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Friday, January 23, 2009

Say Goodbye to Internal Hemorrhoids

By Heather-Jane Hunter

Internal hemorrhoids are inflamed veins on the inside of the anal passage. Some internal hemorrhoids can be as small as a pea while others can be as big as a golf ball.

Internal hemorrhoids often cause severe pain, especially during bowel movement and are commonly identifed by noticing blood on the stool or toilet paper. Internal hemorrhoids frequently cause itching which can range from a pleasant tickle to something totally unbearable.

Although it is still not known exactly what causes internal hemorrhoids, a range of frequently related factors which often lead to internal hemorrhoids have been identified. A few of the main ones are explained below.

Constipation:Those who are affected by constipation for long amounts of time are highly exposed to hemorrhoids. Straining excessively during bowel movement (as caused by constipation) often causes ruptures in blood vessels which lead to hemorrhoids.

Hard Stools contribute to internal hemorrhoids: Unnaturally hard stools which are difficult to pass through the anal canal cause pain and can cause sufficient damage to cause internal hemorrhoids. Ensuring a high intake of foods such as vegetables, fruits and cereals whill help soften stools.

Pregnancy: Increased blood pressure and blood volume (in the varicose veins) while pregnant causes 20% of all pregnant women to suffer from hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids can also occur as a result of massive pressure on veins in the anal canal while giving birth.

Weight lifting: Bodybuilders are often affected by internal and external hemorrhoids. Once again this is due to the additional strain the body goes through when lifting heavy wieghts. Exercises to specifically avoid include squats leg press which can result in significant straining of the muscles in the anal passage.

Diarrhea: Prolonged periods of diarrhea are often related to the occurance of internal hemorrhoids. If you suffer from diarrhea for an extended peroid of time you should see your doctor or try the treatment methods mentioned below.

Hemorrhoids cures come in a number of forms. When you look at which one is best for your situation you may want to consider the cost, recovery time, and how serious your hemorrhoids are.

Surgical hemorrhoid cures can be very painful and very expensive. Starting at around US$1200 (price may vary depending on location) and with a recovery time of up to 4 weeks they are not convenient or realistic for everyone. Hemorrhoid surgery will definitely cure your current hemorrhoids but there is no guarantee that hemorrhoids wont return later to bother you again.

Creams and gels are interesting because some people have got results using them while others complain of nasty side effects such as burning and stinging. These side effects can become extremely painful and indeed complicate the hemorrhoids further (not to mention cause you a lot of additional pain and suffering). Most creams and gels target elimination of the pain and other symptoms that are common in hemorrhoid sufferers " they dont target the underlying causes of hemorrhoids.

Natural remedies are fast becoming recognized as a leading method to cure hemorrhoids. Being natural, they work with your body which means no side effects are noticed, and the work to cure the root cause of hemorrhoids instead of simply focusing on the symptoms of hemorrhoids. One product in particular which is known as H-Miracle has been credited with curing many thousands of hemorrhoid sufferers.

To find out more about internal hemorrhoids, as well as read reviews about products that work to cure hemorrhoids, visit the link listed below.

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