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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How to Use Massage to Beat Cellulite

By Deborah G Hutton

Due to the shape of a woman's body their hips, stomachs and thighs are often susceptible to fat deposits. Some of these deposits exist just below the skin and it is this that causes the dimpling of the skin called cellulite. Because of its unsightly appearance many women are horrified about the condition and particularly would do anything to get rid of cellulite.

One cellulite treatment is massage. Massage reduces the appearance of cellulite by increasing circulation to the skin and softening and smoothing the fat deposits.

You can have cellulite massage done in a beauty spa or you can do it yourself at home. There are machines available that can help either the beauty therapist or yourself at home to accomplish the task. Self-massage in the home environment is the cheapest method and can provide effective treatment for cellulite reduction. You can also use the massage combined with other treatments including laser, radio waves, creams or body wraps.

When starting out with self-massage you will first need to choose an oil that will help you lubricate the skin. Some oils that are available claim to be able to aid the cellulite reduction process. Your local dealer of oils will be able to explain to you what these oils are in more detail.

If your problem area is the stomach or hips you should use two hands to knead the skin and cellulite. Lift the flesh up with one hand and then knead it into the other. Be gentle and massage all across the problem areas.

Gently make circular movements and strokes. It is recommended that you avoid doing counter clockwise movements as this is not the natural direction of your digestive system. Also, you should avoid any cellulite massage on the abdomen when you are or may be pregnant to avoid hurting the foetus.

For the cellulite on your thighs, stroke upwards from your knee and towards your inner thigh. Next, gently stroke behind your knee and upwards towards your buttocks.

Once you have finished the long stroke switch to kneading the cellulite and skin using two hands as described above.

A great way to increase the cellulite reduction is to use a combination of self-massage and other treatments. Some cheap methods could include drinking more water, weight loss diets, increasing your levels of exercise or using a cellulite cream. The use of a loofah sponge on the affected areas when in the bath or shower can also help out the self-massage.

Using a cellulite massage machine can increase the effectiveness of the treatment. There are home units available that mean you can self-massage in the privacy of your own home. Many beauty spa also have commercial machines that they use on their private clients.

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