. An aid to weight loss and wellness should include the use of vitamins and supplements, as appropriate and under the guidance of a nutritionist, as well as diet modification. Not many people eat as conscientiously as I do, so more vitamins and minerals may be appropriate.

A good wide spectrum multivitamin is the easiest way to cover the bases. Make sure though that the supplement is naturally derived from vegetables and fruits and has more than the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of key nutrients. (Note that you dont see a multivitamin on my list. This is because I have a nutritionist-guided dietary program and an awareness of what I need.) Most people I know require a multivitamin, in addition to other supplements, in order to get all of the nutrition they need. I do occasionally take a multivitamin, but it is based on nutritional recommendations from a professional healing coach.

If you are taking medication, always check for counter-interactions between the medicine and the supplement. Some counteract each other and, in rare cases, are actually toxic in combination, so it is a good idea to check with your physician before taking any form of supplement.


Vitamin E should not be taken while on a blood clotting medication. Vitamin E has natural blood anticoagulation (thinning) properties that will actually interact negatively with blood clotting medications.

Acidophilus binds with antibiotics so it is good to take them before and after a course of antibiotics but not during antibiotic treatment. I have gotten conflicting opinions on this one, but I believe for me they work best before and after. Check with your healing coach.

The supplements that I use frequently fit my needs best (magnesium, omega-3, and vitamin C) have anti-inflammatory properties that are good for managing my allergies.

Digestive Enzymes and Probiotics

These two became a part of my regimen when I learned of their importance during cleansing therapies. Proper bowel care is essential to your health I discovered. Many diseases (70% +) originate in your bowel (in addition to your mind) and can be best addressed there. Proper digestion, especially of animal products, is aided by digestive enzymes which help with the assimilation and eventual elimination of food. In the bowel. Probiotics maintain healthful bacteria, keeping molds and other micro toxins in check. There is a battle going on between good bacteria and bad bacteria all the time. Populating your digestive tract with probiotics gives you an advantage in fighting off bacteria that cause sickness. This is a very, very important supplement. Most diseases start in the gut. Proper gut health is paramount.

Before taking any supplements, you should have a blood analysis, hair analysis, and urine analysis or, as I have discovered, a Bio-Energetic Health Screening. Otherwise youre guessing. A trained professional can determine some of the telltale symptoms of a mineral or vitamin deficiency by just listening to a patients health issues; like they do on radio health talk shows. This takes years of clinical experience and is still, to some degree, guess work. If you really want to know what you need, get tested. Bio-Energetic Health Screening is now my preferred method. Informed nutrition is good nutrition and it will save you money in the long run.

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