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Friday, January 23, 2009

Thrombosed Hemorrhoids

By Heather-Jane Hunter

One of the most extreme and severe types of hemorrhoids is the thrombosed hemorrhoid. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are usually extremely painful but luckily most dont need surgical removal. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids which have clotted inside the anal canal. Thrombosed hemorrhoids can be soft or hard and form in the vein which runs inside the anal canal. Thrombosed hemorrhoids can also occur externally in which case they can be seen, again they can be soft or hard to touch.

Natural remedies can make a big difference to sufferers of thrombosed hemorrhoids; in fact, when natural cures are used correctly they can fully cure thrombosed hemorrhoids. Below we have listed some useful tips to relieve hemorrhoid pain:

Use warm baths to ease the pain and reduce the swelling of hemorrhoids. At least 2 bathes per day in warm water are recommended. If you can sit down thats great " if this causes you too much pain however; squatting is fine.

Avoid straining when removing the stool " if you struggle when going to the toilet, we recommend making your stools softer. This can be done by eating foods with high levels of natural fibers such as fruits and vegetables, bran, beans etc.

Stay hydrated by drinking a minimum of 8 glasses of water per day. This may sound like a lot but if you make a conscious effort to do it you will soon realize that is not a lot at all. Try to avoid ever feeling thirsty " this is your bodys way of telling you that it is becoming dehydrated.

One easy way to get fast pain relief is to numb the area using ice. Ice does more than just numb the area " it will also reduce blood flow to the hemorrhoid which will actually shrink the hemorrhoid.

Use a hemorrhoid cream which can be bought at most pharmacys and chemists to reduce irritation. Its worth noting that creams work differently for different people and most dont provide long term solutions to hemorrhoids.

As a very temporary solution to excruciating pain " Ibuprofen can be very effective.

Try to do at least 20 minutes of light exercise per day " this will help to speed up your rate of metabolism and promote regular bowel movement.

Use slightly damp toilet paper to clean yourself after bowel movement " this is softer and will cause less irritation.

A useful guide full of tips and tricks for curing thrombosed hemorrhoids naturally is H-Miracle. This guide is responsible for curing many thousands of hemorrhoid sufferers. It also offers you a range of techniques which are extremely useful for pain relief.

Surgical removal of hemorrhoids should always be a last resort, its only recommended after all else has been tried. If you think you do need surgical removal, a few different options available to you include:

Rubber-band Ligation " this technique is performed by placing a rubber-band around the hemorrhoid which causes it to dry up and finally disappear.

Hemorrhoidectomy " probably the most painful of all hemorrhoid removal procedures, the hemorrhoid is cut away using a special apparatus. Patients usually require several weeks of painful recovery time.

Sclerotherapy " the infected area is injected with a shrinking agent. The hemorrhoid eventually disappears.

As mentioned above, surgery should be considered a last resort for removing thrombosed hemorrhoids, in the vast majority of cases thrombosed hemorrhoids can be cures using simple natural techniques.

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