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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Eliminating Household Toxins For Good Health

By Angella Spinney

Most consumers are unaware that toxins are in many of the common household products that are found on the grocery store shelves. The products with warning labels are not disclosing the full truth. Why? Because many ingredients are not required to be listed and/or require a consumer warning.

The National Research Council estimates that less than 80% of chemicals (used in household products) have been tested by the FDA or manufactures for toxic information and effects. However, independent research studies have shown eye opening information about products we assume are "safe to use." Anyone desiring to start eliminating household toxins, should begin with adjusting their consumption of toxic consumer products.

Scented air fresheners and candles add dangerous unnecessary volatile organic compounds to the air. Most air fresheners do not freshen the air. Instead, they just mask the odor, or use nerve agents to deaden the sense of smell.

Household cleaning agents can contain any number of toxic chemicals. Eliminating household toxins, that is, removing dangerous cleaning, cosmetic, aromatic, automotive, and other consumer products, can greatly improve the health of the home and family.

Were you aware that carpet cleaners can also contain an array of toxic chemicals. Some of the most common are: perchloroethylene, Napthalene, butyl cellosolve, aliphatic petroleum solvent, 1,4-dioxane, ethanol, and ammonia.

Eliminating household toxins is always the best option. The more toxins that we do reduce or outright eliminate, the more our health and the health of our families will improve! By all means, educate yourself on the matter of household toxins so that you can protect yourself and your family!

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